HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230519Comments_7.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Ashley Quick Submission Time: May 18 2023 4:56PM Email: ashleysilvernell@gmail.com Telephone: 303-475-4664 Address: 1011 E GREENWOOD CIR BOISE, ID 83706-5136 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Changing the compensa�on structure for on-site generated solar power yet again is absolutely ridiculous, and an obvious money grab by Idaho Power. There is less and less financial incen�ve for people to install their own solar. During the 100 degree heat-dome weeks when there's a desperate need for power and AC, you are going to need us to help stabilize the power supply. We're trying to help support the grid, and Idaho Power is nickel and diming us rather than working with the community. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: McKay Barlow Submission Time: May 18 2023 5:18PM Email: julzandmckay@gmail.com Telephone: 208-539-9861 Address: 2424 Blick Lane Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "We installed solar in our home in 2018 because we felt it was good for the environment and, in the long term, a good financial investment. This decision was based on rules and costs established by Idaho Power. Since then, Idaho Power has con�nued to change the rules making it less rewarding to use solar power and making consumers more dependent on them. The most recent changes proposed to Idaho Public U�li�es Commission (reducing the compensa�on for electrical power produced by solar customers) clearly benefit Idaho Power but are based on a study PERFORMED BY IDAHO POWER! This is clearly a conflict of interest. Before any proposed changes are made, a study should be completed by an independent third party. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Crystal Emery Submission Time: May 18 2023 5:50PM Email: crystal.emery06@gmail.com 2 Telephone: 208-447-8112 Address: 116 Key Hole Dr Jerome, ID 83338 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "To Whom it May Concern: I received a leter about the proposed changes to the compensa�on structure for on-site genera�on and my husband and I as residen�al customers are against what is being proposed. We went into solar with the hopes of being a litle more independent as our cost of electrical was astronomical ge�ng as high at $600-$700 in the winter using our heat sparingly because of cost. We were cold most nights to preserve our power bill. It was our choice for solar but with the hope that we could be a litle more comfortable. Because we decided to get more panels to offset cost of electricity if you go through with this proposed change it will affect us financially in a significant way. There will be no bank for us come winter as we understand it. The cost of paying off solar combined with paying Idaho Power will affect our family of 5. There has to be a beter compromise available. I don't expect Idaho Power not to take something from us since we are s�ll on the grid but for us to generate so much power in the summer and expect a lot less for us in the winter we will be paying 2 x as much. Please take young families like ours into considera�on as we were trying to make things a litle easier and warmer come winter. Thank you for your �me, Cur�s and Crystal Emery" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Thomas Mar�n Submission Time: May 18 2023 6:55PM Email: tpm9709@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-631-2934 Address: 9709 W CASCADE ST Boise, ID 83704-9777 Name of U�lity Company: Ada County Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I have installed solar panels, on-site genera�on and have spent over $17,000.00 in hope that my investment might break even in 15 years or so. With this new proposal, it would appear that the payoff period will become 20, 25 or maybe even 30-years. Who knows, as much of the informa�on provided so far is vague and couched in terms of annual reevalua�on to the ECR. I believe the Idaho Power proposal before your commission greatly benefits Idaho Power Co and has intent to harm on-site power genera�on of its Idaho Power customers. Further, it will greatly reduce future installa�ons of on-site genera�on systems (homeowners). 3 From the communica�ons I received and the tes�mony I've reviewed, I can't calculate how moving to a financial credit system will change my bill, other than it will be larger (I'm unsure how much) and may change yearly based on an Idaho Power Co annual ECR request for change with parameters that are ill defined. As many commentors have noted, there does not seem to be oversight of if credits are being properly applied. I've no�ced that IP's billing statements don't appear to align with my current meter readings. I have concerns that "real-�me net billing" likely is problema�c and have concerns, without oversight, "rounding and other errors" likely will extend to who is calcula�ng the bill, i.e.: Idaho Power Co. To my way of thinking, any excess power I'm genera�ng jumps from my house to a next-door neighbor (I'm the only one genera�ng on-site power for any of the houses nearby). The idea of power loss and addi�onal overhead costs