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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231013Comments_23.pdf1 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Virgil Stucker Submission Time: Oct 11 2023 6:30PM Email: Telephone: 208-794-0999 Address: 8815 S Ten Mile Rd Meridian, ID 83642 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "If everyone’s goal is to be using renewable energy, including Idaho Power wan�ng it by 2045 why would anyone want to penalize those of us who have invested in trying to make that happen and discourage others from doing the same thing. Greed and control would be the only reason I can think of for doing so. The current process is encouraging the produc�on of renewable energy and is in fact saving Idaho Power from having to build more infrastructure. For those of us producing solar renewable energy our peak produc�on is when Idaho Power needs it most to keep them from having to implement rolling blackouts as some power companies around the na�on have had to do. I am asking you our PUC board to not approve the change to the Net Metering which is now being fairly used, as it would have a nega�ve effect on needed renewable solar energy produc�on and penalize those of us who have invested a lot of money into doing our part to accomplish what seems to be the goal of everyone. Virgil Stucker" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jon Minkoff Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 10:11AM Email: Telephone: 208-459-4740 Address: 11648 Eva Lane Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please take a fresh and comprehensive look at residen�al solar produc�on in Idaho and across the country. We do not exist in a vacuum, and a lot can be learned from the experience of others. As I understand it, forty-one states currently have a state or u�lity governed net metering program. In states where the compensa�on rate has been cut the pace of new solar installa�ons has naturally and significantly declined.The mission of the IPUC includes: “Regulate the public u�li�es to secure and promote the general safety, health and public welfare.” As the climate warms, fires rage and weather- related disasters mul�ply, we need much more carbon-free electricity genera�on, not less. 2 Concern about a cost shi� to non-generators is greatly overstated. Only about 3% of Idaho Power’s customers are solar generators, and we made substan�al financial investments with very long payoff periods. Any added cost for non-generators is rela�vely minor and can be seen as a small contribu�on toward a healthy, renewable future. California allowed 120 days AFTER its recent rate change for exis�ng systems to be grandfathered in. Idaho should do the same if it happens here, especially since the dissemina�on of informa�on about a poten�al change has been uneven and lacking, par�cularly for secondary buyers. I urge you to keep the current, easy-to-calculate net metering program. The proposed micro-managed, shi�ing rate structure will be difficult to implement and will draw costly, �me-consuming challenges." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Rick Davis Submission Time: Oct 11 2023 10:30PM Email: Telephone: 208-427-5301 Address: 415 Randolph Pocatello, ID 83201 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please take a cri�cal view of the VODER findings provided by Idaho Power Co. The five requests detailed in the report collec�vely propose a diminished value for onsite power genera�on at a �me when its benefits are increasing. The study places too high a value on company profits and neglects to consider how its implementa�on will discourage further onsite power genera�on. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Rosemary Smith Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 1:34PM Email: Telephone: 208-339-2589 Address: 1734 North Elk Road POCATELLO, ID 83204 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, 3 I urge you to reject IPC-E-23-14 the proposed rate structure changes (export credit rates) for solar- roo�op genera�on customers. There is a basic flaw in the premise of the proposal as no quan�fica�on of the “subsidies” to other customers by solar-roo�op generators is provided, no indica�on of how the rate changes will alter the unsubstan�ated subsidies, and several examples where the models use data that directly conflict with other informa�on provided by Idaho Power. First, in the mee�ng on September 7, 2023 I asked for informa�on on the size of the problem- that being the “subsidy” that solar power customers receive from all other customers. The response was that this informa�on was NOT AVAILABLE! And yet, this is the premise of the en�re rate restructuring proposal. Un�l the supposed “problem” of subsidies can be quan�fied and clearly communicated to customers and the IPUC then there is no mechanism to determine whether this rate restructuring will actually accomplish its stated goals. Secondly, the model itself had specific inconsistencies that specifically reduce the value of export credits. First, the defini�on of “peak �mes” was subtly shi�ed from 1-9 pm to 3-11 pm; which of course eliminates two