HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230911Application.pdf MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Corporate Counsel mgoicoecheaallen@idahopower.com September 8, 2023 Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Re: Case No. IPC-E-23-21 Application for Approval of Amendments to Agreements for Delivery of Power and Energy with King Hill Irrigation District Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing is Idaho Power Company’s Application in the above- entitled matter. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Megan Goicoechea Allen MGA:sg Enclosures RECEIVED 2023 SEPTEMBER 8, 2023 3:43PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION – 1 DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN (ISB No. 7623) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker@idahopower.com mgoicoecheaallen@idahopower.com Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENTS FOR DELIVERY OF POWER AND ENERGY WITH KING HILL IRRIGATION DISTRICT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-23-21 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO 1979 AGREEMENTS Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power” or “Company”), in accordance with Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule of Procedure1 52, hereby respectfully submits this Application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) pertaining to amending two related agreements for the delivery of power and energy between Idaho Power and King Hill Irrigation District (“District” or “KHID”) that were entered in February and April of 1979 (“1979 Agreements”). More specifically, the Company is seeking an order approving the Second Amendment to the February Agreement dated July 31, 2023, and the First Amendment to the April Agreement dated July 31, 2023, which were entered by the Company and KHID (jointly, “Parties”) to incorporate an additional river pumping 1 Hereinafter cited as RP. APPLICATION – 2 station under the terms of the 1979 Agreements. Though the new pumping station was not originally contemplated by the Parties, its addition does not impact the amount of the total credit provided by Idaho Power in exchange for use of the District’s water for power generation purposes, merely how it is allocated among the District’s accounts, and the Parties believe the changes are consistent with the general intent of the 1979 Agreements. In support of this Application, Idaho Power represents as follows: I. BACKGROUND 1. Formed over a century ago, King Hill Irrigation District has, since its inception and continuing today, operated irrigation canals, ditches, and other structures to divert and distribute water for irrigation. Originally, the District’s irrigation system relied on an inverted siphon to convey water from the Malad River across the Snake River, where it was then transported via the District’s canal system to irrigate over 10,000 acres within its service boundary.2 2. After the inverted siphon was irreparably damaged in 1978, the District decided to replace the gravity flow irrigation system with river pumping stations that would deliver water from the Snake River into the canal and laterals of the District. Around this time, Idaho Power and KHID agreed to an arrangement that, in pertinent part, allowed Idaho Power the use of the District’s water for power generation purposes in exchange for the Company paying as compensation an initial non-refundable lump sum amount and providing an annual credit to be applied to District’s irrigation accounts for the river 2 See In the Matter of the Application for Approval of Contract between King Hill Irrigation District and Idaho Power Company, Case No. U-1006-147, Order No. 14439 at 8 (Feb. 15, 1979) (noting that 10,650 acres were presently under irrigation). Currently, KHID delivers and distributes water for irrigation to over 11,500 acres. APPLICATION – 3 pumping stations, which was intended to help offset the electrical cost of operating the new pumping plants. 3. As outlined in Commission Order No. 14439, the agreement for Idaho Power to use the District’s water for power generation purposes results in additional generation of 15,776 megawatt hours through its Lower Malad plant and an additional 6,242 megawatt hours through its Bliss power plant resulting in a total energy generation gain of 22,018 megawatt hours under median water conditions. The additional hydropower generation gained by Idaho Power through use of the District’s water is accomplished with the Company’s existing facilities and does not require additional capital investment.3 Idaho Power’s customers are therefore benefitting from the additional low-cost hydropower generation without the impacts of additional capital expenditures. The February Agreement 4. More specifically, Idaho Power and KHID entered into an Agreement dated February 5, 1979 (“February Agreement”), pursuant to which the District granted Company the right to use its water for power generation purposes at the Company’s Lower Malad and Bliss power plants, as well as any future hydro plants in the vicinity, and in exchange, the Company made an initial non-refundable lump sum payment and agreed to provide an annual credit to the District’s irrigation accounts established for the to-be- constructed river pumping stations. The annual credit amount represents the value of 14,000,000 kilowatt hours (“Credit Amount”), which was in addition to the one time lump sum payment of $1,000,000. 3 See In the Matter of the Application for Approval of Contract between King Hill Irrigation District and Idaho Power Company, Case No. U-1006-147, Order No. 14439 at 5-6, Paragraph VIII (Feb. 15, 1979). APPLICATION – 4 5. While the initial Credit Amount was $185,700.00, the February Agreement also provided that, in the event the Commission orders an adjustment of the applicable rate schedule, the Credit Amount would be adjusted accordingly and increased or decreased by that percentage which represents the average for all of the Company’s customers under said rate schedule. The Credit Amount is allocated among the District’s river pumping stations pursuant to the percentage that each bears to their total combined horsepower. 6. In order to restore its irrigation system to operation, the District intended to build four, possibly five, river pumping stations; more specifically, the District was considering whether it could substantially reduce the cost of restoring its system by constructing a river pumping station to serve only that land owned by Eugene and Aurora Ascuena and the potential fifth river pumping station contemplated in the February Agreement related to this option. 7. The Parties filed a Joint Application with the Commission seeking approval of the terms and conditions of the February Agreement, including the proposed accounting treatment of the lump sum payment and annual Credit Amount, which the Commission granted in Order No. 14439, issued on February 15, 1979. 8. After entering into the February Agreement, the District constructed four pumping stations; it has not to date constructed the potential fifth pumping station contemplated in the February Agreement, which was intended to only serve land owned by Eugene and Aurora Ascuena pursuant to the terms of the February Agreement. APPLICATION – 5 The April Agreement 9. Subsequently, the Parties entered into another Agreement dated April 11, 1979 (“April Agreement”), to further specify the terms and conditions of Idaho Power supplying electric service to the pumping stations identified in the February Agreement, which is fully incorporated by reference into the April Agreement. 10. The April Agreement, in part, identifies the points of delivery associated with the pumping stations along with the horsepower, voltage, location, account number, and allocation of Credit Amount between the pumping accounts. In addition, it limited the total amount of horsepower (“hp”) of the river pumping stations to be supplied electric power by the Company to 10,000 hp. First Amendment to the February Agreement 11. As contemplated in the 1979 Agreements, the Company has allocated the Credit Amount, as adjusted pursuant to the February Agreement, annually among the irrigation accounts associated with the four pumping stations identified by the District as the points of delivery based on the percentage that each pumping station contributed to the total combined horsepower. 