HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231025Comments_2.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Paul Cooperrider Submission Time: Oct 23 2023 11:19AM Email: paul.strategiem@gmail.com Telephone: 208-863-5906 Address: 8690 W. Atwater Dr. Garden City, ID 83714 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Co. Case ID: IPC-E-23-11 Comment: "IPCo's request for increasing the monthly service charge (Schedules 6 & 8) from $5.00 to $20.00 for on-site generators does not seem warranted. Service charges should cover opera�ng expense costs (OPEX) required to run opera�ons by the u�lity (in this case Idaho Power as an Investor Owned U�lity - IOU). This would include labor costs, it's own power costs, sales & marke�ng, etc. Capital cost are returned via another avenue through the rate structure, as are variable fuel costs through mechanisms such as Power Cost Adjustment). The increase from $5/mo to $20/mo is a 300% increase in monthly service fee. Yet IPCo does NOT layout how its OPEX has risen by 300% for onsite generators. Short of scru�ny of how OPEX has exploded to jus�fy this spike in monthly service fee, the PUC needs to demand a detailed financial jus�fica�on for this increase. Otherwise, it looks like the IOU is trying to shi� its variable costs (OPEX) for into a fixed cost model. This would be a significant shi� in the business model allowable for IOU's, and does NOT serve the public's best interest. I urge the PUC to demand a detailed cost accoun�ng of OPEX from IPCo over the last 5 years to jus�fy the spike in monthly charge, and to reduce any increase in monthly service charge to a level to is fair and truly reflec�ve of OPEX. Respec�ully, Paul Cooperrider" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Anne Herndon Submission Time: Oct 24 2023 7:17PM Email: aherndon9@aim.com Telephone: 208-377-8767 Address: 6110 Bay Street Boise, ID 83704 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power 2 Case ID: IPC-E-23-11 Comment: "I urge you to REJECT Idaho Power's proposal in this case. I am totally against Idaho Power's request for a general rate increase. The proposal seeks to gouge customers who use lower amounts of electricity and penalizes those who have invested in energy efficient home improvements and/or solar. An increase in the flat monthly fee from approximately $5 to $35 would be a 600% increase. This is intolerable! This proposal would significantly harm those who are commited to reducing the amount of energy they consume. And, it is especially unfair for customers who have more than one meter at their residence. Idaho Power should not be allowed to bring this case before the Public U�li�es Commission at the same �me that they are trying to change the rate structure for on-site genera�on. What a bunch of underhanded maneuvers! Idaho Power's private shareholders do not need any more profits. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------