seem highly overstated (VODER study) based on the number of on-site power genera�on sites now and into the foreseeable future. The Federal and State governments believe on-site Solar Power genera�on to be valuable as they compensate individuals to take a chance on installa�on of costly systems. Idaho Power even suggests that power generated during peak demand is hugely valuable, yet they wish to "rig" the compensa�on away from Net-Metering to a vague compensa�on plan that they will provide annual ECR requests to modify, and these modifica�ons most likely will favor them, and not their customers. Idaho Power is genera�ng large profits under the current rate structure, and it is difficult for me to believe that on-site power genera�on is harming Idaho Power or its Idaho Power customer base. The VODER study cited fairness to non-on-site power genera�on customers, but I believe the evidence provided was weak and failed to show any significant harm to any of its customers and likely discounted benefits of on-site genera�on customers keeping power demands lower and providing power onto the grid at near par value. I would encourage the current board, with all of its new members, to reject changing from the current Net-Meter plan. The proposed plan favors Idaho Power Co. at the expense of its exis�ng, non- grandfathered on-site power genera�on customers. Thanks, Tom" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Brian Fortuin Submission Time: May 18 2023 7:03PM Email: brian42in@gmail.com Telephone: 208-308-2596 Address: 3819N 2538E Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 4 Comment: "I am wri�ng to comment on Idaho Power’s proposed change to how solar producers are treated. I am not a lawyer or an energy expert, but a consumer. I have lived in Idaho and purchased power from Idaho power since 1997. I had solar installed in 2022 and will add to my system this year. I do not pretend to know the intricacies of how tradi�onal power companies interact with sustainable power producers, but I do know why I installed solar and what factors when into that decision. I purchased solar to lighten the grid load, to reduce my carbon footprint and to, ul�mately, save money. Idaho Powers proposal to move away from net metering towards billable reimbursement undermines the consumer’s ability to invest, save and plan their power usage. All that a �me differen�ated export credit rate will accomplish is to allow Idaho Power to whipsaw small producers in an effort to increase Idaho Power’s mul�million dollar profit. To my mind, energy (KWH) is the commodity and trading energy for energy is the most fair,equitable and �me honored approach. Perhaps, the trade should not be one-to-one due to the cost of “storing” the power and redelivering it at a different �me; however, to change to a complex dollar reimbursement system lends itself to abuse. Idaho Power is a massive corpora�on that makes profit by selling energy. They have the exper�se to invest in algorithms that take from the small, powerless residen�al producer in a manner that we cannot contest. Furthermore, the amount of work needed to ensure that all the credits were given properly would be massively more than using a strict KWH for KWH (or frac�on thereof) methodology. I implore the commission to see the perspec�ve of Idahoans who have lived here for decades. We love our state and love the benefits of living here. One of those benefits is leaderships that understands Idaho and its residents. Please avoid the tempta�on to acquiesce to a mul�million dollar company and support those of us who saved our money to buy a renewable energy system for the beterment of ourselves and our state. Sincerely, Brian Fortuin, MD" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Kenneth Gough Submission Time: May 18 2023 9:07PM Email: drkengough@gmail.com Telephone: 208-565-7918 Address: 6705 Joe Lane Nampa, ID 83687 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "We spent $40,000 1 year ago on a solar system that we have to pay off for 25 years and it doesn't even give us enough power. This proposal will penalize us and everyone else with solar systems. The power company needs to account for how much we have to spend to make it. We are s�ll a producer and they use our power as we over-generate in sunny months. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Tom Weltner Submission Time: May 19 2023 7:00AM Email: tomweltner@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-250-5555 Address: 21603 Tucker Road Greenleaf, ID 83626 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am firmly against Idaho Power's proposed changes to compensa�on structure for in-site power genera�on. Like many who have installed solar genera�ng systems, financial calcula�ons were made based on the current compensa�on structure. The current compensa�on structure is simple and easy for the homeowner to understand. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for me to forecast my compensa�on under the proposed plan. I urge the Idaho Public U�li�es Commission to decline Idaho Power's request for changes to the compensa�on structure" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------