HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230920Comments_1.pdf1 -----Original Message----- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 10:00 AM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: No�ce: A complaint was submited to PUCWeb The following complaint was submited via PUCWeb: Name: K C Cowen Submission Time: Sep 19 2023 9:11AM Email: �nybabe1@gmail.com Telephone: 208-365-1011 Address: 4777 W Idaho Blvd Emmet, ID 83617-8931 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power IPC-E-23-14 Contacted U�lity: No Comment: "I have solar for which I paid $50,000. Idaho Power not only charges me more per KWh than the solar energy I produce (26,342 KWh in 2022), but only allows me 1/4 of what I produce in applied credits. Addi�onally, I only get 5 months of roll over credits of the 12 months I produce energy. Then, they make more money by selling the solar energy produced by the ci�zens of Idaho. Idaho Power said that the Idaho PUC is the one running this scam and the Idaho PUC is the one telling Idaho Power what they can give us in credit, how much to charge vs how much we receive in money for KWh. So, my ques�on is: How much stock in Idaho Power do the Idaho PUC commissioners own. How much corrup�on is going into the decisions made in favor of Idaho Power on a yearly basis? Who do I file a complaint with against the Idaho PUC? Federal Regulatory Commission? You are supposed to be working for the benefit of the people of Idaho and you have not only allowed Idaho Power rate increases every year for the last 14 years, but allowed Idaho Power to not only "Double Dip", but triple dip. They charge us more every year, give us less than our solar energy is worth, use our solar energy, sell our solar energy and have increased their profits to 1.6 billion dollars (more than 14 million dollars a year in net profits on a yearly basis because of what you have given them), because the Idaho PUC allows the people to be swindled. Your Mission Statement (in per�nent part): Our mission: • Determine fair, just and reasonable rates and u�lity prac�ces for electric, gas, telephone and water consumer. YOU HAVE PURPOSELY AND CORRUPTLY FAILED IN YOUR MISSION. Now, you want to allow Idaho Power to give us 40% less for the solar energy THE PEOPLE OF IDAHO HAVE PAID FOR AND ARE PRODUCING. Again, How much Idaho Power stock do the Idaho PUC commissioners own? When will the corrup�on end? I want my money back, I want my full solar credits and I am �red of the gouging you have allowed by Idaho Power. I want answers, refunds for myself and other Idahoans who are suppling the State Of Idaho with solar energy that Idaho Power is selling and the Idaho PUC is profi�ng from." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------