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The following comments were submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Gordon Myers
Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 5:40PM
Email: gmyers6209@msn.com
Telephone: 208-871-8179
Address: 16830 Prairie Ln
Nampa, ID 83651
Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�lity Commissioners,
For years, Idaho Power has been pushing its customers to invest in solar power, to save energy and
decrease the demand on the grid. Now, they are working to reduce the incen�ves available to Idahoans
for their investments. The costs I incurred in the solar installa�on were supposed to be offset at least in
part by the savings on power, but by elimina�ng the net metering, Idaho Power has found a way to
con�nue charging me retail rates for the power I use when the sun isn't powering the panels, and then
paying me for the excess I produce at a much reduced rate.
Worse, even though I've had the panels for several years, I'm not included in the grandfather period. The
new rates, if approved at all, should be put into effect only for systems installed AFTER the change.
Idaho Power is proposing a dras�c overhaul to net metering with a complicated set of charges and
credits. If these proposals are approved by the Public Service Commission, they will make solar
unaffordable and inaccessible for you, and our working families.
Net metering is a billing policy that ensures solar customers receive full, fair retail credit from their u�lity
for the excess energy they produce. People and businesses in Idaho Power’s coverage area rely on net
metering so they can use solar to produce their own energy. In turn, they receive a bill credit for the
electricity they send back to the grid and share with their neighbors. The proposed changes to net
metering would have a devasta�ng impact on customers who have already gone solar or are thinking
about going solar, at a �me when they can least afford it.
Addi�onally, the proposed reduc�on and/or poten�al elimina�on of net metering diminishes the
economic poten�al for the roo�op solar industry to grow and create local jobs. Net metering is the
keystone policy that keeps solar economically viable and helps solar customers earn a return on their
investment in clean energy.
I urge you to oppose Idaho Power (Case Number IPC-E-23-14) proposal that would diminish the benefits
of roo�op solar and prevent more families from going solar.
Thank you for your considera�on."
Name: Dan Campbell
Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 7:02PM
Email: campcody@msn.com
Telephone: 208-789-1205
Address: 3521 MALIBU PL
Caldwell, ID 83605
Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "Passing this request would make our investment in solar power to help the environment and
save a few dollars a very losing situa�on. They should not be allowed to de-value our contribu�on to the
grid un�l our solar installa�on cost is recovered.
Name: Hubert Chaniewski
Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 7:51PM
Email: sgt.chew@yahoo.com
Telephone: 773-576-4277
Address: 223 Felton St
Caldwell , ID 83605
Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "Net metering is a fair system. No changes need to be made to this system. I got solar panels
last year. The main reason I got them was because of the net metering system. I do not have bateries, so
it's the only way that makes sense to have solar. If the credit was reduced I would effec�vely be paying
much more for electricity than if I didn't have the panels.
I am of the impression that giving energy back to the grid during peak produc�on reduces the strain on
the grid. This seems especially true during the summer when everyone has their AC running. I don't want
to live in a place that is subject to rolling black outs like some other states.
Keep net metering as it is. "
-----Original Message-----
From: Alfred <koenig@speedyquick.net>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 8:46 PM
To: Jan Noriyuki
Subject: IPC-E-23-14
Dear Secretary,
It has come to our aten�on that IPUC is entertaining the idea of allowing Idaho Power to begin giving
significantly less credit to solar energy providers. We think that Idaho Power would be grateful to the
ci�zens who provide power to Idaho Power free of charge (no cost to Idaho Power directly). Our
understanding is that Idaho Power sells power to other en��es. Why do they also now think that they
can give us less than 1-to-1 credit for the power we provide? We foot the bill for the ini�al cost of solar
panels. We foot the bill for upkeep. Do we also need to foot the bill for using power we have provided?
We are also trying to help Idaho Power reach their goal of 100% renewable energy.
We have chosen to install solar panels as good caretakers of our earth.
In good faith, we believed that Idaho Power would treat us reasonably.
We paid a significant amount of money to provide this power. Now they want to punish us. So, they
basically want us to pay for power twice - once when we installed the solar panels and again when we
use the power we provided? It just doesn't seem right. It's �me to reign in the "power" of Idaho Power. I
understand they feel a need to keep their investors happy; however, it's also important to keep their
customers happy.
Please don't punish those of us who are trying to do the right thing.
Thank you.
Alfred and Marjorie Koenig
11660 Lawrence Drive
Caldwell, ID 83607
The following comment was submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Mathew Masoni
Submission Time: Nov 3 2023 9:06AM
Email: inksaint@me.com
Telephone: 949-421-7971
Address: 4920 W Parkridge Dr
Eagle, ID 83714
Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�lity Commissioners,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my concerns about the proposed changes to the
metering policy for current solar users. These changes not only seem unfair but also have the poten�al
to make it significantly harder for solar users to pay off their solar debt, especially in the current inflated
Many individuals and families have made the responsible choice to adopt solar energy systems with the
understanding that they could generate savings over �me. The exis�ng metering policy has played a
crucial role in this, but the proposed changes to the metering policy threaten to disrupt this balance.
They will reduce or eliminate the fair compensa�on for excess energy, making it even more challenging
for current solar users to recoup their investment costs. This comes at a �me when our economy is
already experiencing infla�on, pu�ng addi�onal financial strain on households across the na�on.
The economic environment has made it increasingly difficult for families to manage their finances, and
any policy changes that make it even more challenging to pay off solar debt only compound these
difficul�es. In essence, it could deter poten�al solar adopters and prevent those who have already
invested in clean energy from realizing the financial benefits they ini�ally an�cipated.
I believe that it is essen�al to maintain a fair and suppor�ve environment for current solar users,
ensuring that they can con�nue to benefit from their eco-friendly choices and have a realis�c
opportunity to pay off their solar debt. I urge you to reconsider these proposed metering policy changes
and work toward policies that protect the interests of those who have already embraced solar energy.
Thank you for your aten�on to this mater. I hope we can work together to find a solu�on that maintains
fairness and sustainability for all current solar users during these challenging economic �mes.
Thank you for your considera�on."
The following comment was submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Sean Wakeley
Submission Time: Nov 3 2023 11:57AM
Email: freeklord@hotmail.com
Telephone: 208-290-5802
Address: 4720 W Glenn St.
Boise, ID 83705
Name of U�lity Company: Idaho power
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "As a new Solar Customer I am very concerned that the proposed changes to the exis�ng
solar credit system would severely impact my investment and make my choice to invest in Solar
financially challenging.
I chose to invest in solar to help our planet and also to offset rising costs.
I firmly believe that these changes should not impact any customer that installed solar before the
proposed change goes into place. This is very unfair to those who already invested.
Please strongly consider protec�ng exis�ng customers. "
The following comments were submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Jane Chandl
Submission Time: Nov 3 2023 2:38PM
Email: Jane.chandler@danone.com
Telephone: 208-863-6774
Address: 1407 East Je
Boise, ID 83712
Name of U�lity Company: Danone
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "I urge the PUC to reject Idaho Power’s proposal because it is clear that Idaho Power is
proposing these changes to increase profits without care for the environment or their customers as
detailed below.
1. The �me of use pricing op�on that has been proposed adds �me of use pricing for solar
customers, but these �mes do not match the �me of use pricing offered to non-solar customers. The
ra�onale Idaho Power has for �me of use pricing for non solar customers is that it incen�vizes people to
use less power. If that is the case, the �me of use pricing for solar customers and non-solar customers
should be the same and based off of market cost of electricity and demand placed on the system. Also
the credits received by solar customers should be significantly higher at �mes of stress on the grid
because this is power that Idaho power does not need to generate and makes the grid more stable
2. The real �me metering that Idaho Power has proposed does not look at the wholis�c effect of
energy produced by solar customers .For example, it does not take into account that there is decreased
strain on the system due to Idaho Power not needing to generate the power that is already being
generated by residen�al solar and the ability for my house to power my neighbors house next door
instead of having power come from a far of genera�on site where power is lost as it travels far distances.
3. In Idaho Power’s General Rate Case IPC-E-23-11 they are proposing to significantly increase the
flat monthly fee for all customers from around $5/month to about $35/month. This poten�al rate
change (along with the changes they would like to make to how customers are changed based on the
amount of power they use per month) will have a significant impact on the solar case and the rate
structure that Idaho power would like to implement on solar. Depending on the decision made in IPC-E-
23-11 Idaho Power’s argument that Solar customers are not paying their fair share may no longer be
applicable because all customers will be paying a significantly higher flat fee every month. Sue to the
large impact General Rate Case (IPC-E-23-11) will likely have on all Idaho Power customers the PUC
should reject Idaho powers proposal regarding Changing Solar rates of return and allow this topic to be
readdressed once IPC-E-23-11 is decided upon and there is an understanding of what all customer will
be paying going forward and how that impacts fair share.
The PUC has a duty to protect public interest especially because Idaho Power is a monopoly. I hope you
all will take to heart the immense responsibility that you bare and instead of doing what a powerful
company is lobbying you to do, chose to do what is right for the people of Idaho. "
Name: Darren Pitard
Submission Time: Nov 3 2023 2:56PM
Email: djpitard@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-599-4591
Address: 3074 W Newbury Ct
Eagle, ID 83616
Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�lity Commissioners,
I purchased my roo�op solar system to benefit my community and help with our sustainable energy
produc�on. It was a great expense to me and my family. We made this purchase expec�ng to be fairly
compensated for the excess electricity I produce. Idaho power receives my electricity at no cost to
them. I paid for connec�on and installa�on. They receive that electricity free from me, including on
their system that was already in place. I rely on net metering to help me pay for my own infrastructure
improvements. Amid infla�on, rising energy costs and grid instability, it’s clear that Idaho Power should
be doing a whole lot more to promote roo�op solar. Instead, the u�lity has submited a proposal (Case
Number IPC-E-23-14) that would make going solar harder and more expensive.
Idaho Power is proposing a dras�c overhaul to net metering with a complicated set of charges and
credits. If these proposals are approved by the Public Service Commission, they will make solar
unaffordable and inaccessible.
Net metering is a billing policy that ensures solar customers receive full, fair retail credit from their u�lity
for the excess energy they produce. People and businesses in Idaho Power’s coverage area rely on net
metering so they can use solar to produce their own energy. In turn, they receive a bill credit for the
electricity they send back to the grid and share with their neighbors. The proposed changes to net
metering would have a devasta�ng impact on customers who have already gone solar or are thinking
about going solar, at a �me when they can least afford it.
Addi�onally, the proposed reduc�on and/or poten�al elimina�on of net metering diminishes the
economic poten�al for the roo�op solar industry to grow and create local jobs. Net metering is the
keystone policy that keeps solar economically viable and helps solar customers earn a return on their
investment in clean energy.
I urge you to oppose Idaho Power (Case Number IPC-E-23-14) proposal that would diminish the benefits
of roo�op solar and prevent more families from going solar.
If changing the current system is necessary, then all currently installed systems, as of today, should be
grandfathered in to the old system.
Thank you for your considera�on."