HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231115Direct Donn English in Support of Stipulation and Settlement.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR )CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES )AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE )IN THE STATE OF IDAHO AND FOR )ASSOCIATED REGULATORY )ACCOUNTING TREATMENT DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DONN ENGLISH IN SUPPORT OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION NOVEMBER 15,2023 1 Q.Please state your name and business 2 address. 3 A.My name is Donn English.My business address is 4 11331 W.Chinden Blvd.,BLDG 8,STE 201-A,Boise,Idaho 5 83714. 6 Q.By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 7 A.I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities 8 Commission ("Commission")as a Program Manager overseeing 9 the Accounting and Finance Department in the Utilities 10 Division. 11 Q.Please describe your educational background and 12 professional experience. 13 A.I was hired by the Commission in 2003 and I have 14 provided testimony in numerous proceedings.My educational 15 background and professional experience are provided in more 16 detail in Exhibit No.101. 17 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in this 18 proceeding? 19 A.The purpose of my testimony is to describe the 20 Application of Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power"or 21 "Company")for authority to increase its rates and charges 22 for electric service in Idaho,explain Staff's 23 investigation and evaluation of the Application,and 24 provide an overview of the stipulated revenue requirement. 25 Staff Witness Taylor Thomas will testify to the Cost of CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)111/15/23 STAFF 1 Service,Rate Spread and Rate Design issues,and other 2 agreements discussed in the Settlement. 3 Q.How is your testimony organized? 4 A.My testimony is subdivided under the following 5 headings: 6 Background Page 2 7 Staff Investigation Page 4 8 Settlement Evaluation Page 6 9 Settlement Overview Page 7 10 Revenue/Expense Adjustments Page 7 11 Deferrals/Mechanism-Related Adj.Page 11 12 Revenue Sharing Mechanism Page 15 13 Background 14 Q.Please describe Idaho Power's original filing. 15 16 A.Idaho Power made its original filing with the 17 Commission on June 1,2023,requesting authority to 18 increase its revenue in Idaho by approximately $111.3 19 million,or 8.61%,which included a corresponding decrease 20 in the Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA")of $173.4 million and 21 a reduction to the annual Energy Efficiency Rider 22 collection of $3.5 million.The Company requested the 23 increase to be effective July 1,2023,recognizing that 24 the effective date would be suspended to January 1,2024. 25 The Company proposed a 10.4%Return on Equity ("ROE") CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)211/15/23 STAFF 1 and a 4.895%cost of debt,for an overall return of 7.702% 2 and a capital structure of 51%equity and 49%debt. 3 Additionally,the Company proposed several changes to 4 the rate design intended to recover costs.Most notably, 5 the Company proposed increasing the residential monthly 6 Service Charge from $5.00 to $15.00 and increasing by 7 $10.00 each year until it reaches $35.00 after three years. 8 Q.How was this case processed after the Company's 9 filing was received? 10 A.The Commission issued a combined Notice of 11 Application,Notice of Suspension of Proposed Effective 12 Date,and Notice of Intervention Deadline ("Notice")on 13 June 23,2023.The Notice established an Intervention 14 Deadline of July 14,2023.Intervenor status was 15 subsequently granted to Clean Energy Opportunities for 16 Idaho ("CEO"),City of Boise,the Federal Executive 17 Agencies ("FEA"),the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power 18 ("ICIP"),Idaho Conservation League ("ICL"),IdaHydro, 19 Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association,Inc.("IIPA"), 20 Micron Technology,Inc.("Micron"),NW Energy Coalition 21 ("NWEC"),and Walmart,Inc.("Walmart").These entities 22 are collectively referred to as the "Parties"along with 23 Staff and the Company. 24 The Parties participated in settlement conferences on 25 September 18,2023,and October 4-5,2023.Following the CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)311/15/23 STAFF 1 settlement conferences and further discussions,agreements 2 were reached which ultimately resulted in the Stipulation 3 and Settlement ("Proposed Settlement")that was signed by 4 all Parties and filed on October 27,2023. 5 Staff Investigation 6 Q.What type of investigation did Staff conduct to 7 evaluate the Company's rate increase request? 