HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230706Comments_14.pdf1 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Ryal Bird Submission Time: Jul 5 2023 5:42PM Email: ryalbird@gmail.com Telephone: 720-589-4034 Address: 1824 Iron Stallion Dr Middleton, ID 83644 Name of U�lity Company: Middleton Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Open, honest and transparent." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: David Monsees Submission Time: Jul 5 2023 6:28PM Email: dmmonsees@gmail.com Telephone: 202-669-6431 Address: 1347 W Parkhill Dr. Boise, ID 83702 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I urge the PUC to hold open mee�ngs in ci�es across Southern Idaho WITH VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE AND INPUT by ci�zens unable to atend in person. This case has important implica�ons regarding compensa�on by Idaho Power. This delibera�on should include input remotely by all concerned par�es; limi�ng the mee�ngs to the three ci�es, as planned, disenfranchises a large number of Idaho ci�zens in the Treasure Valley. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: James Van Dinter Submission Time: Jul 5 2023 6:51PM Email: jvandinter@mac.com Telephone: 208-297-8288 Address: 12088 W. Tidewater Dr. Boise, ID 83713 Name of U�lity Company: Consumer Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I formally request that the PUC hold hearings on this case. Idaho Power is again atemp�ng to adjust the rates solar owners to grossly favor the company. As the study the PUC received from the Idaho Conserva�on League during the last set of hearings showed, Idaho Power is atemp�ng to cherry 2 pick methods that will fa or the company and do damage solar provider. We strongly request that the PUC hold hearings in Idaho Power's service area reques�ng this biassed proposal." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Vanessa Rosenbaum Submission Time: Jul 5 2023 8:24PM Email: rosenbaum.vanessa@gmail.com Telephone: 707-934-5750 Address: 401 W Pueblo Street Boise, ID 83702 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am concerned that the public hearings on solar power were not made accessible enough to people in the state of Idaho. Please hold addi�onal public hearings on solar power in mul�ple loca�ons across the state, and give people the op�on to tes�fy remotely. It is also essen�al to offer interpreta�on services so that language is not a barrier to people wishing to tes�fy. As a public u�lity, you have a responsibility to the people of this state. Thank you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Maria Held Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 3:26AM Email: held3@earthlink.net Telephone: 208-440-3146 Address: 240 W Concord St. Middleton, ID 83644-5520 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Idaho Public U�li�es Commissioners, Please hold the solar hearings in mul�ple ci�es AND include a virtual op�on! Sincerely, Maria Held" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Bill Hill Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 5:28AM Email: william.shill33@gmail.com Telephone: 208-850-2846 Address: 4872 No. Hacienda Ave. Boise, ID 83703 3 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Co. Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I’m contac�ng the PUC to stress my feelings regarding the open mee�ngs for Idaho Powers to forgo its program on residen�al assistance for solar power. As a lifelong resident of Idaho, I think the residen�al solar power program is essen�al for an overall cost effec�ve energy solu�on for average Idahoans. You represent the ci�zens of Idaho and it is incumbent on you as decision makers to keep this program intact. I also urge you to open these mee�ngs to full public comment. Thank you for your though�ul considera�on." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Gavin McClurg Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 7:11AM Email: mail@offshoreodysseys.com Telephone: 208-309-0973 Address: 103 Nez Perce Cir Hailey, ID 83333 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "The new net metering rules proposed by Idaho Power are the result of a monopoly power company with deep pockets trying to greatly pad their botom line at the cost of Idaho consumers trying to do the right thing- use renewable power. I have just built a new home in Hailey and installed 19 kilowats of roo�op solar at great expense because of the current net metering rules. Even as it stands the payback period will be well over a decade, but with the new rules implemented I will never recover the cost of the solar. Climate change demands that consumers like myself across Idaho are incen�vized to install roof top solar to power their homes rather than coal and fossil fuel. The �me to act is now. Idaho power calls their plan "fair"- it's anything but. It's not fair, it's not forward thinking, it's not good for the planet or the people of Idaho and will lead to 30% or more less solar and eliminate a burgeoning industry which provides good jobs across the state. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jennifer James Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 8:29AM Email: c14jennifer.james@gmail.com Telephone: 206-948-6908 Address: 1486 S Loggers Pond Apt 33 Boise, ID 83706 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power 4 Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Roo�op solar programs are integral for a sustainable future and ci�zens deserve a chance to speak directly with decision-makers before they are guted. Please hold public hearings allowing people to tes�fy, both in-person (in various ci�es) and remotely via Zoom, making it more accessible to both urban and rural populaces. Addi�onally, please provide translators, as there are many members of the community who speak languages other than English that also deserve to be heard." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Samuel Dahlin Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 8:30AM Email: dahlinsm@gmail.com Telephone: 206-939-5442 Address: 4303 W Plum St Boise, ID 83703 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please hold solar hearings in mul�ple ci�es AND include a virtual op�on with expanded language access. It is important to provide more accessible ways to atend & tes�fy at the hearings than just having in-person hearings in english. Thank you, Samuel Dahlin" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Janet Wygle Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 9:53AM Email: jcketchum@earthlink.net Telephone: 208-788-8406 Address: 106 Columbine Dr Hailey, ID 83333 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Idaho has to embrace solar power as soon as possible. The way roo�op solar is handled should be based on what most Idahoans want. Make sure you have the most input you can get regarding how to move forward. Hold more extensive hearings!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Burton Smith Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 12:39PM Email: brsmithin�@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-308-3535 Address: 2651 E 4000 N Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission Members, I write you today to ask you to be fair to the general public by holding more and regionally diverse public hearings regarding roo�op solar and other cri�cal issues that greatly impact our state. You are members of the PUBLIC U�li�es Commission, therefore all of your efforts should be directed toward the best interest of the public. The public is best served by listening to as many of the public’s voices as possible before making decisions in the public interest. Having more, and more widespread public mee�ngs with language services available will help you hear and listen to as many voices as possible. With the last number of years being the hotest on record and the last three days eclipsing the hotest global temperatures on record, we are in a crisis situa�on. Making roo�op Solar more easily accessible and affordable is paramount for the next genera�ons’ future. Let’s leave our legacy by being a leader in roo�op solar affordability and accessibility. Let’s use the footprints we have already created for beneficial use for all. More mee�ngs, more voices, beter decisions for the PUBLIC! Thank you, Burton Smith" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Mathew Henderson Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 2:06PM Email: mathew@hendersoncorpora�on.com Telephone: 208-401-8390 Address: 1202 N. 21st Boise, ID 83702 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am wri�ng to express my concern regarding the poten�al priori�za�on of profit concerns over the needs of the people in Idaho for a clean, sustainable energy future. It is crucial for the Idaho Public U�li�es Commission to priori�ze renewable energy sources and address the broader environmental and social implica�ons of our energy choices. 6 Priori�zing the transi�on to clean energy sources is essen�al to safeguard the well-being of current and future genera�ons. I urge the Commission to ensure that profit concerns do not overshadow the urgent need for a decarbonized future. Addi�onally, I would like to emphasize the importance of making PUC mee�ngs more accessible to all Idaho residents. Embracing modern technologies, such as video conferencing and live streaming, can facilitate remote par�cipa�on, allowing a broader range of ci�zens to engage in the decision-making process. This inclusive approach fosters transparency, accountability, and fair representa�on of the people's interests. I kindly request that the Idaho Public U�li�es Commission takes immediate steps to address these concerns, ensuring that the profit concerns of Idaho Power are not priori�zed at the expense of a clean energy future. By doing so, the Commission can demonstrate its commitment to the long-term sustainability of our state. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Martha Bibb Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 2:16PM Email: marthasbibb@gmail.com Telephone: 503-539-8863 Address: 810 CD Olena Dr Hailey, ID 83333 Name of U�lity Company: IP Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please hold virtual mee�ng to allow the greatest number of people to provide comments on IP drama�c rate increases. My base rate would triple! Ci�zens need low cost solar power so that we can all help to reduce climate change. IP is a monopoly and should not be allowed to determine the rates we pay for the necessary service of electricity. The greater good should prevail over profits and big administra�ve incomes." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rob Smith Submission Time: Jul 6 2023 2:24PM Email: rob@bdesolaridaho.com Telephone: 208-278-6743 Address: 6623 N Waterlilly Way Boise, ID 83714 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "We need to hold mul�ple public hearings over Idaho Power's plan to cut net metering rates for solar customers. This will not only affect tens of thousands of homeowners, but thousands of employees in the solar industry. We understand why Idaho Power needs to make changes, but there are other things they can do to accommodate rather than kill solar in Idaho. "