HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231206Comments of the Commission Staff.pdfADAM TRIPLETT VED DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL Mi 10:La |IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 MMiBOON (208)334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO.10221 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER )CASE NO.IPC-E-23-25 COMPANY'S ANNUAL COMPLIANCE )FILING TO UPDATE THE LOAD AND GAS )FORECASTS IN THE INCREMENTAL COST )COMMENTS OF THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN AVOIDED )COMMISSION STAFF COST MODEL ) COMMISSION STAFF ("STAFF")OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its Attorneyof record,Adam Triplett,Deputy Attorney General,submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On October 13,2023,Idaho Power Company ("Company")made a compliance filing ("Filing")to update "the load forecast,natural gas forecast,and long-term contract changes used in the Incremental Cost Integrated Resource Plan ("ICIRP")avoided cost methodology."Filing at 1.The Company must update these inputs by October 15 of each year.See Order Nos.32697 and 32802.The Filing also updates the Peak and Premium Peak Hours used to calculate the avoided capacity costs energy storage qualifying facilities ("QF").ICIRP avoided cost rates are available to QFs that are above the resource-specific project eligibilitycap for published avoided STAFF COMMENTS 1 December 6,2023 cost rates under Idaho's implementation of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). The Company has updated its peak and premium peak hours for 2024 using the method directed by the Commission in Order No.34913.Peak hours in 2023 are as follows: July 1:00 p.m.to 10:00 p.m.;and August 3:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m.Premium peak hours in 2024 are as follows:July 5:00 p.m.to 10:00 p.m.;and August 5:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the Filing and recommends the following: 1.The proposed load forecast be approved; 2.The proposed natural gas forecast be approved; 3.The proposed Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours be used to calculate capacity payments for energy storage QFs using ICIRP avoided cost rates;and 4.The proposed Peak Hours be used to calculate capacity payments for energy storage QFs using Surrogate Avoided Resource ("SAR")based rates. Load Forecast Althoughthe Company did not use the load forecast from the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP"),Staff believes the proposed load forecast is reasonable.Staff's conclusions were based on comparisons between the proposed energy load forecast and last year's load forecast in Case No.IPC-E-22-26 and between the proposed energy load forecast and the 2023 IRP energy load forecast. Comparison to 2022 Annual Update The Company compared last year's load forecast in Case No.IPC-E-22-26 and the proposed load forecast in this case.The proposed load forecast is 4.86 percent lower than last year's load forecast.See Figure No.1.The 4.86 percent was calculated by "determining the annual percent change from the 2022 load forecast to the 2023 load forecast for each year from 2023 through 2042,and then calculating the average of those annual percent change values." See Response to Staff Production Request No.1 (a).Staff believes that the justifications provided by the Company for the decrease in load from last year's load forecast are reasonable. STAFF COMMENTS 2 December 6,2023 Annual Load Forecast 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 m 1,500 1,000 500 0 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 Year --October 2022 (aMW)---September 2023 (aMW) Figure No.1:Load Forecast Comparison (Filing at 5) According to the Company,there are two reasons that cause the reduction.First,several electric service agreements,such as Meta and Micron lowered their load forecasts.See Response to Staff Production Request No.1 (d).Second,the load forecast was adjusted downward to ensure a smooth transition between the actual load and the forecasted load.See Response to Staff Production Request No.1 (e). Comparison to 2023 IRP Load Forecast Staff compared the proposed energy load forecast to the forecast submitted in the 2023 IRP as shown in Figure No.2 below.The major difference between the two forecasts is that the 2023 IRP uses the 70*percentile energy load,while load forecast proposed in this case uses the 50*percentile load,which Staff believes is appropriate for the purpose of establishing an avoided cost of energy for PURPA contracts. STAFF COMMENTS 3 December 6,2023 Proposed50th Percentile vs.70th Percentile from 2023 IRP 3500 m 1500 1000 500 0 00000000000000000000 --Proposed 50th Percentile --70th Percentile from 2023 IRP Figure No.2:Comparison between Proposed 50th Percentile of Load and 70th Percentile of Load from 2023 IRP Order No.32697 states that the ICIRP methodology should utilize inputs determined throughthe utilities'"IRP"planning process.Order No.32697 at 22.However,Staff believes that the 50*percentile load forecast proposed in this case is appropriate for the purpose of determining IRP-based avoided cost rates because the 50th percentile energy load reflects expected load under normal conditions and represents the cost of energy that the Company will likely avoid.The Company used the 70*percentile load in the 2023 IRP,because the purpose of the load forecast in the IRP is to ensure sufficient resources are identified necessary for reliability.Using the 70*percentile load for the purposes of this case would