HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230911Comments_4.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Pete Friedman Submission Time: Sep 9 2023 4:16PM Email: pfaicp@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-869-4969 Address: 4088 W. Quail Ridge Dr Boise, ID 83703 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Commissioner, We are wri�ng to reiterate our objec�on to subject applica�on as outlined in our comments from May 16,2023. It seems that the more informa�on that comes out about the proposal, the murkier the issue becomes. It is certainly not being put forward in an understandable manner or even with sample scenarios for non legacy residen�al generators. To quote a couple of famous gentlemen “there are lies, damned lies and sta�s�cs”. Sincerely, Pete and Betsy Friedman " -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: James Obland Submission Time: Sep 11 2023 11:47AM Email: idahocitymayor@gmail.com Telephone: 208-514-6468 Address: 407 Elk Creek Road Idaho City, ID 83631 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Do not allow Idaho Power to reduce the power credits from solar genera�on. Since the cost of power to the customer is being increased, so should the compensa�on for the power generated by solar generators. I do not want to be paid money for my genera�on. I want to con�nue to get KW credit against my usage for my excess genera�on. Since all solar is generated during peak hours, solar generators should share in the increased charges levied by Idaho Power." -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 From: brenda Yoder <brenyode@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2023 1:26 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: PUC case IPC-E-23-14 PUC letter September 9, 2023 Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, Thank you for giving us the opportunity for our community to be heard. We dearly need Idaho Power to support, promote, and maximize economic feasible use of roo�op solar. We urgently need to replace our carbon pollu�ng energy produc�on. With the extreme climate changes we need clean renewable energy now. There are 3x more jobs now in solar than in coal. We need to find incen�ves to keep this trend going. I would recommend that Idaho Power consider grandfathering in all current solar owners un�l they get a plan figured out. At that �me, when it is all spelled out, poten�al solar owners can make an educated es�mate if solar is feasible for them. Adding solar panels to your home is expensive. I am concerned that the new Idaho Power rules could discourage others from considering solar on their homes. Is this really the direc�on we want to head? I think there should be incen�ves for all, especially all new homes being built to incorporate solar panels into all dwelling and businesses. Solar owners deserve fair compensa�on for the clean local energy they produce for the grid. This also decreases line lose in Idaho Powers grid, decreasing the need for new transmission lines. Thank you for taking the �me for these considera�ons. We have the opportunity to stand out and be one of the states leading this urgent call for renewable energy. I hope you can see the cri�cal need for you to make right decisions. Respec�ully Brenda Yoder Sent from my iPhone -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Tim Yoder Submission Time: Sep 11 2023 3:33PM Email: �mmyoutside@live.com Telephone: 208-340-4441 Address: 2700 N 30th St Boise, ID 83703 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�lity Commissioners, I’m wri�ng to express my concerns with Idaho Power’s proposed changes to compensa�on for on-site power genera�on customers. The proposed changes will dras�cally reduce any cost benefits of customer power genera�on, thereby discouraging any new installa�on. This comes at a �me when we need more, not less, zero carbon-emi�ng power genera�on, as demand in this region will only increase. I’m a bit concerned that Idaho Power was allowed to do its own study on this issue. Why was a third- party, unbiased organiza�on not employed to conduct this study? This appears like a certain conflict of interest. I do not see where this study considers that I have paid for my own genera�on system and pay for its maintenance. I also pay for and maintain the infrastructure to support my genera�on system. All this at no cost to Idaho Power. With enough customer generated power, Idaho Power can significantly scale back on increasing infrastructure, inves�ng in new power genera�on and the environmental degrada�on those ventures entail. These cost savings should be passed to consumers and power generators. This proposal by ID Power is certainly the an�thesis of the Company’s own self-proclaimed goal of clean, green energy produc�on because it will most certainly discourage any new roof top solar produc�on. I hope the IPUC will conduct open hearings with opportuni�es for all who would like to comment on this study. These hearings should include virtual as well as in person comments on this issue. And, at the very least, all those with genera�on systems in place or in the process of being built at the �me of IPUC’s decision need to be grandfathered into the current rate of net metering. Thank you for your considera�on, Tim Yoder "