8 A.Staff's approach in any general rate case is to 9 extensively review the Company's Application and 10 associated testimony and workpapers,identify adjustments 11 to the proposed revenue requirement,and prepare to file 12 testimony for a fully litigated proceeding.There were 15 13 Staff members analyzing this case consisting of auditors, 14 engineers,utility analysts,and compliance investigators. 15 Additionally,five supervisors reviewed the results of all 16 analysis. 17 Staff auditors reviewed the Company's test year 18 results of operations,capital budgets,capital spending 19 trends,operations and maintenance ("O&M")expenses and 20 trends.Additionally,Staff verified all of the Company's 21 calculations and assumptions with regard to the overall 22 revenue requirement.The auditors reviewed thousands of 23 transactions,selected samples,and performed transaction 24 testing in accordance with standard audit procedures. 25 Staff reviewed the Company's labor expenses,incentive CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)411/15/23 STAFF 1 plans,and employee benefits to ensure the appropriate 2 level of expenditures are included in rates. 3 Staff reviewed both completed and proposed 4 Company investments to determine the prudency of capital 5 additions.Expenditures including insurance expense, 6 salaries,and O&M expenses were also examined. 7 Additionally,Staff investigated the Company's cost of 8 capital,capital structure,cost of service,revenue 9 normalization,and proposed rate design.In total,Staff 10 submitted over 300 production requests,performed an onsite 11 audit of the Company's books,and held several meetings 12 with Company personnel as a part of its comprehensive 13 investigation. 14 Following its investigation,Staff proposed over 15 40 separate revenue requirement adjustments during 16 settlement discussions.Many of which were either 17 completely or partially accepted by the Company. 18 Settlement Evaluation 19 Q.How did Staff determine that the overall Proposed 20 Settlement was reasonable? 21 A.In every settlement evaluation,Staff and other 22 parties must examine the risks of losing positions at 23 hearing and determine if the settlement is a better overall 24 outcome.Staff must evaluate each individual adjustment 25 and determine the likelihood of the Commission accepting CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)511/15/23 STAFF 1 or rejecting Staff's rationale for the adjustment. 2 Ultimately,Staff's intent in every settlement conference 3 is to negotiate the best possible outcome for customers. 4 Q.Does Staff support the Proposed Settlement as 5 reasonable? 6 A.Yes,after a comprehensive review of the 7 Company's Application,a thorough audit of the Company's 8 books and records,an analysis of the Company's class cost 9 of service study,and extensive negotiations with the 10 Parties to the case,Staff supports the Proposed 11 Settlement.The Proposed Settlement offers a reasonable 12 balance between the Company's opportunity to earn a 13 reasonable return on its investment and affordable rates 14 for customers.Staff believes the Proposed Settlement is 15 in the public interest;is fair,just,and reasonable;and 16 should be approved by the Commission. 17 Settlement Overview 18 Q.Would you please briefly describe the terms of 19 the Proposed Settlement? 20 A.The Proposed Settlement provides for a reduction 21 in the Company's requested revenue requirement.Instead 22 of the Company's proposed increase of $111.3 million 23 (8.61%),under the Proposed Settlement,retail revenues 24 for Idaho customers will increase by $54.7 million (4.25%) 25 effective January 1,2024.For residential customers,the CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)6 11/15/23 STAFF 1 monthly Service Charge will increase from $5.00 to $10.00 2 on January 1,2024.On January 1,2025,the monthly Service 3 Charge will increase to $15.00.For Small General Service 4 customers,the Service Charge will increase from $5.00 per 5 month to $25.00 per month.Other specific rate design 6 issues in the Proposed Settlement are discussed in greater 7 detail in Staff Witness Thomas'testimony. 8 Revenue/Expense Adjustments 9 Q.Please explain how the Proposed Settlement 10 addresses the Company's cost of capital. 11 A.The Parties agree to a 9.6%ROE and a 7.247% 12 overall rate of return applied to an Idaho jurisdictional 13 rate base of $3,816,351,478.The Company's cost of debt 14 and capital structure were not specified in the Proposed 15 Settlement.The impact of this cost of capital adjustment 16 is a reduction of $23,461,105 to the Company's requested 17 increase.Staff believes the overall cost of capital 18 adjustment is reasonable.However,Staff's review included 19 a different capital structure and 9.5%ROE when justifying 20 the agreed terms in this area. 21 Q.Will you please explain rate base adjustments 22 identified in the Proposed Settlement? 