HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231017Comments_12.pdf1 From: Mark Peterson <mp83705@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 4:17 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Regarding the hearings of IPC-E-23-14 Dear Secretary: My name is Mark Peterson and I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm very concerned about the limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. In order to give the public an opportunity to have their opinions heard, the hearings should be a�er general working hours, long enough to allow everyone to speak, located in at least two more ci�es and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in-person. Please help people par�cipate in the process of developing policy and regula�ons for our great state, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity. Sincerely, Mark Peterson ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Anne Herndon Submission Time: Oct 16 2023 9:24PM Email: aherndon9@aim.com Telephone: 208-377-8767 Address: 6110 Bay Street Boise, ID 83704 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please reject Idaho Power's applica�on. The opportunity for public hearings is too litle too late. The applica�on document is too complicated for the average customer to understand; it is designed to confuse everyone and ensure that Idaho Power's shareholders profit by shortchanging their on-site genera�on customers. Idaho Power claims to be embracing clean energy, but their ac�ons clearly demonstrate that their ul�mate goal is to destroy on-site solar genera�on in Idaho." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Case No. IPC-E-23-14 From: Sue Petersen <sue99p@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 5:04 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Solar power 2 I am an Idaho Power customer and I have solar panels on my roof. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in- person. Please help people par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity." Sue Petersen Sent from my iPad ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jus�n Welty <jus�nwelty@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 5:15 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 Public hearings Hi, my name is Jus�n Welty and I'm an Idaho Power customer in Boise. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. This appears to be nothing more than a blatant atempt to limit public input which everyone knows is going to be completely against this proposal. If you really wanted public input you could easily be doing so much more to make these hearings available to the general public. If you truly cared about the democra�c process you should be doing the following. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in-person. Please help people par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Case No. IPC-E-23-14 -----Original Message----- From: Sam Snider <samandjane@me.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 5:23 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Hearing Times CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and atachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Public input to solar issues needs to be encouraged, not limited to �mes that are inconvenient to many. The PUC should con�nue To support the development of solar energy development, and work with Idaho Power to see this occurs. If the limita�ons are placed on input from the public, your Informa�on will be bias. Your agency must be beter than this. Thank you. Samuel E Snider ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 From: Kathryn Herndon <cheavens14@icloud.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 5:27 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 I am wri�ng to reject Idaho Power’s proposal and I urge them to schedule public hearings with sufficient notice and during times when interested individuals can attend. Thank you, Kit Herndon 208-861-1704 Sent from my iPhone ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jane Chandler <jane.eb.chandler@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 5:37 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 Hearings Good a�ernoon, I am wri�ng to express my deep concern over the hearing schedule for IPC-E-23-14. I have been ac�vely invested in this case for over 5 years, which has included commen�ng online, atending hearings (both virtually and in person) and working with people in the community to help them understand how rates of return impact their daily lives. A�er years of ac�ve community involvement in this case, it was incredibly disappoin�ng and upse�ng to see that the newest hearings do not offer a virtual op�on and take place during business hours. This newest development makes it seem as if the PUC is not interested in ac�ng in the best interest of the community because they are making it extremely difficult for community members to be involved in the public hearings a�er years of high engagement. I implore you to reconsider the number of hearings (2 down from 3); the op�ons to atend hearings (in the past a virtual op�on has been available in addi�on to atending in person); and the hearing �mes (in the past they have been a�er working hours and the upcoming hearings are currently scheduled during business hours). Sincerely, Jane Chandler ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 RE: Case No. IPC-E-23-14 From: Will McArthur <mcarwill@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 7:11 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Upcoming Hearings on Idaho Power's Roo�op Solar Changes In agreement with Sierra Club, which I rarely do, I think you are not handling this mee�ng correctly. Hi, my name is William McArthur and I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in- person. Please help people par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity. I personally don’t like that Idaho Power is trying to change the rules of the game. In a leter I submited to the IPUC earlier I referenced an ar�cle in which Idaho Power asked Idaho Power customers to install solar. I purchased solar in good faith believing it was going to be good for Idaho. The installa�on of solar was at a significant cost us and now they want to penalize with more costs. In addi�on, the East side of Idaho is not the only area of the state affected by this issue. Thank you, Will McArthur ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Case No. IPC-E-23-14 From: Greg Mortensen <gregoryfrank1@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 7:38 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: Please Allow True Demomcracy Hi, my name is Gregory Mortensen and I'm an Idaho Power customer from Mountain Home. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in-person. I myself have a large family and we have always worked hard at reducing the carbon footprint (we have less waste than many of our neighbors). I can't be a part of the solu�on if the mee�ngs are too inconvenient to atend. Please help people par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity. Thank you for your �me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 -----Original Message----- From: Russell McKinley <rssllmckinley@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 8:17 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and atachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Aten�on: In May during the “workshop” you were ask when the public could comment on this case and you said you would no�fy us. Now you no�fy us with two weeks no�ce and during �mes when many people are working. This seems very sleazy to me. You should give people ample �me to arrange schedules and make �me (lots of �me) during nonworking hours. But I get it. If I were you I wouldn’t want to listen to hundreds of people tell you why Idaho Power is undermining solar energy in the state. Solar power should be encouraged not throtled by a “privately held public u�lity”. This is the kind of “government” that will bring the system down. Anyway, give us some �me to rail on you. Idacorp is making waaaayyy too much money (they brag about it) and private solar generators are not happy with the way we are being treated. Let us comment so you can feel our pain. R. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scot Harris <scotconnie777@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 8:22 AM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 We are Idaho Power customers, and strong advocates for alterna�ve, sustainable power produc�on. We are concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in-person. Please help us to meaningfully par�cipate in the democra�c process, par�cularly in this case of a monopolis�c u�lity business con�nuing to atempt to s�fle much needed private roof-top power genera�on. Sincerely, Scot and Connie Harris McCall, Idaho ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 From: Larry Eggleston <srlwrence@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 1:01 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: IPC-E-23-14 Hi, my name is Lawrence Eggleston and I'm an Idaho Power customer. I'm concerned about the very limited public access to the upcoming hearings on Idaho Power's roo�op solar changes. The hearings need to be a�er general working hours, be long enough to allow everyone to speak, be located in at least two more ci�es, and include a virtual tes�mony op�on for all the people who can't atend in- person. Please help people par�cipate in our democracy, par�cularly on proposals coming from a monopoly u�lity. Lawrence Eggleston 183E 420N Shoshone, ID 83352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------