HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231019Comments_5.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Andrew Johnson Submission Time: Oct 18 2023 5:46PM Email: ajj@andrewjohnson.law Telephone: 208-250-6468 Address: 22395 Hoskins Rd Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please postpone vo�ng on IPC-E-23-14 un�l we know whether IPC-E-23-11 has or has not been approved. If IPC-E-23-11 is approved, please further postpone vo�ng on IPC-E-23-14 un�l informa�on is updated to match the new billing methods. I atended the informa�onal sessions for both IPC-E-23-14 and IPC-E-23-11. I also read the informa�on that was provided in advance for each. The two address different areas of billing, however, the approval of both causes in interes�ng effect on certain customers. I previously requested that informa�on be provided to the public that shows how customers would be affected if both were approved, specifically how it affects Schedule 6 customers. During the informa�on session for IPC-E-23-14, 99% of the informa�on presented was based on current facts, as if IPC-E-23-11 did not exist and would not get approved. A brief comment on one of the PowerPoint slides showed that Schedule 6 customers would essen�ally have their electricity bills “double” if both were passed. No addi�onal informa�on was provided, nor were the presenters willing to discuss the interac�on of IPC-E-23-14 and IPC-E-23-11 any further. If IPC-E-23-11 is approved, then I believe that any vo�ng on IPC-E-23-14 would be done so without the full understanding by the public or the Commission as to the true affects of IPC-E-23-14, because all prior informa�on provided to the public and Commission was based on data that did not take into account the affects of billing changes that result from IPC-E-23-11. Since the two are set to be voted on and implemented at rela�vely the same �me, and IPC-E-23-14 affects a smaller number of customers than IPC-E-23-11, I would like to recommend that vo�ng on IPC-E- 23-14 be postponed un�l the public knows whether IPC-E-23-11 has or has not been approved. Further, if IPC-E-23-11 is approved, I propose that: (1) all data and per�nent informa�on regarding IPC-E- 23-14 be updated to reflect the changes brought by IPC-E-23-11; (2) such informa�on be provided to the public and the Commission; and (3) that �me for comment and vo�ng be extended in order to provide the public and Commission with enough �me to review the new data and other informa�on. Please postpone vo�ng on IPC-E-23-14 un�l we know whether IPC-E-23-11 has or has not been approved. 2 If IPC-E-23-11 is approved, please further postpone vo�ng on IPC-E-23-14 un�l informa�on is updated to match the new billing methods. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Case No. IPC-E-23-14 From: Benny Seiders <bennyslandscaping83619@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 8:50 AM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Hearing "Hi, my name is Benny Seiders, and I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in-person. I work the hours you have listed in Boise and live an hour away, one way. My en�re county is excluded from this, and Idaho Power has a huge power plant here! I have roo�op solar, I believe in it, and I find myself frustrated that this process does not include much of an opportunity for people like me and my neighbors to speak out. Please help us par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Charlee Andree <charlee.andree@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:44 AM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Regarding IPC-E-23-14 To whom it may concern, My name is Charlee Andree and I'm an Idaho Power customer and Boise resident. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's rooftop solar changes. The hearings need to be after general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more cities, and include a virtual testimony option for all the people who can't attend in-person. I personally am balancing full time school and a part-time job which makes activism about issues I care about incredibly difficult. This is an issue that matters deeply to me and my community. Please help people participate in our democracy, particularly on proposals coming from a monopoly utility. Sincerely, Charlee 3 Charlee Andree (she/her/ella) Boise State University - Interdisciplinary Education charlee.andree@gmail.com / 208-810-9369 / LinkedIn @cnandree "To live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go." - Mary Oliver --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rajal Cohen <rajal.cohen@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 12:12 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 Hi, I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's rooftop solar changes. The hearings need to be after general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more cities, and include a virtual testimony option for all the people who can't attend in-person. Please help people participate in our democracy, particularly on proposals coming from a monopoly utility. Thanks for listening, Rajal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: Cindi Anderson <cindi@cindi-anderson.com> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 12:58 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 I have been wai�ng for the public hearing on Idaho Power roo�op solar, and now it is only happening in person in two ci�es, with no virtual op�on? This is unacceptable! Everyone in Idaho needs the opportunity to par�cipate in this important hearing. Thanks Cindi Anderson Ketchum, ID ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------