of the hours of the day when solar is most produc�ve. This is WRONG and should be addressed. The peak �mes should be 1-9 PM. Thirdly, in a broader context, this proposed rate structure change is will likely require more �me and effort than it gains. Many other states and PUC’s have conducted studies and found that net-metering is cost-effec�ve and efficient. No fancy modeling or micro-management of real-�me usage, es�mated annual rate changes, billing and transfer of credits are required. New solar customers can finance their investments with known rates of return (if electric rates increase, so will their credits), and the u�lity has a predictable energy stream produced by infrastructure that their customers paid for with their own money! In the spirit of mee�ng your mission of regula�ng u�li�es to secure and promote the general safety, health, and public welfare of Idaho Power customers, I urge you to reject the proposal. Sincerely, Rosemary Smith Idaho Power customer" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Joshua Hill Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 2:00PM Email: Telephone: 208-604-4404 Address: 1350 S. Five Mile Rd. #190744 Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 4 Comment: " IPC-E-23-14 Joshua S. Hill President Idaho Solar Owners Network 9/18/2023 Idaho Public U�li�es Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: CASE NO. IPC-E-23-14 - Proposed Changes to Net Metering Program Idaho Power is proposing changes which do not make sense to the average Idahoan. Even experts who were hired by our members to review the proposed changes were le� wondering how to make sense of all the proposed changes should they go into effect. The primary reasons to deny changes to net metering in this case according to the Board of Directors to the Idaho Solar Owners Network are the following: 1) The mechanisms, explana�ons and understanding of the changing net metering policy, the billing interval and the export credit rate in case IPC-E-23-14 is confusing to the average customer. Such important changes should not happen all at once and to only one small class of customer. 2) Amending the billing interval for only one class of customers is discriminatory. 3) There is not a proposed solu�on to the Export Credit Rate and billing interval which is easily explained to customers AND allows them to project savings by inves�ng in on-site genera�on systems - including storage. Uncertainty in rates and savings created with on-site genera�on and storage will destroy an emerging market and create a monopoly. 4) The average customer affected by this new rate will only change $12 per bill, according to Idaho Power - yet members of the Solar Owners Network with large Winter use will see a bill increase of $200 or more per month under the new 4.9 cent rate for power they over-produce in Spring and Fall. The proposed change is discriminatory even within the thousands of Idaho Power customers who have chosen to go solar, and signed a net metering agreement knowing the terms were subject to change. None of them expected a new net metering policy to increase their bill so much that they would poten�ally be unable to pay their higher bills, and might lose heat because their home is powered only by electricity. Moving to all electric homes is supposed to be something both the Federal and State governments are incen�vizing ci�zens to do, not punishing them. Our organiza�on exists to serve all customers who have made an investment in the grid, which has been proven to benefit the grid with reduced demand, especially during peak hours. Idaho Power customers did not expect such a policy as this cases changes to even be proposed - none of our members think that the current changes are clear and fair. We urge the commission to order Idaho Power to find a simpler policy, like those that exist in other states, such as a �me of use rate schedule for all customers. 5 Warm regards, Joshua S. Hill" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Teri Otens Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 3:05PM Email: Telephone: 208-869-6832 Address: 17949 Goodson Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am wri�ng to express my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the net metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23-14. I have been following this case from the beginning and atended all mee�ngs in person and online, read the study and STILL cannot understand what this means to solar owners. What mechanism will be used to do "instantaneous metering"? How will the export credit rate be figured out and adjusted each year? If there is a maintenance cost solar owners are not paying what is the $5.19 fee each month? And if that is not enough, what aren't all customers paying more? Too many ques�ons, not enough clear answers. The proposed changes are confusing, discriminatory, and unfair. I urge the commission to deny the proposed changes and order Idaho Power to find a simpler and fairer policy for all customers." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Tyler Grange Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 3:05PM Email: Telephone: 208-810-8459 Address: 866 N World Cup Lane Eagle , ID 83616 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "RE: CASE NO. IPC-E-23-14 - Proposed Changes to Net Metering Program I hope this leter finds you well. I am wri�ng to express my deep concerns and strong opposi�on to the proposed changes to the Net Metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23-14, currently under considera�on by the Idaho Public U�li�es Commission. As the owner of a solar installa�on company with over five years of experience in the field of alterna�ve energy in Boise, Idaho, I have witnessed firsthand the 6 benefits that solar energy brings to our community, both in terms of environmental sustainability and economic growth. However, the proposed changes to the Net Metering program are deeply troubling and poten�ally harmful to our clients, the industry, and our local economy. To provide a comprehensive assessment of the issues at hand, I would like to highlight several key points: Incalculable Future Savings: The proposed changes make it virtually impossible to calculate the future savings for our clients. The data presented by Idaho Power is overly complex and lacks transparency. Even with our best efforts to understand it, we found it to be highly convoluted and imprac�cal for our clients to navigate. Moreover, we have engaged the services of a third-party consultant from California, a recognized expert in the field of net metering, who was also unable to decipher how to calculate poten�al savings for our customers. This only underscores the deeply flawed and convoluted nature of the proposed changes. Unfair and Discriminatory: The proposed changes are inherently unfair and discriminatory to our clients. They undermine the very essence of the net metering program, which was designed to encourage the adop�on of solar energy and promote clean energy prac�ces. The proposed revisions effec�vely undermine the incen�ve to invest in solar energy by diminishing the value of excess solar credits, thus discouraging poten�al solar customers from par�cipa�ng in the program. Economic Implica�ons: These changes have far-reaching economic implica�ons. Passing such changes would lead to the loss of numerous jobs in the solar industry, both in terms of installa�on and maintenance. Furthermore, it would nega�vely impact many local families who depend on this industry for their livelihoods. These changes come at a �me when our economy is already under strain due to various challenges, and we simply cannot afford any addi�onal job losses. If this gets passed, people will lose jobs! In conclusion, I implore the Idaho Public U�li�es Commission to reconsider the proposed changes to the Net Metering program. The current proposal is deeply problema�c, discriminatory, and ul�mately detrimental to our clients, the renewable energy industry, and the local economy. I kindly request a public hearing to discuss these concerns and provide a pla�orm for open dialogue on this cri�cal mater. It is essen�al that we work together to find a solu�on that encourages the growth of solar energy, ensures fair compensa�on for excess energy genera�on, and preserves jobs in our community. Thank you for your aten�on to this mater. I am confident that, by working collabora�vely, we can find a solu�on that benefits our community, our economy, and our environment. Sincerely, Tyler Grange Owner Idahome Solar" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Steve Purcell Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 3:24PM 7 Email: Telephone: 208-412-1155 Address: 1650 N Interlachen Way Meridian, ID 83646 Name of U�lity Company: Our Home Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "In 2020 we thought we made a good financial investment by purchasing $25,000 in solar panels. We had six reasons we made the investment. One, we can contribute extra energy to the power grid during peak hours to help our neighbors. Two, receive back the energy during less than peak hours when the sun goes down. Three, to reduce our “carbon footprint” which helps our environment. Four, we would be saving money by producing our own “green energy.” Five, we installed larger Solar panels than necessary to produce more power so that we could recharge the electric and hybrid vehicles we would be purchasing and save more money. And six, we calculated our investment would be paid off in 10-12 years. We know of five different families who have invested in Solar Panels. Every one of us pays Idaho Power a minimum of $5.21 a month. All of us have not received a penny back from Idaho Power at the end of the year because we have not produced more energy than we have used. According to my Solar edge app, our Solar Panels have produced 9 megawat hours (Mwh) in 2020, 15 Mwh in 2021, 14 Mwh in 2022, and almost 13 Mwh this year and yet we have not received a penny from Idaho Power. All five families installed enough Solar Panels to be producing more power than what we should be using. Each of us is paying Idaho Power more than $62.50 a year. This means Idaho Power is making a profit on our investments, equipment, and “green energy” produc�on. With the proposed “net