HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230602Comments_1.pdf06/02/2023 01:13 2084525572 TONY KLEIN INSURANCE PAGE 01/07 1301 N.OregonAvenueKINLFruitland,ID 83619Office(208)452-5573 or(800)722-5573INSURANCEvaxt208}452-5572 f¾r &7-og-33A3%1 To:Date A From:Ѥy /WE µÁ‡ÍAV Time 72 Total number of pages not including this cover sheet.Please call the office numberifyoudonotreceiveallthepagesorifthereisanotherproblem. Special Instructions: 06/02/2023 01:13 2084525572 TONY KLEIN INSURANCE PAGE 02/07 T C3N Y KLE I N OFFICE 208 -452-55731301N.OREGON AVENUE FAX 208 -452-5572FRUITLAND,IDAHO 83619-2245 TOLL FREE 800 -722-5573 Idaho Public Uf¿£¿t¿es Comm¿as¿cn June 2,2023 RE,Cdée Wó.IPC-E-23-14On¿¿te genegotion Thank you goa mon¿tox¿ng and regafating Idaho Power so thattheydonottakeadvantageogusadenesondpaaducera. Th¿a ¿a puta ßATT AND SWITCH tact¿ca gor mona money geom3754Cummentcustomets. When I put mysSafde agatem ¿n 2021,I undexatood thaÆ I h&dtotema¿n hooked to the¿A pa¿d and I wou£d be paying about‡5.20 Per Month. Now jaa 2 yeara Æ«tet,Idaho Power wants to change thebitt¿ng dommuÆ«end the nuÆea..My powet bitÆ w¿th th¿a paoposalw¿£Z ¿nexeast 240%IE:$5:20 per month to Šl2.00 net mom†hor642cuarentcustometa.Th¿a 40 called,teal t¿me net b¿ÆÆ¿nqbened¿tá gout stockho£der and not youx carment customera. Af a T¿me 7¿áfetant¿ated Expont Cted¿t Rate.What ¿á themaghm«t¿eaÆ (omala dor th¿a h¿nd og unhead og b¿L£¿n.q caÆeufat¿ont What ever th¿a La,Lt ¿á BAIT AND SWITCH I I patchased and ¿ndtx£Led my solan ystem unden ona def og ruÆeajustE¿he the Legaeq and Gaandfathis systema d¿d.So ¿g you wantchangeatugd,you should h¤uld propode hanged got new ¿natale-¿oas and not 3754 eattent eaaromers.Th¿á ¿a ßAIT AND SWITCH. I rage he IPUC to vote NO on th¿s cose.It ¿A a tetrible ¿deadorthemtoazuanddooneth¿ng and then want to chanaa th¿ngalater.Pfe«se do not Æet them get away w¿th th¿a too. Th¿A foo Reders to these.gaeta:When the 0xbow,Beown£«u.andHELÆ4CannonDamawexeHeá¿aned,the.u afÆ had ¿¿Ah Laddexa onthem40xsteeheadandsafm¤n m¿araÆ¿ons.The de4¿cn¿no enq¿needthatIknewwasEdAnkromaa¿d "Idaho Poweg aan Low on moneyandchangedthe¿a minds and took them o/A the pacíceta".EzeaudeIdahoPowetchonaadthe¿A minds,....We no longen have miquef¿noA¿Lh ett paad HeÆÆ¿Canyon Dam ¿¿nce 1968.I Aememben hold¿ngaw¿Ld aaÆmon ¿n Stöfew me.adowa -no.«»ma.hm 1.abo.Ma dad in?d matonotitdooraayh†waA «an an.What a wonderluf memony. PÆease do not Æet th¿a pubÆ¿efu traded company ahence the¿Ab¿LÆ¿nq to Æhe¿t aantant customen.Thga (4 ßAIT AND SWITCH!Maybe let them do it to the.in n.e.m instafferionA int no?†Ledeon»hout onAtomoux.PLEARF VOTE MOf Thaab you Tona Kfein 06/02/2023 01:13 2084525572 TONY KLEIN INSURANCE PAGE 03/07 St2023052521011Ldat18157-00000225 BW,-10¾40hŠPORR, .n IDACORP cúrnceny Billing Date 05/25/2023 m WN Arnount Due PAGE 1 OF 2 Print Date 05/26/2023 06/09/2023 $5.21 TONY &UNDA KLEIN Thank you for using Auto PayAccountNumber:Your payment is scheduled to be deductedfromyourfinanaalmstitutionon06/09/2023.Previous Balance $10.47 This bill is for your records. Payments Received -Thank You -$10.47 Surnmer Rates Rerninder Summer rates are in effect June, July and LBalanceForward$0.00 August.You may see summer andCurrentCharges$5.21 non-surnmer charges on your bill. SurnmerratesreflecttheincreasedcostsofhigherAccountBalance$5.21 energy demands.For more iriformationvisitidahopower.com/rates. NOTE Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1percent. AverageDaily Energy Use for 1301 N OREGON AVE /FRUITLAND,iD Q3 1 oc occo=oooooo 2022 g 2023 Account Number Address/Phone correction Due Date Arnount Due An toe.ow comcany . P.O.BOX 7D, BO ISL 10 83707 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151 Amount Enclosed $ Retumed payments rocy be FEsubmitted eiedronically,and a $10 returned009079000005599Payment faa would be assessedfor any unpaid iterns.