12. In 1988, the Parties entered into an Amendment to the February Agreement (“First Amendment to February Agreement”) to resolve a difference of opinion regarding whether the Credit Amount, once established for an irrigation season, should later be adjusted to reflect adjustments in Idaho's rates or charges in that rate schedule applicable to District's river pumping stations which become effective during the irrigation season. The Parties agreed to amend the February Agreement to apply a pro rata formula in allocating adjustments in Idaho’s rates or charges in that rate scheduled applicable to the APPLICATION – 6 District’s river pumping stations effective during the irrigation season. The First Amendment to the February Agreement added a provision to provide for this pro rata adjustment but did not otherwise change the obligations of the Parties. 13. At the time the Parties entered into the February Agreement in 1979, the Credit Amount was $185,700.00 and, pursuant to the terms of the February Agreement and First Amendment to February Agreement, it has been adjusted over the years by the percentage representing the average rate changes applicable to all of the Company’s irrigation customers within its Idaho service area and an addendum executed by the Parties to reflect the change in the Credit Amount. II. THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS 14. Though the District has not to date pursued the fifth pumping station option identified in the February Agreement specifically to serve the Ascuena’s property, it has now constructed a different pumping station (the “Hammett Station”). Though the Hammett Station is different than the potential fifth pumping station contemplated in the February Agreement, the District has requested that Idaho Power include the account associated with the Hammett Station in its annual allocation of the Credit Amount going forward. 15. The Company has evaluated the District’s construction plans for the Hammett Station and confirmed that including the Hammett Station irrigation account in the Credit Amount allocation does not impact any other rights, obligations, or requirements under the February Agreement, as amended, or the April Agreement, and as a result of these circumstances, subject to approval of the Commission, the Parties have entered into the Second Amendment to the February Agreement and the First APPLICATION – 7 Amendment to the April Agreement to include the Hammett Station as more fully described below.4 Second Amendment to the February Agreement 16. The February Agreement described the District’s plan to replace its inverted siphon irrigation system by constructing “five (5) river pumping stations and related facilities, or construct only four (4) river pumping stations,” if the District decided not to construct a river pumping station specifically to serve the Ascuena’s property. With the addition of another pumping station, the Hammett Station, the Second Amendment to the February Amendment (“Second Amendment”) revises certain recitals and provisions of the February Agreement, as amended, to provide for six, possibly five, river pumping stations. 17. The Second Amendment provides for modifying all references that describe the potential number of river pumping stations to-be-constructed by the District to incorporate an additional pumping station as follows:  Replacing the existing references identifying “five (5)” as the maximum potential number of river pumping stations with “six (6)” and those listing “four (4)” as the baseline number of river pumping stations with “five (5).”  For example, the Second Amendment incorporates the following revisions into the fifth recital of the February Amendment (new language is underlined, and deleted language uses strikethrough): 4 Though the District has not to date constructed the fifth pumping station contemplated in the February Agreement to serve the Ascuena’s property, the amendments provide the Hammett Station in addition to, not in place of, this option to remain consistent with the original Agreement and avoid potentially impacting future plans, if any. APPLICATION – 8 WHEREAS, the District has determined that its most satisfactory alternative for restoring its irrigation system to operation is to discontinue use of the Head End Siphon and to construct five (5) six (6) river pumping stations and related facilities, or construct only four (4) five (5) river pumping stations, if the District decides not to construct a river pumping station specifically to serve only that land owned by Eugene and Aurora Ascuena, husband and wife, (hereinafter referred to as the “Ascuenas”) and Idaho. Said river pumping stations, along with related facilities, shall be constructed to pump water from the Snake River into the canal and laterals of the District;  In addition, said modifications were incorporated via the Second Amendment into the fourteenth recital of the February Agreement; Part II, Paragraph 2 of the February Agreement, as amended by the First Amendment to the February Agreement; and Part III, Paragraphs 1, 3, and 13 of the February Agreement. First Amendment to the April Agreement 18. In conjunction with the Second Amendment to the February Agreement, the Parties are simultaneously amending the April Agreement (“First Amendment to the April Agreement”) to incorporate the addition of the Hammett Station and the resulting minor increase in total combined horsepower of the District’s river pumping stations and to update details for all the pumping stations. 19. The First Amendment to the April Agreement updates the description of the river pumping stations that serve as the points of delivery under the agreements to add the Hammett Station and set forth current details for each of the five existing pumps including location, horsepower, voltage, account number, and allocation of Credit Amount between the pumping accounts based on each pump’s contribution to the total combined horsepower of 10,100. APPLICATION – 9 20. Additionally, the First Amendment to the April Agreement provides for modifying other references that limit the amount of electric power the Company is to provide to “10,000 horsepower” including:  Revisions to Paragraph 3(a) (new language is underlined, and deleted language uses strikethrough): All electric power and energy, up to10,000 10,100 horsepower, shall be supplied and billed in accordance with the Company’s applicable irrigation pumping service rate schedule.  Revisions to Paragraph 5 (new language is underlined, and deleted language uses strikethrough): During the term of this Agreement and any renewals and extensions hereof, the Customer agrees to and will purchase from Company all electric power and energy required for its operations at the above locations specified, such power and energy up to the amount hereinafter set forth in pParagraph 3(b), up to 10,100 horsepower, to be supplied and paid for as set forth in pParagraph 3(a) above. It is mutually understood and agreed that the amount of electric power the Company is to provide under this contract Agreement is expressly limited to the amount of horsepower as set forth in paragraph 3(b)10,100 horsepower. Consideration of the Proposed Amendments 21. Copies of the February and April 1979 Agreements and the First Amendment to the February Agreement are attached to this Application as Attachments 1 through 3. In addition, the Second Amendment to the February Agreement dated July 31, 2023, and the First Amendment to the April Agreement dated July 31, 2023, are attached to this Application as Attachments 4 and 5, respectively, and are subject to the Commission’s approval. APPLICATION – 10 22. As explained above, the amendments incorporate updates associated with the addition of another pumping station not originally contemplated by the Parties, the Hammett Station, in order to include this additional irrigation account in the Credit Amount allocation. The amendments do not impact the basis or value of the total, unallocated Credit Amount or how it is treated for accounting purposes, and the Parties believe the changes are consistent with the general intent of the original February Agreement as approved by the Commission. As such, the Parties believe Commission approval of the amendments would be prudent and appropriate. III. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 23. Idaho Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, et seq. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to prepare and present its testimony in such hearing. IV. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 24. Communications and service of pleadings, exhibits, orders, and other documents relating to this proceeding should be sent to the following: Donovan E. Walker Tim Tatum Megan Goicoechea Allen Connie Aschenbrenner IPC Dockets Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Boise, Idaho 83707 dwalker@idahopower.com ttatum@idahopower.com mgoicoecheaallen@idahopower.com cashenbrenner@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com APPLICATION – 11 V. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 25. Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order approving both the Second Amendment to the February Agreement and the First Amendment to the April Agreement submitted herewith without change or condition. Respectfully submitted this 8th day of September 2023. MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION – 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 8th day of September 2023, I served a true and correct Idaho Power Company’s Application upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8 Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX FTP Site X Email Dayn.Hardie@puc.idaho.gov Courtesy Copy sent to: Jeffrey Blanksma Jr. Chairman, King Hill Irrigation District P.O. Box 993 Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 Via Email: blanksmajeffj@gmail.com Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-23-21 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 King Hill Irrigation District Agreement February 1979 5 AGREEMENT 5^THIS AGREEMENT,Made this day of February,1979, between KING HILL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as the "District"),organized,existing and operating under the laws r*' of the State of Idaho,and IDAHO POWER COMPANY (hereinafter referred to as "Idaho"),a corporation,organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Maine,duly qualified and doing business in the State of Idaho.sin WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the District is the successor in interest to the King Hill Irrigation and Power Company,and Idaho is successor in interest to the Malad Power Company;and, WHEREAS,said predecessors in interest entered into an agreement dated the v9th day of February,1909,relating to,among other things,a siphon (now commonly referred to as the Head Siphon and hereinafter referred to as the "Head End Siphon");and WHEREAS,the District owns and operates said Head End! Siphon,which crosses the Snake River from Lot 2 to Lot 3, Section 27,Township 6 South,Range 13 East,Boise Meridian, Gooding County,Idaho;and, WHEREAS ,the Head End Siphon was damaged and rendered inoperative during the 1978 irrigation season by movement of the land mass on the West bank of the Snake River on which the support bridge and the outlet end of the Siphon are located;and , WHEREAS,the District has determined that its most satisfactory alternative for restoring its irrigation system to operation is to discontinue use of the Head End Siphon and to construct five (5)river ycanping stations and related facilities, ¦n /"'r-i nnMoxim or construct only four (4)river pumping stations,if the District decides not to construct a river pumping station specifically to serve only that land owned by Eugene and Aurora Ascuena,husband and wife,(hereinafter referred to as the "Ascuenas ")and Idaho. Said river pumping stations,along with related facilities,shall be constructed to pump water from the Snake River into the canal and laterals of the District;and, WHEREAS,The District,on the date hereof,is in the process of determining whether it can substantially reduce the cost of restoring its irrigation system,by constructing a river pumping station,specifically to serve only that land owned by --- the Ascuenas and Idaho;and, WHEREAS,Idaho has made application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity I and plans on making application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a License to construct the A J Wiley Project,the reservoir pool from which would extend upstream beyond the current site of the Head End Siphon requiring the removal or raising of ¦¦ ¦ said Head End Siphon;and, WHEREAS,the parties hereto recognize the rights,duties, obligations and limitations of the February 9,1909 Agreement'V. heretofore referred to;and, WHEREAS,the District's urgent concern for restoring its irrigation system to operation,as soon as possible,and Idaho's ;I plans to make application to the various Federal and State regula tory agencies for permission to construct the A J Wiley Project, which construction would require the removal or raising of the Head End Siphon as currently located,are conditions which render it AGREEMENT -2 . r appropriate Cor Llie parties to resoJ ve certain ma tiers at this Lime, rather than awaiting final action on those applications made by Idaho with respect to the A J Wiley Project;and, WHEREAS,Idaho wishes to insure that it will have no liability to the District,any individual,partnership or corpora tion,which is a landowner in said District,or to any third party for any injury,death or property damage,resulting from or with respect to the District's irrigation system,including,without limitation,those injuries,deaths or property damages,resulting from or with respect to the District's irrigation system,located I-*> IS upstream from that dam which is to be part of the A J Wiley Project, caused as a result of or in any way related to the existence of and/or action of the water in the pool created as a result of the construction of the Wiley Dam;and, WHEREAS,Idaho wishes to insure that,if the District constructs a river pumping station specifically to serve only /*.- that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,it will have no -r or 'inq^f *•:* MHBiSi 's1. wmm- 'mm B4™ ¦¦.the proposed ^j.nunaatIo i. ¦am e ^inundation of immmm & corporation,which is a landowner in said District or to any third -s.,Si*-:1 is;..-¦¦¦¦. $W~A party for any injury,death or property damage,including,without limitation,any environmental damage,arising out of or caused by the removal of the Head End Siphon,including,without limitation, the pipe,the support bridge and the piers,whenever and however said piers are removed and that pipe to be removed on the East bank of the Snake River. ! : *J WHEREAS,Idaho wishes to obtain the use of all of the District's water,for power generation purposes,through Idaho's £"3 Lower Malad power plant and a portion of the District's water, m for power generation purposes,through its Bliss power plant. Idaho also wishes to obtain the use of said water,for power generation purposes,for any future hydro plants,which Idaho may construct,on that stretch of the Snake River,lying between and including the current locations,on the date hereof,of Idaho's Lower Malad and Bliss power plants,including,without limitation, the A J Wiley power plant,which future power plant or plants can use all or any portion the District's water. WHEREAS,Idaho proposes to make certain credits (herein- 3 after referred to as the "Credit Amount"),to the District's irrigation accounts established for each of the five (5)river ;pumping stations that the District will construct or four (4)jif'-¦»ifmtheDistrictdecidesnottoconstructariverpumpingstation specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and ..Idaho,said Credit Amount to be given as compensation for the .use ¦ of the District's water for power generation purposes;and,1 ';"'V*'" WHEREAS,Idaho proposes a reduction of the Credit Amount .