23 A.In its Application,the Company annualized large 24 capital projects that were placed in service during 2023 25 to include in its proposed rate base at End of Period CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)711/15/23 STAFF 1 ("EOP")values.The Proposed Settlement removes the 2 Company's annualization adjustments,effectively including 3 those capital projects in rate base at an Average of 4 Monthly Averages ("AMA")value instead of EOP. 5 Additionally,Plant Held for Future Use ("PHFU")was also 6 removed from the Company's proposed rate base.The test 7 year methodology adjustment and the PHFU adjustment 8 decrease the Company's proposed revenue requirement by 9 approximately $8.3 million.Q.Please describe the 10 Battery Augmentation adjustment. 11 A.The final rate base adjustment removes the 12 Battery Augmentation projects for the Black Mesa and 13 Hemingway Battery Energy Storage Systems ("BESS")from the 14 Company's proposed rate base.This adjustment removes 15 approximately $2.3 million from the revenue requirement. 16 To offset the revenue impact of this adjustment,the 17 Company will be provided the opportunity to accelerate the 18 amortization of additional Accumulated Deferred Investment 19 Tax Credits ("ADITC"). 20 Q.Please explain the expense adjustments outlined 21 in the Proposed Settlement. 22 A.The first expense adjustment relates to Company- 23 owned employee housing.Idaho Power provides housing for 24 employees in remote areas where it can be difficult to 25 attract qualified employees.To entice potential employees CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)8 11/15/23 STAFF 1 to work in those remote areas,the Company offers one year 2 of free rent in a Company-owned residence.This adjustment 3 imputes the revenue that could have been received if Idaho 4 Power charged the market rate for rent on these properties. 5 The impact of this adjustment is a $136,485 reduction to 6 the revenue requirement. 7 Q.Please explain the adjustments for employee- 8 related expenses. 9 A.The Parties agreed to two separate adjustments 10 regarding employee labor costs.The first adjustment 11 removes the long-term "Pay at Risk"payments tied to the 12 financial performance of the Company for officers and 13 senior managers.Because the metrics to determine the 14 award and calculation of these incentive payments were 15 based on financial criteria that benefit shareholders,it 16 is appropriate to remove this amount from customers'rates. 17 The second employee labor adjustment removes a portion of 18 the Company's 2022 General Wage Adjustment ("GWA")and the 19 entirety of the 2024 GWA.The two adjustments reduced the 20 Company's rate request by approximately $14.4 million. 21 Q.Will you please discuss the remaining expense 22 adjustments? 23 A.The remaining expense adjustments are comprised 24 of an adjustment to the Company's proposed uncollectible 25 expense,miscellaneous adjustments,and a non-specific CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)911/15/23 STAFF 1 rate reduction adjustment.The Company proposed an 2 Uncollectible Expense adjustment that used a 10-year 3 average of actual bad debt expenses.The Parties agreed 4 to reduce the Company's 10-year average to an amount that 5 is consistent with the Company's recent bad debt 6 experience. 7 The Miscellaneous Expense adjustments remove expenses 8 associated with 1)a portion of the Company's billing 9 inserts that did not provide specific benefits to 10 customers,2)injuries and damages caused by employee 11 actions,3)Company airplane flights not associated with 12 providing service to customers and the associated 13 maintenance,4)advertising to enhance the Company's image, 14 5)certain credit card expenses lacking documentation 15 and/or for purchases that did not provide service to 16 customers,6)unrealized benefits of the Company's mobile 17 application,and 7)board of directors'compensation and 18 expenses. 19 The Proposed Settlement also includes a Non-Specific 20 adjustment of approximately $4.2 million.This adjustment 21 accounts for a portion of the value of other adjustments 22 proposed by Staff and intervenors not specifically accepted 23 by the Company and is used to arrive at the stipulated 24 revenue increase of 4.25%. 25 Deferrals/Mechanism-Related Adjustments CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)10 11/15/23 STAFF 1 Q.Will you please explain the Deferrals and other 2 Mechanism-Related Adjustments? 