HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240212Reconsideration_Order_No_36082.pdfORDER NO. 36082 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date February 12, 2024 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT CHANGES TO THE COMPENSATION STRUCTURE APPLICABLE TO CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION UNDER SCHEDULES 6, 8, AND 84 AND TO ESTABLISH AN EXPORT CREDIT RATE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-23-14 ORDER NO. 36082 On May 1, 2023, Idaho Power Company (“Company”), filed an application (“Application”) with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) proposing changes to the Company’s on-site and self-generation tariffs. On December 29, 2023, the Commission issued Final Order No. 36048 approving the Company’s Application as modified by the Company’s revised proposal and the provisions of the Order. On January 9, 2024, the Commission received two public comment letters (“Petitions”). Attachments A and B. The first letter, from Jacob Klimes, stated in part: “I beg you to please reconsider the case and take into consideration that every person who spoke up about it was against it.” Klimes Letter at 2. The second letter, from Tony Klein, stated in part: “If there is a way to reconsider, rescind and modify your ruling and ORDER to amend it to affect new applications, starting on a date in the future to determined bu [sic] you, to clarify to everyone the rules.” COMMISSION FINDINGS AND DECISION The Commission has jurisdiction over the Company’s Application and the issues in this case under Title 61 of the Idaho Code including Idaho Code §§ 61-301 through 303. The Commission is empowered to investigate rates, charges, rules, regulations, practices, and contracts of all public utilities and to determine whether they are just, reasonable, preferential, discriminatory, or in violation of any provisions of law, and to fix the same by order. Idaho Code §§ 61-501 through 503. Reconsideration affords parties an opportunity to bring to the Commission’s attention any matter previously determined and provides the Commission an opportunity to rectify any mistake before the matter is appealed to the Supreme Court. Washington Water Power Co. v. Idaho Public Utilities Comm’n, 1980, 101 Idaho 567, 617 P.2d 1242. Any person or public utility has the right to petition for reconsideration in respect to any matter determined in a Commission order. Idaho ORDER NO. 36082 2 Code § 61-626(1). “Within twenty-eight (28) days after the filing of a petition for reconsideration the commission shall determine whether or not it will grant such reconsideration, and make and enter its order accordingly.” Idaho Code § 61-626(2). Commission Rule of Procedure 332 provides that the “Commission may grant reconsideration upon petition of any interested person or upon its own motion.” IDAPA “Petitions for reconsideration must specify (a) why the order or any issue decided in it is unreasonable, unlawful, erroneous or not in conformity with the law, and (b) the nature and quantity of evidence or argument the petitioner will offer if reconsideration is granted.” IDAPA “Grounds for, or issues on reconsideration not supported by specific explanation may be dismissed.” IDAPA Having reviewed the Petitions and the arguments therein, the Commission cannot find that the Petitions comply with the requirements of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure for Petitions for Reconsideration. The Petitions do not clearly explain why Order No. 36048, or any issue decided therein, is unreasonable, unlawful, erroneous or not in conformity with the law. Similarly, the Petitions do not explain why or how Order No. 36048 should be reconsidered, nor do the Petitions specify the nature and quantity of evidence or argument that will be offered if reconsideration is granted. Thus, the Commission finds that the Petitions should be dismissed. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Petitions are dismissed. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER DENYING RECONSIDERATION. Any party aggrieved by this Order may appeal to the Supreme Court of Idaho within forty-two (42) days pursuant to the Public Utilities Law and the Idaho Appellate Rules. Idaho Code § 61-627; I.A.R. 14. /// ORDER NO. 36082 3 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 12th day of February 2024. __________________________________________ ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT __________________________________________ JOHN R. HAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER __________________________________________ EDWARD LODGE, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: _________________________________ Monica Barrios-Sanchez Commission Secretary I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\IPC-E-23-14\orders\IPCE2314_FO_Recon_cb.docx RECEIVED Tuesday, January 9, 2024 12:33:28 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION EXHIBIT A Case No. IPC-E-23-14 Order No. 36082 24 cents per kw back to myself and to my neighbors. That means I will have to produce over 10 hours to use one hour. There aren't enough solar hours in a day to compete with that! That means during the day, while I am at work, my solar panels will be producing power that my home won't immediately