billing” everyone who invested in Solar Panels would have their rate of compensa�on lowered from 6-7 cents to around 5 cents per kilowat hour (Kwh). This would kill our power savings and our investments. Currently our 10–12-year investment would finally pay for itself by the �me our solar panels would reach the end of their life. For anyone to invest in Solar Panels there must be an economical benefit and perhaps an environmental one. Who in their right mind would invest in solar panels with the proposed “net billing?” We installed Solar Panels without help from Idaho Power. Idaho Power didn’t have to increase its infrastructure, modify the power grid, invest in more energy produc�on, hire more employees, and build new power or relay sta�ons. The only thing Idaho Power did was to pay for a new “Power Meter.” Because of individuals like us who invested in Solar Panels Idaho Power is the main beneficiary of our investment. We provide more peak power into the grid which reduces Idaho Power’s costs to develop new power produc�on and Idaho Power gets paid for our peak power produc�on. No mater what power we produce we con�nue to pay Idaho Power at least $5.21 a month. Idaho Power is receiving all the benefits of everyone’s private Solar Panel investments and yet they want more profits. It looks to me that the “net billing” proposal will slash the credits we receive from producing more power than we use. Idaho Power con�nues to promote private Solar produc�on while also wan�ng to destroy everyone’s personal investment in Solar. From what I can tell Idaho Power seems to think individual personal Solar Panel investors are compe�tors and are a burden to the power grid and are not partners with Idaho 8 Power. Are we not in this together? If so, the en�re system needs to be fair to everyone. We strongly suggest that the move to “net billing” be abandoned and keep the current metering program in place or create an en�rely new system to be fair for everyone." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Marshall Childers Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 3:47PM Email: Telephone: 208-869-1502 Address: 728 E Whiskey Flats St Meridian, ID 83642 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I think this rate change is biased from a monopoly, a publicly traded but public u�lity company, serving their share holder interests before the public. I don’t think it should be approved. Solar isn’t the issue, Idaho power’s greed is. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Mark Smith Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 3:53PM Email: Telephone: 208-954-1687 Address: 1908 N 29th St Boise, ID 83703 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, I am wri�ng to express my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the net metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23-14. The proposed changes are confusing, to say the least. I have studied the proposal and the suppor�ng document and cannot decipher whether or not they are discriminatory or unfair. Nowhere in the execu�ve summaries is there a clear comparison of IP's own genera�on rate, in order to compare it to their proposed customer export rate. Nowhere in the 300+ page VODER study is there a clear summary that jus�fies the proposed rate. It is filled with technical jargon that, while important perhaps to understand the underlying methodology and assump�ons, only serves to obfuscate the conclusions. I urge the commission to deny the proposed changes and order Idaho Power to find a simpler and more transparent policy that will be fair for all customers as well to the u�lity. 9 Thank you for your �me and considera�on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Bethany Miki�sh Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 3:54PM Email: bethany.miki� Telephone: 208-957-1795 Address: Los Flores Dr. Meridian, ID 83646 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Hey Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, I wanted to chat about the recent changes suggested for the net metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23- 14. Honestly, they feel a bit complicated and not really fair to everyone. Why tweak the billing interval just for this? If we're considering changes, shouldn't it be consistent across all rates? I really think it would be best for everyone if these proposals were rethought. Maybe there's a more straigh�orward and even-handed approach? It seems like Idaho Power should have the responsibility to find a beter solu�on. Thanks for listening and taking the �me. I appreciate it!