• given to the District as compensation for the use of the District's If the A J Wiley Project * ; water under the following circumstances. i slJ'-1AGREEMENT-4. and if either of Idaho's Lower Malad or Blissisnotconstructed, power plants,but not both,ceases to operate due to lack of regulatory authority,the Credit Amount shall be reduced by that percentage,which represents the ratio that the energy generation gained at that power plant,which ceases to operate,bears to the total energy generation gained at the Lower Malad and Bliss power plants.Said energy generation gained was determined by computing the energy generation gained by Idaho due to the use of the District's water,for power generation purposes,pursuant to this Agreement,under median water conditions, is constructed,and if Idaho's Lower Malad power plant ceases to ft3 --i If the A J Wiley Project operate due to lack of regulatory authority,then that reduction of the Credit Amount,resulting from the loss of power generation at Idaho's Lower Malad power plant,shall be reduced by that percentage,which represents the ratio that the energy generation gained by Idaho,as a result of the A J Wiley Project,bears to the total energy generation gained by Idaho,as a result of the use of the District's water,for power generation purposes,at Idaho's Lower Malad,Bliss and A J Wiley power plants under median water j conditions;and§*2 , vW ¦ WHEREAS,Idaho proposes that the Credit Amount,given as compensation,for the use of the District'stotheDistrict, water shall,if the A J Wiley Project is not constructed,termi nate when Idaho ceases to operate both its Lower Malad and Bliss :i power plants,due to lack of regulatory authority,and shall,if the A J Wiley Project is constructed,terminate when Idaho ceases to operate its Lower Malad,Bliss and A J Wiley power plants due to lack of regulatory authority. WHEREAS,the District proposes that the right of Idaho : 7\rriffM-DMrn to use the District's water,for power yenorution purposes,shuii terminate when Idaho ceases to operate its Lower Malad,Bliss and A J Wiley power plants due to lack of regulatory authority. WHEREAS,the District proposes to use electric power and energy obtained from Idaho for operating the District's pumping installations. NOW,THEREFORE,the parties hereto,in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, agree as follows: 'V." PART I THE DISTRICT AGREES: To immediately and completely remove before that1. consideration,as hereinafter specified in Part II,Paragraph 1 of this Agreement,will be paid by Idaho to the District,the District's Head End Siphon,as hereinafter specified,currently crossing the Snake River at that location hereinbefore specified, including,without limitation,the pipe and the support bridge, which are part of said Head End Siphon,but excepting from this immediate and complete removal,pursuant to the conditions herein after specified in this same paragraph,those piers upon which the The District agrees that if Idaho is 1 support bridge rests, permitted to construct the A J Wiley Project,and if any govern mental agency,either local,state or federal requires either the partial or complete removal of said piers,to remove said piers:i to the elevation and by whatever method said governmental agency The District agrees that if Idaho is permitted torequires. construct the A J Wiley Project,and no local,state or federal agency requires the removal of said piers,to remove said piers, ; to an elevation equal with Two Thousand,when Idaho so desires, Said removalSevenHundredSeventeen(2,717)feet above sea level. may be accomplished by whatever method the District desires,so long as said method does not violate any local,state or federal The District agrees that if prior to the i law or regulation, construction of the A J Wiley Project,or if the A J Wiley Project is not constructed,if any governmental agency,either local, state or federal,requires either the partial or complete removal of said piers,to remove said piers to the elevation and by what ever method said governmental agency requires, agrees and acknowledges,by the execution of this Agreement,that the consideration hereinafter stated in Part II,Paragraph 1 of this Agreement,which Idaho will pay to the District,includes payment for the removal of said piers,whenever,however and to whatever elevation said 'piers are required to be or are in fact 'i »; &?¦ The District¦ removed,pursuant to the conditions hereinbefore specified in this fsameparagraph.i ¦; ¦sToimmediatelyandcompletelyremove,before that2. 3 consideration as hereinafter specified in Part II,Paragraph 1 of this Agreement,will be paid by Idaho to the District,the District's unused pipe on the East bank of the Snake River,which pipe,connected with the Head End Siphon,crossing the Snake River. Said unused pipe shall be removed up to an elevation equal with i 8I Two Thousand,Seven Hundred Fifty-two (2,752)feet above sea level. That Idaho shall not be liable to the District,3 . any individual,partnership or corporation,which is a landowner in said District,or to any third party,including,without limitation,any governmental agency,for any injury,death or AGREEMENT -7 . 'property damage,including,without limitation,any environmental damage or judgment,whatever its nature,arising from or resulting because of an environmental lawsuit,which injury,death or property damage arises out of or is any way related to the existence of and/ or removal of those piers upon which the support bridge of the Head End Siphon rests. That it will not use the Head End Siphon or that4. portion of the canal upstream from the Wiley Dam site for trans mission of the District's irrigation water during the existence of this agreement.The District may install pipelines in the canal in order to deliver water by pumping to lands upstream from ¦i ¦ the Wiley Dam site. That the future expansion of irrigation services, under the existing water rights of the District,shall be limited, 5 . during the existence of this Agreement or any part hereof,to One Thousand,Five Hundred (1,500)acres more than that land area irrigated by the District in the year 1978,under the District's Said One Thousand,Five Hundred (1,500)acreswaterrights. shall,with the exception of Forty (40)acres,be irrigated only i :if!by water pumped from the Snake River downstream from the current i=-' i"* 1 I The District,inlocation,on the date hereof,of the Bliss Dam. the year 1978,irrigated Ten Thousand,Six Hundred Fifty (10,650) acres . That Idaho has no liability for failing to provide6. electric service to anyone or all of the District's pumping stations by a specific date,including,without limitation,the start of the irrigation season in the year 1979,whatever the reason for said failure including,without limitation,the following : AGREEMENT -8 . failure to obtain the necessary ease ments and rights of way,as shall be necessary to enable Idaho to extend service lines or other facilities to the District's pumping stations; and a) failure to obtain and/or install such equipment as is necessary in order to enable Idaho to provide electrical service to the District's pumping stations. b) To reimburse Idaho for all monies expended in obtaining the •rights of way and easements necessary in order to enable Idaho to extend service lines or other facilities to the 7 . District's pumping stations. To pay on demand,protect,defend,indemnify and8. hold harmless Idaho and Idaho's officers,directors,shareholders, employes,agents,contractors,and servants,and their successors and assigns (the foregoing being herein referred to individually as "Indemnitee"and collectively as the "Indemnitees"),from and against all liabilities,claims,penalties,causes of action, (including without limitation,attorney'ssuits,cost and expenses fees and expenses)or judgments of any nature arising from or i relating to (a)any injury,death or property damage to the District,to any individual,partnership or corporation,which is a landowner in said District or to any third party arising out of the construction,operation,maintenance,use or existence of any facilities of the District's irrigation system,including,without i limitation,any injury,death or property damage to the District, any individual,partnership or corporation,which is a landowner in said District or to any third party resulting from or with respect to the District's irrigation system located upstream from the Wiley Dam caused,as a result of the existence of and/or action i i of the water in the pool created as a result of the construction of i i 1 q I the Wiley Dam;(b)any injury,death or property damage,including, without limitation,any environmental damage or judgment,whatever its nature,arising from or resulting