HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900621Supplemental to Application.pdf/58~1 SNAKE RIVER ..IDAHO HECEI POVVER , h.x11J L: COMPANY HYDRO POWER LED o BOX 70. BOISE, IDAHO 83707 .10 JUN 21 rF1 3 06 June 21, 1990 110 PU Lie ITIES C Mtv1!S "lhi7?~ Mrs. Myrna J. Walters Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boi se, Idaho 83720 Re: Supplement to Initial Appl ication Case No. IPC-E-90-2 Dear Mrs. Walters: Please find enclosed for fil ing an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company iS Supplement to In it i a 1 App 1 i cat i on to Prov i de Commi tment Estimate. The supplement has also been mailed to those individuals indicated on the Certificate of Mail ing. I f you have any quest ions, please feel free to call me. ~wLarry D. Ripley Attorney LDR:mmb Enclosures .. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thi s 21st day of June, 1990, I mai 1 ed a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing SUPPLEMENT TO INITIAL APPLICATION TO PROVIDE COMITMENT ESTIMATE, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: Grant E. Tanner Lindsay, Hart, Neil & Weigler Suite 1800 222 SW Col umbi a Portl and, OR 97201 Peter J. Richardson Lindsay, Hart, Neil & Weigler Jefferson PL ace, Su i te 400 350 N. Ninth Boise, ID 83702 Afton Energy, Inc. c/o Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson Suite 230 1087 West River Street Boise, ID 83702 Harold C. Miles Energy & Natural Resources Committee 316 Fi fteenth Ave., South Nampa, ID 83651 ~~ ..8 .. \" t ''! \.r;r t'~- ..\'-.' ..C. \j -- r-,..""1 ,~:~_, c"' ... EVANS, KEANE, KOONTZ, BOYD, c/o Idaho Power Company 1220 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boi se, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2674 STEVEN L. HERNDON Idaho Power Company 1220 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2918 SIMKO & RIPLEY "" \Ìb tf\ \) v..~. \\\~\ '21 ) vv'\ ~ \J .\".\ ES Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY ) TO RATE BASE THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED) FOR THE REBUILD OF THE SWAN FALLS ) HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-90-2 SUPPLEMENT TO INITIAL APPLICATION TO PROVIDE COMMITMENT ESTIMATE In its initial Appl ication dated February 14, 1990, Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power or Company) stated it would supplement that fil ing with a Commitment Estimate for the Swan Falls Project. COMMITMENT ESTIMATE I Set forth in Attachment 3 is the Swan Fall s Project Cost Estimate and Commitment Estimate for (1) the decommissioning of the old powerhouse, (2) FERC required renovation of the old powerhouse structure for historical purposes, and (3) construction of the new powerhouse. II Updated Project cost estimates will be submitted to the Commission as part of the Company i s Quarterly Report of Construct i on Projects. The updated .. cost estimate will include any scope or escalation changes. The final cost report on the Project will st ill compare the actual costs to the Commi tment Estimate. III In addition, Idaho Power has been required by FERC to establ ish an expedited construction schedule to insure stabilization of the existing powerhouse no 1 ater than January 1994.The revi sed schedul e requi res stabilization by April 1, 1994, with concentration on compressing the schedule to January 31, 1994. Attachment 4 is Idaho Power1s letter, dated March 16, 1990, that submi tted a revi sed schedul e and plan, and Attach~ent 5, FERC iS 1 etter, dated March 26, 1990, is the approval of the revi sed schedul e and pl an. In paragraph III of the Company/s Initial Application, the Company projected award of the turbine and generator contract to be on or about December 1, 1990. Under the revised schedule, the Company projects awarding the contract on October 15, 1990. DATED This 21st day of June, 1990 at Boise, Idaho ~&£Attorney for Idaho Power Company 2 .. BEFOR Tl IDAHO PULI UTS COMSlON CASE NO. PC-E-92 SLPLE TO NT APPUA TI IDAHO POWE CQAN A TT ACl 3 · IDAHO POWER COMPANY · SWAN FALLS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT COMMITMENT ESTIMATE (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS) PROJECT ESTIMATE 1/ 1 NEW POWERHOUSE: 2 DIRECTS: 3 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS $23,065 4 PROCUREMENT CONTRACTS 19,192 5 OTHER CONTRACTS & FACILITIES 926 6 TOTAL DIRECTS $43,183 7 INDIRECTS 404 8 OVERHEADS 9,504 9 AFUDC 6,843 10 TOTAL NEW POWERHOUSE $59,934 ============= 11 DECOMMISSION OLD POWERHOUSE: 12 DIRECTS: 13 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS $2,900 14 PROCUREMENT CONTRACTS 0 15 OTHER CONTRACTS & FACILITIES 9 16 TOTAL DIRECTS $2,909 17 INDIRECTS 0 18 OVERHEADS 435 19 AFUDC 108 20 TOTAL DECOMMISSION OLD POWERHOUSE $3,452 ============= 21 RESTORATION OLD POWERHOUSE: 22 DIRECTS: 23 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS $668 24 PROCUREMENT CONTRACTS 0 25 OTHER CONTRACTS & FACILITIES 0 26 TOTAL DIRECTS $668 27 INDIRECTS 0 28 OVERHEADS 155 29 AFUDC 19 30 TOTAL RESTORATION OLD POWERHOUSE $842 ============= 31 TOTAL SWAN FALLS PROJECT 2/$64,228 32 1.25 33 TOTAL COMMITMENT ESTIMATE $80,285 ============= 1/ COST ESTIMATE REPORTED IN DOLLARS AT COMPLETION. 2/ COST ESTIMATE EXCLUDES i REMOVAL COSTS i OF $804,000. ATTACHMENT 3 ~ SUPPLEMENT TO INITIAL APPLICATION .. BEFOR Tl IDAHO PlUC UTTIS COMSSON CASE NO. PC-E-92 SlPl TO NTAL APPUA TI IDAH POWER CGAN ATTACI 4 i SNAKE RIVERØ£\;~~.- -' ~ r~..0' ~.:? ,:r.. ~:;:; 7" ." 1"; , .:.. . _.~ HYDROPOWER . . IDAHO POVVER COMPANY BOX 70 · BOISE, IDAHO 13707 March 16, 1990 " Mr Ronald A CorsoDirector . D-D-S-I Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 825 North Capi ta 1 Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 Subject: Swan Falls Hydroelectric Project Project No. 503, Idaho Dear Mr Corso: This is in reference to our March 12, 1990 meeting with you and staff on the schedule and existing powerhouse stabilization plans for the Swan Falls Project. As agreed, the presented schedu 1 e, opti on 2, wi 11 be adopted.During the progress of the design and construction, our effort will be con- centrated on finishing the stabilization of the existing powerhouse one year earlier than our previous schedule, dated January 22, 1990. Resubmitted for your approval under Article~ 304 of the Swan Falls Amended License are an original and fourteen (14) copies of the revised schedule, dated March 14, 1990, with a revised plan. The plan also includes these additional features as agreed in our meeting: o Prior to the new powerhouse excavation: - Piezometers for monitoring existing powerhouse uplift under the east bay adjacent to unit '10, and under the wall between units '8 and 9 wi 11, be ins ta 11 ed . - Concrete backfill will be placed in the east bay adjacent to unit #10. Concrete backfill will also be placed in the bay between uni ts '6 and '7 if it wi 11 not interfere wi th access and operation of the powerhouse. o The current monitoring program for the existing powerhouse in- cludes: A'. 4SUPPLE TO IN APCAON .. Mr Ronald A Corso Page 2 March 16, 1990 - Continuation of the current crack monitoring that consists of: 1. Read and record the Avongaard moni tors at least once per month. Additional measurements shall be taken prior to, during, and immediately after any dewatering activity or a reservoir drawdown in excess of 3.5 feet. There are two monitors located below the generator floor; one on the right wall of unit #10, and one on the left wall of unit #7. '2. Measure and record the generator floor longitudinal crack at locations in units 3, 4, 5 and 10 every three months. 