3 A.Yes,the final set of adjustments are made to 4 the Company's proposed revenue requirement to adjust for 5 either the timing of recovery for the Company or amounts 6 moved to other mechanisms for recovery.The first of these 7 adjustments relates to the Company's Energy Efficiency 8 Rider ("Rider")funded activities.In Order No.33908, 9 the Commission established a 2%cap on wage increases 10 funded through the Rider to address Staff's concerns that 11 Rider-funded labor expenses increase annually without the 12 scrutiny labor expenses receive during a general rate case. 13 Rather than continue with capping the annual wage increases 14 in the Rider,the Company proposed to move all Rider-funded 15 labor expenses (approximately $3.5 million)to base rates. 16 The Company also proposed a corresponding decrease in the 17 Schedule 91,Energy Efficiency Rider,from the current 3.1% 18 to 2.25%. 19 The Parties agree that the Energy Efficiency Rider- 20 funded labor should be funded through base rates. 21 Additionally,the Parties agree that existing obligations 22 for the Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program ($1.2 23 million)and low-income education ($125,000)should be 24 moved from base rates to the Rider.By funding these 25 income-qualified programs through the Rider,interested CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)1111/15/23 STAFF 1 parties can request changes to the Commission Ordered 2 funding levels without having to wait until the Company 3 files a general rate case.To account for approximately 4 $1.3 million in low-income program funding shifted from 5 base rates to the Rider,the Parties agree to increase the 6 Company's proposed Rider collection rate from 2.25%to 7 2.35%. 8 Q.What are the terms of the Proposed Settlement 9 regarding the Company's participation in the Western 10 Resource Adequacy Program ("WRAP")? 11 A.Consistent with Order No.35920 in Case No.IPC- 12 E-23-08,the Parties agree that the Company will defer its 13 test year WRAP expenses in a regulatory asset account for 14 future recovery when the Company can show realized 15 benefits.This reduced the Company's revenue requirement 16 by $585,182. 17 Q.Please describe the Intervenor Funding 18 Amortization? 19 A.The Company deferred all intervenor funding 20 ordered since its 2011 general rate case and proposed to 21 recover the balance in this case.The Parties agree to 22 amortize the deferral balance over seven years,which 23 reduces the Company's revenue requirement by $235,319. 24 Q.Please describe how the Proposed Settlement 25 accounts for the Company's Wildfire Expenses and CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)1211/15/23 STAFF 1 Amortization? 2 A.The Parties agree to remove various one-time 3 wildfire-related costs that will not continue in the 4 future,reducing the revenue requirement by $328,055.The 5 Parties also agree to allow Idaho Power to continue to 6 defer incremental vegetation management expenses and 7 incremental insurance expenses above the 2022 actuals 8 amount until the earlier of the Company's next general rate 9 case or 2025.Additionally,expenses related to the 10 Covered Wire Evaluation pilot and the Vegetation Management 11 Satellite and Aerial Patrols pilot will continue to be 12 deferred through 2025. 13 The Company proposed to begin amortizing a portion of 14 the wildfire deferral in this case.The Parties agree to 15 begin amortizing the total balance of the wildfire deferral 16 over seven years,which will increase the Company's revenue 17 requirement.Staff was concerned about a pancaking effect 18 in future rate cases and believes that amortization of the 19 full balance is reasonable.The balance will be offset by 20 $400,000 of grants received for the Fire Mesh and 21 Vegetation Management Satellite projects.The net effect 22 of all wildfire expense and amortization adjustments is an 23 increase of approximately $1.6 million to the Company's 24 revenue requirement. 25 Q.Please describe the Net Power Supply Expense CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)1311/15/23 STAFF 1 ("NPSE")adjustment? 2 A.This adjustment was made to update the modelling 3 assumptions related to wheeling that reduces the Company's 4 filed NPSE by $5,651,170.Net of the PCA Transfer 5 Adjustment proposed by the Company in its Application,this 6 adjustment results in a net reduction to the Company's 7 revenue requirement of $291,972. 8 Revenue Sharing Mechanism 9 Q.Please describe the Company's revenue sharing 10 mechanism and the terms in the Proposed Settlement 11 regarding the mechanism and ADITC? 