HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230511Comments (13)_13.pdf1 Name: Raymond Pearson Submission Time: May 10 2023 5:35PM Email: shr�rnd@me.com Telephone: 208-850-1761 Address: 2741 N Snow Goose way Meridian, ID 83646 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Raising the rates of those who have paid for solar panels with the express purpose to hep the environment, lower our bills, and not be a burden on the electrical grid should not be punished by raising our rates by 58% not the 30% as stated. Where is my extra power going that they do not pay me for in the same amount they sell it for? Who are they selling it to and for how much because I can guarantee I am not seeing that same credit. This is absolutely a money grab by Idaho Power because we aren’t paying them as much as we used to. " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Virjon Brahimllari Submission Time: May 10 2023 5:46PM Email: Virjon_brahimllari@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-297-9705 Address: 11098 w abram dr Boise, ID 83713 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "We installed our PV system at the beginning of 2023 and the only reason I signed up for it is because of Net Metering, other wise I would have not done it if I knew this is going to change. The solar company didn't men�on anything about the change and neither did Idaho Power when we filed the applica�on and this is very unfair. Idaho Power should have no�fied us about the changes before approving the project. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Alan Oyama Submission Time: May 10 2023 6:27PM Email: alanoyama@gmail.com Telephone: 208-890-6890 Address: 1112 Stahlridge St. Caldwell, ID 83605 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power 2 Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Regarding Case # IPC-E-23-14, I realize the need for Idaho Power to update it's compensa�on structure. What I don't understand is why my system is not considered a legacy system. I purchased the system based on the current compensa�on structure with the promise that I would be able to purchase solar power genera�on facili�es with no out of pocket expenses to me. Now, if you change the compensa�on structure, I'll end up paying for electrical power in addi�on to the loan on the solar panels. If you're going to change the compensa�on structure, then it should apply to all system brought online a�er that date, not those that are already in produc�on and purchase with the current compensa�on structure. That way the new system purchases have a chance to evaluate the merits of solar power based on the compensa�on structure in place. Thank you, Alan Oyama " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Joseph Astle Submission Time: May 10 2023 7:19PM Email: Astle05@aol.com Telephone: 208-220-2647 Address: 157 E Williams St. Boise, ID 83706 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I would ask the Commission to reconsider changing Idaho Powers request for non-legacy systems or consider grand fathering current systems consider nonlegacy to net energy metering. 1) This will increase costs for those using renewable energy. 2) Those with current systems purchased that are considered nonlegacy werepredicated under the assump�on of the current billing system (net metering) not real �me. 3)While fairness is argued by ID Power, some systems have already been grandfathered. Thank you for your considera�on in rejec�ng Idaho Powers request." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: James Fischer Submission Time: May 10 2023 7:25PM Email: jf-fischer@hotmail.com Telephone: 253-576-4497 Address: 1369 Ashley Dr Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power 3 Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I am a concerned resident here in twin falls who has installed and owns a solar system for my home. We installed the solar system with the intent of taking strain off the grid an being more self sufficient. Idaho Power's proposal to reduce reimbursement for the perpose of equity sounds just like the liberal communist language that Ibheard from my previous state of residence. We are all well aware that Idaho power is loosing money due to individuals choosing to become more self sufficient. My system provides an excess of energy that is provided back to Idaho Power to be used as they see fit. We are aware that excess is sold to California and very high rates. Later a por�on of that energy produced in the peak months is credited back to me. I generate more than I use. In addi�on I am s�ll paying a monthly line fee because Idaho Power needs it for their maintenance. Now they are telling us they need to reduce the ammount of credit they give us as generators for maintenance costs and equitable cost for those who don't install solar. If they would stop sending Idaho energy out of state they could provide affordable and equitable power to Idaho residents. What can clearly be seen is that Idaho Power is not adhereing to the values of Idahoans and wishes to expand their profits off of the backs of people who do not wish to be dependent upon them. However, if theu would like to purchase my power at a higher rate so that I can maintain my equipment that would be acceptable or they could just leave us alone and keep things the way they are. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Aaron Olswanger Submission Time: May 10 2023 8:07PM Email: aolswanger@gmail.com Telephone: 909-528-2904 Address: 7559 W Hill Rd Boise, ID 83714 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Idaho Powers proposal to move from net monthly to real-�me net billing is nothing more than a power grab based on greed. They will be able to dictate when and how much they pay Solar customers producing energy, all while charging customers a higher amount at peak �mes of the day. This would be a disaster if passed and unfortunately nega�vely impacts customers who moved to solar. This is another example of a corpora�ons greed and not looking out for what’s best for their consumers. " https://puc.intranet.idaho.gov/apps/intranet/Comment [Opens the PUC Intranet application] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Anthony Nguyen Submission Time: May 10 2023 4:43PM Email: anthony_nug@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-284-0505 Address: 4331 S Aleut Way boise, ID 83709 4 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Idaho Power, Recently received a leter with the subject: RE: Proposed changes to the compensa�on structure for on- site genera�on. This will affect the way we are billed form the stated NEM billing to the Net billing. Which overall is an increase in the billing structure per the document of 30%. This is of concern since it says only residen�al systems from Dec. 1st 2020 are grandfathered into the old NEM billing. I beleive this to be flawed and unfairly affect residence with onsite genera�on that installed their systems a�er Dec. 1st 2020 up to this proposed change. When homes like mine are setup and contracted in we agree to a loan and a cost vs savings analysis based off the current system and pricing. Idaho Power by changing this penalizes people who have essen�ally locked in a loan cost that spans 20+ years. I would vote against this current proposed Case, and would recommend that it be amended to inlcude anyone with current onsite genera�on. It should only take affect on any NEW applica�on for onsite genera�on. This will allow new home owners and onsite gerna�on homes to properly evaluate cost vs savings. Regards, Anthony Nguyen - Onsite Genera�on Homeowner" htps://puc.intranet.idaho.gov/apps/intranet/Comment [Opens the PUC Intranet applica�on] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Garry Carr Submission Time: May 10 2023 4:24PM Email: glcarr41@outlook.com Telephone: 120-888-9945 Address: 804 W RiverStone Ct Nampa, ID 83686 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "It would appear that Idaho Power is not happy because they believe they're not making enough money from those who have installed solar panels. Now they want to raise my rates so that it will be fairer to those who have not spent the money to install solar panels. If we are going to be fair what about my investment of $20,000 to help provide power and reduce my electricity bills. If this proposal is going to be considered it should be disclosed during the permi�ng process, not a�er we have made the investment. We are also trying to get a return on investment. The way they have their meter system set up. I can monitor my produc�on but not what they provide me. So i have to take their word for what they are providing me." 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Craig Whiteley Submission Time: May 11 2023 8:52AM Email: craigtwhiteley@gmail.com Telephone: 509-554-9658 Address: 9413 Chaparral Ranch Road Nampa, ID 83686 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "May 11, 2023 Idaho Public U�li�es Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Subject – Idaho Power Proposal for On- Site Generators - IPUC Case No. IPC-E-23-14 I am a resident of Canyon County and installed a 15 KW solar system in 2020 (meter number 66577464) and since then, on an annual basis, have been genera�ng more electrical power than I use. I am connected to the Idaho Power grid and receive and deliver power to the grid no different than any other Idaho Power customer. I was certainly surprised to receive a no�ce from Idaho Power (IPUC Case No. IPC-E-23-14) that concluded I should pay more each month. The Idaho Power proposal does not make sense to me. Everyone is connected to the electrical grid and rates should be based on the amount of electricity used. Penalizing the people who are helping the u�lity meet their power demand is an atempt to disincen�vize consumers to install solar systems. I strongly encourage you to deny Idaho Power’s request. As men�oned, I generate more electricity than I use annually, and my monthly bill is $5.16 which is basically a service fee. The Idaho Power proposal indicates my average monthly bill will increase to $12 which is a 240% increase. The average monthly customer bill impact, as a result of this proposed change, ranges from 240% to 107% which is an inequitable method for increasing cost. Once again, those genera�ng more power than they use are penalized the most. If some sort of rate increase can be jus�fied for on-site generators, it should be in the form of an electrical transmission/usage rate, not a flat rate applied to all solar power generators. Idaho residents should not be penalized for trying to be self-sufficient when it comes to electrical power genera�on. Please stop Idaho Power’s atempt to disincen�vize residents from genera�ng their own power. Idaho Power does not have a monopoly on the sun. Please deny the request associated with IPUC Case No. IPC-E-23-14. Sincerely, Craig & Gail Whiteley 9413 Chaparral Ranch Road Nampa, ID 83686 (509) 554-9658 " ------ htps://puc.intranet.idaho.gov/apps/intranet/Comment [Opens the PUC Intranet applica�on] 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Eric Schneider Submission Time: May 11 2023 9:12AM Email: spiky_05law@icloud.com Telephone: 503-807-7312 Address: 1283 E Broadstone Ct. Boise, ID 83702 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "The change from the current net metering for residen�al solar customers which is described by Idaho Power as "a step toward ensuring fair prices for all customer" is anything but. Due to the market-distor�ng incen�ves for residen�al solar offered by the Federal and State governments, I was induced to choose residen�al solar with net metering as my op�on for achieving my