3. Survey and record horizontal and vertical movement of points located on the generator floor over each wall between all uni ts every six months. These monitoring intervals are in accordance with FERC's region- a 1 di rector's 1 etter of January 26, 1990, our 1 etter of February 22, 1990, and the March 13, 1990 confirmation phone discussion wi th Mr Norm Wese 1 oh of the reg i ona 1 offi ce . o Monitoring of the existing powerhouse during the new powerhouse excavation includes: - The current moni tori ng wi 11 be conti nued unti 1 the exi sti ng powerhouse is stabilized, except during blasting for the new powerhouse excavation. During this period, the monitoring ~ interval will be increased to daily for monitoring numbered (1), every week for monitoring numbered (2), and monthly for monit- ori ng numbered (3). However, if condi ti ons change for the numbered (1) or (2) moni tori ng, then more frequent i nterva 1 for monitoring numbered (3) will be established consistent with need. Intervals for monitoring numbered (1) and (2) will also be adjusted to reflect any changed condition. - Read and record piezometers daily during blasting for the new powerhouse excavation and existing powerhouse stabilization. Monitoring intervals will be adjusted to reflect any changed condition. At other times during new powerhouse construction, monitoring will be less frequent, but responsive to encountered condi ti ons. - Seismic monitoring of the existing powerhouse for each blast during new powerhouse excavation. - Monitoring by one person and prompt dissemination of the in- formation to those designated. ~~._.,- '.. Mr Ronald A Corso Page 3 March 16, 1990 o Pool lowering elevations during blasting for the new powerhouse excavation will be established to satisfy requirements for the existing powerhouse stability. The pool levels will be coordi- nated with headwater concerns including irrigation. " o As-built drawings for the entire project, including the previously constructed new spillway and tailrace channel, will be submitted after project completion. o Monitoring data will be summarized and provided to the Portland Regional Office at the end of each month unless unusual instru- mentation data deve10pes. When unusual readings of the instru- mentation data occurs, it will be reported to the regional office immediately, along with ~plans for assessing the significants of the data as it may affect the projects structural integrity. Correspondence on Swan Fall s was received on Ma rch 13, 1990, from your regional office relative to Part 12, Safety of Water Power Projects. However, our response to thi s matter wi 11 be addressed by separate letter. Sincerely, ~£~¿(//J6). Steven L Herndon Attorney SLH :EOG:cy Encs cc: Arthur Martin, FERC Lee S Sherline, Leighton & Sherline L E Lanham E 0 Groff .. SWAN FALLS PROJECT IDAHO POWER COMPANY FERC Project No 503 Idaho PLAN AND SCHEDULE Revised March 16, 1990 Subject ,1 Plan and schedule for constructing the new powerhouse and for modifying the existing powerhouse. Reference Order Amend i ng license issued December 8, 1989, Project No 503-006,' Articl e 304. Schedule Attached is a detailed schedule showing each activity of work. Also, attached is a summary schedul e showing the project by major feature. Plan o Work began on January 22, 1990, to actively pursue the design, con- struction and begin operation of the new 25 MW powerhouse as scheduled. o The earlier 1980s design effort expended toward building the new plant. at that time is being utilized to the fullest extent feasible. How- ever, a review of each feature is being made to take advantage of recent experience of similar plants and the latest technology for the most efficient and safe construction and plant operation. The bulb turbine with a speed incr,easer and high-speed generator has been determined to be most cost effective and efficient for operation. o The initial critical item is to develop specifications for a single supply contract for the two 12.5 MW turbines with speed increasers, generators and governors. Information from the turbine supplier for turbine setting, water intake and waterway configurations is needed earlier to finalize the powerhouse bid solicitation drawings. The powerhouse contractor will install the turbines and associated equip- ment with direction from the turbine erection engineer. o The powerhouse contract will be awarded by April 15, 1991. The overall excavation and concrete placing durations allow for winter weather in 1991-92 and 1992-93. Installation of the first turbine will begin by Februa ry 1, 1993. o Major accessory equipment will be supplied by individual contracts and furnished to the powerhouse