HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231102Comments_10.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Kay Durman Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 9:29AM Email: dkdurman@gmail.com Telephone: 208-240-2610 Address: 5072 Cherokee St Pocatello, ID 83204 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Re: proposal to the compensa�on structure for on-site power generators: Please allow Idaho Power to change compensa�on to protect ALL of their customers, not just a select few who gambled that the rates would never change." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Josie Fretwell Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 1:12PM Email: josiefretwell@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-830-5649 Address: 3528 W Meadow Pl Boise, ID 83706-2766 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am concerned that suggested changes to the net metering fee structure proposed by Idaho Power for their roo�op solar customers will decrease investment in clean, renewable energy AND levy a special class fee on homeowners that purchased roo�op solar a�er Dec 20, 2019. As the climate con�nues to warm and the necessity of keeping coal, oil, and gas in the ground intensifies, residen�al customers that can partner with Idaho Power to provide clean, renewable energy should be encouraged. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Joshah Alencheril Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 1:33PM Email: joshah_alen@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-891-8161 Address: 764 E Trinidad Dr Meridian, ID 83642 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power 2 Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�lity Commissioners, Amid infla�on, rising energy costs and grid instability, it’s clear that Idaho Power should be doing a whole lot more to promote roo�op solar. Instead, the u�lity has submited a proposal (Case Number IPC-E-23- 14) that would make going solar harder and more expensive. Idaho Power is proposing a dras�c overhaul to net metering with a complicated set of charges and credits. If these proposals are approved by the Public Service Commission, they will make solar unaffordable and inaccessible for you, and our working families. Net metering is a billing policy that ensures solar customers receive full, fair retail credit from their u�lity for the excess energy they produce. People and businesses in Idaho Power’s coverage area rely on net metering so they can use solar to produce their own energy. In turn, they receive a bill credit for the electricity they send back to the grid and share with their neighbors. The proposed changes to net metering would have a devasta�ng impact on customers who have already gone solar or are thinking about going solar, at a �me when they can least afford it. Addi�onally, the proposed reduc�on and/or poten�al elimina�on of net metering diminishes the economic poten�al for the roo�op solar industry to grow and create local jobs. Net metering is the keystone policy that keeps solar economically viable and helps solar customers earn a return on their investment in clean energy. I urge you to oppose Idaho Power (Case Number IPC-E-23-14) proposal that would diminish the benefits of roo�op solar and prevent more families from going solar. Thank you for your considera�on." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Maury Smith Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 2:05PM Email: Maury@BoiseRiver.Homes Telephone: 208-284-5117 Address: 7855 E Rogue Drive Nampa, ID 83687 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I moved from CA to ID five years ago with the mentality that solar power was good for all. My wife and I invested approximately $40,000 to install a system on our brand new Nampa home so that we would have lower long term expenses due to this system. 3 We believe that it is wholly unfair to move the needle on exes�ng systems......you should not be able to change the rules on exis�ng solar belivers. Instead, why not change the rules for new users or don't make ANY changes. Very frustrated that net metering changes are being considered at all!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Marshall Murrin Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 2:23PM Email: mgmurrin@gmail.com Telephone: 208-412-8454 Address: 3724 W Hillcrest Dr Boise, ID 83705 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�lity Commissioners, Amid infla�on, rising energy costs and grid instability, it’s clear that Idaho Power should be doing a whole lot more to promote roo�op solar. Instead, the u�lity has submited a proposal (Case Number IPC-E-23- 14) that would make going solar harder and more expensive. Idaho Power is proposing a dras�c overhaul to net metering with a complicated set of charges and credits. If these proposals are approved by the Public Service Commission, they will make solar unaffordable and inaccessible for you, and our working families. I personally made this decision to invest in solar because of the environmental impact plus being able to generate power during the highest usage �mes helping Idaho Power during these high-demand �mes. This was also a financial decision made in 2022. In Idaho Power's proposal 2022 is not considered legacy, which it should be. Doing anything otherwise is a huge bait and switch and is not a fair prac�ce. If they were to pass this ruling but have it for systems installed a�er a future date then at least the thousands of people like me wouldn't be ge�ng financially punished for trying to help Idaho achieve its green goals. Net metering is a billing policy that ensures solar customers receive full, fair retail credit from their u�lity for the excess energy they produce. People and businesses in Idaho Power’s coverage area rely on net metering so they can use solar to produce their own energy. In turn, they receive a bill credit for the electricity they send back to the grid and share with their neighbors. The proposed changes to net metering would have a devasta�ng impact on customers who have already gone solar or are thinking about going solar, at a �me when they can least afford it. I urge you to oppose Idaho Power (Case Number IPC-E-23-14) proposal that would diminish the benefits of roo�op solar and prevent more families from going solar. Thank you for your considera�on." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Name: Bety Brooks Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 2:33PM Email: btyb981@q.com Telephone: 208-309-0237 Address: PO Box 981 Hailey, ID 83333 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�lity Commissioners, Amid infla�on, rising energy costs and grid instability, it’s clear that Idaho Power should be doing a whole lot more to promote roo�op solar. Instead, the u�lity has submited a proposal (Case Number IPC-E-23- 14) that would make going solar harder and more expensive. In fact, solar users should receive more money back. Idaho Power is proposing a dras�c overhaul to net metering with a complicated set of charges and credits. If these proposals are approved by the Public Service Commission, they will make solar unaffordable and inaccessible for you, and our working families. Net metering is a billing policy that ensures solar customers receive full, fair retail credit from their u�lity for the excess energy they produce. People and businesses in Idaho Power’s coverage area rely on net metering so they can use solar to produce their own energy. In turn, they receive a bill credit for the electricity they send back to the grid and share with their neighbors. The proposed changes to net metering would have a devasta�ng impact on customers who have already gone solar or are thinking about going solar, at a �me when they can least afford it. Addi�onally, the proposed reduc�on and/or poten�al elimina�on of net metering diminishes the economic poten�al for the roo�op solar industry to grow and create local jobs. Net metering is the keystone policy that keeps solar economically viable and helps solar customers earn a return on their investment in clean energy. I urge you to oppose Idaho Power (Case Number IPC-E-23-14) proposal that would diminish the benefits of roo�op solar and prevent more families from going solar. Thank you for your considera�on." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Richard Wuori Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 3:20PM Email: rick@superior-engineers.com 5 Telephone: 208-749-6672 Address: 1227 S 19TH ST NAMPA, ID 83686 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: " Dear Idaho Public U�lity Commissioners, Amid infla�on, rising energy costs and grid instability, it’s clear that Idaho Power should be doing much more to promote roo�op solar. Roo�op solar provides power especially needed at peak �mes when Idaho Power is struggling to meet demand and would otherwise be forced to expand its power genera�on capability at high cost. Instead, the u�lity has submited a proposal (Case Number IPC-E-23- 14) that would make going solar harder and more expensive. Idaho Power is proposing a dras�c overhaul to net metering with a complicated set of charges and credits. If these proposals are approved by the Public Service Commission, they will make solar unaffordable and inaccessible for you, and our working families. Net metering is a billing policy that ensures solar customers receive full, fair retail credit from their u�lity for the excess energy they produce. People and businesses in Idaho Power’s coverage area rely on net metering so they can use solar to produce their own energy. In turn, they receive a bill credit for the electricity they send back to the grid and share with their neighbors. The proposed changes to net metering would have a devasta�ng impact on customers who have already gone solar or are thinking about going solar, at a �me when they can least afford it. Addi�onally, the proposed reduc�on and/or poten�al elimina�on of net metering diminishes the economic poten�al for the roo�op solar industry to grow and create local jobs. Net metering is the keystone policy that keeps solar economically viable and helps solar customers earn a return on their investment in clean energy. I urge you to oppose Idaho Power (Case Number IPC-E-23-14) proposal that would diminish the benefits of roo�op solar and prevent more families from going solar. Thank you for your considera�on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Beverly Montano Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 3:22PM Email: beverlymontano@gmail.com Telephone: 208-318-3243 Address: 4265 N. Liesel Lane Boise, ID 83704 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power 6 Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I understand Idaho Power is submi�ng to change the way their customers using Solar are billed, and this customers feels this is just 1 more way the "people" are affected in a nega�ve way. We spent a lot of money inves�ng in Solar to help our planet and to create our own power and ul�mately save money on our power month. Now, the way I understand it, its not right for Idaho Power to make changes regarding customers with Solar now, or ever. Idaho Power should even give Incen�ves to buy excess power rather than simply take it away during certain months. Idaho Power should be suppor�ng and promo�ng solar usage and not trying to penalize those of us that have chosen to make this investment. Most people would never have made this investment if they had known Idaho Power would ul�mately change the rules to get more money from people. " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Tim Schaap Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 3:40PM Email: trschaap@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-631-3939 Address: 2819 Quail Meadow Loop Caldwell, ID 83605 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "This comment is in regards to Idaho Powers request to decrease the amount paid to homeowners for power generated via homeowner owned solar power and increase the amount we pay for power from Idaho Power. My wife and I are re�red, living on fixed income. We got our solar panels two years ago and are very happy with it. We are s�ll paying for those panels. If Idaho power gets their way, we won't be able to pay both bills, power and solar. This is outrageous that they are trying to do this to us. We are trying to be responsible ci�zens and do our part to cut our energy use and provide some. Idaho Power is being greedy. If this goes through, my wife and I will be hurt financially in a bad way, please don't let this happen. There is no good reason for Idaho Power to do this other than add to their botom line. Please help us and don't allow this to happen. Thank you Tim and Juanita Schaap 11/2/23" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Warren Smith Submission Time: Nov 2 2023 3:50PM Email: casvaswss@gmail.com Telephone: 208-841-7256 Address: 2778 NW 12th St Meridian, ID 83646-3100 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power 7 Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please do not let Idaho Power reduce the net power provision. Many of us are trying to do our part to help the country go green on power. Yet the power companies are doing everything possible to degrade the individual generator so their profits can be higher and the officers in the company can get bigger bonus' and paychecks at the expense of the individual producer. Warren Smith" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------