HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231109Comments_1.pdfThe following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Katherine Noble Submission Time: Nov 8 2023 8:42PM Email: 86knoble@gmail.com Telephone: 208-720-5975 Address: 86 Freedom Loop Bellevue, ID 83313 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-11 Comment: ""Global temperatures will pass a major milestone this decade, faster than earlier es�mates predicted." NASA Scien�st, James Hansen. We can't afford to discourage anyone from switching to clean power. So it is important that Idaho Power recognize the value of roo�op solar and solar installa�ons on farms. Idaho Power should be forming partnerships with the people of Idaho, not trying to be a monopoly. Minnesota solar companies are offering 20 year leases to farmers for solar installa�ons, and then finding sheep and goat farmers to contract graze the land under the panels. This is happening in Hawaii, the Northeastern states, and up and down the east coast as well as Montana, Colorado and all over France, Portugal, Spain and Italy. They have also learned that plants and solar panels don't compete for light. The panels u�lize the green light spectrum and plants use the red spectrum so there isn't compe��on for solar light.* It's a win win for all. Studies from Oregon State University show that grazing sheep on irrigated pasture not only increases the forage, but sheep grow faster because of the shade the panels provide, the forage lasts longer due to the par�al shade, and the solar panels produce more power because they are cooler. All Grazing animals need shade and solar panels can provide that. Catle ranchers who have partnered with German power producers find that the catle grow bigger faster, and power produc�on increases at the same �me.* By u�lizing farming acreages Power companies would not need to be proposing wind and solar installa�ons on our public lands which all Idahoians want to keep natural and undeveloped. The University of Colorado has worked with a 150 acre farm just north of Boulder grazing animals and growing vegetables under solar panels. Jack's Garden has been in opera�on now for 3 years and they have found that vegetables that get a couple of hours of shade each day grow faster, and solar panels over growing vegeta�on benefit from the cooler temperatures as well and produce more power. Where my farm is locate there are rela�vely frequent power outages which I could alleviate for the power company if I had solar panels over my growing areas. However, the proposed Idaho power pricing changes would eliminate any advantages for the farmer. The benefits would all go to Wall Street, not the local Idaho resident and farmer. If Idaho Power establishes fairer export rates and will keep them at the contracted price for 10 - 15 years, smaller organic farmers will be able to get bank loans and put in solar. For these reasons, I would like to see Idaho Power rethink their approach to power produc�on and consider the ways they could be of benefit to the people of Idaho, not the investment bankers. Thank you for the opportunity to present my research and express my recommenda�ons. Sincerely, Katherine Noble 86 Freedom Loop Bellevue, Idaho *American Solar Grazing Associa�on zoom programs *jackssolargarden.com *Ambrook Research" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------