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-----Original Message-----
From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov>
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2023 4:00 PM
To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov>
Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb
The following comment was submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Marc As�n
Submission Time: May 15 2023 3:06PM
Email: mtas�n01@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-731-0859
Address: 719 Riverview Drive
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "ID. Absolute opposi�on. The IP Company is rich enough. There is no equity policy (ESG) for
'fair rates' that are consist with logic. I was promised by government that I would be treated fairly with
my recent investment for solar ins�lla�on. These proposed changes s�ll my investment, transferring it to
big corpora�ons and redistribu�on to those who don't/can't par�cipate."
-----Original Message-----
From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 9:00 AM
To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov>
Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb
The following comment was submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Greg and Laura Blodget
Submission Time: May 16 2023 8:09AM
Email: gregblodget1@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-989-6170
Address: 7290 Old Bruneau Hwy
Marsing, ID 83639
Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "Dear Sirs,
We are wri�ng in regards to the proposed changes to Idaho Power billing for customers with on-site
solar power genera�on.
We re�red in 2019 and moved into what we hope is our long term re�rement home. In just the last two
years, we have seen our property taxes nearly double, and now it seems we may also see our electricity
bill more than double despite our atempts to be more energy independent.
Of the rela�vely small number of people that we personally know who have installed solar, all are
seniors/re�rees who, like us, have added solar panels as part of an atempt to protect themselves from
ever increasing energy costs.
Federal government incen�ves along with Idaho incen�ves encourage people to invest in solar power.
Idaho Power is interested in benefi�ng their shareholders by buying power from us for as low a price as
they can and reselling it for a higher price, so this ac�on is not unexpected.
The IPUC should be our advocate in this situa�on, looking out for the interests of Idaho ci�zens, and
helping us make reasonably informed decisions about power. This was the case when older systems
were previously grandfathered in.
While the VODER study has some discussion of the environmental benefit of solar, there is no value
assigned to it. The IPUC should not allow for this benefit to be ignored.
When we installed our system in 2022, we understood that Idaho Power was ac�vely figh�ng against the
current Net Metering agreement. However, we could only make decisions based on known informa�on.
That informa�on includes the apparent State and Federal government support to increase the number of
these systems, the high ini�al investment of the system, and the expected payback period based on net
We strongly urge IPUC to extend the legacy agreement to all exis�ng systems and allow consumers to
make knowledgeable decisions about adding new systems.
Increasing the cost to operate a residen�al solar system can only discourage future installa�ons, but at
least those customers will have the ability to analyze the cost/payback equa�on. If exis�ng non legacy
systems are not included, then we are being retroac�vely penalized for doing the very thing that our
government encouraged us to do.
Greg and Laura Blodget
-----Original Message-----
From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 2:00 PM
To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov>
Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb
The following comments were submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Kirt Sloan
Submission Time: May 16 2023 1:28PM
Email: farmerkirt@icloud.com
Telephone: 208-404-9046
Address: 551 Lochsa Road
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Name of U�lity Company: IDAHO POWER
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "ID
I have read the informa�on sent about changing the rates paid to Customer Generated Power. We
installed our system in the Fall of 2022. We invested over $19,000 a�er the tax credits were applied. This
is a significant expense to generate renewable energy for our home and back to the grid. The decision to
do this was based on the condi�ons when we installed the system. I understand fairness to all rate
payers however we made the investment and need to recoup that investment. My concern is if you keep
moving the goal posts over �me, it will raise our cost of energy in opposi�on of our ini�al investment.
I could accept a grandfathered policy star�ng January 2023.
That way the excess power generated would be applied against the power we use at the same rate. This
is a fair solu�on. If we generate power sent to the grid at a lower rate and then are charged for power
we use during peak hours at a higher rate it makes litle sense to make the investment in customer
generated power. Rates con�nually adjusted can be factored in the U�li�es favor penalizing the
customers who made the investment toward renewable genera�on.
Kirt Sloan
Twin Falls, Idaho
Name: Pete Friedman
Submission Time: May 16 2023 1:55PM
Email: pfaicp@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-869-4969
Address: 4088 W. Quail Ridge Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power
Case ID: IPC-E-23-14
Comment: "Dear Commissioners,
We are wri�ng to express our displeasure and opposi�on to the proposed applica�on by Idaho Power
and request these comments be made a part of the record of the commission proceedings.
We will try to be succinct.
Although it is too late, we object to the Commission's acceptance the Idaho Power's Cost Analysis. In our
previous tes�mony, we suggested that the Commission iden�fy objec�ve independent par�es for the
applicant hire to do the study. Absent that, we suggested that the Commission hire an en�ty to conduct
a peer review of the study. Neither occurred and we were le� feeling that the acceptance was like having
the tobacco industry write it own report on the safety of nico�ne or big pharma conduc�ng a study on
the safety of opioids. As we all know, in the case of that later, that did occur we know that turned out.
Now to the proposed compensa�on for us residen�al generators. There is much in the proposed rate
structure that intui�vely makes litle sense.
As proposed, the peak hour compensa�on is for the hours of 3:00pm -11:00 pm. Our issue is that
depending on the �me of year and average daylight much of this �me will be a�er sunset! For example
on June 21st, sunset occurs around 9:20 pm. During the winter, much earlier, so we are not really
receiving a real break.
We write these comments at approximately 1:36pm our system is genera�ng some of the peak
performance of the next few hours.
Conversely, the proposal to pay the reduced compensa�on from sunrise un�l 3:00pm seems
disingenuous. During the spring and summer our system is ac�vely genera�ng from 10:00 am onward
and some�mes earlier. Yet, un�l 3:00pm we will be compensated at the much lower rate.
It is also interes�ng to note, that Idaho Power has requested a rate increase due rising costs for
genera�on due to the rise in natural gas prices, reduced hydraulic flows and increased cost for
purchasing power elsewhere. It seems illogical that to disincen�vize residen�al solar genera�on here at
home. They should be doing all they can to make it more affordable and accessible.
Two years ago we invested a significant amount to go solar. As re�rees we struggled with the decision for
a couple of years. It was expensive, but in our minds worth it as a commitment to future of our
Our provider/contractor was an experienced company with many years of experience and a great
reputa�on. They have subsequently le� the Treasury Vally and Idaho. In conversa�ons with the company
president that individual stated that there were a few factors and the Idaho Power proposal was not the
deciding factor, but certainly weighed heavily in that decision.
Given the informa�on we have on the instant proposal, Idaho Power's "commitment to green/ clean
energy rings hollow to us.
In summary, we request that the Commission deny the specific proposal and in the alterna�ve adjust
the peak hours to longer and more realis�c �mes as well as increase the compensa�on for off peak
Pete and Betsy Friedman