likelyoverestimate the avoided cost of energy and customers would no longer be held neutral.' Natural Gas Forecast Staff believes the proposed natural gas forecast is reasonable,and Staff recommends its approval.Staff's conclusion is based on comparing the proposed HenryHub forecast to last i The neutrality principlerequires PURPA rates be set at the utility's avoided cost.Indep.Energy Producers Ass'n, Inc.v.Cal.Pub.Utils.Comm 'n,36 F.3d 848,858 (9th Cir.1994)."If purchase rates are set at the utility's avoided cost,consumers are not forced to subsidize QFs because they are paying the same amount they wouldhave paid if the utility had generated energy itself or purchased energy elsewhere." STAFF COMMENTS 4 December 6,2023 year's annual update and Rocky Mountain Power's HenryHub forecast over the next two years, given that IRP-based contracts are limited to two years.2 See Order No.33357. Comparison to 2022 Annual Update This year's HenryHub natural gas forecast is lower than last year's forecast for the next two years as shown in Figure No.3 in Confidential Attachment A to the Company's responses to Staff s Production Requests.The Company stated that the forecast is generally lower during this timeframe because the impact from the Russia and Ukraine conflict that was affecting European gas supply driving up U.S.gas prices has decreased.See Response to Staff Production Request No.2. Comparison to Rocky Mountain Power's HenryHub Forecast Staff compared the Company's proposed HenryHub natural gas forecast to Rocky Mountain Power's Henry Hub forecast as shown in Figure No.4 in Confidential Attachment A to the Company's responses to Staff's Production Requests.The similarity between the two forecasts over the next few years lends additional support to Staff s conclusion. Contract Updates Contract updates are incorporated into the IRP model on a continuous basis,but the annual filing provides an opportunityfor the Commission to review and monitor these updates. The Company provided the followingnew contracts since the last annual update filing,and Staff believes the contract updates included in the Filing are reasonable. Lowline #2 Bypass Dietrich Drop Pleasant Valley Solar Franklin Solar Kuna Battery Energy Storage System 2 Avista did not file updated natural gas forecast this year.See Case No.AVU-E-23-13. STAFF COMMENTS 5 December 6,2023 Peak and Premium Peak Hours The Company proposed new Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours to be used to calculate and pay capacity payments for energy storage QFs.Staff reviewed the Company's methodology used to update the Peak and Premium Peak Hours for 2024 and determined that the Company used the same method as last year's annual filing.Therefore,Staff recommends approval of the proposed Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours to be used to calculate and pay capacity payments for energy storage QFs using IRP-based avoided cost rates.Staff also recommends approval of the Peak Hours to be used to calculate capacity payments for energy storage QFs using SAR-based rates. The proposed Peak Hours for July in 2024 are 1:00 pm to 10:00 pm;the proposed Peak Hours for August in 2024 are 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm.This results in the same number of total Peak Hours (434 hours)overall within a year.The proposed Premium Peak Hours for July are 5:00 pm through 10:00 pm;the proposed Premium Peak Hours for August are 5:00 pm through 8:00 pm. Unlike IRP-based energy storage avoided cost rates where the Premium Peak Hour rates are 20%higher than the Peak Hour rates,the SAR energy storage capacity payments are only paid for generationduring Peak Hours without any premium.Althoughthe timeframe of Peak Hours has changed in this filing compared to those currentlyauthorized,the total of 434 Peak Hours over a year have not changed.Because the avoided cost of capacity in the SAR Model is calculated by dividing the annual capacity value of a Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine plant by the total number of Peak Hours in a year,avoided cost of capacity for energy storage will not be affected.However,QFs will receive capacity payments for generation output during different hours if the proposed Peak Hours are approvedby the Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the following: 1.The proposed load forecast be approved; 2.The proposed natural gas forecast be approved; 3.The proposed Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours be used to calculate capacity payments for energy storage QFs using ICIRP avoided cost rates;and STAFF COMMENTS 6 December 6,2023 4.The proposed Peak Hours be used to calculate capacity payments for energy storage QFs using Surrogate Avoided Resource ("SAR")-based rates. Respectfully submitted this 6th day of December 2023. Adam Triplett '/ Deputy AttorneyGeneral Technical Staff:Yao Yin Kevin Keyt i:umisc/comments/IPC-E-23-25 Comments STAFF COMMENTS 7 December 6,2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 6*DAY OF DECEMBER 2023,SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TOIDAHOPOWERCOMPANY,IN CASE NO.IPC-E-23-25,BY E-MAILING A COPYTHEREOF,TO THE FOLLOWING: MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN DONOVAN E WALKER IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL:mgoicoecheaallen@idahopower.com dwalker idahopower.com dockets idahopower.com Ida Elmasian CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE IPC -E-23-25 Confidential AttachmentA Redacted Confidential Attachment A IPC-E-23-25 Staff Comments December 6,2023