HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900912Response.pdfSNAKE RIVER ../¿7¥=? IDAHO ~~Bl~1t~.....t. R COMPANY'!LED v Vu 9ü SEP 12 pm 38 i: 70 · 80 I 5 E, I D A H 0 8 3707HYDROPOWER /,nO Flj U (j ¡LInES COMMf # ~ € b. ...; September 12, 1990 Mrs. Myrna J. Walters Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise, Idaho 83720 RE: Case No. IPC.E.90.2 Response of Idaho Power Dear Mrs. Walters: P!ease find enclosed for filng an original and seven (7) copies of the Response of Idaho Power Company regarding the Comments of Staff and Parties in the above entitled matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, LDR:mka Enclosures .. LARRY D. RI PLEY c/o Idaho Power Company 1220 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2674 STEVEN L. HERNDON IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1220 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2918 ftECEIV D fl ,¡LED 0 30 SEP 12 PPl 3 'OS i-to ÐlfG UTiLITIES cnUk4Ic:r;ir.',.. P1 Pi !I v í v. i '( Attorneys for Idaho Power Company FAX (208) 282-2336 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO RATE BASE THE REBUILD OF THE SWAN FALLS HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY. ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-90-2 RESPONSE OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMMENTS OF STAFF AND PARTIES IN THE SWAN FALLS PROCEEDING At the prehearing conference held on August 22, 1990, it was agreed that the Commission Staff (Staff) and other interested Parties (Parties) could file statements of position concerning Idaho Power's Application in this proceeding. The Commission Staff (Staff), Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (ICIP), Afton Energy, Inc. (Afton), and Idaho Consumer Affairs, Inc. (ICA), have fi 1 ed such statements. Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power) agrees that an evidentiary hearing is not required. While legal issues have been raised by Staff and the parties, those issues are more appropriately addressed by written submissions to the Commission. In making this response, Idaho Power recognizes that all parties will be given additional time to fully brief the issues that have been raised before the Commission makes a final decision. 1 .. STAFF ISSUE The Staff has set forth the fo 11 owi ng 1 ega 1 issue: The amount of investment in plant to be included in rate base is not to be decided in this case. Once the plant is in service, the Staff proposes that the amount to be included in rate base should be the lesser of these three figures: a. The plant costs reasonably incurred in reconstruction of Swan Falls; b. The avoided costs of Idaho Power, appropriately calculated to take into account the difference between the Swan Falls plant's expected useful 1 i fe and the contractu a 1 commi tment of a cogenerator or small power producer; or c. Idaho Power's proposed cap on rate base contained in its Appl ication. COMPANY RESPONSE The amount to included in rate base upon comp 1 et i on of the reconstruction of Swan Falls should be the plant costs reasonably incurred in reconstructing Swan Falls, limited only by the cap on rate base that Idaho Power is willing to voluntarily impose. It is not appropriate or lawful to utilize some type of avoi ded cost cal cul at i on to determi ne Idaho Power's investment for ratebase purposes. The Company concurs that the actual amount of investment to be included in rate base can only be determined after the reconstruction of Swan Fall sis completed. However, if the amount actua 11 y incurred is below the cap proposed by Idaho, it is the position of Idaho Power that the amount actually incurred must be recognized in the calculation of Idaho Power's rate base for revenue requi rement purposes. 2 .. ICIP ISSUES The ICIP has set forth the following legal issues: 1. Idaho Power's Swan Falls Application requesting pre-approval for rate making purposes of the Company's construction costs for the project, up to the amounts of the Swan Falls Commitment Estimate should be rejected. The project shoul d not be recogni zed for rate maki ng purposes until it is ope rat i ona 1 and shown to be used and useful to Idaho Power's rate payers. 2. Since the Swan Falls facility has been certified, once that facility has become operational, following the Company's rehabilitation of the project, the avoided cost standard should be used by the Commission as a "cap" on rate recogni t i on of Idaho Power's expendi tures. COMPANY RESPONSE Idaho Power is required to apply to the Commission for an order authorizing the Swan Falls reconstruction for purposes of determining the amount of investment that will be included in rate base when the Swan Falls reconstruct ion is completed. There wi 11 be no change in the Company's rates until a revenue requirement proceeding has been initiated by the Company and the Commission has determined the new revenue requirement of Idaho Power and the resulting rates. In that revenue requirement proceeding, if the Swan Falls reconstruction is completed, the investment reasonably incurred by the Company up to the amount of the voluntary cap proposed by Idaho Power Company, would be included as a part of the Company's investment for purposes of determining the Company's revenue requirement. As stated in the Company's response to Staff's position, the Commission's avoided cost determinations cannot be utilized fairly for establishing the revenue requirement (and resulting rates to be charged) for a 3 .. public utility. How such a Ilcap on rate recognition" would be calculated and util ized has not been set forth and the Company is not sure how the Staff or ICIP woul d propose to cal cul ate such a cap. AFTON ISSUES Afton has set forth the fo 11 owi ng 1 ega 1 issues: 1. To the extent that Idaho Power asserts that the Swan Fall s project has unique project values such as senior water rights that justify higher prices than available from qualified facilities, Idaho Power's shareholders should pay for such unique benefits and not ratepayers through higher energy costs. Idaho Power's shareholders will own the Swan Falls project together with the water ri ghts, and the costs in excess of compet it i ve generation a 1 ternat i ves should be fully allocated to Idaho Power's shareholders. 