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Philip Beaudreau Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 3:58PM Email: Telephone: 208-965-1810 Address: 28760 Farmway RD Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, I am wri�ng to express my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the net metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23-14. The proposed changes are confusing, discriminatory, and unfair. Changing the billing interval is not needed in this case, and should be done for all rate schedules if it is to be altered at all. I urge the commission to deny the proposed changes and order Idaho Power to find a simpler and fairer policy for all customers. Thank you for your �me and considera�on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Marcia Brinton 10 Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 4:43PM Email: Telephone: 208-602-1804 Address: 7294 S. Shadow Moss Ave Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, I am wri�ng to express my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the net metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23-14. The proposed changes are confusing, discriminatory, and unfair. Changing the billing interval is unnecessary in this case, and should be done for all rate schedules if it is to be altered. Solar is expensive and prohibi�ve for most people and while I think Idaho Power is doing an excellent job using solar for their overall system, I feel bullied by this u�lity when they ask for these pety individual changes instead of figh�ng for everyone to be able to afford and have access to solar power. It is unavoidable and necessary that we all move to renewable energy and this type of change makes it impossible for the average customer. I urge the commission to deny the proposed changes and order Idaho Power to find a simpler and fairer policy for all customers. Thank you for your �me and considera�on. Sincerely, Marcia Brinton" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Pat Feuerborn Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 4:56PM Email: pa� Telephone: 208-760-7200 Address: 415 Randolph Pocatello, ID 83201 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "The IPUC and Idaho Power should be encouraging more home owners and businesses in Idaho to install solar energy panels rather than discouraging them with proposed increases in cost. All of us will only benefit from increased use of renewable energy in the future. For the sake of our children, our state and our na�on please don't put Idaho Power in charge of determining the cost for all of us. As a business they want to increase profits, no mater the actual, long-term cost to all of us. Your job is to protect the future for all of us. Thank you for doing it." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Lou Evans Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 4:58PM Email: Telephone: 408-421-9029 11 Address: 6043 South Rising Sun Way Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, I am wri�ng to express my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the net metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23-14. The proposed changes are confusing, discriminatory, and unfair. Changing the billing interval is not needed in this case, and should be done for all rate schedules if it is to be altered at all. I urge the commission to deny the proposed changes and order Idaho Power to find a simpler and fairer policy for all customers. Thank you for your �me and considera�on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Larry Sundberg Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 5:01PM Email: Telephone: 503-930-2068 Address: 10150 Vistair PL Payete, ID 83661 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, I am wri�ng to express my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the net metering program in IPC-E-23-14. The proposed changes are confusing and don't make my grid �ed panels worth wile to maintain. I think that the exis�ng customers should be grandfathered in. I plan to change my panels for my own use and go off grid �e if this goes thru. Thank you " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Phillip Pickman Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 5:06PM Email: Telephone: 208-576-6968 Address: 5542 W Durning Drive Eagle, ID 83616 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 12 Comment: "Homeowners invested in solar systems in good faith, Cost and pay back for power put into the grid were important considera�ons. The proposal to cut back reimbursement is unfair to all of us who have an exis�ng investment in solar systems. If the payback has to be changed, then make it for all future home solar systems so that homeowners can consider a reduced rate of credit for future investments. Don't penalize exis�ng solar system owners." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Zachary Trussell Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 5:35PM Email: Telephone: 208-350-9705 Address: 6342 N Park Meadow Way Boise, ID 83713 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am wri�ng to express my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the net metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23-14. The proposed changes are confusing, discriminatory, and unfair. Changing the billing interval is not needed in this case, and should be done for all rate schedules if it is to be altered at all. The Duck Curve has been an example used in other areas of the country for a jus�fica�on for net metering rate changes, but that curve here is Idaho has not goten to an unreasonable level. There is very minimal amount of onsite genera�on customers in rela�on to the standard schedule 1 customers with Idaho Power. With that being said, these rate changes seem to be backed not by third party studies, and purely backed by the self interest of Idaho Power/ IdaCorp Stock holders. Idaho Power has its own renewable energy goals, yet these rate changes seem to only allow for renewable energy programs that are owned by them. At the very least if changes do need to be made to the net metering program, and rate structure, there should be a grandfathering for anyone that was granted PTO of their onsite genera�on system pre- change, instead of having hundreds if not thousands of homeowners from 2019 to the present being changed to any new rate structure. I urge the commission to deny the proposed changes and order Idaho Power to find a simpler and fairer policy for all customers. Thank you for your �me and considera�on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Skyler Newby Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 7:38PM Email: Telephone: 208-440-8010 Address: 3200 n Mountain View dr 13 Boise, ID 83704 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "We want to go Solar !! Net metering should be a real thing in Idaho like it is and almost every state one for one that metering should be allowed. Those who take the ability to be free to own, are tyrants.. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Chris�an Blaser Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 7:56PM Email: chris� Telephone: 208-954-9590 Address: 3350 W Americana Terr Boise, ID 83706 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, I am wri�ng to express my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the net metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23-14. The proposed changes are confusing, discriminatory, and unfair. Changing the billing interval is not needed in this case, and should be done for all rate schedules if it is to be altered at all. I urge the commission to deny the proposed changes and order Idaho Power to find a simpler and fairer policy for all customers. Thank you for your �me and considera�on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: John Bilderback Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 10:46PM Email: Telephone: 208-559-4730 Address: 7174 S Colwood Pl Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear PUC Commissioners, 14 I have been wai�ng to respond, so I could read all the comments submited to date, further evaluate this complicated topic, and propose a few things for the PUC to consider. (I just read Luis Jordao’s comment leter that was submited yesterday, October 11th, and we have some similar comments, but he makes a lot of other good points too; well done.) • Please consider the impact this decision will have for those that did not receive disclosure from their solar salesperson that Idaho Power can change their rate structure at any �me (with PUC approval) or, for that mater, from the Idaho Power Company. Solu�on: Extend a new, grandfathering period for these individuals and any new systems that come online before August 1, 2024. There are many people that have invested in engineering plans and are prepared to move forward, but are on pause un�l this decision is made. They too have made an investment (not as much), but are awai�ng this decision. Idaho Power receives every applica�on to connect to the grid. Idaho Power can easily be very involved to help ensure that homeowners understand that the compensa�on structure can change in the future. Idaho Power could have returned this informa�on in Plain English (or Plain Spanish), to each applica�on submited, so the homeowner would be aware of the possibility of a future change in the compensa�on structure. To date, Idaho Power has simply used their website, but they could have taken a much more proac�ve approach to engage with the homeowners that submited applica�ons to add solar to their homes. Idaho Power could have easily sent a no�fica�on upon plan approval that said, “Did you know, this might be a TERRIBLE investment, because we are going to request the PUC to change the compensa�on structure” and “[your investment] may not pay back over the life of the system.” In my humble opinion, Idaho Power could have been more vocal and forthright with homeowners about this poten�al change to the compensa�on structure. It is likely that if the PUC accepts Idaho Power’s compensa�on plan change, many homeowners will only know about this once their rates change. At that point, it will be too late for them to comment on this case. That will result in many more not so happy Idahoans. I do find it hard to believe that there are so few comments for 13,000 solar installa�ons in Idaho Power’s jurisdic�on. I would most definitely submit a response to this case, if I knew my system that was going to go from a “simple payback period of 13-17 years” to, a “may not pay back over the life of the system”. This is a complicated proposal, and as several have commented, this is not a proposal that is easily understood (nor is the VODER study for that mater). I hope that Idaho Power has sent an individual analysis to each Idahoan that this decision affects