HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231018Comments_8.pdf1 -----Original Message----- From: Mitch <m.long.boise@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 3:13 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14; Hearings on Idaho Power’s solar rates I understand that rate hearings are coming up on October 24 and November 8 regarding Idaho Power’s rates that they want to set for roo�op solar. I am disappointed to see that the dates of the hearings was set for so soon with litle advance no�ce, as well as being only during the day�me, where those working may not be able to atend. I would encourage you to schedule some later and evening hearings as this is a very important topic that impacts a lot of people who will want to weigh in on what is happening. Sincerely, Mitch Long 420 Sage Rd., Ketchum, ID, 83340 208–484–6866. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Case No. IPC-E-23-14 From: linda amanarts.com <linda@amanarts.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 6:48 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Idaho Solar Rooftop Case Oct 17, 2023 Leter to Idaho Public U�li�es Commission and Idaho Power I am not sure what is coming up again about our solar power. My husband and I are in our third concern. In 2019, 2021 and now in 2023. Please keep what you promised us when we put in our solar panels with a great deal of our personal finances. We are promised to have “zero net metering” . I am very concerned this has come up again. With a growing area we have helped the power grid with giving extra power from our personal costs. Please con�nue to “Grandfather” the ini�al agreement so we can use the power we have paid in our solar costs. Also: I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in-person. Please help people par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity." 2 Linda Aman Star Idaho -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Case No. IPC-E-23-14 From: Claire Casey <casey.claire01@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 8:26 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: ROOF TOP SOLAR MY NAME IS CLAIRE CASEY P. O. BOX 2112 HAILEY, ID, 83333 DEAR COMMISSIONER, I HAVE HAD ROOFTOP SOLAR FOR ABOUT 5 YEARS AND HAVE BEEN SO SATISFIED WITH IT. BUT EVERY YEAR, IDAHO POWER GOES AFTER US AND CUSTOMERS TO TRY TO TAKE AWAY THAT AMOUNT OF $$$$ THAT THEY PAY US OR CREDIT US. YET THEY WILL GET POWER FROM A LARGE SOLAR FARM AND WILL RECEIVE %10 PAYMENT FOR THEIR SHAREHOLDERS.I AM ABLE TO PROVIDE POWER FOR THE GRID DURING THE SUMMER TIME WHEN AGRICULTURE NEEDS IT MOST. I HOPE YOU WILL SEE THE BENEFIT THAT WE ROOFTOP SOLAR PEOPLE WHO HAVE PUT A LOT OF MONEY TO HELP WITH ENERGY PRODUCTION TO HELP WITH THE ELIMINATION OF COAL OR GAS FIRED ENERGY USE.. ALSO, IDAHO POWER IS NOT ALLOWING MANY PEOPLE TO COMMENT ON THIS ISSUE AS THEY ARE ONLY HAVING HEARINGS IN SEVERAL PLACES. HOW ARE PEOPLE GOING TO HELP WITH CLIMATE CHANGE WHEN OUR MAIN SOURCE OF ENERGY IS RUN BY A BIG CORPORATION WHO SEEMS TO BE IN THE PROCESS OF PROTECTING ITS SHAREHOLDERS AND NOT THE PEOPLE WHO ARE HELPING IN THEIR SMALL WAY. CLAIRE CASEY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 RE: Case No. IPC-E-23-14 From: JIMMY Schmidt <jw5227ok@msn.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 10:11 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Solar mee�ng "Hi, my name is Jimmy Schmidt, and I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in-person. Please help people par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity." Idaho power is using the people in our area as a test case and has locked us into not being able to modify our systems while being grandfathered unless we break our grandfather agreement. My system was underbuilt because we used billing statements that didnt include enough power because of sporadic higher power demands at my house which wasnt taken into account on the year statement that we used. I wanted to run it and add to it if it was not genera�ng enough power to keep me at zero or at a posi�ve genera�on niumber at years end. Also, we use very litle infrastructure to send our power out as local neighbors use the excess power. So, the argument that Idaho Power has on this subject is moot. We got no no�ce of the lockdown of our rights in order to get our systems in order before that happened. LETS NOT FORGET THAT THE FIRST DECISION THAT THE IPUC MADE HAD US GRANDFATHERED PERIOD! NO TIME FRAME WITH THE HOUSE THAT IT WAS INSTALLED ON. THEN IDAHO POWER MET WITH THE IPUC FOR "CLARIFICATION" AND ENDED UP WITH A BUNCH OF NEW RESTRICTIONS, WHICH WENT BEYOND CLARIFICATIONS OF THE EXISTING PROGRAM. I feel that my rights have been infringed upon since no no�ce was given about a change in the program from the original writen decision, thus denying me the chance to set my system as needed for me to recoup my substan�al investment in my system. Other people are observing our program asbit is a test program, and ge�ng their systems modified if needed before their program is adopted. Let us have the freedom to do what we want with our systems and retain our 1 to one genera�on/use plan and freedom to modify our systems as we should according to our grandfathers agreement without �me frame and without restrici�ons in our genera�ng capacity if we want to increase it as we need to. Thank you for reading this and i hope you give this careful considera�on. Sincerely Jimmy Schmidt 5227 Stuart Ave Chubbuck, Idaho 83202 Jw5227ok@msn.com 208-244-8899 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 RE: Case No. IPC-E-23-14 From: Jay Kanrich <richkanj@hotmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 8:35 AM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Idaho PUC hearing on Idaho Power's roo�op solar case Hello, My name is Jay Kanrich and I'm an Idaho Power customer in Middleton, Idaho. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in- person. Please help people par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity. Regards, Jay Kanrich -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ron Greene <grnhornet48@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 9:04 AM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 Hi, My name is Ronald Greene and I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours (8-5). The hearings need to be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more centrally located ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in-person mee�ngs. Most of us work for a living. Thank you for your �me. -- Ron Greene 503-504-2833 23742 State Line Rd Parma, Idaho 83660 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 From: Michelle Reagan <soleilseatle@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 10:29 AM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 Hearing Hi, my name is Michelle Reagan and I'm an Idaho Power customer in McCall/Donnelly. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in-person. I live in McCall/Donnelly and both of the loca�ons are over 100 miles from me - thus a virtual op�on is the least you can do to make this inclusive of areas that are affected. Please help people par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity. Thank you, Michelle Reagan -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex McKinley <mckinleyalex@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 11:35 AM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 I'm wri�ng to express my concern about the short no�ce and strange �mes set for public hearings in the current net-metering case with Idaho Power. The case has been open since May, but the commission has given the public extremely short no�ce for hearings. The hearings have also been scheduled during the workday. From the current case record and past cases in this process, it is clear that many members of the public would appreciate the ability to par�cipate in this public process and have their thoughts heard. Instead it seems as though the commission is inten�onally trying to limit public par�cipa�on. Everyone gets tons of emails and it is much easier to skim a writen comment than ignore someone who is speaking directly to you. In person (and even virtual) hearings are much more meaningful than writen comments. The op�on to send in writen comments is not a subs�tute for in person tes�mony. Most of the PUC's cases do not garner much public interest, and so when a case does, the commission should go out of its way to provide ample opportunity for public involvement - that should be one of the main goals of the commission. It is very challenging for the average person to find �me to atend and speak at a public hearing, so the PUC ought to do everything it can to encourage par�cipa�on and make it easy for people. It is extremely disappoin�ng that instead, the commission is thumbing its nose at everyone who would like to share their ideas and have their opinion heard. Alex McKinley Idaho Power customer --------------------------------------------------------------------------