contractor for installation. o Power on-l i ne is schedu 1 ed for the fi rs t un it on November 1, 1993, and the second unit on January 1, 1994. .. o The exi sti ng powerhouse wi 11 be operated unti 1 the first unit in the new powerhouse is on line. Then the existing powerhouse will begin decommissioning, turbine/generators and accessory equipment will be removed, draft tubes and scro 11 cases wi 11 be fi 11 ed wi th concrete, one complete generating unit will be prepared for public exhibit, and the powerhouse superstructure will be repaired and preserved. o The existing powerhouse is near the new powerhouse, some cracks have developed in the structure, and stability of the structure is a concern especi ally duri ng excavati on for the new powerhouse. Therefore, thisprogram is es tab 1 i shed. " A. Prior to the new' powerhouse excavation: - ~i ezometers for moni tori ng ex is t i ng powerhouse up 1 i ft under the east bay adjacent to unit #10, and under the wall between units #8 and 9 wi 11 be ins ta 11 ed. - Concrete backfill will be placed in the east bay adjacent to unit #10. Concrete backfill will also be placed in the bay between un its #6 and #7 if it wi 11 not interfere with access and operation of the powerhouse. B. The current monitoring program for the existing powerhouse in- cludes: - Conti nuati on of the current crack moni tori ng that cons i sts of: 1. Read and record the Avongaard monitors at least once permonth. Additional measurements shall be taken prior to, dLlring, and immediately after any dewatering activity or a reservoir drawdown in excess of 3.5 feet. There are two monitors located below the generator floor; one on the right wall of unit #10, and one on the 1 eft wall of unit #7. 2. Measure and record the generator floor longitudinal crack at locations in units 3, 4, 5 and 10 every three months. 3. Survey and record horizontal and vertical movement of points 1 oca ted on the genera tor floor over each wa 11 between all units every six months. These monitoring intervals are in accordance with FERC's region- al director's letter of January 26, 1990, our letter of February 22, 1990, and the March 13, 1990 confirmation phone discussion with Mr Norm Weseloh of the regional office. C. Monitoring of the existing powerhouse during the new powerhouse excavation includes: - The current monitorina will be continued until the existing powerhouse is stabiližed, except during blasting for the new .. powerhouse excavati on. Duri ng thi s peri od, the monitoring interval will be increased to daily for monitoring numbered (1), every week for monitoring numbered (2), and monthly for monit- ori ng numbered (3) . However, if condi ti ons change for the numbered (1) or (2) moni tori ng, then more frequent i nterva 1 formonitoring numbered (3) will be established ~consistent with need. Intervals for monitoring numbered 0) and (2) will also be adjusted to reflect any changed condition. - Read and record piezometers daily during blasting for the new powerhouse excavation and exi sting powerhouse stabi iization. Monitoring intervals will be adjusted to reflect any changed condition. At other times during new powerhouse construction, mon i tori ng wi 11 be 1 ess frequent, but respons i ve to encountered conditions. - Seismic monitoring of the existing powerhouse for each blast. during new powerhouse excavation. - Monitoring by one person and prompt dissemination of the in- formation to those designated. D. Pool lowering elevations during blasting for the new powerhouse excavation wi 11 be establ ished to satisfy requirements for the existing powerhouse stability. The pool levels will be coordi- nated with headwater concerns including irrigation. o As-built drawings for the entire project, including the previously constructed new spillway and tailrace channel, will be submitted after project completion. o Monitoring data will be summarized and provided to the Portland Region- al Office at the end of each month unless unusual instrumentation data deve lopes. When unusual readi ngs of the ins trumentati on data occurs, it will be reported to the