goal of offse�ng much of my residen�al electricity consump�on with renewable power. Now, the rules are changing. Between the availability of lower-cost wholesale solar PV power genera�on and the expected increase in my monthly power bill, it is not clear that I would choose the same path today. Had Idaho Power offered something like "lease a panel", and simply allowed me to purchase the power produced from a number of panels (roughly equal to the 7kW of genera�on that I own today), I would have gladly paid a small up- front cost to cover purchase and installa�on of the panels on a PV farm, in exchange for receiving the power from those panels for their useful life. Instead, I spent ~$17,500 (~$11k a�er tax incen�ves) for the LEAST economically efficient addi�on of solar PV capacity to the Idaho Power grid, and paid primarily for system design, installa�on and warranty coverage for the equipment. The roughly 15,000 Idaho power customers who export power include many who installed systems under the belief that there was a "breakeven date" some�me in the future, which was suggested by their installer, and even touted by Idaho Power web resources. The page (htps://www.idahopower.com/energy-environment/green- choices/solar-power-op�ons-customer-genera�on/beware-of-misinforma�on-and-scams/) may be accurate, but is insufficient to clearly explain the discrepancy between what Installers will tell poten�al customers, and the reality of the economic value for residen�al PV if the PUC allows Idaho Power to make the proposed change to billing. Idaho Power and the PUC are currently doing very litle to disincen�vize poten�al customers and dissuade them from a choice which is both financially unwise and economically unviable for increasing the power genera�on capacity within the Idaho Power grid. At the moment that Idaho Power suggested the billing change to the PUC, the addi�on of new expor�ng PV systems should have ended. Rather than saddling untold 1000's of residen�al customers with systems that will never pay for themselves, the destruc�on of the solar installer industry should have commenced from that moment, rather than being dragged out to the detriment of the greater economy. Thank you for your aten�on, Eric Schneider" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Name: David Van Denover Submission Time: May 11 2023 9:38AM Email: davidvd2763@gmail.com Telephone: 530-949-8904 Address: 2720 Sun Meadow Drive Twin Falls, ID 83301 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "I recently installed solar on my home with the undersatnding that I would sell back power to Idaho Power at a 1-1 rate. Idaho Power does not offer any other financial incen�ves (ie, rebates). Without the sell back provision, there would be no incen�ves to install solar. Solar is expensive to install, with at least a ten year period required to actually see a financial payback. Please deny Idaho Power's request unless they add a provision with at least a ten year, preferably twenty years, excep�on for currently installed systems. Thank you. David Van Denover" ------ htps://puc.intranet.idaho.gov/apps/intranet/Comment [Opens the PUC Intranet applica�on] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: James Telford Submission Time: May 11 2023 10:56AM Email: telford.marty@gmail.com Telephone: 208-863-7883 Address: 4915 N. Gooder John Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "Idaho Power's proposed change from Net Metering is anything but 'fair'. This proposal does not at all consider the investment made in the spirit of renewable energy by the solar energy producers. (50K on my part). Going forward, if IP wants to implement this new rate structure, all exis�ng solar producers should be considered 'legacy' users. That way new solar buyers will know what is to be expected from Idaho Power. This proposed change is a slap in the face to exis�ng solar producers and a great move away from encouraging the public to par�cipate in green energy produc�on. With this new rate proposal, it will no longer be economically feasible for people to install solar panels. My system, for example, using net metering will see a recapture of the investment in approximately 10 years. The new ECR will extend that recapture �me to the point that it makes no economic sense to install a solar system. Thank you, James M. Telford" ------ htps://puc.intranet.idaho.gov/apps/intranet/Comment [Opens the PUC Intranet applica�on] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Name: Jason Anderson Submission Time: May 11 2023 12:27PM Email: jason.don.and@gmail.com Telephone: 208-908-2338 Address: 8247 E CONANT ST NAMPA, ID 83687 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-14 Comment: "The proposed changes to the compensa�on structure for on-site genera�on are simply an increase in energy costs masked as an atempt at equity for all customers. As an on-site genera�on site of solar power, I will see my contribu�ons to the power grid diminished during peak genera�on hours and then incur addi�onal costs during non-peak genera�on hours with higher costs related to using the power grid. The proposal seeks to compensate on-site generators less for excess power and then in turn charge them more for using the power grid during non-genera�on periods. As their proposal states this is a 30% increase in costs to on-site generators like myself. It is hard to see how this is about equity and more about revenue genera�on and profit margins at the expense of the 3,754 customers who have on- site solar power. This is one more policy proposal that is unfriendly and prohibi�ve to the adop�on of renewable energies. I strongly urge the commission to reject these proposed changes. " ------ htps://puc.intranet.idaho.gov/apps/intranet/Comment [Opens the PUC Intranet applica�on] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------