HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230905Comments_9.pdf1 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Sheri Thomas Submission Time: Sep 1 2023 4:20PM Email: sheribmpllc@gmail.com Telephone: 208-481-1786 Address: 101 Cochise Dr Hailey, ID 83333 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I do understand that there are costs to maintaining infrastructure as it relates to keeping power grids running smoothly. Our solar panel does not produce all of the power for our home but most of it. My hope is that the rate of return is the same as the rate charged. This means at peak if the charge is $12.95 per kwh then if I am genera�ng credit solar gain during that �me the credit is at least close to that amount." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Joel Stobie Submission Time: Sep 1 2023 4:30PM Email: joel.stobie@gmail.com Telephone: 208-960-2955 Address: 1460 Clear Creek Dr Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Having worked in the energy efficiency and renewable energy industry for 18 years, I have an above average knowledge of rate tariffs, �me of use billing, etc. I also happen to have put solar panels on my roof last year. My comment is that I see no issue with Idaho Power adjus�ng to �me of use billing, but ONLY if it is applied to all customers. I fully understand that the value of a kwh used at different �mes of day has different cost structure to the u�lity. However, I believe I would be unfairly burdened with a higher rate in summer evenings than my neighbor, because I have solar panels. If all power customers were billed on �me of use we would all carry our fair share of peak consump�on costs. An addi�onal benefit is that we may actually disincen�ve summer night usage and reduce the system peaks, which would serve to solve the root problem of high capacity usage (and therefore higher delivery costs). I sincerely appreciate your considera�on of this comment. As a na�ve Idahoan I'm willing to pay my fair share, but just ask that my neighbors do the same. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Gilbert Shaddock Submission Time: Sep 1 2023 7:44PM Email: shadrocker@gmail.com Telephone: 208-960-4546 Address: 17689 N Weiser Rd Nampa, ID 83687 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I would respec�ully request that all exis�ng solar customers, as of the effec�ve date (January 1, 2024) of any changes to the way solar customers are credited for excess energy produced be grandfathered into the now extant method and rates of credit. In other words, exis�ng solar customers should be exempt from ANY of the proposed changes. My wife and I considered carefully our decision to purchase a solar system. We made our decision based on assurances that our energy bill would be locked in at a rate comparable to our average monthly energy expense over the previous 3 years. We would NEVER have assumed a loan to purchase such a system if we knew there would be unfavorable changes in the way we would be credited for excess produc�on. I am re�red and my wife would like to re�re in the next 5 to 10 years. We are trying to avoid all debt and keep our monthly expenditures under control so that will be able to live on a fixed income. Thank you for your �me and considera�on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: RAY WOLVERTON Submission Time: Sep 2 2023 3:53PM Email: rworchards@aol.com Telephone: 509-945-2687 Address: 13065 W 9TH ST Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of U�lity Company: idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am against the proposals to change the way net-metered electricity is calculated and credited. The proposed changes reduce the benefits of previous investment and take away some of the benefits of poten�al future investment in solar energy by private en��es. I am against the proposed reduc�on in the percentage of the credit for excess power genera�on as well as the shortening of the �me periods used when calcula�ng the net metered energy. These proposed changes are most likely to reduce the investment in genera�on equipment at a �me when we could all benefit by exactly the opposite. Please reject these proposals." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Arturo Campos Submission Time: Sep 2 2023 5:55PM Email: ar�ecampos@outlook.com Telephone: 208-713-3515 Address: 2875 S. Merrimac Ave Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I dont know of keeping the solar panels is going to be worth it. Its been saving me money, power bills are expensive, I paid 600 dollars last year in the summer and really high bills. Just to keep my house cool. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Daryl Jarman Submission Time: Sep 4 2023 3:14PM Email: daryl.jarman@gmail.com Telephone: 208-317-5742 Address: 754 Henderson dr apt #5 Blackfoot, ID 83221 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Solar panel owners pay for panels, maintain them, and have to deal with deprecia�on and wear. They feed into and or alleviate pull on the grid at peak hours when the most people are running AC units. It is unconscionable that a company could even consider lowering the rate at which solar owners are compensated, especially when 1:1 credits aren't available. Solar isn't widely adopted in Idaho, and changes like this discourage renewable energy adop�on that could help keep our state clean and self sufficient. We should be incen�vizing solar adop�on, not discouraging it. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jim Armstrong 4 Submission Time: Sep 4 2023 10:08PM Email: armstrong.jandg@gmail.com Telephone: 208-484-0073 Address: 1122 E Locust Lane Nampa, ID 83686 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "To: Idaho Public U�li�es Commission September 4, 2023 Case Number: IPC-E-23-14 Regarding: Virtual Online Public Workshop, Wednesday, September 6, 2023 Dear Commissioners and Staff: I am unable to par�cipate in either of the scheduled September Workshops due to being out of the area but would like to submit the following comments for your considera�on. I have been a Residen�al Service, On-Site Genera�on customer of Idaho Power since June 2021. My system (7.2 kW) was designed to produce sufficient energy to sa�sfy my annual energy consump�on based on monthly net metering and the expor�ng of excess net energy as described in the then current Schedule 6 rate structure. Yes, I was told by Idaho Power that Schedule 6 was subject to changes in the future which could affect mul�ple areas dealing with compensa�on for expor�ng excess energy generated by my system. But, I was given no indica�on that such changes could be as dras�c as those currently being proposed by Idaho Power. I support the posi�on that the costs and benefits of distributed genera�on should be fairly distributed among all Idaho Power customers. I have no problem with the current proposal to move to a real-�me net billing arrangement but do have a problem with whatever jus�fica�ons Idaho Power has used to calculate the Export Credit Rate (ECR) that cuts our financial reimbursement for that exported power by 70 percent or greater. That’s just too much to bear given our investment made in solar genera�on based on the current Schedule 6 rates. I would also like to suggest that the Commission directs Idaho Power to allow current Schedule 6 customers that have accumulated a “kWh credit of excess net energy” (as of the implementa�on date of any new Schedule 6) to have the right to use those “excess kWh credits” for any kWhs consumed from the grid regardless of the �me of day they were consumed un�l the balance of “excess kWh credits” accumulated under the old “1 for 1” Schedule 6 has reached zero. I am not in favor of any “cash out” plan for these old accumulated kWh credits when the new Schedule 6 becomes effec�ve. For those of us that became On-Site Generators between December 21, 2019 (the grandfathered cutoff date) and whenever the new rules are implemented, we have no recourse but ask IPUC to intervene on our behalf to secure a fair and equitable implementa�on of any proposed modifica�ons to the Schedule 6 rate structure that was in force when we became bound to that schedule. 5 Thank you for your �me and considera�on of my concerns. Sincerely, Jim Armstrong Nampa, Idaho" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: James Thomas Submission Time: Sep 5 2023 8:37AM Email: james@thomas.net Telephone: 208-841-6393 Address: 668 S Whisperwood Way Boise, ID 83709-5215 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Co. Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "This is what I understand IPCo is reques�ng: "...Idaho Power is asking the commission to allow real-�me net billing with an avoided cost-based financial credit rate for exported energy, a methodology to determine annual updates to the export credit rate, a modified project eligibility cap for commercial, industrial and irriga�on customers, related changes to the accoun�ng for and transferability of excess net energy financial credits and updated tariff schedules needed to administer the modified on-site genera�on offering..." Being a computer programmer and database designer, I have no idea what they are proposing and how it will affect me. Can you have IPCo. translate the above for me by applying their desired algorithm to my usage for 2022? And, comparing it with my bills for the same period? That would mean something to me. I will ask IPCo to do this and will let you know what I receive from them. Many thanks, Jim T. Boise" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Robert Howell Submission Time: Sep 5 2023 2:39PM Email: greenclean286@gmail.com 6 Telephone: 208-345-2109 Address: 1502 N 21st Street Boise, ID 83702 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am profoundly concerned that Idaho Power is atemp�ng to remove an incen�ve to use home solar power. In a �me where because of climate change there is and will be ever increasing power needs, to remove power buy back rates is counterproduc�ve. Solar power reduces demand on power genera�on. The more customers using solar the lower demand on Idaho Power is at peek genera�on �mes. All ci�zens must be part of the solu�on to our long term energy needs! This proposal is short sighted and profit driven. There is a page on Idaho Power’s website that reflects their short mindedness. I would gladly tes�fy to your commission regarding this cri�cal issue. Thank you for your �me on this mater. Sincerely Robert Howell " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------