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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230811Comments_2.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: HAROLD JACKSON Submission Time: Aug 10 2023 9:16PM Email: Telephone: 208-794-5791 Address: 2594 NE Reservoir Rd Mountain Uome, ID 83647 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I just learned the commission is not holding public hearings on this very important issue. Again, this shows the commission is working for Idaho Power. The Idaho (Power) Public U�li�es Commission needs to hold public hearings. People who have installed solar power are angry and want public hearings with a virtual connec�on. Maybe the commission has already decided the issue or they afraid riots will break out if they hold public hearings. If this proposed change is approved how can we fire the commissioners and install new commissioners that aren't working for the Idaho Power and get this proposal overturned. Idaho is in a sad state of affairs when big companies and dictate policy in Idaho. " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Kelly Hogan Submission Time: Aug 11 2023 2:02PM Email: Telephone: 208-863-6547 Address: 2770 N Lakeharbor Lane Boise, ID 83703 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "When considering these new Distributed Energy rates, please take a good look at other power companies that have gone away from net metering on a monthly billing basis, to so-called "fair" billing systems that work in real�me. Companies like SRP in Arizona, have all but destroyed the benefits of distributed solar energy being built out by end consumers by implemen�ng "Demand" charges based on hourly �me frames and surcharges. This has resulted in a class ac�on suit s�ll in progress, with it looking like they will be defeated in court. Any change in billing that takes a normal customers annual energy usage costs and increases or levels them by adding solar, will inevitably destroy user genera�on. SRP has done this, and the PUC can learn from looking at Idaho Powers proposal, and insuring that it does not go down the same path. As a solar installer for more than 20 years, I know that changes to billing that make it less financially atrac�ve for consumers will ul�mately ruin an industry and deter new 2 energy genera�on. While the power companies have an infrastructure to support, they should also proac�vely look to engage willing consumers investments to help with energy genera�on. I ask that the PUC keep the system as it is, basically a net-metering system, which the power company pays for what they use, and the consumer pays for what they use. Thats fair and reasonable, and all these reports about how they have to change pricing to be more "fair" is just a smoke screen to real�me demand based charges that ul�mately level a persons bill on an annual basis, regardless of if they have installed solar. That will kill solar installs in Idaho."