regional office immediately, along with plans for assessing the significants of the data as it may affect the projects structural integrity. o The entire project will be completed by October 1, 1994. ME C H A N I C A L EQ U I P M E N T SW A N .: A L L S PR O J E C T i= DE V E L O P M E N T SL ; H E D U L E 50 3 EL E C T R I C A L CO N T R O L S DR A F T TU B E GA T E S i S g i l ¿ l f A J f s s I V E N D O R I D R A W I N C S I : ST ~ o r W R ; r o : ~ C . s I~ ~ ~ ~ O R I ~ I : Po J E R H O U S E C R ' : E ~O L I C I t B I D ~ A IN T A K E ST O P L O G S AN D TR A S H R A C K S CR A N E S DE L l V E : t E~ ~ i ¡ ~ T MA N u r A C T ~ R E C R A N E I sg t ~ C \ ' ~ ~ O S I I I I I I I I. ~R E P A R E P t M R H O S E P L ~ S . . S P E C VE N D O R DR A W I N G S- DE L I V E R AN D T £ S T .. TU R B I N E / GE N E R A T O R / GO V E R N O R / SP E E D I N C . I I I I I I I I I VE N D O R ~ R A W I N G S co r r E R D A M PO W E R H O U S E OC A V A T I O N HO D E L T E DE L ~ V E R PI T t N E R AN D C O N i "" N u r A C T U R E I U ~ B , E T C . ll n 1 2 I N 5 1 A L L ' T U R B , G E N . CO M I S S I O N J , , PO W R ~ N L I N E B Y ~ D V I I I CO H ( S S I O N J2 , _ P O * 1 t O N L ; N E J A N . 1 : OE W A l E J O L D T U R B I ~ E S . MA I N TR A N S F R M R ~ R I DA T E M. V . SW I T C H G E A R 3. 1 1 4 / 1 0 L. V . "2 2 / 1 0 SW I T C H G E A R I ;o ' A l t : s r T O ~ I E o " S - V E N å o R DlA W I : " G S M, V , $ \ C H G R MA N U A C T U R E T R A k S , li ' , DE L ) V E R c S_ , RE M O V E b L D E O U I P , MA N u r 4 C 1 U R £ L . V . S W G r ¡ . DU I V £ ~ DE L I V E R : ( S W A N ( ' . A L L S P R O J E C T O E V E L 0 P M E N T S ' , - r l E 0 U L E p( 50 3 EN G I N E E R I N O TU R B I N E / O E N SP E C S CO N S T R U C T I O N BI D D O C U M E N T S CO N S T R U C T I O N DR A W I N G S CO N S T R U C T I O N SU P E R V I S I O N CO N S T R U C T I O N W P O W I PO W E R H O U S E CO f f E R D A M S PO W E R H O U S E EX C A V A T I O N DE L I V E R EM B E D D E D PA R T S PO W E R H O U S E CO N C R E T E EQ U I P M E N T DE L I V E R Y EQ U I P M E N T IN S T A L L A T I O N CO f f E R D A M RE M O V A L ~A W A R D ~ O N T R A C t O C T . 1 ~ ¡ . I I ; ; ; I ; I I ~ A W A R D C O N T R . a T A P R 1 5 I I : , ~ , I i I i : : : i i : : : I , : : I I , : ¡ : : : i i : : : : , .. . . ' : : ~ i ": . I I II. I I I I , . : ¡ ~ - i : : : . I : ¡ ¡ : i : i . ' . . . . . ' . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . : , : : i ; . . . . . . . UN ¡ T O N L i N E N O V I 1 , , I I I I I . I : I aN L I N E I J A N . 1 ~ 2n ~ U N I T ~ D E W A T E R I N O . E Q U I P M E N T RE M O V A L CO N C R E T E f I L L DE M O B I L I Z E ~ UP E R S T R U C T U R IM P R O V E M E N T AN D D I S P L A Y .- J I t O G tP R JI I . I I O EO G tP R 1/ 2 2 1 1 0 I- - ~ I : .. ¡ i . . I . , ... BEFOR Tl IDAHO PUUC UTES COMSI CASE NO. IPC-E-92 SlPl TO NTAL APPUCA TI ,..~ IDAH POWER CQANY A TT ACl 5 ~.~: ~,(..-'..,'. . ..~ ø (,-~d ..FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. 0, C. 20426 lI 26 199 Project No. 503 Swan Falls Dam Idaho Power Company Mr. Steven L. HerndonAttorney Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boisei Idaho 83707 Dear Mr. Herndon: We have received your letter dated March 16, 1990 submitting your revised plan and schedule for construction of the new powerhouse and stabilization of the existing powerhouse at the Swan Falls Project No. 503. The revised schedule and the features of the revised plan are acceptable. The revised schedule i presented as option 2 in our March 12, 1990 meeting i indicates completion of the powerhouse stabilization one year earlier than that presented in the previous schedule of January 22 i 1990. The revised plan adequately addresses instrumentation and monitoring programs during construction, concrete backfilling in the east bay and the bay between units no. 6 and 7 during the early phases of construction i and reservoir drawdown during blasting for the newpowerhouse. Sincerely,~ai~ Ronald A. Corsoi Director Division of Dam Safety andInspections AT 5SUPPL ~.'I INTI APCAION