12 A.In Order No.30978,the Commission approved a 13 stipulation that created a revenue sharing mechanism based 14 on the Company's actual earned ROE each year.This 15 mechanism has been modified and extended through several 16 orders since inception.The mechanism provides benefits 17 to customers if the Company's actual earned ROE for any 18 given year is greater than a predetermined ROE.When the 19 actual earned ROE exceeds the allowed ROE,the Company 20 returns a portion of the excess earnings to customers, 21 either through a rate reduction in the Company's PCA or an 22 offset to the Company's pension deferral.If the Company's 23 actual earned ROE is below a certain threshold,the Company 24 is authorized to accelerate the amortization of ADITC,up 25 to $25 million annually,to improve its actual ROE. CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)1411/15/23 STAFF 1 Under the terms of the Proposed Settlement,the 2 Parties agreed to continue the mechanism,modified to 3 include an additional amount of Investment Tax Credits 4 ("ITC")equal to the incremental ITC generated from the 5 Company's investment in the Black Mesa and Hemingway BESS 6 projects.The Parties also agree to remove the $25 million 7 cap on the annual accelerated amortization of ITC.The 8 Proposed Settlement establishes a threshold of 9.12%that 9 the Company's ROE must be below for it to accelerate the 10 amortization of ITCs.If the Company's ROE is above 9.6%, 11 revenue sharing will be provided as a benefit in the PCA. 12 The Company will no longer be required to use a portion of 13 the excess earnings to offset its customer-funded pension 14 obligations. 15 Q.Do you have any other comments on the Proposed 16 Settlement? 17 A.Yes.The Proposed Settlement is a result of 18 detailed analysis and thoughtful negotiations by all 19 Parties.The Proposed Settlement results in a mitigated 20 rate increase for customers,a reasonable resolution on 21 several contested issues while identifying areas requiring 22 additional discourse to resolve.The Proposed Settlement 23 represents a compromise between the Parties to establish 24 just,fair,and reasonable rates while providing the 25 Company with additional cash flows necessary to finance CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)1511/15/23 STAFF 1 its electric utility operations.Staff recommends that 2 the Commission approve the Proposed Settlement,signed by 3 all Parties,as filed. 4 Q.Does this conclude your testimony in this 5 proceeding? 6 A.Yes,it does. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11 English,D.(Stip)1611/15/23 STAFF Professional Qualifications of Donn English Program Manager -Accounting and Finance Idaho Public Utilities Commission EDUCATION Mr.English graduated from Boise State University in 1998 with aBachelorofBusinessAdministrationdegreeinAccounting.Hisstudiesconcentratedoncorporatefinanceandtaxation.He was a member of the Alpha Beta Psi honor society for Accountingstudents.He completed the Annual Regulatory Studies Program, the Advanced Regulatory Studies Program,and the Accounting andRatemakingCourseofferedthroughtheInstituteofPublic Utilities at Michigan State University.Additionally,heregularlyattendsmeetingandconferencessponsoredbytheNationalAssociationofRegulatoryCommissioners(NARUC)and theSocietyofUtilityandRegulatoryFinancialAnalysts. In 2001,Mr.English became a designated member of the AmericanSocietyofPensionProfessionalsandActuaries(ASPPA)and wasawardedtheprofessionaldesignationofQualifiedPensionAdministrator(QPA)and Qualified 401(k)Administrator (QKA).Mr.English was also a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examinators. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Prior to joining the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), Mr.English was a Trust Accountant with a pensionadministration,actuarial,and consulting firm in Boise,Idaho. In 1999,he was promoted to Pension Administrator,and in 2001hewaspromotedtoPensionConsultant.In that capacity,Mr.English performed actuarial calculations and the required non-discrimination calculations for hundreds of qualified retirementplans.He completed and filed Form 5500s and represented clients during audits by the Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue Service.He also participated on the taskforcethatwrotequestionsfortheASPPAadministratorandactuarialexams. Exhibit No.101 Case Nos.IPC-E-23-11 D.English,Staff 11/15/23 Page 1 of 2 Mr.English joined the IPUC in 2003 as a Staff Auditor.In 2016,he was promoted to Audit Team Lead,and in 2018 he became the Program Manager for the Accounting and Finance Department within the Utilities Division.In 2020,Mr.English accepted the responsibility of supervising the Technical Analysis and Energy Efficiency team and was the Program Manager for that team until 2022.At the