þIþsfl¡ll í|Ll|I .|..11 '10'll'IIII ÍÍIl IPIM|ll TONY &LINDA KLEINTNLANRD D 3 9 2245 3458 06/02/2023 01:13 2084525572 TONY KLEIN INSURANCE PAGE 04/07 MO239525230113.dadS15moucaC5599 Cluestions?Contact your Custorner Care tearn: 208 398-2223 or >$00-488-6151 «M 7:20 a.rn.-6:30 p.n P.O.Box 70 «Bolse,10 4 83707Anr-Cr Hob|0mos español. For rnore information and/or self-help options,PAGE 2 OF 2 visit idahopower om. Serv1ce Agreernent Number Service Period 4/22/23 -05/23/23 (32 daysServiceAddress1301NOREGONAVE/FRUITLAND)D Next Read Date 06/22/2022DescriptionNA umbe Previous Readi Current Reading lErkrg|UggVh)Read ng Type665926989535094255-1,095 Regu ar SERVICE DETAILS(Restaantial on-Site Generation Schedule 06]Customer Generation kWh Cr MEa a e Service Charge $5.00 Franchise Fee 1.00%Paid to Your City $0.05 Energy Efficiency 5ervices $0.16 Federal Columbia Over Benefits Supplied by BPA GO00 Current Charges -Electric service NOTE:For an expleristion of these charges,go to idahopower.com/bmgios:Ory,kwh =Elowatt-hour MovinSP Contact your Customer Care team at least two business daysbeforeyouwanttoendservice.«i. NEW CONTACTINFORMAT10NPor AccoeNtwasseR 2200583066 He p ñeighbors :n needHasyouraddress,phone numberor email changed?Provide changes below,pyy-60ergy costs, Name pledge $-cr.m month Street Apt./Suite Roand up my mo y Ëiinmouer to the r.esr÷ë d Telephone Ernail 06/02/2023 01:13 2084525572 TONY KLEIN INSURANCE PAGE 05/07 An IDAPGRP Company May 1,2023 II IIllllllrllllllI IInlle ilvlllllltiall!""=ll illl·\\ll! 8278 n-ss ***AUTO**ALL FOR AADC 836TonyKlein 1301 N Oregon Ave Fruitland ID 83619-2245 RE:Proposed chariges to the compensation structure for on-site generation Hello, As a customer with on-site generation,you are receiving this letter because we want you to beawareofproposedchangestothecompensationstructureforori-site generation.This letter isspecifictoyournon-legacy Solar on-site generation system at 1301 N Oregon Ave /Fruitland Id83619-2245,meter number66592698.If you have multipleon-site generation systems,you willreceivealetterspecifictoeachsystem. Below are details about the proposed changes being considered by the idaho Public UtilitiesCommission(iPUC)-as well as information on how you can participate. What is be1ng proposed?//Î fas Idaho Power is requesting changes to its on-site generation offering that are a step toward ensuringfairpricesforallcustomers.ldaho Power is seeking approval ofa compensation structure thataccuratelymeasuresanon½\te generator's use of the electricaigrid and an excess export energycreditratethatwillresultinafairandaccuratevaluationofcustomers'exported energy.For allcustomerswithnon-legacy s\stems,Idaho Power is asking the!PUCto implement changes effectiveJanuary1,2024,starting on your January bill: A change frorn net monthlyto real-time net billing,.which would better measure customers'actual reliance on the eactrical grid, A change in the excess e<ported energy credit from a kilowatt-hour(kWh)credit,valuedaround10centsforresidentialcustomers,to a time difierentiated financial bili creditrangingfromapproximately5to20centsperkWh,that would be updated annually. Why is idaho Power requesting changes?Og .