HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230713Comments_4.pdf1 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Ernest Anderson Submission Time: Jul 12 2023 5:05PM Email: eanderson543@gmail.com Telephone: 208-631-0053 Address: 3021 E Homedale Rd Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Solar installa�ons installed before the rate changes go into effect need be grandfathered in. Basic principle of Estoppel. Should avoid legal challenges going forward." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Antonio DeAngelis Submission Time: Jul 12 2023 5:43PM Email: tonycaren@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-890-9445 Address: 214 Sunrise Dr. East Sun Valley, ID 83353 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am concerned and disheartened by Idaho Powers atempt, once again, at a power grab- this �me with their idea of changing net metering. Once again, we watch Idaho Power profess to go renewable and yet, again, we see the U�lity atemp�ng to hurt residen�al users of solar power by the hanky panky of adjus�ng different rates of compensa�on, depending on their own study of peak and non-peak hours. They are using one study, which they generated, to implement this dumb-founded and wrong-headed proposal. Idaho Power is not an honest broker here. They are atemp�ng to crush the residen�al industry and the people they serve... the residents of Idaho. We already know that the power grid in Idaho is old and will need a great deal of funds for repair and upda�ng. Idaho residents that have a desire to fund solar panels with their own private funds are actually already helping Idaho power by providing less strain on an already over-strained grid. Now Idaho Power shows their greedy hand by punishing the very people that are atemp�ng to make a posi�ve change regarding power use in Idaho. Once again, this U�lity is behaving like a private corpora�on, clawing for as much money as they can, instead of a public service u�lity that should be focused on providing the cleanest, most cost effec�ve power to all the ci�zens of Idaho. Shame on Idaho Power!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Sarah Rackers Submission Time: Jul 13 2023 1:58PM Email: slrackers13@gmail.com Telephone: 417-830-8020 Address: 619 Archer St Boise, ID 83706 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Public hearings and access to public hearings are essen�al for all community members to understand and impact decisions that influence our lives. We now need mul�ple hearings, including providing a virtual op�on, and to offer language services to make sure that every Idahoan can make their voice heard, no mater what language you speak or where you are in the state. Thank you for listening, Sarah" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Krystal Wallace Submission Time: Jul 13 2023 3:12PM Email: moorekrystal13@gmail.com Telephone: 208-230-2333 Address: 3721 N Camborne Boise, ID 83704 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "As a lifelong Idahoan, I am incredibly disappointed to see Idaho Power atempt to inflate rates and simultaneously devalue the extra power generated by homeowners. It is rare that customers of a product or service have the ability to produce that same product/service. These consumers are willing donate excess energy earned for a simple credit on energy used. Idaho Power is not losing money; it is fairly trading a commodity. It is blatantly obvious, that Idaho Power seeks to increase it's revenue and cut costs by obtaining energy generated by consumers at a discounted rate. I sincerely hope the commission will review third party studies when deciding the value of a kilowat. Idaho Power has stated the following: "That credit applies to the full retail kilowat rate, which reflects the full cost of genera�ng, transmi�ng, and delivering reliable electric service ... the rest pays for building and maintaining the grid, running a customer care center and other expenses that apply to all customers." 3 This quote devalues the large bill solar consumers have undertaken in order to generate energy. The average price for Solar Panels in Idaho is around $14,000. Homeowners are paying back those loans, with interest, and a small amount are providing Idaho Power's grid with free energy. Although this company purports to value renewable energy, it is clear that they value renewable energy insomuch as it benefits their interests and revenue. Although only 2% of Idaho Power's customers generate addi�onal Kilowats. This price change request is an atempt to devalue private solar panel installa�on, thus allowing Idaho Power to work towards their renewable energy goal and maintain profits from a strong customer base. This case does not benefit Idahoans, it benefits Idaho Power. If we hope to avoid cau�onary tales seen in Texas and California, we need to allow and encourage consumers to diversify energy sources and contribute to the grid, when able. I truly hope you will consider these comments when making your decision." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------