HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230913Comments_2.pdf1 -----Original Message----- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2023 1:00 PM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: No�ce: A complaint was submited to PUCWeb The following complaint was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Weston Bunnell Submission Time: Sep 10 2023 12:27PM Email: wesnnikki@gmail.com Telephone: 208-830-8944 Address: 5648 Starry Ln Nampa, ID 83686 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power IPC-E-23-14 Contacted U�lity: No Comment: "Hello, I am wri�ng to voice my opinion on the mater of Net Metering. I installed solar in 2022 with the understanding that I would be grandfathered in and that I would con�nue to benefit from the current net metering setup. That being said, I have paid a large sum of money for my solar with the understanding that the power I generate will be mine. This, a�er all is the purpose. Idaho power benefits from this while I use their grid because they sell it. The fact of the mater is, if Idaho power starts stealing my power, yes, stealing my power, then there will definitely be a GIANT lawsuit. There are so many solar customers that are not going to be happy if the current net metering system changes. My produc�on is just that, it's MY PRODUCTION. I rent the meter and the grid. I pay about $6 to Idaho Power for this. They want to steal my power because I have solar. DO NOT PASS the proposed changes to net metering. " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Byron Best Submission Time: Sep 13 2023 9:47AM Email: bbest1960@gmail.com Telephone: 404-640-8307 Address: 2010 S Grassmere St Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "So many the other comments express the same opinions and arguments that I would make. However, I must lend my voice as well since I am another customer of Idaho Power who chose to install 2 solar panels on my home with the intent of contribu�ng toward to common good of sustainable energy not only for myself, but also for my community. I bore the cost of my panels completely and know that that capital outlay will not even break even for another 10-15 years. S�ll, I am pouring my excess generated energy into the grid at the very �mes that others are needing it and the grid is strained. I know that Idaho Power has costs that it sustains in order to keep the grid in good opera�ng condi�on. I understand that I rely on that grid as well and need to contribute to that maintenance. This case does not benefit Idahoans ; it benefits only Idaho Power. Idaho Power *purports* to value renewable energy. Devaluing the private solar panel customer who is contribu�ng to this goal, at their own cost, is deplorable. I respec�ully implore the commission to consider my feedback, as well as the feedback of my fellow solar panel customers and other concerned Idaho Power customers, as you are making your decisions on this case. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------