HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231025Comments_49.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Marlaine Babbit Submission Time: Oct 21 2023 9:35AM Email: webetoys5@yahoo.com Telephone: 209-606-9840 Address: 13865 locust ln Nampa , ID 83686 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I believe Idaho Power should NOT be allowed to increase rates to solar genera�ng customers. and now in addi�on to the way they want to charge/credit us they now want to increase our flat fee for maintenance. they are benefi�ng from our solar genera�on and s�ll want us to pay them" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Gordon Sorensen Submission Time: Oct 22 2023 11:29AM Email: gordons@fastmail.com Telephone: 208-972-3936 Address: 14001 E Blacks Creek Rd Boise, ID 83716 Name of U�lity Company: idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am definitely against these changes to the Net Metering program. A few years ago the PUC in case number IPC-E-18-15 issued Order No. 34509 which denied Idaho Power's request to modify the then exis�ng Net Metering program. Our personal grid �e solar panel system was among the many covered by the grandfather clause to exempt those systems from Idaho Power's efforts to decrease the amount Idaho Power compensated the grid �e solar panel owner for any excess power that was generated. In that Order No. 34509 one of the reasons for denying that request was the fact that Idaho Power did not include any data analysis that actually supported their claims of "not paying their (owners of the grid �e solar systems) fair share". In wading through the "suppor�ng" informa�on for this latest Idaho Power's proposal to change the rate schedules for Net Metering, Idaho Power submited an astonishing amount of informa�on (data?). Most of which was not germane to iden�fying any actual costs incurred by Idaho Power's implementa�on of the current Net metering program. I saw nothing recognizing the fact that Net metering customers 2 reduce peak demand by using less power from the grid and typically the system actually supplies power in peak demand periods. Further more Idaho Power has for some�me charged monthly access fees for access to the their grid, which supposedly covers their fixed costs for the customer's access. Idaho power has programs where they pay customers to allow Idaho Power to turn off the customer's air condi�oner or other significant electrical loads. Why is that none of their calcula�ons include that? I find it rather interes�ng that one of the PUC comments in the Order No. 34509 was "The public was not on adequate no�ce that this docket would result in anything more than a study". In that case Idaho Power simply skipped over the data analysis part and went right to implemen�ng the changes to the rate structure. In this current case IPC-E023-14 Idaho Power decided to supply a huge amount of data/numbers but s�ll no real analysis of the cost/benefits of the exis�ng Net Metering program. I am lead to believe that there is no data to support changing the Net Metering program, not in Dec of 2019 and not in October of 2023. I was astonished and grateful back in Dec of 2019 with the PUC's response to Idaho Power. This request needs a similar response. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jeffrey Stevenson Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 7:44AM Email: allawishish.steve@gmail.com Telephone: 406-212-1268 Address: 22624 Aura Vista Way Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Good Morning, As a Private Power Generator, we invested in Solar Power for numerous reasons. 1) Owning a home that was powered by Solar, both PV and Thermal was a lifelong aspira�on. 2) Clean Energy Benefits the Environment. 3) Zero Power Bill 4) We believe that every house in America that could benefit from Solar should have Solar on it. Idaho Power created an environment that drew large numbers into Solar with the a beneficial rate structure. Now they’re taking that away instead of con�nuing with a program the benefits them and all Residen�al Generators. We generate 16.2 MwH annually combining that with all other residen�al Generators. Without the economic support that the current system provides Solar Providers and Installers, I suspect many will go out of business, this new rate system lacking incen�ves will cause a radical downturn in new customers and new systems. We appreciate your support!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Mauricio Steffen Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 12:11PM Email: mauriciosteffen@live.com Telephone: 208-703-0255 Address: 17323 N. Ronan Ave. Nampa, ID 83687-9269 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Company Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am advoca�ng for the PUC to help stop Idaho Power from decreasing the solar credit earning poten�al on the basis of the points listed below, as well as help to beter incen�vize more u�lity customers the poten�al op�on to opt for solar power. • Idaho Power has a 100% clean energy goal - keep the public interested and contribu�ng to that goal with fair programs, including sufficient solar credit earning poten�al. Distributed energy system owners should be fairly compensated for the services they provide and programs should enable a local energy economy. • Customers of all types deserve programs that help make the right choice for their family’s energy use, ensuring pathways to universal access for all Idaho &amp; Oregon residents to par�cipate in energy produc�on • Local clean energy systems provide grid security and reliability while protec�ng our climate and public lands from catastrophic events like wildfires • Solar programs provide countless, high profile jobs for diverse groups of people. From administra�ve and electrical, inspectors, and u�lity employees alike. Please don't downsize jobs in Idaho and Oregon by decreasing the public interest in the growing solar industry by reducing their incen�ve for clean energy. Thank you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Stephen Alder Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 12:41PM Email: stephen.d.alder@gmail.com Telephone: 971-272-4582 Address: 11631 N nelson Lane Pocatello, id 83202 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 4 Comment: "The rate changes as posited by Idaho Power are confusing and I cannot understand in layman's terms what they entail. This tells me that they are not interested in telling their customers in plain American, what they intend to do and why. If the photovoltaic generator are producing more than they take in, why do we need to pay more to keep an account open? This indicates an unwillingness to be transparent." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Marc As�n Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 3:15PM Email: mtas�n@me.com Telephone: 208-731-0859 Address: 719 Riverview Drive Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "ID to whom it may concern: I am in total opposi�on to the readjustment/appor�onment of the schedules with which Idaho power that I recently agreed. And I had to pay for the infrastructure of the solar energy generated over the last year. This is then shared with Idaho power, and they are able to use it for their profit. The argument of redistribu�on of wealth as a social construct for this change is ridiculous. Their corporate structure cannot be granted authority for the redistribu�on of resources or wealth. They have not demonstrated a financial need for the company, only an equity argument. I do not support DEI nor ESG. Neither should the State of Idaho do not allow those of us who have taken a social responsibility towards the environment to be pushed aside in the name of big corpora�on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Barbara Garrison Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 3:20PM Email: barbarajgarrison1@gmail.com Telephone: 208-230-7052 Address: 1740 S Taggart Boise, ID 83705 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Why was I sent this no�ce?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Name: Rosanne Oh Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 3:24PM Email: Rosanne.antelli@gmail.com Telephone: 802-309-4173 Address: 6261 s teak ave Boise, ID 83716 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power and Solar genera�on Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Reconsider the evalua�on from Idaho Power to unfairly compensate the power genera�ng customers. Other states provide incen�ves for green power and Idaho is con�nuing to discourage solar and electric cars. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Stuart Brodie Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 3:28PM Email: sgbrodie@gmail.com Telephone: 951-907-9074 Address: 2668 N. Finsbury Avenue Star, ID 83669-1208 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Unfortunately I will not be able to atend the public hearing. It's a shame that this mee�ng is being held during the middle of working hours for most people. If you are truly a public commission and "really" care about the public's opinion, I for one, would appreciate a place and �me so that we can all atend in order to give our tes�mony. I am opposed to the changes proposed for personal genera�on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rick Graff Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 3:34PM Email: rickygraff@gmail.com Telephone: 805-450-7023 Address: 1965 West Maracay Drive MERIDIAN, ID 83646 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 6 Comment: "We, the public with solar panels, have made an investment in the power grid that helps all ci�zens obtain the lowest cost electricity. Please don't squash the renewable energy momentum that future genera�ons need." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Steven Kaehler Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 3:36PM Email: sdkaehler@gmail.com Telephone: 206-850-1645 Address: 1634 Rimview Dr Caldwell, ID 83605-2136 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am concerned that the on-site solar power genera�on by residen�al customers isn't being valued as it should be. We recently had solar installed on my roof to help lower my power costs and to lighten the load on the grid. We have been pleased with the performance now that summer is over and we aren't using AC. We s�ll had prety good sized bills when we were using it. The current method where we simply get kW credit for excess genera�on seems to work okay, but we've only had our system for a few months. We don't know how it will do over the whole year. Please don't change the current method." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ryan Olsen Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 3:40PM Email: ryan.s.olsen@gmail.com Telephone: 208-908-2044 Address: 2345 N. Ayrshire Pl Meridian, ID 83646 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "ID Please do not allow Idaho Power the authority to implement changes to the current compensa�on structure for customers with onsite generators, either now or in the future." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Franklin Smith Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 3:53PM Email: bsmith@boisestate.edu Telephone: 208-866-1653 7 Address: 6024 N PLANO LN BOISE, ID 83703 Name of U�lity Company: IDAHO POWER Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "The proposed changes to solar genera�ng credits is simply another example of a corporate en�ty wishing to alter the rules to supplement their botom line. Even though all Idaho Power Customers who are currently genera�ng solar power, added the solar produc�on based upon the offer for "credit recompense" made to them at the �me of installa�on, Idaho Power would now like to make changes to what we will be compensated. We have been par�cipa�ng for about 15 months now and find the proposed change to our compensa�on/credits is contrary to fair prac�ces. IDAHO POWER SHOULD BE HELD TO THE IN-FORCE AND AGREED TO STIPULATIONS AT THE TIME THE SOLAR GENERATION EXPENSE WAS INCURRED BY THEIR CUSTOMERS. WE WERE AND ARE LARGELY DRIVEN TO BE PARTICIPANTS WORKING TOWARDS A COOPERATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE ELECTRICAL POWER GRID. CHANGING THE TERMS OF CO-GENERATION FOR CURRENT USERS/PRODUCERS, FROM THOSE SPECIFIED AND/OR IMPLIED BY IDAHO POWER FOR ANY CURRENT SOLAR CONTRIBUTORS, WILL PRODUCE A VERY NEGATIVE RESULT AND WILL CERTAINLY REDUCE FUTURE PARTICIPATION FROM FAMILIES IN IDAHO. THIS PROPOSAL SHOULD BE DENIED!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Andrea Jerome Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 4:02PM Email: andreafayedrake@gmail.com Telephone: 208-989-9684 Address: 18934 Fargo Rd Wilder, ID 83676 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Why just in person tes�mony? So not many people will have the ability to atend? Why not let everyones voice be heard whether it be pre recorded message, text message, writen leter, email, comment in a comment sec�on. Beter yet why not have a survey sent to every single solar genera�ng customer. Where they can vote whether they agree with the proposed change and leave a comment. Whether this survey is digital or paper and mailed. Addi�onally I do not agree with the new proposed changes to solar genera�ng customers. Solar has been pushed so hard in the last few years to create your own power and not have a power bill. That is 8 the simple fact we got solar in the first place. To eliminate our power bill for years down the road when we are re�red and need the extra money. We are crea�ng more power than we use currently and do not have a power bill. I cant forsee a single solar genera�ng customer ok with what the new changes are." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Josh Fadness Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 4:11PM Email: joshfadndess@gmail.com Telephone: 208-961-0229 Address: 2432 Blick ln Twin falls , ID 83301 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "This proposal is insane. It is cruel, manipula�ve, and greedy. This does not benefit a single customer. It only hurts the people that could benefit from solar or other op�ons. People who actually need it because Idaho power is consistently and dras�cally raising peoples prices. This proposal will hurt all homeowners with solar. People take on loans and pay interest and have a system (1-1 net metering) in place that jus�fies taking on that commitment and helps us towards our state and na�ons goal of going green. This CASH GRAB by ID power is despicable. It’s stealing from its own customer and neighbors. People who pay to get solar and have ID power sell there power at a profit and not return the en�rety of the power that ID power used from the residents system is WRONG. Not allowing the public to show up to speak and voice there opinions is wrong. Everything about this is obvious we are being taken advantage of. DON’T TURN YOUR BACK ON IDAHO." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Anne Weber Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 4:17PM Email: organized@cox.net Telephone: 208-720-3779 Address: 611 E Elm Street Hailey, ID 83333 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I would like Idaho Power to con�nue its current financial reimbursements to customers who currently have solar generators for home &amp; commercial opera�ons as well as future solar customers in Idaho. Hydro, coal &amp; other sources of power are not sustainable any more. We need to encourage more solar so as to reverse global warming. Idaho currently lags behind the rest of our country &amp; this would be a great opportunity to prove Idaho is forward thinking &amp; encourage more solar install for individuals &amp; businesses. " 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: David Wallas Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 4:29PM Email: bwana_dave@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-869-5393 Address: 9704 West Bridgegate Street Boisr, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "My family and I have lived in Idaho for over 20 years and during this �me we have cheered on solar and wind power produc�on. In many States, energy companies buy back addi�onal power produced from home solar programs and partner with solar companies because they know that as popula�ons in the State grow, more energy is needed. I am not going to install solar if it takes me 20 years to pay off the equipment and get to a break even stage. By then it will almost be �me to get new panels and start again. If Idaho Power covered the cost of panels, gave a power use discount based on panel output and homeowners paid to have them installed—it would be a win for more power in the grid and a win for homeowners for helping to support clean energy." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mark Helsley Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 4:57PM Email: markhelsley@gmail.com Telephone: 208-404-3734 Address: 3389N 2800 E Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Hello, I cannot make an in person comment and would like for the commission to reconsider the in person only tes�mony on this issue. I would also ask the commission to consider the financial reimbursement rate that Idaho Power is proposing. The purpose of my solar panels is to help reduce my monthly bills and hedge the infla�on increases. Idaho Power's proposal will require me to pay them every month while they make money on my solar genera�on. Thank you for your considera�on in this mater." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Laureen Strong Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 5:25PM Email: jandlstrong@msn.com Telephone: 208-283-1706 Address: 2151 W LONESOME DOVE ST MERIDIAN, ID 83646 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please reconsider the "in-person" tes�mony and the hours of the hearing as well as the general issues with the proposal." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jus�n LaFee Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 6:39PM Email: jlafee@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-484-3577 Address: 2188 N Rubine Lane Kuna, ID 83634 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Moving from net metering at the retail rate to an ECR model is wholly to the benefit of Idaho Power’s profitability and not to the customers who have undertaken the not insignificant costs to install and maintain residen�al systems. The residen�al model rates currently allow for budge�ng and a reasonable payback period of a solar array and provides Idaho Power a highly flexible decentralized power genera�on service that has improved Idaho Power’s ability to sell electricity to other customers even during peak demand. If the decision is to remove the retail rate net metering then owners of solar generated power should be able to broker rates individually or collec�vely to sell their power on the open market. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Pamela Davis Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 7:26PM Email: padavis579@gmail.com Telephone: 208-315-4938 Address: PO Box 26 McCall, ID 83638 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power 11 Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I do not agree with this proposal. Promo�ng solar energy is cri�cal. We all need to pitch in and try to slow global warming. Penalizing homeowners is a poor policy. With all of the natural disasters occurring worldwide, the need to diversify our energy delivery is very important, in addi�on to the climate benefits. We are helping Idaho Power meet its energy needs in their rapidly growing service area. This is especially true during peak usage �mes, such as irriga�on and air-condi�oning seasons. Thank you for your �me and considera�on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Karen Bradley Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 7:33PM Email: kbshrink87@gmail.com Telephone: 208-283-2481 Address: 22 CREEKSIDE CT GARDEN VALLEY, ID 83622-5294 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I built my re�rement home in Garden Valley and closed escrow 12-2-2021. I had a big shock of an $801 power bill in January 2022. I have experienced genuine panic with the idaho power rate increases. I paid $36k for the solar panels I've got, and it was clear I need many more. I am semi re�red and unable to be squeezed any further by this power company. I've spent hard earned money to be a good steward of the environment. I would like to believe that Idaho Power is a company that reflects the original values of na�ve Idahoans. Please honor the original terms of those who invested in solar! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mauricio Steffen Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 8:16PM Email: mauriciosteffen@live.com Telephone: 208-703-0255 Address: 17323 North Ronan Avenue Nampa, ID 83687 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Company Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am very concerned over the limited access to the public hearing for this mater. It is a mater that affects Idaho Power customers across the state but is only happening once and during business hours preven�ng many people from commen�ng. This coupled with the user "unfriendliness" of making writen comments on this website creates an environment where people's voices are not heard." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Name: Brian Albertson Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 8:55PM Email: Alby2000@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-559-3459 Address: 4225 S. Choctaw Way Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please consider all the comments regarding the proposed changes to the net metering system. Specifically those comments regarding the limited �me for public access, the small window for peak hour genera�on/compensa�on, and the numbers game w/ reducing the value of a generated KWh. How is reducing the value of power generated by a solar system an incen�ve for customers to add a solar grid to their home's roo�op? At the least home's w/ solar grid should receive equal cost for each generated KWh, and why not add a bonus to these customers and/or a penalty to all other customers. if solar is key component/percentange of the future electric grid, would it not be beneficial for ID power to have a majority of it's customer w/ roo�op solar? thank you Brian" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Josh Hoisington Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 9:04PM Email: jlhois@gmail.com Telephone: 303-325-6429 Address: 310 W. Greensboro Ct. Boise, ID 83706 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "First, the hours and loca�on for a “public” mee�ng that concerns Idahoans across the en�re state is unacceptable. Fair par�cipa�on should be a key func�on in any governmental agency, quasi or not. Second, Idaho Power wishes to profit from individual Idahoans investment in solar. This is an egregious profiteering overreach by a public u�lity. A u�lity company should be expected to pay a fair and reasonable price for any power generated, solar or hydroelectric. This proposal should be reviewed and amended by an that is independent source, not a quasi- governmental agency that receives funding from the u�li�es it supposedly regulates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Name: Dennis Burlison Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 6:32AM Email: dennisburlison@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-409-3560 Address: 1420 Chelsey Cir Mountain Home , ID 83647 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Many if us have spent 40,000 plus dollars to help our community go green and reduce our carbon footprint. Currently we s�ll have to pay a small fee for being in the grid even though we are adding to the amount of power available. Other states actually pay their solar customers for the power they generate while the greedy idaho power company wants to charge the people trying to save our planet money for producing their own power. I could have payed less money and stayed on idaho power increasing the carbon footprint they are crea�ng, but insteadI'm pushing triple the monthly rate for my solar system in order to mask a beter world for our next genera�on. I vote no to any increase in cost to solar users and if they keep insis�ng on this proposi�on I will just go full batery and have myself removed permanently from the grid and they won't even get the current hookup fees. I incurrage my fellow solo solar prac��oners to vote no as we are helping the world and should not be penalized " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Bryan Siddall Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 7:16AM Email: bryansiddall@gmail.com Telephone: 347-479-9153 Address: 342 S Sunset Point Way Meridian, ID 83642 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "There are major issues and conflicts with this proposal. I would ask that the board reconsider. This will greatly affect the ability of homeowners to get a return on their investment and will s�fle the growth of clean, solar energy. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Name: Rich Cotner Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 7:31AM Email: rich@pre-engconst.com Telephone: 208-890-2452 Address: 4905 W. View Pl. Meridian, ID 83642 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "When I was a child my grandmother always used to tell me that I couldn't have it both ways. That is exactly what Idaho Power is atemp�ng to get. They want to give very litle for the power we generate but charge us full value for the power we use. By changing the period in which they evaluate usage to a single day, they will be taking power at minimal cost from us and then reselling it back to us at a much higher rate. We would be paying them for our own power generated that day. The Public U�li�es Commission is supposed to assist and protect the ci�zens of this great state and I really hope they can see through Idaho Powers atempts to cripple our efforts to be self sustaining." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Brian Herman Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 7:51AM Email: brian.herman.live@gmail.com Telephone: 303-378-2812 Address: 1404 N 7th St Boise, ID 83702 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I'm opposed to rate changes proposed for home solar generators. Our private investment in solar benefits all power consumers and reduces carbon emissions from large scale power genera�on. We've already paid our share of the infrastructure that connects us to the grid, in the years before installing solar. Now we're providing benefit to everyone. We should not be punished for this. Increasing our monthy costs by 10x is unfair and inappropriate. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jeffrey Hollingshead Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 10:10AM Email: reedh40@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-867-7497 Address: 12082 N 19th Ave 15 Garden City, ID 83714 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Customer Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I have supported Idaho Power as a resident owner for over 30 years. I recently installed a solar power genera�on system for my home and received credit for excess power genera�on as deemed appropriate by Idaho Power. The change in the program, reducing the amount of credit issued for extra power, goes against why I made the $25,000 investment to install power in the first place. I am reducing the amount of energy consumed by the Idaho Power system by having solar-generated ability in my home, leaving that excess power available for other Idaho Power customers. Moving away from fossil fuels and hydro-generated power systems to more sustainable power sources such as solar and wind, and having individual residences pay for and supply power to their homes independent of Idaho Power offsets the cost of implemen�ng that solar source for power genera�on for the company. Keeping the incen�ves in place as a credit allows the customer to recoup some of the installa�on costs and provides everyone with solar power for their home, becoming less dependent on Public U�li�es for their power consump�on needs. At the same �me, Idaho Power is reducing its overall cost and the investment needed to supply a growing popula�on. If the credits are taken away or diminished, it negates the incen�ves for people to make a solar investment. Help the people help you in inves�ng in the future by maintaining the current credit system and allowing the public to fund their power genera�on systems." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mel Mohr Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 10:11AM Email: idaspudone@gmail.com Telephone: 208-870-5122 Address: POBox 4569 McCall, ID 83638 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Why isn't more loca�ons being used for examina�on and input from the customers of IP for this case? And why isn't the PUBLIC being represented by you rather than the corp heads of this u�lity? Unbelievable! " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Dan Ostermiller Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 11:38AM Email: ostermillermd@gmail.com Telephone: 208-634-6442 Address: 300 Crowley Ln McCall, ID 83638 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please support homer Solar and keep the current reimbursement plans for home solar. Or make it more lucra�ve for the home owner. There are a lot of roof space that can be u�lized with no ecological consequences. This power I produce is used by my neighbors as well. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Dawn Lea Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 12:04PM Email: dawn@dawnlea.com Telephone: 208-890-5416 Address: 1554 North Sunup Way Eagle, ID 83616-7024 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "ID. I hope that you reject Idaho Power’s request to cheapen solar use/costs to consumers. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t want us to use more of the abundant and free sun power that exists in Idaho. It should be easier and not harder to aquire and use solar power, especially in a state as sunny as Idaho. We got solar to help lessen the burden of power usage, even if it’s only a litle, as our state popula�on surges. As we grow in popula�on as a state, I feel that alterna�ve power sources, such as solar, will be a huge benefit to the state. Please help Idaho Power see this future. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Perry Lea Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 12:44PM Email: perry@perrylea.com Telephone: 208-863-2703 Address: 1554 N. Sunup Way Eagle, ID 83616-7024 17 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "As a long term (35 year) Idaho resident and homeowner that installed roo�op solar in 2022 I cannot and will not accept the proposal of reducing export credit rates from 8-10c per kWh to 2.8-4c per kWh. There was NO no�ce to this change when I installed solar. This reduc�on in credit is roughly a 72% cut in favor of the power u�li�es. This helps no one but their botom line. It discourages roo�op solar to help reduce the burden of electricity, cut our demand of foreign fuels, and reduce greenhouse emissions plaguing our children’s future environment. This proposal is nothing short of egregious. Addi�onally scheduling this hearing midweek and midday with litle no�ce is heinous and raises the op�cs that this is an underhanded and biased ac�vity - further reducing our trust in u�li�es and our government. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Tailor Sponcey Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 1:00PM Email: tsponcey@gmail.com Telephone: 208-280-0061 Address: 2095 E 3950 N Filer, ID 83328 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I Tailor Sponcey am advoca�ng for the PUC to help stop Idaho Power from decreasing the solar credit earning poten�al on the basis of the points listed below, as well as help to beter incen�vize more u�lity customers the poten�al op�on to opt for solar power. · Idaho Power has a 100% clean energy goal - keep the public interested and contribu�ng to that goal with fair programs, including sufficient solar credit earning poten�al. Distributed energy system owners should be fairly compensated for the services they provide and programs should enable a local energy economy. · Customers of all types deserve programs that help make the right choice for their family’s energy use, ensuring pathways to universal access for all Idaho &amp; Oregon residents to par�cipate in energy produc�on · Local clean energy systems provide grid security and reliability while protec�ng our climate and public lands from catastrophic events like wildfires 18 · Solar programs provide countless, high profile jobs for diverse groups of people. From administra�ve and electrical, inspectors, and u�lity employees alike. Please don't downsize jobs in Idaho and Oregon by decreasing the public interest in the growing solar industry by reducing their incen�ve for clean energy. Thank you" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: James Ulmen Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 1:59PM Email: tlemun@gmail.com Telephone: 208-230-1809 Address: 586 S Sawtooth Ave Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am wri�ng to voice my opposi�on to Idaho Power's proposal. It is unfair to customers for Idaho Power to change the rules in this way. Idaho Power should be suppor�ng more solar, not punishing those who use it! I ask the Idaho Public U�li�es Commission to do everything in their power to encourage the adop�on of solar power throughout the State." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jayne Elliot Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 4:27PM Email: elliotj1485@gmail.com Telephone: 208-965-3370 Address: 1485 n. Crestmont Dr Meridian, ID 83642 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I couldn't atend the public mee�ng tonite regarding Solar Power compensa�on. I put in Solar panels to help Idaho Power to not be so burdened with high volume usage. I expect an even trade for my usage/produc�on. I have invested $14000.00 to help offset the Power needed for my home from Idaho Power. Thank you, Jayne Elliot " 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Carl Breidenbach Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 4:55PM Email: breidenbachcarl@gmail.com Telephone: 208-891-1136 Address: 4135 South Minuteman Way Boise, ID 83706 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "To the Idaho Public U�li�es Commision, I am an Idaho Power shareholder, and want the best for Idaho Power and its shareholders. However your job is not to protect me as a shareholder, rather to protect us as customers, and the public. I was upset to learn today's Public Hearing had no digital par�cipa�on element as most of our world has adopted over the past few years. Idaho Power’s requested changes to net metering have some glaring issues that I feel need to be addressed. I am very concerned with the real �me net billing concept. I understand the percep�on of inaccurate reading over long periods. However as I watch my solar and batery system it uses the grid as a buffer of sorts. It will “needlessly” import or export power in small quan��es to balance its load especially as appliances turn on or off in the home. This has the poten�al to create essen�ally phantom load that may incur significant charges due to the differen�al in export value vs import cost. Whereas this drop in the bucket will have almost no impact on the grid. I would encourage hourly or even 10 minute periods of net metering to capture what a customer is consuming or providing without collec�ng the noise. Legacy Status: Idaho Power clearly believes they have provided ample warning to new customers since the last grandfather clause was enacted. I however believe a new grandfather date needs to be made as of the decision date. While Idaho Power expects a fair deal and contracts they can count on it is equally unfair to expect people to make investments with no guarantee of the future. When I installed my system I had the understanding that things could change, but with no proposal at the �me, there was no way to make a future cost benefit analysis. As just one example it appears that under this structure West facing panels would be more advantageous than my south panels. However I was not given an opportunity to even consider an alternate layout because the informa�on was not available. I have a huge issue with the applica�on of TOU rate or on peak vs off peak billing rates. As a proponent of a stable electrical grid and a fair shake for the U�lity I completely support varied �me of use rates. However crea�ng �me of use/genera�on rates for only one group of customers seems to be unduly targe�ng that specific group. If Idaho power wants to make power fees fair between onsite generators and non generators they should both be subject to the same �me of use plan. 20 Finally I want to lament the backwards nature of this proposal and as the Public U�li�es Commision to think how they should be helping. The net effect of this proposal is a drama�c undervalua�on of solar power. In the compe�ng assessment of the value of our power commissioned by several community groups the point that stuck out to me is that most of our exports are not traveling long distances. It's going next door, not 100 miles from genera�on to consump�on. I have been involved in energy efficiency programs for a very long �me. It seems wild and crazy that Idaho Power would offer financial incen�ves to lower power demand. For example I got $2,000 per HVLS fan for my employer to try to cut cooling demand. If Idaho Power wants to avoid gas peaker plants they should be cra�ing a rate structure to support on site solar and distributed bateries. I don’t believe this does that at all. Thank You, Carl Breidenbach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Robert Wen Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 5:26PM Email: rbwen13@gmail.com Telephone: 408-431-2307 Address: 3042 Sweetwater Dr Boise, ID 83716 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "As a homeowner, I think Idaho Power's monopoly and policies are downright predatory towards it's consumers. Yet we are le� with no choice. The one choice that we had was to turn to solar power, so we had that right to generate our own electricity. What Idaho Power is proposing enables them to make money off of solar power consumers. They are proposing to buy the energy at a lower rate, and sell it for the right price. Above this, they have �ers during the summer for using too much electricity. These higher summer rates were defined by a limited amount of power. This directly contradicts their ac�ons in limi�ng the use of solar in their consumers. Solar power is most efficient in the summer, when this company says that power is most limited. Having more customers generate power for their neighbors therefore should in theory be beneficial to Idaho Power, but these policies show conflic�ng statements. The one way these policies align is monetary gain for Idaho Power. Again, keep in mind that this is a monopoly. With any monopoly, the monopoly controller has the power in their hands to abuse their consumers. The whole reason monopolies are frowned upon is because this has been done again and again in history, countless �mes. The only protec�on against these monopolicies is the government and their policies. 21 I'm not surprised that Idaho Power has brought these policies to the government. Stock holders look towards money, and there are no bars for these giant coorpora�ons. I just plead for the sake of the people of Idaho, for the freedom of choice in this country, and for the hopeful outlook towards a ci�zen- enabled future that the council reviews these policies with scru�ny. Thank you for your �me." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Anne Herndon Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 8:07PM Email: aherndon9@aim.com Telephone: 208-377-8767 Address: 6110 Bay Street Boise, ID 83704 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I urge you to REJECT Idaho Power's proposal in this case. Idaho Power's applica�on is far too technical and complicated for the average customer to understand. The proposal is based on a study that was biased to begin with (the 2022 Value of Distributed Energy Resources Study) and does absolutely nothing to promote the development of on-site genera�on of clean renewable solar energy. It is especially disturbing that Idaho Power is simultaneously seeking a general rate increase in a separate case (IPC-E-23-11) which would further discourage customers from inves�ng in energy conserva�on. Idaho Power is a private company that answers first and foremost to its shareholders. It is the responsibility of the Public U�li�es Commission to protect the ci�zens of Idaho from companies such as Idaho Power that seek to increase their profits without jus�fica�on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Daniel Bennet Submission Time: Oct 25 2023 9:36AM Email: danbennet281@gmail.com Telephone: 208-608-1363 Address: 289 W Screech Owl Dr Kuna, ID 83634 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 22 Comment: "I atended the hearing last night in Boise as I did almost a year ago regarding the acceptance of the VODER study. It is nice to hear from people advoca�ng for themselves and other community members as the commission has failed to advocate for this community by accep�ng a one-sided study aimed at diminishing the value of self-generated energy. By not accep�ng a third-party study or any other input to weigh the true value of on-site genera�on; this board has clearly set a precedent that they will approve Idaho Power's proposals and there will be no checks and balances as to what Idaho Power claims to be the value of private solar. I will remind this board that you have an incredibly rare decision to make within this case. You could poten�ally establish the monetary value of a commodity in the state of Idaho. As you can tell by the audience last night, a great deal of the beneficiaries of this compensa�on are re�rees. These folks installed solar systems, like many others, to save themselves from the impending infla�on and unstable grid. This reduc�on in compensa�on is dras�c, and to further allow an adjustment each year to compensa�on will surely give way to decreased compensa�on as Idaho Power is protected from repor�ng losses. The individuals, the people in this state; those whom you represent, will suffer. I have a unique role and responsibility in the solar community to provide summaries of what the VODER study suggests and what the proposals mean for individuals and businesses to a massive audience. I am also a 5th genera�on Idahoan and like most of the long-tenured Idahoan's I have watched Idaho Power's growth through any means necessary. This is not a company for the people, this is a for-profit monster that relies on campaign dona�ons and land acquisi�ons to further their posi�on. And we must believe that this study, the only study this board will accept is truthful and doesn't need to be corroborated? Idaho Power is a terrible resource for informa�on; just look at their website. The majority of informa�on is false and intended to scare off would-be solar clients. “If you’re considering installing solar panels or other renewable genera�on at your home or business, Idaho Power is here to help.” - False - Help by deterring from installing? “Remember, the warran�es on solar equipment can last 10–20 years.” - False, most warran�es are 25-30 years and life expectancies are well beyond 40 years “Each kilowat (kW) of solar requires approximately 100 square feet of unshaded space.” - False, currently 52sq � for 1kw and Panels are designed to produce energy even in par�ally shaded areas. “financing op�ons for Idaho Solar Clients" (click) – link deliberately does not work even a�er reported” “Decide what is the best use of your money right now by comparing the expected returns from different investment op�ons, like stocks, bonds, other purchases or simply saving for your future.” - Not all reasons for going Solar are financial. "ESTIMATED BREAK-EVEN POINT (SIMPLE PAYBACK) IF PAYING UP FRONT IN CASH Current 13–17 years Proposed 19–24 years" - Incorrect Current 9-11 years Proposed 13-15 years Even less with the tremendous amount of tax incen�ves available and the es�mated opera�onal lifespan is well beyond the 30 years Idaho Power gives credit to. Solar Providers in Idaho are required to follow Chapter 48 �tle 18 of the legisla�on (Solar Provider disclosure act) yet Idaho Power can defame anything/anyone they'd like without recourse. Addi�onally, the messaging from Idaho Power regarding upcoming poten�al changes are never prefaced with such. The leters to our clients look like things have changed and been accepted and one small paragraph on 23 the back page states "not yet approved." I field hundreds of ques�ons with every leter Idaho Power sends as they treat every proposal they have as already in mo�on. Idaho Power execu�ves are openly sta�ng to neighbors and friends that they are doing everything they can to quell private solar and to not install systems on their own home. This is the source of your informa�on in the VODER study. This is the privately held monopoly asking you to increase profits at a significant cost to those you serve. In the proposal Idaho Power reminds the IPUC of its "core regulatory objec�ve, to leave consumers indifferent to where their energy comes from." This is different. Private Solar comes from the hard work of folks like myself and the more than 15,000 other solar providers in Idaho Powers service territories doing everything they can to support their families and help stabilize a wavering grid with zero op�on for buying low and selling high. At minimum you need to seek a third-party study before making changes to our compensa�on. And we should not allow them to propose changes each year to take away value from individuals. This proposal needs to be denied. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Gary Hall Submission Time: Oct 25 2023 10:51AM Email: garyh163@gmail.com Telephone: 208-866-2720 Address: 6336 W Parapet Ct Boise, ID 83703-2842 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Hello , My comment is that I oppose Idaho Powers proposed residen�al solar power co-genera�on payment decrease . Having powered an apartment building and business space in Pocatello with my own wind power back in the mid 70's , when Idaho Power refused to accept co generated power , I have a broad context . At that �me I had no op�on but to completely disconnect from IP and rely on a 40 kw batery bank . Thankfully for future alterna�ve energy produc�on , the PUC , under the leadership of Perry Swisher , ordered IP and other power suppliers to begin accep�ng co generated ( and avoided costs ) power at a reasonable rate . The PUC needs to step up again on behalf of the ratepayers and reject Idaho Powers request to stuff down future solar power installa�ons . Sincerely , Gary Hall" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 From: Stan W. Johns <stan@maxxllc.net> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 1:21 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: PUC Hearing case number IPC-E-23-14 Dear Idaho Public U�lity Commission: We urge you to NOT accept Idaho Power’s proposal to change net metering. Their proposal would hurt exis�ng customers and make it difficult for other Idahoans to go solar in the future. The proposal is not fair: 1. The proposal cuts solar rates for customers that installed solar in the last three years. These customers made a purchasing decision based on current policy and the rules should not be changed midstream for their systems, when they’ve already made the investment. The changes would cause a longer return on investment and could cause financial harm. 2. The proposal cuts solar rates, even when the u�lity benefits from that solar power. Fairly compensa�ng solar customers only during peak hours ignores the benefits solar provides to their system at all other �mes. 3. This proposal makes it harder for solar customers to earn a return on their investment. This means that fewer people will be able to choose to generate their own energy and go solar in the future. This proposal takes away choice and energy independence from Idahoans. 4. The u�lity should be encouraging customers to go solar with beter rates at all �mes for the benefit of all and for a greener Idaho. We urge you to deny Idaho Power’s proposal and con�nue to allow Idahoans the freedom to generate their own energy. Thank you, Stan Johns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 23,2023 Case Number IPC-E-23-14 Dear Idaho Public Utility Commission: I you not to accept Idaho Power's proposal to change net metering.Their proposalwouldhurtexistingcustomersandmakeitdifficultforotherIdahoanstogosolarin thefuture. The proposal is not fair: 1.At no time was I ever told or made aware of any possible changes with the Idaho Public Utility Commission when I purchased my solar panels.I feel,those of us thatpurchasedsolarpowershouldbegrandfatheredintoourcurrentrates. 2.The proposal cuts solar rates for customers that installed solar in the last three years.These customers made a purchasing decision based on current policy and therulesshouldnotbechangedmidstreamfortheirsystems,when they'vealready madetheinvestment.The changes would cause a longer return on investment and could cause financial harm. 3.The proposal cuts solar rates,even when the utility benefits from that solar power.Fairly compensatingsolar customers only during peak hours ignores thebenefitssolarprovidestotheirsystematallothertimes. 4.This proposal makes it harder for solar customers to earn a return on theirinvestment.This means that fewer people will be able to choose to generate their ownenergyandgosolarinthefuture.This proposal takes away choice and energyindependencefromIdahoans. I deny Idaho Power's proposal and continue to allow Idahoans the freedom to generate their own energy. Thank You, Nola Cates 154 Ellswort Road Pocatello,Idaho 83202 208-681-5089 RECEIVED 2023 OCTOBER 25, 2023 9:57AM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION James Kalua Idaho Power: October 23,2023 R.E Solar Panels and Net Metering To Idaho Power and the PUC, I am a Retired Army Veteran on a fixe income.My wife and I are both on SS,and limited Retirement.We require the benefits we receive from out Solar Panels that were installed by Solar Dog,Inc.I purchased the solar panels,which I own free and clear.The ability to pay less than Ten Dollars a month during the peak hours has saved my wife and I extreme financial debt. If Idaho Power takes away the benefit of Solar Panels,than my wife and I will no longer be able to pay the high rates that are being currently charged for Power.And with the high prices of Gasoline,Food and Utilities,we will be unable to financially pay the cost of electricity as well. My solar panels are an extreme help and benefit to myself and my family. Sincerely, James A.Kalua For PUC meeting.....J'ec-6-D /V A few months ago,I started looking at solar and found out what Idaho Power was proposing.After talking to Idaho Power who seemed to be discouragingprivate solar,I seriously considered not doing it. But I investigatedwhy the PUC was formed and its purpose is to protect us from monopolies controlling things for power and profit. I decided to go ahead and spend a lot of money to install solar and do my part to transfer our power needs to renewable. If you approve this request by Idaho Power,it will discourageothers from investing in solar projects and therefore slow what seems to be everyone's desire to encourage.And it will certainly harm those of us who have made that investment. Idaho Power should not want to discourageprivate solar production,as our peak production time is when Idaho Power needs it the most.Our production helps eliminate the need for rolling blackouts like so many companiesaround the nation are implementing during those peak hours. I am askingyou to deny this request for changefrom the net metering now in place with Idaho Power. Virgil Stucker 8815 S Ten Mile Rd Meridian,Id 83642 Cell:208-794-0999 Email:virgilstucker@msn.com Introduce myself as Jared Scofield,head of a family of 5 in Meridian,in the Bear CreekSubdivision,a homeowner with solar generation. As a concerned homeowner in Ada County,I have 3 points of contention with the proposedIdahoPowerchangestotariffsandbillingforaveragesolarhomeownerslikeme. I'd like to issue my 3 points and then briefly breakdown my concerns and possiblesolutions that I believe would abate the concerns of most average solar homeowners. 1.Our systems were designed to function under the monthly billing protocol. 2.The price per kWh is being shifted from a 1 to 1 pricing structure to a .5 to 1 pricing structure which devalues the solar homeowner's generationversus Idaho Power's provision. 3.The average homeowner feels entirely powerless in the face of proposed changes to theirsystemandbilling. When I installed solar on my home in 2020,my system was designed by a company thatoperatedundertheassumptionsthatthebillingofsolarwasonamonthlynetbasis,therefore,my system was designed to generate overage during certain times of the year,and that overage would help offset the usage from other times of the year such as Summer A/C season.This would allow my system to benefit me as a customer by reducing my kWh bill by approximately 90%on an annual basis.Mind you,I still pay monthlyfees associated withconnection,service,and regulation by Idaho Power.tJnder Idaho Power's proposal,there will no longer be any bankingof kWh for future offsetting,therefore all the kWh that my systemproducesintheoffseasonwillnolongerbenefitmebyoffsettingmyusageinthepeak season.Instead they would propose to shift to a real time consumption payment method.Therefore,my 2nd point becomes relevant.Idaho Power would shift the balance in their favorfromtheprevious1to1tradeoffofkWhgeneratedversusconsumed,to a .5 to 1 pricing structure of kWh generated versus consumed.Idaho Power proposes to pay me 4.91 centsperkWhthatIgenerateonmysystemonmyhomewhichIownandthenproposestocharge me a minimum of 9.8633 cents per kWh for the first 300 kWh used and then up to 11.7472 cents per kWh for all additional consumption.This .5 to 1 ratio now penalizesthe solar homeowner grievously by devaluingtheir generation by approximately50%and allows Idaho Power to essentially change the rules that our solar systems were designedto function underthusrenderingthemcrippledintheireffectivenesstoperformtheirintendedfunction,to offsetthepowerbillbygeneratingourownpower.Now,someone might say,"But look,they'repayingupto20.4221 cents per kWh generated on peak during the Summer,surely that 4 to 1ratiooutweighsthe.5 to 1 ratio,right?"Wrong,because Idaho Power has stacked the deck intheirfavorhereaswellbylimitingthe4to1benefittothehoursof3PMto11PM,MondaythroughSaturday,except holidays,from June 15th to September 15th.To be clear,solargenerationfallsoffdramaticallybetween3PMand11PM,they will effectively never have topaythe4to1ratiobecauselittletonopowerisgeneratedduringthattime.Furthermore,the 3 month limitation AND exception of Sundays tips the balance further in Idaho Power's favor.This is the same type of structuringof the rules that casinos use so that "The House always wins".By devaluing the solar homeowner's production,many would be made to feel like they've been sold a bill of goods or have wasted their money on their home solar systems. Which brings me to my 3rd point,that the average homeowner feels powerlessin the face of these proposedchanges.Idaho Power has invested heavily to prepare its 343 page proposal with the intention to exact a price from its customers,specificallytargeting the solar community.And what voice do we have?What vote do we have?Only these limited hearings?When the viability of our own propertyweighs in the balance,and Idaho Power holds all the cards,the average homeowner feels trapped and helpless. So,here are my proposals to abate all these concerns. 1.Grandfatherevery current system in operation and all those in the process of installation, to be billed under the monthly net meteringstructure which they were designedto operate under.Give a deadline such as December 31st 2024 for all new solar generation systems to comply with new real time metering and billing standards.This will allow companies time toredesignthesystemstheywilloffertoaccountforthe.5 to 1 billing structure and allow them to sell systems to homeowners that will still have the intended results of eliminatingtheir power bill by generatingthe correct amount of kWh to offset that bill.This 1 proposal would eliminate the concerns of my first 2 pointsfor existing solar homeowners as well as give the freedom to Idaho Power to propose changes they wish to see in the future,but that would not catch anyone off guard,like the homeowners and solar companies. 2.If no grandfatheringwill be allowed for solar homeownerslike me,then I would ask for provision to reduce the .5 to 1 ratio back to a 1 to 1 ratio,or to eliminate the many exceptions to the pricing structure for home generated kWh.That might look like paying the peak rate for all hours of the day rather than just 3PM to 11PM.That might look like includingSundays. That might look like expanding the Summer months from June 15 to May 15 and from September 15 to October 15th.Or it might look like just paying the same rate for kWh as they charge to customers and at the same rate schedules.These various changes would add value back to the solar homeowner and allow them to feel relief from the .5 to 1 ratio. 3.Finally,I would propose a voting forum for solar homeowners where they could be representedformally,even if by proxy through mail in ballot where they might be informed and then respond accordinglyto issues that directly involve their property. I believe that Idaho Power acts in the best interest of Idaho Power first,and we the solar homeowners will act in our best interest first.But together,if we opened dialogue and fostered relationshipfor mutual benefit,I believe that we could come to a resolution that would benefit both sides of the discussion without targeting or harming 1 subset of customers unnecessarily. I want to thank Idaho Power for their service to the citizens by proactivelydeveloping infrastructure and programs that would benefit all of us.I want to thank the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for hearing me today and for weighing these matters fairly and rightly. Thank you. Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C.No.29,Tariff No.101 Oriqinal Sheet No.8-7 SCHEDULE 8SMALLGENERALSERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) SUMMERAND NON-SUMMERSEASONS For Monthly Charges,the summer season begins on June 1 of ecch year and ends on August 31ofeachyear.For Monthly Charges,the non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year andendsonMay31ofeachyear. For the Export Credit Rate,the summer season begins on June 15 of each year and ends onSeptember15ofeachyear.For the Export Credit Rate,the non-summer season begins on September 16ofeachyearandendsonJune14ofeachyear. TIME PERIODS The time periods for the Export Credit Rate are defined as follows.AII times are stated in MountainTime. Summer Season On-Peak:3:00 p.m.to 11:00 p.m.Mondaythrough Saturday,except holidaysOff-Peak:11:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m.Mondaythrough Saturday and all hours on Sundayandholidays Non-summer Season Off-Peak:AII hours Mondaythrough Sunday Holidays are New Year's Day (January 1),Memorial Day (last Monday in May),IndependenceDay(July 4),Labor Day (first Monday in September),Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November),and Christmas Day (December 25).If New Year's Day,IndependenceDay,or Christmas Day falls onSunday,the following Monday will be designated a holiday. MONTHLYCHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges,and may also include charges as set forthinSchedule54(Fixed Cost Adjustment),Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment),Schedule 91 (EnergyEfficiencyRider),Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees),Schedule 96 (Blaine CountySurchargetoFundtheUndergroundingofCertainFacilities),and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small FarmEnergyCredit). The following charges are subject to change upon Commission approval: Summer Non-summer Service Charge,per month $5.00 $5.00 Energy Charge,per kWh First 300 kWh 9.8633¢9.8633¢AII AdditionalkWh 11.7472¢10.3486¢ IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYissuedperOrderNo.Timothy E.Tatum,Vice President,Regulatory AffairsEffective--1221 West Idaho Street,Boise,Idaho Idaho Power Company l.P.U.C.No.29,Tariff No.101 Oriqinal Sheet No.8-8 SCHEDULE 8SMALLGENERALSERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) EXPORT CREDIT RATE The following rate structure and credits are subject to change upon Commission approval: Summer Non-summerExportCreditRate,per kWh On-Peak 20.4221¢n/aOff-Peak 4.9100¢4.9100¢ PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt,and becomespastdue15daysfromthedateonwhichrendered. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYissuedperOrderNo.Timothy E.Tatum,Vice President,Regulatory AffairsEffective--1221 West Idaho Street,Boise,Idaho Co½ atont A/Á no;3 /Man -Aaa22n at we a C amaa aamal had A Ao Ëm:ow 5412292 2Bwo-Ana&&aa2 -2 «sa 2ARAu na0 AChuleLL 36020 z21 Ld d