need. That power will then be sold to my neighbors and their hard-earned money will go to Idaho Power, even though they aren't producing that power. It doesn't matter to my neighbors where the power comes from, so it isn't costing them any extra. In fact, Idaho power charges one cent more for their "Clean energy" so that means they are making even more money off the power I produce. That money should go to me in the form of kwh 's that I can use when I need them. I understand and agree a service charge of $5 as Idaho power is supplying the infrastructure to make this transaction happen, but I don't understand what gives them any right or ability to sell the power I produce, and only give me an ounce of that profit. I'm not even looking for a profit, I just want to break even! This means Idaho power will make a profit off me, and I will have a power bill again, even though I am producing more power than I am using. Please explain to me and the rest of the country how that adds up. I say country because other states are looking at your handy work and taking note. Next, let's look at Depression and suicidal rates in Idaho. Idaho has some of the highest depression and suicide rates in the country. I'm going to copy a report from east Idaho news. They say the average Idahoan makes $56,368 per year, but it takes $58,634 to live in Idaho. It's no wonder so many Idahoans are killing themselves. Prices go up every day, yet incomes are not. Credit card balances and interest rates continue to increase with no hope in sight. One way to help was to install solar panels. My monthly solar panel bill was less than my monthly power bill was. That really helps considering the current state of our economy. Now that you have agreed to Idaho Powers' changes, there is a high likelihood that not only will I have that power bill again, but now they can even charge me more for just being hooked up to the grid. I can't disconnect from the grid because I have minors in the house. That means my $30,000 investment has become obsolete, and it's your fault. I will now have a solar bill, power bill, and an increased connectivity bill. I wonder how many millions of dollars Idahoans have invested to just be disregarded by you three. This disservice to Idaho is not going unnoticed. If you look, you will see that you have made both state and national news. So, congrats on that publicity. I beg you to please reconsider the case and take into consideration that every person who spoke up about it was against it. Look at how much bad and harm will and has come from it. Please look at the financial strain this will put on Idahoans. Please look at Australia and how 1/3 of their population has solar, and how well it is working for both their economy and their environment. Please look at California and Tennessee and how badly it's affecting everyone. Please look at Oregon and how they denied Idaho Power's requests. How humiliating it is that Oregon, a state that people are trying to leave and come to ours, makes better decisions regarding their utilities. Please try to remember what it's like to be of the working class, going paycheck to paycheck just trying to pay for health insurance and groceries. And lastly, please remember that it's the Idaho People that you serve, not Idaho Power. hl� EXHIBIT A Case No. IPC-E-23-14 Order No. 36082 TONY KLEIN INSURANCE 1301 N. OREGON AVENUE FRUITLAND, IDAHO 83619-2245 Idaho Public Utilitiel Commi66ion P1te6ident Enic Anden6on Jarwany 6, '20'24 John R. Hammond Jn. Edwand Lodge OFFICE 208 • 452-5573 FAX 208 -452-5572 l-OLL FREE 809 722=8,r:3 I would not oject to Idaho Powen, a publicly tnaded Utility, wanted tocha;1ge the bifling method and app1toved by you., to aJ6ec..t NEW application6 6on 6olaJt genenation. 1·hat6 not what happed. In my oplnlon,about 8000 6olan p1todu.ce1t6 ane a66ected by the method 06 bllllng u6. That l6 not a nate change oft lncnea6e but nathen a matenlal change ln the bllllng calculatlon6. Thl6 l6 a huge dl66enence. I6 6omeone ln6tall6 a 6olan geneJtatlon 6y6tem unden one let 06 �ule6 and told my blll would be about $5.'20 pelt month. Now, Idaho powen Company, thlnk6 that we lhould all u.nde1t6tand that thl6 l6 Okay, and that we 6hould 6hane ln all 06 thene ex.penl el. No, It'6 NOT OKAY! When one panty want6 to change thein monetany calculatlon6 that l6 BATE AND SWITCH, and you ju.6t appnoved lt. Aften 1teadlng you ORDER NO.36048 a couple 06 tlme6 I 6elt compelled to wnlte and lay I OBJECT. By appnovlng thl6 change ln bllllng mode you ane condoning all that lt 6ay6. A6 a 6olan pnodu.cen why do I have to 6hane ln theln LINE LOSS, Avolded Envlnonmental colt, Fuel Colt Ri6k, and otheh6? I'm a pnoducen and u6eJt 06 my own genenatlon. About 8000 cu.6tomeJt6. WOW! In thene il a way to 1tecon6lde1t, necind and modl6y youn nullng and ORDER to ammend lt to a�6ect new aµpllcatlon6, 6ta1ttlng on a date ln the 6u.tuJte to detenmlned bu you, to clanl6y to evenyone the Jtule6. By the way dld any 06 you accually lee theln mathmatlcal tlme di66e1tentlal 6omula? I6 you have not, why not? I thlnk that l6 a mateJtal 6act ln a 601tmula to lee how that wlll a66ect my monthly blll. Thank you 6on Jteadlng thl6 and con6lde1tlng u6 and them. SinceJtly, Tony Klel;1 1301 ;\Jail.th Ottegon Ave. Fnuitland, Id. 83619 ��EXHIBIT B Case No. IPC-E-23-14 Order No. 36082