HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231030Comments_3.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Pete Friedman Submission Time: Oct 30 2023 11:05AM Email: pfaicp@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-869-4969 Address: 4088 W. Quail Ridge Dr. Boise, ID 83703 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Commissioners, We were unable to atend the recent hearing on the instant applica�on. Our previous comments were provided on May 16 and September 9, 2023. Please accept the following as an addendum to those comments. A�er reading some of the tes�mony from the recent hearing, it strikes us that there are reasonable alterna�ves to the requested rate structure proposed by Idaho Power. These include the alterna�ves presented at the hearing or capping the price at the �me of panel installa�on. A�er a recent visit to friends in California, we learned that their power company ( publicly traded company) has an annual "setle up" process. In other words at the end of the year the amount of power generated is compared to the amount used and they are either reimbursed for the excess generated or charged if they use more than generated. An elegantly simple and common sense structure. The same process is used for friends in Oregon and Washington. Sincerely, Pete andBetsy Friedman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Brad Brady Submission Time: Oct 30 2023 12:12PM Email: bbrady@bradysbunch.com Telephone: 208-313-1960 Address: 260 Mark Twain dr Buhl, ID 83316 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho power 2 Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please don't let Idaho Power be another nail in the planets ability to sustain human life! There is no valid argument to reduce what they are paying for solar power other than greed. They talk about fair pricing, what a joke. If you take what the true cost of fossil fuel power then solar would be cheap at twice what they are currently paying. Another major considera�on is if a lot more people are genera�ng local power it will help reduce the load on an immensely overburdened gride. Think if your children and grandchildren and do the right thing. PLEASE!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jacob Klimes Submission Time: Oct 30 2023 3:26PM Email: jaker.the.runner@gmail.com Telephone: 208316476 Address: 628 14th Ave n Buhl, ID 83316 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "My name is Jacob Klimes. I am a life lo g idahoan, father, husband, and nurse. I installed solar panels in January of 2020. Owning solar panels has been a life long dream. I love the idea of producing my own power, and I see it as a way to rid myself of most of my u�lity bills. My panels will provide a more financially secure future for myself and my family. Also, using power that doesn't come from coal plants, or the turbines that plugged most of the water at 1,000 springs, or from dams that keep salmon from returning to their na�ve land is also a great thing. When I purchased my panels, the agreement was I produce what I use, and any extra I deposit to idaho power, and then get that back later. That means I'm producing during the day when rates are higher, then using at night when the rates are lower. I am already on the losing side of this agreement, but I don't care because this isn't about making money, this is about a sustainable future. The argument that my neighbors are burdened with paying extra for my set up is just ridiculous. They are already going to have a power bill. Idaho power s�ll gets their money. The only difference is that my neighbors are paying for power that I produce, but I don't get that money! Idaho power does! Even a�er I use my deposited credits, Idaho power s�ll makes money off me. The argument about a separate grid is also ridiculous. The only change to the system is a new meter. That's it. New wires weren't strung, new poles were not installed, just a new meter. I'm prety sure I paid for it, too. With their changes, there is a chance that I will once again have a power bill. That means the $27,000 investment that I made is no longer an investment, but a burden. It will become a pit to throw money into, and it's not like I can return them, I am stuck with them. The way the system works now, I am working towards an all electric future, ge�ng rid of all fossil fuels and even natural gas. I believe this to be the future for most idahoans, But that will abruptly stop if Idaho power gets their way. We will forever be dependant on coal, natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, propane, and diesel. Please don't let Idaho power ruin Idaho's green future, and the financial future of those who already have panels." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------