HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230717Comments_4.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Barbara Aronowitz Submission Time: Jul 15 2023 4:23PM Email: aronobarb@gmail.com Telephone: 516-512-4539 Address: 118 Trail Creek Drive Victor, ID 83455 Name of U�lity Company: Fall River Case ID: 1PC-E-23-14 Comment: "Idaho U�lity should make public hearings on solar energy more public." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Steve Lester Submission Time: Jul 16 2023 4:05PM Email: stevenlester73@gmail.com Telephone: 208-401-5011 Address: 3714 N 39th St Boise, ID 83703-4514 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I applaud Idaho Power for its current and planned "renewable resources power produc�on" but not for its proposed solar credit reduc�on. Please deny Idaho Power's proposed reduc�on for self- generated solar power -- roo�op systems etc. Reducing credit for excess power added to the grid by a customer's personal solar setup is exactly the wrong thing to do. We should make it financially easier, not harder, for people to invest in solar roo�op systems. We should encourage more people to add excess power to the grid by retaining the current solar credit formula. If IPUC approves the credit reduc�on, at least grandfather in all personal systems in place and producing power at the �me of the IPUC decision, not some�me earlier as now proposed. Thank you for considering my comments." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Casey Taylor Submission Time: Jul 17 2023 11:33AM 2 Email: caseytaylor79@gmail.com Telephone: 208-371-6402 Address: 921 N Red Ash Way Star Idaho 83669 Star, ID 83669-5991 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "The new proposed net metering rules seems very unfair for the consumer and very lucra�ve for Idaho Power. They are only required to change a meter on my house so very low cost for them then they are going to only pay me roughly 50% of the amount they are going to turn around and charge me when I need it. I know they are proposing a higher rate for some�me of the year but that is a small percentage of the year compared to the other. This seem very much like a racket to me I am selling them a product and then turn around and sell me the same thing back for 50% more then they paid for it. I can see charging different rates for those who do produce power and have them more of a one to one metering. Then have those that are producing power into the grid a higher rate sense they are relying 100% on Idaho Power. Rather than helping feed into the grid and share more resources with other this makes it so I would rather be disconnected from the grid and produce and use everything on my own. The other op�on would be to give me a yearly tax credit for the lose of income for all the power on produce that I am paid a below market value on. It seem very unfair to have the public pay for the produc�on of Idaho Power that they turn around and make a 50% profit on. This is greatly going to hurt the solar produc�on in Idaho for the average home owner." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Robert West Submission Time: Jul 17 2023 11:48AM Email: scotwest@tutamail.com Telephone: 208-779-4376 Address: 10771 W Amity Rd Boise, ID 83709 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "My comment is simple; commissioners please do not allow Idaho Power to implement their proposed rate restructure for solar producing customers. It is unfair and contrary to the public good. We should be rewarding people that install solar power not penalizing them." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------