HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230601Comments_4.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Mary Stewart Submission Time: Jun 1 2023 11:00AM Email: mste0195@gmail.com Telephone: 208-440-5291 Address: 1254 E Whig Dr Kuna, ID 83634 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am wri�ng to express my disapproval of the request by Idaho Power to change its on-site genera�on offering. There has been a significant push for residents to transi�on to solar energy, which many residents have done. This change is an obvious atempt to recoup money lost by Idaho Power. By that I mean, they are receiving less money from customers who are now genera�ng their own power. They can no longer raise rates on us, so they are atemp�ng to do that with these changes. The idea that customers without solar are subsidizing the rates for self-genera�ng customers is ridiculous. Self- genera�ng customers are reducing the demand for power generated by Idaho Power, which reduces the demand on the grid during peak power �mes, including summer. I respec�ully request that you deny this request by Idaho Power. " ---------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Mathew Stalker Submission Time: Jun 1 2023 12:31PM Email: purdumat@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-721-3141 Address: 12170 State Highway 75 Hailey, ID 83333 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Please append the following comment to my comment from 5-23-23: ... But a func�oning grid is a founda�on for all other assump�ons herein, and incen�vizing (or at least not penalizing) distributed resources is cri�cal to Idaho's future. Forward-thinking about preparedness is cri�cal to IPUC's mission and to remove that capability from IPUC's hands in the future is not something I want to see happen. Last, in the public interest is conserva�on. Idaho Power puts out hundreds of thousands of impressions on conserving electricity and doing our part. Yet they do not apply the same framework to the solar generators providing addi�onal power at peak temperature events. This double standard is to be noted. 2 The Idaho public would also benefit from diversified sources of jobs. Technological innova�on, industry development, and energy independence align with residen�al solar. Thank You. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Kelly Mooney Submission Time: Jun 1 2023 1:52PM Email: jkscm01@gmail.com Telephone: 208-850-8369 Address: 7153 E Highland Valley Rd Boise, ID 83716 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "As a residen�al on-site genera�on customer, I am opposed to the proposed changes in the compensa�on structure. I made a personal financial decision of great magnitude ($86K) to install roo�op solar. That decision was based on the current compensa�on structure and the business case outlined by the solar installa�on company. I agreed with their financial analysis, based on the current arrangements for on-site solar genera�on and my unique property details. To now change that financial dynamic for “non-legacy” customers is patently unfair. If the PUC determines this proposed change from Idaho Power is appropriate, it should NOT be levied on customers that made business decisions before the changes were enacted. Further, the Idaho Power claim that is outlined in IPC-E-22-22 sta�ng that customers such as myself are being subsidized by other ratepayers is very difficult to follow, which greatly diminishes the credibility of the Idaho Power claim. As your IPUC news release stated, “The primary objec�ve of the on-site genera�on study and corresponding modifica�ons to the program is to establish a sustainable on-site genera�on program that is fair and equitable. Ideally, the parameters of the program should minimize or eliminate cross-subsidies that could exist between par�cipants and non-par�cipants of on-site genera�on.” I challenge the PUC to claim that my on-site genera�on is a ‘cross-subsidy’ benefi�ng me personally at the expense of non- par�cipants or the very profitable Idaho Power Corpora�on. Idaho Power should be pursuing efficient opera�ons and dividends for their shareholders but NOT at the expense of on-site genera�on customers that made financial calcula�ons based on the current compensa�on structure. Changing it without amending the "non-legacy" status of customers is unjust and your duty as a commission is to deny the Idaho Power proposal." ---------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Rick Aldinger Submission Time: Jun 1 2023 3:34PM Email: radinger8@outlook.com 3 Telephone: 208-870-4950 Address: 9433 W Deerfawn Dr Star, ID 83669 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I oppose the "Proposed changes to the compensa�on structure for on-site genera�on" that was outlined in Idaho Powers leter to customers with on-site genera�on. 1. Isn't the goal to be less energy dependent and as Idaho Power states on their web site, 'cleaner today, tomorrow, working together and caring for the environment’? On-site genera�on/solar systems are reducing usage during peak hours, as well as reducing some of the strain on the grid/infrastructure. The solar systems also provide Idaho Power with the ability to sell excess power that hopefully benefits other Idaho Power customers and/or cover their costs for addi�onal rebates, incen�ves, etc. 2. Idaho Power provides all kinds of incen�ves, rebates and credits for installing energy efficient appliances, insula�on, doors, windows, weatheriza�on programs, and Easy Savings coupons for a free electric furnace or heat pump tune-up. All of these programs help reduce energy usage and dependence. Are these customers penalized for using less electricity? Technically they see a kWH for kWH when reducing power usage. Roof top solar genera�on provides similar benefits as all of the programs Idaho Power promotes and subsidizes, poten�ally providing more benefits to Idaho Power and their customers. 3. The new compensa�on proposal for solar systems/on-site genera�on, is very complicated, vague and difficult to follow/understand. Following is an excerpt from the leter: ‘maybe valued around 10 cents (?), �me differen�ated financial bill (?); ranging from approximately 5 to 20 cents (?), updated annually, no carry over, maybe some? 4. Botom line, the new pricing is not fair. Look at the 'average monthly bill impact' chart they proposed; customers using the least amount of power would pay more than 30% increase, i.e. $5 to $12 or $23 to $35 is more than a 30% increase. Majority of solar customers are at the lower �er of solar usage. Why are customers with installed solar systems who are using less energy being penalized for providing addi�onal benefits to Idaho Power? 5. It is unfortunate that there are only 3,754 customers genera�ng power via roof top solar systems (see Idaho Power Chart). The popula�on and energy usage in Idaho is going to increase. Idaho and Idaho Power should be leading the way to promote more solar usage, not penalizing households that install solar. Summary, Idaho Powers new proposal is discriminatory towards solar installa�ons, one sided, arbitrary, complicated, vague, confusing, and very penalizing for current as well as future solar owners. Actually, the VODER study is contradictory to other studies. The new proposal does not talk about the costs moving to a new system. Does it require new equipment, addi�onal equipment, major administra�ve changes, etc? 4 Let’s actually work Together and help Idaho Power move towards their goal “Clean Today. Cleaner Tomorrow®, 100% clean energy by 2045”. Maybe current/future solar installa�ons can help improve the date as well as meet various goals Idaho Power has stated on their web site. Thank you for your �me. Rick ----------------------------------------------------------------