2. Idaho Power's ratepayers should pay for least cost electrical generat i on and not generat i on resources wh i ch have an i nfl ated pri ce with sign i fi cant front end costs. Any other pub 1 i c pol icy of acqui ri ng generat ion resource other than a 1 east cost methodology can only result in unnecessary increases in ratepayer costs and damage to the Idaho economy. COMPANY RESPONSE The Swan Falls Project does have unique project values such as senior water rights, and the reconstruction of the Swan Falls project will protect those water ri ghts. The cost of reconstruction of the dam for that reason, as well as for safety purposes, and the meeting of the other conditions imposed by FERC, are costs that wi 11 be reasonably incurred and wi 11 benefi t ratepayers. The reconstruction of the Swan Falls facility in compliance with the FERC license is in the public interest and all the costs reasonably incurred in that reconstruction should be included in the Company's investment for ratemaking purposes. 4 .. ICA ISSUES ICA has set forth the following legal issues: The hydraul i c capaci ty of the Swan Fall s dam has not been fully util ized and ICA questions whether Idaho Power has sufficient water rights which may requ ire mod i fi cat i on of state 1 aw or the i mpos i t i on of a moratori um on new electrical irrigation hookups. ICA also desires that the Commission investigate boat launching facilities, picnic facilities, and restrooms. COMPANY RESPONSE The hydraul i c capaci ty of the Swan Fall s Dam has been determi ned by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission upon the issuance of the FERC license. Company personnel have been in contact with the ICA representative and have pointed out to the ICA representative that its comments related to hydraul ic capac i ty ut i 1 i ze peak flows as opposed to average flows. The Company does not bel ieve that this is the proper forum to discuss water rights nor is this a proceeding wherein a moratorium on new electrical irrigation hookups should be taken up. Boat launching facilities, picnic facilities, and restrooms are issues which are considered by FERC when issuing ali cense for a hydro project. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Based upon the comments received, an evidentiary proceeding on the Company's Appl ication for authority to rate base the investment required for the rebuild of the Swan Falls hydroelectric facility is not required. The issues that have been presented concerning the Company's Application can be resolved by the submission of written briefs. 5 .. WHEREFORE, it is the recommendation of Idaho Power that after receipt of any Reply Statements, the Commission should issue its Order implementing the fo 11 owi ng procedures for process i ng the Swan F all s App 1 i cat ion. A. The Commission should issue an Order determining that the legal issues as discussed above are the issues to be determi ned by the Commi ss i on as a result of Idaho Power's Application in this proceeding. B. Those Parties that desire to contend that the Commission's Avoided Cost Determinations for Idaho Power Company can be util ized to calcul ate Idaho Power's investment for rate base purposes should file their specific proposa 1 s as to how that cal cul at ion woul d be performed by a date to be set by the Commi ss i on. C. Twenty (20) days after receipt of proposals for util izing avoi ded costs inca 1 cul at i ng a uti 1 i ty' s investment for rate base purposes, Idaho Power would be permitted to set forth its position as to all issues raised in the Commi ss i on's Order. D. The Staff and Parties would be given twenty (20) days to file responses to Idaho Power's pos i t i on statement. E. Idaho Power would be given twenty (20) days to reply to Staff and Parties' responses. F. After receipt of all written statements the Commission would issue its Order on the Company's Swan Falls Application. Dated this 12th day of September, 1990 in Boise, Idaho I~~ Attorney for Idaho Power C mpany 6 .. .cERTIFICATE OF SEF.VICE I HEREBY CERT I FY that I have th is 12th day of September, 1990, served the foregoi ng RESPONSE OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMMENTS OF STAFF AND PARTIES, to all parties of record by hand delivering a copy thereof, to the following: Afton Energy, Inc. c/o Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson 1087 West Ri ver Street - Ste. 230 Boise, Idaho 83707-0027 R. Scott Pasl ey Assistant General Counsel J. R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boi se, Idaho 83707 -0027 R. Mi chae 1 Southcombe, Esq. CLEMONS, COSHO & HUMPHREY 815 West Washington Boi se, Idaho 83702-5590 David H. Hawk, Director Energy Natural Resources J. R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boi se, Idaho 83707 -0027 Peter Richardson DAVIS, WRIGHT, TREMAINE 350 North Ni nth Street Suite 400 Boi se, Idaho 83702 Michael S. Gilmore (2) Brad M. Purdy Idaho Public Utilities Comission 472 West Washi ngton Boi se, Idaho 83720 and by causing a copy thereof to be del ivered by Federal Express to: James N. Roethe, Esq. PILLSBURY, MADISON, SUTRO 225 Bush Street San Franci sco, CA 94140 Grant E. Tanner DAVIS, WRIGHT, TREMAINE 2300 Fi rst Interstate Bank Tower 1300 SW Fifth Avenue - Ste. 2300 Port 1 and, Oregon 97201 and due to the fact Mr. Mi 1 es had another commi tment I have caused the copy to be mailed to Mr. Miles at the following address: Harold C. Miles, Chairman Idaho Consumer Affairs, Inc. 316 15th Avenue South Nampa, Idaho 83651