HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230627Comments_1.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Andrew Descalso Submission Time: Jun 27 2023 12:48PM Email: Adescalso@gmail.com Telephone: 208-318-8285 Address: 1619 Primrose Drive Nampa, ID 83686 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Idaho Power is only in it for the profit, especially as a publicly traded company (NYSE: IDA) that's not a ques�on. The problem they are overlooking, or maybe they are not (they make more profit off of new projects)..., is that reducing residen�al solar genera�ng customers will be MORE of a strain and demand on the grid during peak �mes. Reducing credits will change solar customers habits to recoup the loss of credits. Currently in the heat of the day I export most of my solar back into the grid. I'm either gone or outside working so that 14-18kw an hour during the heat go right to the grid, a �me when Idaho Power wants everyone to conserve because their system can't handle it. Currently I irrigate my field and charge my car at night when the grid isn't strained. In this case I am helping them in the a�ernoon and night and am a net posi�ve. If this change goes through I will have to change my habits in order to not get the significant reduc�on in credits (No the slightly higher credit they might give those few hours doesn't make up the deficit the rest of the day). I will no longer be expor�ng in the a�ernoon, instead I will be running my irriga�on for the field, charging my electric car, doing laundry, and pre cooling the house with the A/C before the sun goes down. I will be doing as much as I can to use all of my solar and I might even have to draw from the grid meaning I am a nega�ve draw at this point. A double nega�ve actually since I am not expor�ng and am now impor�ng. Idaho Power will no longer have access to all this solar genera�on when they need it most and the thousands of customers in Idaho will also change their habits meaning Idaho Power will need to make more power genera�ng plants, which is what they want because that's where they make the most profit. Just remember that Idaho Power is only in it for the profit, especially as a publicly traded company (NYSE: IDA) if they wanted whats best for Idaho and Idahoans they wouldn't be doing exactly what PG&E does in California." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------