HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230531Comments_4.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: David West Submission Time: May 31 2023 7:55AM Email: deworeg@gmail.com Telephone: 971-275-5112 Address: 1328 Peregrine Dr. Middleton, ID 83644 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "The government has been encouraging us for years to switch to green energy as have the u�lity companies like Idaho Power. Now that more and more people are doing so the power companies have found they are losing revenue and want to punish us for doing what is asked. These proposed increases could poten�ally negate any cost savings those of us have due to switching and discourage future customers from installing solar. These proposed changes are unfair and puni�ve to those who simply did as asked in order to help the environment and relive pressure on power grids. Respec�ully submited, David West " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Christopher Slack Submission Time: May 31 2023 8:26AM Email: CHRIS_SLACK78@YAHOO.COM Telephone: 360-310-2173 Address: 9405 W Deerfawn Dr Star, ID 83669 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am wri�ng in response to Idaho Powers request to modify the net metering billing for Residen�al Solar Genera�on, and to hike the admin fee by 140% to $12. The following comments pertain: a. Does the Idaho State Government and Idaho Power support residen�al renewable energy installa�on?? Public comments have been suppor�ve, to date; however, the proposed price structure introduces a retro ac�ve, puni�ve, dis-incen�ve rate structure on current and future residents who choose to install home solar systems. 2 b. Is Idaho Power proposing to also increase the "service charge" assessed to residen�al energy customers who do NOT have solar installa�ons by 140%? IF not, the move to raise the admin fee on customers with solar installa�ons is discriminatory, and further evidence of disincen�ve to install home solar systems. c. the fact that fees have not been raised in over 20 years, as stated in Idaho Power's leter to customers with solar installa�ons, is interes�ng, but irrelevant. Fees are set as part of annual budge�ng and business decisions. IF management chose not to raise those fees early, those were jus�fied business decisions for which management is accountable. To suddenly raise fees 140% in the midst of our current infla�onary economy when our incomes are stagnant and purchasing power decreasing, is further evidence of a puni�ve/dis-incen�ve mo�ve. d. IF this rate increase goes into effect, regulatory language should accompany it requiring ALL companies that do residen�al solar installa�ons in Idaho, cite the new fee structure in the business cases they propose to their customers. e. Within one year of a residen�al solar installa�on, Idaho powere should have enough data on the energy use and genera�on capacity of that customer to predict when peak power will be delivered to the grid by these customers, which should enable Idaho Power to cut back on its non-renewable genera�on capacity, or preserve hydro capacity, for non daylight/solar genera�ng �mes. This in turn should enable Idaho Power to operate more efficiently and benefit from residen�al solar installa�ons on an even exchange of power delivered to the grid for use by other retail customers - as supported by the current net metering provisions. f. IF Idaho State Government and Idaho Power no longer support residen�al renewable energy genera�on, as this proposal implies; than an explicit, unambiguous statement to that effect should be made public by both the state and Idaho Power, so that residen�al customers considering future investment in solar power installa�ons know up front that their decision is NOT supported by these two en��es. Regards and respec�ully submited, Christopher D Slack" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Micah Sandusky Submission Time: May 31 2023 9:18AM Email: micahsandusky5@gmail.com Telephone: 208-484-6661 Address: 4014 S Morningwind Ave Boise, ID 83706 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am wri�ng to voice my opposi�on to the proposed changes to the compensa�on structure for residen�al solar power genera�on. As invested members of our community, I feel compelled to address this issue, as it is a step in the wrong direc�on for sustainable living in Idaho. 3 By reducing and complica�ng the compensa�on rates for surplus solar energy fed back into the grid, the proposed changes undermine the economic viability of residen�al solar systems. A substan�al part of the incen�ve for homeowners to invest in solar panels lies in the ability to offset costs through net metering. The suggested changes will shi� the balance unfavorably, making solar systems less atrac�ve, thus discouraging further adop�on. At a �me when we should be promo�ng clean, renewable energy sources, this shi� discourages homeowners from making a change that benefits not only them, but also our community and environment at large. I urge the commission to reconsider these changes. We should move in a direc�on that includes fair pricing for all involved and does not deter home owners from inves�ng in clean energy. Let's keep our sights on the future and work towards such a solu�on." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Eric Mar�n Submission Time: May 31 2023 12:48PM Email: emmar�n11@gmail.com Telephone: 970-371-6493 Address: 1948 E FOTHERGILL ST Boise, ID 83716-6613 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I think the penalty for those users of solar energy is a complete disregard of the looming climate crisis and an insult to those individuals who have invested in a more green, and beter future. This proposed change will decrease the number of people willing to engage in clean energy which at this �me in our history is necessary for our climate future. Decreasing incen�ves for solar power, especially at a �me when the na�onal government is trying to encourage such ac�on, seems to indicate that money for the company is more of a priority than the future of our earth for our children. At the very least, those individuals who have installed systems prior to the beginning of this proposed change (January 2024) should be unaffected. Further, any ac�on that decreases the willingness of Idaho residents from u�lizing clean energy, especially when Idaho Power has asked for users to use less during high usage �me like the summer months (indirectly indica�ng a shortage of current resources) seems counterintui�ve to a green and sustainable future. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------