because of an environmental lawsuit,to the District,any individual,partnership or corpora tion,which is a landowner in said District,or to any third party, including,without limitation,any governmental agency,which injury,death or property damage arises out of or is in any way related to the removal of the Head End Siphon,as hereinbefore specified,and to the existence of and/or removal of those piers upon which the support bridge of the Head End Siphon rests;(c)any injury,death or property damage to the District,any individual, partnership or corporation,which is a landowner in said District or to any third party resulting from Idaho's failure to provide electric service to any one or all of the District's pumping stations by a specific date,including,without limitation,the start of the irrigation season in the year 1979;and (d)if the District constructs a river pumping station specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,any injury, damage or costs to the District,any individual,partnership or corporation,which is a landowner in said District (including, without limitation,the Ascuenas or their heirs,successors,and assigns)or to any third party,resulting from or with respect to the proposed inundation or the inundation of the District's pumping station,serving the Ascuenas and Idaho or their heirs,succes sors and assigns,said inundation caused as a result of or in any way related to the creation of the Wiley pool. suit or proceeding arising from or relating to any of the fore going is brought against any indemnitee,the District shall,at the District's expense,resist and defend such action,suit or HI j If any action, i nAr!OT?T7M T7ATT proceeding or cause the same to be resisted and defended by counsel,designated by Idaho,and acceptable to the Indemnitee Any indemnitee shall have the right to employandtheDistrict. separate counsel for any such action,suit or proceeding and to participate in the defense thereof,but the employment of such counsel shall not be at the District's expense unless (i)the employment of such counsel has been specifically authorized by the District in writing or (ii)the District shall not employ counsel to have charge of the defense of such action,suit or proceeding,m or (iii)there is a conflict of interest which would prevent counsel for the District from representing both the District and the Indemnitee,in any of which cases the District shall not have the right to direct the defense of such action on behalf of the Indemnitee,it being understood that,regardless of whether such counsel is representing all of the parties entitled to the indemnification hereunder,the District shall not be liable under (iii)above,for the fees and expense of more than oneclause The Districtseparatecounsel,who shall be approved by Idaho. ¦ shall not be liable to indemnify any Indemnitee for any settlement of any such action,suit or proceeding effected without the *-¦ The obligations of the District hereunderDistrict's consent. shall survive this Agreement and shall be binding on the succes sors and assigns of the District. That Idaho shall not be liable to the District,9 . or any individual,partnership or corporation,which is a landowner in said District,or to any third party for any injury,death or property damage,resulting from or with respect to the District's irrigation system,including,without limitation,those injuries, ! 11.AGREEMENT deaths or property damages,-resulting from or with respect to the District's irrigation system,located upstream from the Wiley Dam, caused as a result of or in any way related to the existence of and/or action of the water in the pool created as a result of the Wiley Dam. That Idaho shall have the non-consumptive use10. of all of the District's water,for power generation purposes, through Idaho's Lower Malad power plant and a portion of the District's water,for power generation purposes,through its m Idaho also shall have tne non-consumptive useBlisspowerplant. of the District's water,for power generation purposes,for any future hydro plants Idaho may construct on that stretch of the Snake River,lying between and including the current locations, on the date hereof,of Idaho's Lower Malad and Bliss power plants, including,without limitation,the A J Wiley power plant,which future power plant or plants can use all or any portion of the District's water for power generation purposes. To divert its water,during the irrigation season ! 11. ¦1*only and in such a manner,that to the extent the presently existing capacity of Idaho's Lower Malad and Bliss power plants can use the District's water,for power generation purposes, water other than that diverted by the District for irrigation, j-j. ¦.1 during the irrigation season only,and being applied directly on that land upstream from a point opposite the District's Black Mesa River pumping station,will be available to Idaho for use at Idaho's Lower Malad and Bliss power plants and for any future hydro plants Idaho may construct,on that stretch of the Snake River,lying between and including the current locations,on i AGREEMENT -12 . the date hereof,of Idaho's Lower Malad and Bliss power plants, including,without limitation,the A J Wiley power plant,which future hydro plant or plants can use all or any portion of the District's water for power generation purposes. To close and screw down its gate,in the flume12. located at that point immediately adjacent to Idaho's point of diversion,off the flume,for its Lower Malad power plant, gate shall be closed in such a manner so as to insure that there Said will be no leakage of water. That Idaho shall be permitted to maintain its13. A J Wiley Project boundary,including,without limitation,the water level in the Wiley pool,at points within the District's lands and/or easements,including,without limitation,that ease ment heretofore occupied by the Head End Siphon or any pipe \ connecting thereto on either the East or West bank of the Snake if said lands or easements fall within the A J Wiley ProjectRiver, boundary,as hereinafter defined,and/or any future amendment Pursuant to 18 CFR §4.41,Exhibit K (1)(iii),"projectthereto. t boundary"is defined as follows: t . '.-S I e-l V • "(iii)Excep.t with respect to lands necessary or appropriate for recreation purposes,for which it is recognized that additional project area will generally be required,the project boundary shall be no more than 200 feet (horizontal measurement)from the exterior margin (in general,high-water level)of reser voirs,nor shall the width of the project area for canals,ditchs,pipelines,transmission lines,roads,and other so-called continuous structures exceed 200 feet,unless satisfac tory reasons are given to the contrary." Not to oppose Idaho in its pursuit of regulatory permission to construct the A J Wiley Project and the Dike Project on the Snake River and to support,by a favorable 14 . lir.DCPMPMT -17 resolution of the Board of Directors of the District,any support reasonably requested by Idaho in connection with its attempt to seek regulatory permission to construct said projects;and To support Idaho in its efforts to obtain a renewal or extension of its license or a new license for its Bliss hydro 15. electric generating plant,when the license for said plant termi nates and to support Idaho in its current efforts to obtain a new license for its Lower Malad hydro electric generating plant, •Vi-V 5f*i ¦*«'J said support to be in the form of a favorable resolution of the Board of Directors of the District and any other support reasonably requested by Idaho;and To seek the authorization and approval of the16. Board of Directors of the District to enter into this Agreement, said authorization and approval to be in the form of a resolution, which resolution shall specify,by name or office,those officers and directors of the District authorized to sign this Agreement on behalf of the District;and To reimburse Idaho for those costs,which Idaho17.3 will incur in order to serve the District's pumping plants, ?>>.»! m including,without limitation,line extensions,substation costs This total cost,and thus theandotherrelatedfacilities. amount of the reimbursement payable to Idaho,by the District, shall be reduced by three (3)times that amount of money,which represents the difference between the total guaranteed annual revenue Idaho would receive from the District,based upon the applicable rate schedule in effect on February 1,1979,and the sum of One Hundred Eighty-five Thousand,Seven Hundred Dollars ($185,700.00). To make application to the Idaho Department of Water Resources to change its point of diversion,from that point on the Malad River,where said water was diverted,during the calendar year 1978,or if permissible under the Idaho law,to obtain supplemental points of diversion to those points on the Snake River,which points correspond with the location of the District's five (5)river pumping stations or four (4)river pumping stations if the District decides not to construct a river pumping station specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,which locations have been reviewd and 18 . approved by Idaho. That it will not sell,transfer or otherwise19. the right to which the District has todivestitselfofwater, divert for irrigation purposes,as of the date hereof,if said sale,transfer or divesture would,in any way affect Idaho's right to the use of the District's water, purposes,pursuant to this Agreement,at Idaho's Lower Malad and for power generation Bliss power plants and at any future hydro plant or plants Idaho1, may construct,on that stretch of the Snake River,lying between and including,the current locations,on the date hereof,of Idaho's Lower Malad and Bliss power plants,including,without limitation,the A J Wiley power plant. :•, If the District constructs a river pumping station20. specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,Idaho shall not be liable to the District,any individual, partnership or corporation,which is a landowner in said District | I(including,without limitation,the Ascuenas or their heirs, successors and assigns),or to any third party,resulting fromi : I or with respect Lo Lho proposed Inundation or Lhe inundation oC the District's pumping station serving the Ascuenas and Idaho or their heirs,successors and assigns,said inundation caused as a result of or in any way related to the creation of the Wiley pool. PART II IDAHO AGREES: To pay to the District,upon completion of construc tion of the District's pumping stations and related facilities,and upon removal of the Head End Siphon and unused pipe,as herein before specified in Part I,Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Agreement, 1. ';*"«-f m and upon obtaining evidence of the necessary approvals and orders, as hereinafter specified in Part III,Paragraphs 7 and 8 of this Agreement,the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00)in V consideration of the covenants and obligations of the District. To credit to the District's five (5)irrigation2. accounts or four (4)irrigation accounts,if the District decides not to construct a river pumping plant specifically to serve only ' that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,the Credit Amount.Said accounts are the only accounts subject to this Agreement.Said credit shall be made March 1 of each year,beginning with the calendar year 1979,during the life of the Energy portion of this Agreement,or any reduction thereof,as hereinafter defined in Part III,Paragraphs m 3,4 and 5 of this Agreement,as consideration for the use of the District's water,for power generation purposes,the sum of One Hundred Eighty-five Thousand,Seven Hundred Dollars (.$185,7,00.00) (hereinbefore and hereinafter referred to as the "Credit Amount"). This Credit Amount shall be proportionally allocated to each of the District's five (5)river pumping stations or four (4)river pumping stations,if the District decides not to construct a river pumping station specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,which accounts are the only accounts subject to this Agreement.Said allocation to be represented by that percentage that the horsepower of each pumping station bears to the total horsepower of the five (5)river pumping stations or four (4)river pumping stations,if the District§i|decides not to construct a river pumping station specifically to.*•i serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho.In the event the Idaho Public Utilities Commission orders an adjustment in the rate or charges of that rate schedule,applicable to the District's river pumping installations,said Credit Amount shall be increased or decreased by that percentage,which is determined to be the average for all Idaho customers under said rate schedule. This adjustment will be made effective in accordance with said Commission Order making such adjustment.In the event any ¦I regulatory agency adjusts,either by increasing or decreasing any applicable tax refund,the above Credit Amount will be decreased'¦"i-5"J by an amount,which reflects the tax refund increase as to the Credit Amount,or the above Credit Amount will be increased by an amount,which reflects the tax refund decrease as to the Credit When an adjustment is required because of a rate or taxAmount. refund change,an addendum shall be executed by the parties hereto reflecting the change in the Credit Amount. As currently planned,and if approved,that dam, which will be part of the A J Wiley Project,shall be constructed at a point in the East sides of Lots 3 and 8,Section 12,Town- 3. ship 6 South,Range 12 East,Boise Meridian,in Gooding and Twin Falls Counties,Idaho.Attached hereto and identified as Exhibit "A"is a map which reflects the location of said dam. By virtue of its attachment and by this reference,said Exhibit "A"is hereby made a part of this Agreement. That the District may,if it so desires,construct a pumping plant upstream from the proposed site of the Wiley Dam, to pump water from the Snake River to serve those lands,served by water supplied by the King Hill Irrigation District,during the calendar year 1978,which lie between the Head End Siphon and the proposed site of the Wiley Dam,and are owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,on the express and strict condition that,if such pumping plant is constructed at or below the high water line of the Wiley pool,Idaho shall have no responsibility to move or pay V „ for the moving of said pumping plant and shall not be liable for damages to said pumping plant,if said plant is inundated by the Wiley pool,and further that Idaho may use its flooding easements for the Wiley pool regardless of whether such pumping plant is at or below the high water line. 4. ¦'"1 .aJ J PART III THE PARTIES AGREE: That the proposed sites and construction plans for1. the District's five (5)river pumping plants,or if the District decides not to construct a river pumping station specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,then the proposed sites and construction plans for the District's four (4) river pumping plants,as selected by the District shall be presented to Idaho for Idaho's approval,which approval shall not be unreason-J AGREEMENT -18 . ably conditioned or withhold,and which approval or denial shall be given as promptly as is reasonably possible. as to enable Idaho to evaluate the feasibility and practicability of constructing those facilities necessary to enable Idaho to deliver electrical energy to the District's pumping plants. That they are still bound by the rights,duties, obligations and limitations,as specified in that February 9, 1909 Agreement. This is necessary so 2 . ---I I That the Energy portion of this Agreement is the obligation of Idaho to credit to the District's five (5)irriga tion accounts or four (4)irrigation accounts,if the District 3. decides not to construct a river pumping plant specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,that Credit Amount,as hereinbefore specified in Part II,Paragraph 2 of this Said Credit Amount is representative of the value ofAgreement. Fourteen Million (14,000,000)kilowatt hours,determined pursuant to the applicable rate schedule,as of March 1 of each calendar year,when said Credit Amount is credited or as thereafter adjusted, Said Credit Amount may be reduced pursuant to Part III,Paragraphs 4 or 5 of this Agreement or terminated pursuant to the provisions hereinafter ,1 i aa pursuant to Part II,Paragraph 2 of this Agreement. The obligation of Idaho to creditstatedinthissameparagraph. said Credit Amount to the District's five (5)irrigation accounts or four (4)irrigation accounts,if the District decides not to construct a river pumping plant,specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,shall terminate,if Idaho does not construct its A J Wiley Project,when Idaho ceases to operate both its Lower Malad and Bliss power plants due to lack If Idaho does construct i ts A J Wiley of regulatory authority. Project,then Idaho's obligation to credit said Credit Amount shall terminate when Idaho ceases to operate its Lower Malad, Bliss and A J Wiley power plants due to lack of regulatory Said termination shall not entitle Idaho to a refund, authority. rebate or reimbursement of any portion of said sum of One Million ($1,000,000.00),to be paid by Idaho to the District. Dollars That the obligation of the District to allow Idaho the use of the District's water,for power generation purposes,and the obligation to cease use of the Head End Siphon and the canal, shall terminate when Idaho ceases to operate its Lower Malad, 4 .T. Bliss and A J Wiley power plants due to lack of regulatory authority. If Idaho does not construct its A J Wiley Project, and if Idaho is not issiied a new license, 5 . authorizing power generation at Idaho's Lower Malad power plant,which power plant ceases to operate due to lack of regulatory authority,or Idaho's license,authorizing power generation at its Bliss power plant .1 terminates and no new license is issued,which power plant then "i ceases to operate due to lack of regulatory authority,then that Credit Amount,specified in Part II,Paragraph 2 of this Agreement, shall be reduced by that percentage,which represents the ratio that the energy generation,gained as a result'of the use of the District's water for power generation,under median water condi- ;!tions,at that power plant,which ceases to operate,bears to the total energy generation gained as a result of the use of the District's water for power generation,under median water condi- at Idaho's Lower Malad and Bliss power plants.If it is tions , the Lower Malad power plant which ceases to operate,due to lack of regulatory authority,then the Credit Amount shall be reduced If it is the Bliss power plantbySeventy-two percent (72%). which ceases to operate,due to lack of regulatory authority, then the Credit Amount shall be reduced by Twenty-eight percent (28%). If Idaho is not issued a new license,autho-6. » rizing power generation at its Lower Malad power plant,which then ceases to operate,due to lack of regulatory authority,1z- iandifIdahoconstructstheAJWileyProjectandbeginsthe;.2 generation of electricity,either before or after Idaho's Lower due to lack of regulatoryMaladpowerplantceasestooperate, authority,then that reduction of the Credit Amount by Seventy- two percent (72%),resulting from loss of power generation,at Idaho's Lower Malad power plant,as hereinbefore specified in Part III,Paragraph '5 of this Agreement,shall be reduced by Seventy and eight-tenths percent (70.8%),which is representative of the ratio that the energy generation,gained by Idaho as a ¦ t : result of the A J Wiley Project,bears to the total energy gene ration,gained by Idaho as a result of the use of the District's water,for power generation purposes,under median water condi tions,at Idaho's Lower Malad,Bliss and A J Wiley power plants. The reduction of the initial reduction of Seventy-two percent ?-7-i » 1. (72%)by Seventy and eight-tenths percent (70.8%),results in an effective reduction of the Credit Amount by Fifty-one percent .f (51%). That this Agreement,and its rights,duties,and7. obligations are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors Should this Agreement not be approved by theofbothparties. i Board oC Directors of both parties,then this Agreement and its rights,duties and obligations are null and void and of no further force or effect. That this Agreement and its rights,duties and obligations are subject to the approval of any state or federal regulatory agencies,having jurisdiction over Idaho on this matter,including,but not limited to,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.Should this Agreement not be approved,by an Order satisfactory to Idaho, in its terms and conditions by all of the state or federal regu latory agencies,having jurisdiction over Idaho on this matter, then this Agreement and its rights,duties and obligations are null and void and of no further force or effect. 8. This Agreement,and its rights,duties and obli gations shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their succes- 9. sors and assigns.! 1 The rights,duties,and obligations of the parties10.i hereunder are intended to be several and not joint or collective, and neither of the parties shall be jointly or severally liable for the acts,omissions or obligations of the other. ''- Nothing herein contained shall be construed to create an association, joint venture,partnership or impose a partnership duty,obliga tion or liability. That all electric power and energy used by the11. District shall be subject to the relevant rates,rules and regulations of Idaho,approved as of the date hereof,or as they may be hereafter modified and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The District:wiil not waste water,the right to12. which the District has to divert and is diverting for irrigation purposes,wherever and however said wasting is occurring.Idaho 's only remedy,if the District is wasting water,is Specific Perfor-•i mance of that duty and obligation of the District to not waste water . That the District shall build only five (5)river pumping stations or four (4)if the District decides not to 13 . >v; construct a river pumping plant specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho.Any additional pumping stations or any increase in the horsepower of any of the five (5)river pumping stations or four (4)if the District decides not to construct a river pumping plant specifically to serve only that land owned by the Ascuenas and Idaho,over and above the original installed horsepower,shall not be subject to this Agreement and any rights,obligations and duties hereof.It is agreed by both parties hereto that Idaho will attach hereto, marked as Exhibit "B",Idaho's Work Order maps,which will reflect the location and horsepower of each of the District's river ..»¦ .t 'r „pumping plants,as reviewed and approved by Idaho,pursuant to Part III,Paragraph 1 of this Agreement.By virtue of its attach ment and by this reference,Exhibit "B"is hereby made a part of this Agreement.Any additional facilities requested by the District or any individual,partnership or corporation,which is a landowner in said District,shall be handled pursuant to the applicable extension policy of Idaho,as approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. IN WITNESS WHEREOF ,the parties have hereunto caused r j their names Lo be subscribed by Llieir officers first LhereunLo duly authorized by resolution of their Boards of Directors,as of the day and year herein first above written. KING HILL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (SEAL)By GEORGE LA Chairman ATTEST: SB •*-ZJ-. By Barbara P c Secretary IDAHO POWER COMPANY (SEAL)By JAMES E BRUCE Pr&sadent ATTEST: Byt PAUL L JkUftEOUI Secretary \J f \ )STATE OF IDAHO :ss )COUNTY OF ELMORE On this day of >1979,before me, the undersigned,a Notary Public ,in and fox said State, personally appeared GEORGE LARSEN and BARBARA P CRANE,known to me to be the Chairman and Secretary,respectively,of KING HILL IRRIGATION DISTRICT,the irrigation district that executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that such irrigation district executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,the day and year in this certificate first above written.I&L.% -I-t: caJ(NOTARIAL SEAL) Neytary Public for Idaho Re^si/ding at: STATE OF IDAHO r SS )COUNTY OF ADA nA.day of htl ,1979,before me, (/for said State, On this qZ-' the undersigned,a Notary Public,in and personally appeared JAMES E BRUCE and PAUL L JAUREGUI ,known to me to be the President and Secretary,respectively,of IDAHO POWER COMPANY,the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same . X.v-l rJ -*V IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,the day and year in this certificate first above written. I (NOTARIAL SEAL) ;i Notary Public fo^"Idaho u Residing at: J ! BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-23-21 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 King Hill Irrigation District Agreement April 1979 AGREEMENT FOR DELIVERY OF POWER AND ENERGY TO KING HILL IRRIGATION DISTRICT IDAHO POWER COMPANY KING HILL IRRIGATION DISTRICT THIS AGREEMENT,Made this 11 day of Apr i 1 ,1979,by and between IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation duly qualified and authorized to do business in the State of Idaho,hereinafter referred to as "Company,"and KING HILL IRRI GATION DISTRICT,organized,existing and operating under the laws of the State of Idaho,and having its principal place of business in King Hill,Idaho,herein after referred to as "Customer"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the Customer owns and operates an irrigation system for the purpose of delivery of water from the Snake River to the lands of benefited landowners within King Hill Irrigation District;and WHEREAS,the Customer and Company have entered into an Agreement dated February 5,1979,providing in part that Company will credit an amount each year to certain irrigation pumps of Customer;and WHEREAS,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved the Agreement dated February 5,1979,by Order No 1AA39;and the parties desire to further specify those terms and con-WHEREAS, ditions under which Company would serve the pump stations required under the February 5,1979 Agreement. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth,the parties hereto agree as follows: The term of this Agreement shall extend from the date of execution ofI. -2- this Agreement to March 1,1989,which term shall be automatically renewed and extended from year to year thereafter unless or until terminated by Customer giving written notice to Company twelve (12)months in advance of the intended date of termination,or this Agreement will terminate concurrently with the energy portion of the Agreement between the parties dated February 5,1979,which entire Agreement by reference is made a part of this Agreement as if it were ex pressly set forth herein. Customer agrees to purchase,receive and pay for,and Company agrees2. to supply electric service required for Customer's irrigation operations at or in Elmore and Gooding Counties,State of Idaho,up to the amountnearKingHill of horsepower herein set forth,in the form of three-phase,alternating current at approximately 60 cycles per second and 480 and 2,400 volts,in accordance with and subject to the Company's Standard Rules and Regulations as now or here after in.effect and on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,and at All payments for service shall be made attherateshereinafterprovidedfor. the Company's office at Glenns Ferry,Idaho. (a)All electric power and energy,up to 10,000 horsepower,shall be3- supplied and billed in accordance with the Company's applicable irrigation pumping service rate schedule. (b)Points of delivery under this Agreement to be metered and billed separately are as follows: Pump Site No Account NoHorsepower%of Total Vol tage Location Lot Sec TS R IT 12 6S 12E 9 6S 1 1 E 12 5S 10E 28 5S 10E 480 1935-002087-0 1935-002084-0 1 93 5-002085-0 1935-002086-0 1121,200. 5,100 2,400 3 251 480800 68 3 42,400 6292,900 1 00?,Total 10,000 -3- ln the event Customer desires,subsequent to commencement of service at the above- mentioned points of delivery,to move the location or change the size of a pump installation,Customer shall pay any costs incurred by Company for such change. (c)The minimum monthly charge shall be the Demand Charge for the current month's maximum demand,but not less than the minimum expressed in the applicable irrigation pumping service schedule for each delivery point for any month that service is connected. (d)The Customer's minimum annual charge shall be the higher of the fo 1 1 owi ng : (i)An amount sufficient to make the total charges for service under this Agreement for the twelve-month period,ending February 28 of each year,equal to $220,100.00. (ii)An amount sufficient to make the charge for service under this Agreement for the twelve-month period,ending February 28 of each year,equal to $10.00 per horsepower at any one point of delivery shown in paragraph 3(b). The minimum charges set forth above shall apply during the term of this Agreement. A.It is mutually understood and agreed between the parties that: (a)Customer agrees to pay a one-time charge for the cost difference between underground construction and equivalent overhead construction on that portion of the line extensions to serve pump sites II 2 and ttb,which difference is in the amount of Four Thousand Six Hundred Forty-two and No/100 Dollars ($^,6^2.00)and is not subject to refund. (b)Customer further agrees to pay a one-time charge of Two Hundred Thirty-one Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-four and No/100 Dollars ($231,96^.00), which is not subject to refund and which represents the costs of line extensions and substations incurred by Company to provide the electric service to Customer's -it- pumps in paragraph 3(b)reduced by three (3)times the difference between the minimum annual charge in paragraph 3(d)(i)hereof and the Credit Amount. (c)Company,by March 1 of each year,shall credit pumping accounts of Customer set forth in paragraph 3(b)hereof by the amount of $185,700.00 (the Credit Amount adjusted in accordance with Part 11 Paragraph 2 of Agreement between the parties dated February 5,1979)allocated between accounts by the percent of total horsepower shown in column 2 of paragraph 3(b). (d)Customer shall pay in advance each year,unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing,the estimated full season billing for each pump less the appli cable percentage of the Credit Amount,which advance will be subject to adjust ment at the end of the season based on the actual season's billing. (e)Company will not be required to energize facilities for operation of pumps until the total estimated season's billings,less the Credit Amount,has been received from Customer. During the term of this Agreement and any renewals and extensions5. hereof,the Customer agrees to and will purchase from the Company all electric power and energy required for its operations at the above location,such power and energy up to the amount hereinabove set forth in paragraph 3(b)to be supplied and paid for as set forth in paragraph 3(a)above.It is mu tua 1 1 y understood and agreed that the amount of electric power the Company is to provide under this contract is expressly limited to the amount of horsepower as set forth paragraph 3(b).i n 6.terms and conditions of service set forth orThisAgreementandrates, incorporated herein,and t he respective rights and obligations of the parties hereunder,shall be subject to valid laws and to the regulatory authority and -5- orders,rules and regulations of Lhe Idaho Public Utilities Commission and such other administrative bodies having jurisdiction.Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the Idaho Public Utilities Commission from changing any rates,charges,classification or service,or any rule,regulation or conditions relating to service under this Agreement,or construed as affecting the right of the Company or the Customer to unilaterally make application to the Commission for any such change. is understood and agreed that the initial date of delivery of power7.I t is subject to the Company's ability to obtainandenergyunderthisAgreement required labor,materials,equipment,satisfactory rights of way and comply with government regulations,and that Company has no liability for failing to provide electric service as stated in that Agreement between the parties,dated February 5, 1979. KING HILL IRRIGATION DISTRICT £ />S A /r. ''fT/L Attest f/ IDAHO POWER COMPANY By Jent Attest A ) A (CUiAje. U i I nessyi/jM I i ; t BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-23-21 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 3 First Amendment to February 1979 King Hill Agreement BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-23-21 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 4 Second Amendment to February 1979 King Hill Agreement BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-23-21 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 5 First Amendment to April 1979 King Hill Agreement