Commission,Mr.English has audited a number of utilities including electric,water,and natural gas companies,and provided comments and testimony in numerous cases dealing with general rates,tax issues,pension issues, depreciation and other accounting issues,and other regulatory policy decisions.Mr.English participates in the Energy Efficiency Advisory Groups and External Stakeholder Advisory Committees for Idaho Power,Avista Utilities,Rocky Mountain Power,and Intermountain Gas Company.He is a member of several of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NKRUC)working groups including the NARUC State Working Group on Performance-Based Regulation,the NARUC State Working Group on Electric Vehicles,and the NARUC State Working Group on Grid- Interactive Efficient Buildings in collaboration with the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO).Mr. English is the Chair of the NARUC Staff Subcommittee on Education and Research and the Vice Chair of the NARUC Staff Subcommittee of Accounting and Finance.Mr.English is also a faculty member of NARUC Rate School. Exhibit No.101 Case Nos.IPC-E-23-11 D.English,Staff 11/15/23 Page 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 15th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2023,SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DONN ENGLISH IN SUPPORTOFTHESTIPULATIONANDSETTLEMENT,IN CASE NO.IPC-E-23-11,BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF,TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA D NORDSTROM TIMOTHY TATUM DONOVAN E WALKER CONNIE ASCHENBRENNERMEGANGOICOECHEAALLENMATTLARKIN IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL:E-MAIL:ttatum@idahopower.com lnordstrom@idahopower.com caschenbrenner@idahopower.com dwalker@idahopower.com mlarkin@idahopower.com mgoicoecheaallen@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com KELSEY JAE MICHAEL HECKLER LAW FOR CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP COURTNEY WHITE 920 N CLOVER DR CLEAN ENERGY OPPORTUNITIES BOISE ID 83703 3778 PLANTATION RIVER DR E-MAIL:kelsey@kelseyjae.com STE 102 BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: mike@cleanenergyopportunities.com courtney@cleanenergvopportunities.com ERIC L OLSEN LANCE KAUFMAN PhD ECHO HAWK &OLSEN PLLC 2623 NW BLUEBELL PLACE PO BOX 6119 CORVALLIS OR 97330 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL:lance aegisinsight.com E-MAIL:elo echohawk.com PETER J RICHARDSON DR DON READING RICHARDSON ADAMS PLLC 280 SILVERWOOD WAY 515 N 27THST EAGLE ID 83616 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL:dreading@mindspring.com E-MAIL:peter richardsonadams.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE JIM SWIER AUSTIN RUESCHHOFF MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC THORVALD A NELSON 8000 S FEDERAL WAY AUSTIN W JENSEN BOISE ID 83707 HOLLAND &HART LLP E-MAIL:iswier@micron.com 555 17TH ST STE 3200 DENVER CO 80202 E-MAIL:darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelson@hollandhart.com awjensen@hollandhart.com aclee@hollandhart.com clmoser hollandhart.com TOM ARKOOSH ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES PO BOX 2900 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAILtom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com erin.cecil arkoosh.com ED JEWELL WIL GEHL DARRELL EARLY ENERGY PROGRAM MANAGER DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY BOISE CITY DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE PO BOX 500 PO BOX 500 BOISE ID 82701-0500 BOISE ID 83701-0500 E-MAIL:weehl cityofboise.org E-MAIL:BoiseCityAttorney@cityofboise.org ejewell citvofboise.org dearly citvofboise.org MATTHEW NYKIEL BRAD HEUSINKVELD ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TH ST 710 N 6TH ST BOISE ID 83702 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL:mathew.nykiel amail.com E-MAIL: bheusinkveld@idahoconservation.org PETER MEIER DWIGHT ETHERIDGE US DEPT OF ENERGY EXETER ASSOCIATES 1000 INDEPENDENCE AVE SW 5565 STERRETT PLACE WASHINGTON DC 20585 STE 310 E-MAIL:peter.meier@hq.doe.gov COLUMBIA MD 21044 E-MAIL:detheridge exeterassociates.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE F.DIEGO RIVAS BENJAMIN J OTTO NW ENERGY COALITION 1407 W COTTONWOOD CT 1101 8TH AVE BOISE ID 83702 HELENA MT 59601 E-MAIL:ben@nwenergy.org E-MAIL:diego nwenergy.org NORMAN M SEMANKO JUSTINA A CAVIGLIA PARSONS BEHLE &LATIMER PARSONS BEHLE &LATIMER 800 W MAIN ST STE 1300 50 W LIBERTY ST STE 750 BOISE ID 83702 RENO NV 89502 E-MAIL:nsemanko@parsonsbehle.com E-MAIL:jcaviglia@parsonsbehle.com STEVE W CHRISS DIR ENERGY SERVICES WALMART INC 2608 SOUTHEAST J ST BENTONVILLE AR 72716 E-MAIL:stephen.chriss@walmart.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE