HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231023Comments(6)_6.pdfFrom:Scott Reagan To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-23-14 Hearing Date:Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:02:26 PM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachmentsBEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agencyservice desk with any concerns. Hi, my name is Scott Reagan and I'm an Idaho Power customer in McCall/Donnelly. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's rooftop solar changes. The hearings need to be after general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more cities, and include a virtual testimony option for all the people who can't attend in-person. I live in McCall/Donnelly and both of the locations are over 100 miles from me - thus a virtual option is the least you can do to make this inclusive of areas that are affected. Please help people participate in our democracy, particularly on proposals coming from a monopoly utility. Thank you, Scott Reagan RECEIVED Monday, October 23, 2023 10:05:46 AM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION From:dkemper398@gmail.com To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:CASE IPC-E-23-14 Comments Date:Monday, October 23, 2023 10:08:34 AM Attachments:Kemper Peak Hour Calculations June 15-September 30 2022 A.xlsx CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE youclick or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with anyconcerns. My name is Don Kemper. I am a long time Idaho Power customer at 1821 Edgecliff Terrace in Boise. Iam also the founder and retired CEO of Healthwise, also an IPC customer. Under the proposed changes to Schedule 6, my home’s annual power bills would more than triple by2024 and almost quadruple by 2026. As a person concerned about climate change, I Invested $30,000 in a 7 kW rooftop solar project tohelp speed IPC’s transition away from coal. My project application was presented to Idaho Power in October 2020 but did not get certified untilJanuary 20, 2021. Conveniently for the company, I missed grandfather status by a month. I didn’t worry. I figured that the company might propose modest adjustments to Schedule 6 but itwouldn’t be too bad. I was wrong. I have used my 2022 hour-by-hour energy flow data from IPC to calculate how my billings wouldchange using the proposed ERC in this case and the fee structure and rates proposed in the pendingrate case CASE E-23-11. In 2024, with no change in my power use, my annual billings would increase from $173 to $536. By2026 they would go up to $619, almost 4 times my current cost. I am attaching my analysis so that staff might confirm all I have said. I have three requests for the Commission. First, please extend grandfather rights to all Schedule 6 installations made within 1 year of yourruling on this case. No one imagined the changes would triple costs for Schedule 6 customers. Itdoes. Second, please combine your consideration of the two cases. The proposed ERC changes aredramatic enough. But, when combined with a six-fold increase in service fees and the elimination ofincentives for low energy use in E-23-11, it changes the analysis of what is fair. Third, and perhaps most importantly, please take a harder look at climate change. Help get Idahooff coal-fired power faster. Delays in transmission line permitting has slowed Idaho Power’s shift torenewables. Co-generation can quickly fill that gap. Your ruling in this case will make a difference. Thank you. From:Paul Cooperrider To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Need a better public process for hearings regarding IPC-E-23-14 Date:Monday, October 23, 2023 10:11:02 AM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachmentsBEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agencyservice desk with any concerns. Dear PUC Commissioners, Holding public hearings during the weekday when many people are still working does notrepresent a genuine intent for public comment, especially when there is no provision forvirtual testimony. The PUC is charged with making decisions for the public good, but this setof public hearings does little to truly allow for public comment nor to engender trust in theprocess for incorporating public input. The PUC should reconsider the date and time to allow for a true public hearing toaccommodate the public's availability. Respectfully,Paul Cooperrider From:Anika Miller To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:IPC-E-23-14 Date:Monday, October 23, 2023 11:38:58 AM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachmentsBEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agencyservice desk with any concerns. Hi, my name is Anika Miller and I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm concerned about the very limitedpublic access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's rooftop solar changes. I work in the solar industry and travel frequently for work. I need a virtual option to allow me to voicemy concerns directly to the commissioners. Please help people participate in our democracy,particularly on proposals coming from a monopoly utility. Thank you for including a virtual hearing option! -- Anika Miller | Project Engineer idaho.revolusun.com 457 N Steelhead Way, Boise, ID 83704 PO Box 1118, McCall, ID 83638 208.315.4082 Office 208.315.2240 Cell From:Chris Silvester To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:FW: Idaho Power Rooftop Solar Hearing Finally Scheduled...for 3-6pm on Weekday Date:Monday, October 23, 2023 1:03:37 PM CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachmentsBEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agencyservice desk with any concerns. Hi, my name is Chris Silvester and I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm concerned and dismayed about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's rooftop solar changes. The hearings need to be after general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more cities, and include a virtual testimony option for all the people who can't attend in-person. Please help people participate in our democracy, particularly on proposals coming from amonopoly utility. Sincerely,Chris Silvester