personally so they can evaluate their specific situa�on. If this has not been done, I would encourage the PUC to ensure that before a decision is made, Idaho Power is required to send an individual analysis comparing the current compensa�on plan to the proposed plan and allow �me for these Idahoans to respond. Per Idaho Power, with this new compensa�on structure, “it [a photovoltaic solar system] may not pay back over the life of the system regardless of whether it is financed or paid for in cash.” (Link provided below from Idaho Power’s website.) • If the rate system is changed, it will hurt Idahoans. Idahoans will miss out on receiving Federal tax credits that other residents of other states will get. Idahoans won’t get these Federal tax credits if the rates change, because there will be very few people that move forward with residen�al solar if their systems “may never pay back over the life of the system”. These tax credits have been used to promote solar throughout the country and have had bipar�san support. It’s the Federal Tax Credit coupled with the net billing system that incen�vizes the homeowner to go solar (note: Idaho Tax Credits are insignificant; let’s leave this discussion for another day; it will be mute anyway if the PUC accepts this proposal). • With this proposal, Idahoans who work in Idaho’s solar industry as installers, electricians, business owners, and solar suppliers will be nega�vely impacted. 15 • This proposal will hurt the environment we live in. Solar panels are not the perfect, silver bullet to solve all environmental problems, but solar is a much more renewable resource than using fossil fuels. Solar also helps reduce the United States’ dependence on foreign fuel sources. What else can we do? Idaho Power could provide incen�ves for homeowners to s�ll go solar, such as adding an incen�ve to add a batery backup as well to help beter regulate Idaho Power’s concern with “over produc�on” during the peak summer hours. con�nued...." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: John Bilderback Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 10:47PM Email: Telephone: 208-559-4730 Address: 7174 S Colwood Pl Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "CONTINUED ... I am sure there are many op�ons available to the PUC to consider beyond these; let’s not just setle on what Idaho Power wants. As a society, we need to change our energy sources to more renewable solu�ons. The world thrives and needs energy, let’s find a way to make this work for Idaho so that everyone, can win with solar. Idaho Power seems to be quite excited about mega solar farms, but sour on residen�al applica�ons. Why so? Let the homeowners have an opportunity to invest, while also making a reasonable return on their investment to them personally and to our society. There must be a way for us all to move towards a renewable energy future without sacrificing residen�al solar, and that won’t happen if the PUC allows Idaho Power to change its rate structure as proposed in this case: IPC-E-23-14. Sincerely, John P. Bilderback" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: John Bilderback Submission Time: Oct 12 2023 10:49PM Email: Telephone: 208-559-4730 Address: 7174 S Colwood Pl Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power 16 Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "i forgot to add the link to the Idaho Power website referenced: htps://�ons-customer- genera�on/inves�ng-solar/ Inves�ng in Solar - Idaho Power Curious to know what an investment in solar looks like? Customers invest in solar for a variety of reasons, but ... The example below shows a customer who uses an average amount of energy per year and installs a standard system with a life of 30 years. This customer would see a simple payback period of 13-17 years under the current compensa�on structure if they pay cash for the system. However, that payback period increases to 19-24 years for that same customer with net billing and a lower excess energy credit rate. If the system is financed, the simple payback period extends further. If the investment is evaluated using a discounted payback method, which is more accurate for evalua�ng the financial value of a project, it may not pay back over the life of the system regardless of whether it is financed or paid for in cash." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Hunter Floyd Submission Time: Oct 13 2023 10:24AM Email: Telephone: 208-713-1530 Address: 4260 W Franklin Rd Meridian, ID 83642 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-22-22 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, I am wri�ng to express my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the net metering program in Case No. IPC-E-23-14. The proposed changes are confusing, discriminatory, and unfair. Changing the billing interval is not needed in this case, and should be done for all rate schedules if it is to be altered at all. I urge the commission to deny the proposed changes and order Idaho Power to find a simpler and fairer policy for all customers. Thank you for your �me and considera�on" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------