-So if pay ras The proposed changes follow the IPJC's acknowledgernent of a Value of Distr¡buted EnergyResourcesstudy(IPC-E-22-22),whief analyzed the benefits and costs of on-site generation on IdahoPower's electrical grid.The study provides a basis for implementing changes to ensure thatcustomersarepaidfairratesfortheirexportsandcustomerswithoutsolarorotheron-sitegenerationsystemsarenotsubsidizingtheratesforself-generatingcustomers./ Boise.10 63702 06/02/2023 01:13 2084525572 TONY KLEIN INSURANCE PAGE 06/07 Solar power and other renewable energy sources are an important part of Idaho Power's energymix,and the cornpany supports customers who choose to participate in their own on-sitegeneration.The company's goal with this request is to modernize the 20-year-old compensationstructureforon-site generation to ensure prices for excess energy are fair and equîtable for allcustomers. How might my bill be affected? For residential customers with non-legacy systems,Idaho Power evaluated 2022 data to assess howcustomerbillsmaybeaffectedbytheproposedchangeincompensationstructure.The 2022averagemonthlybillforresidentialcustomersunderthecurrentnetmonthlycompensationstructurewas$40.Under the proposed real-time net billing,the ave bill increases to $52,resulting in an average increase of approximately$12 per mont .or 30% The chart below shows the change in average monthi ¯mioving from the existing net monthlytoreal-time net billing compensation structure.T art is orgrábi¿ed by customers'average netmonthlyenergyconsumption. Residential On-site Generation OkWh 1<500kWh 5005900kWh 90051,3DOkWh 1,30051200kWh 1,700kWh+(M2 customers}ff 2,123 customert)_y (563customers)g (197 customers)f (210 customers)y (119 customers)Average Net MonthlykWh Delivered a NEM m Net IBilling What is the difference between net energy metering and real-tirne net billing?Under monthly net energy metering (NEM),customer-generatora receive a credit in kWh for anymonthlyexcessenergygenerateiThecreditcanbeappliedtooffsetenergywithinthecurrentbillingcycleandcarry-forward codits can be used to offset energy consumption in future periods. Real-time net billing measures and charges customers for all kNh consumed from the grid at theretailrate,and measures and colnpensates customers for allkWh exported to the grid at a timedifferentiatedexportcreditrateECR).,, What Is a "non-legacy"systemy A & As part of previous cases,the IPlJCgranted legacy status -sometimes referred to as"grandfathered"-to eligible Idaho residential and small general service on-site generation systemsasofDecember20,2019,and to eligible commercial,industrial and irrigation and OregonresidentialandsmallgeneralsenticesystemsasofDeceniber1,2020.In these previous cases,the 06/02/2023 01:13 2084525572 TONY KLEIN INSURANCE PAGE 07/07 IPUC acknowledged certain criteria for these systems to maintain legacy status,which allows thosesystemstoretaintheNEMCompensationstructurefor25years. All other systems,inc\uding the system referenced in this letter,are "non-legacy"and are subject tochangesintheon-site generation compensation structure,including the changes currentlybeingconsîderedbytheIPUC. How can I participate? For more details about the proposed changes to the on-site generation compensation structure,including the methodologies behind the net billing and excess energy e×port credit rate changes,customers can review idaho Power's proposal,which is subject to approval by the IPUC.Copies oftheapplicationareavailabletothepublicattheIPUCoffices(11331 W.Chínden Blvd.Building 8,Suite 201-A,Boise,ID 83714),Idaho Power offices,or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov.Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email aboutthecase.Written comrnents regyding Idaho Power's proposal (Case No.IPC-E-23-14)may be filedwiththeIPUC(puc.idaho.gov/Foga/Casecomma). You can find more information about Customer Generation,including information about this caseandFActs,at idahopower.com/customergeneration.If you have additional questions,you can call.our Customer Care team at 800-632-6605. Sincerely, Your idaho Power r Generation Team