HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230815Comments_2.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Andrew Johnson Submission Time: Aug 15 2023 1:00PM Email: ajj@andrewjohnson.law Telephone: 208-250-6468 Address: 22395 Hoskins Rd Caldwell, ID 83607 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-11 Comment: "A�er atending the workshop, and reviewing the documents for IPC-E-23-11, it appears that this Case can affect, and/or be effected by, Case No. IPC-E-23-14. I believe it would be in the best interest of all par�es (customers, the Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, and Idaho Power) to have a workshop that describes how the combined outcomes of IPC-E-23-11 and IPC-E-23-14 will affect Schedule 6 customers and Idaho Power. Such workshop would address: (1) What would be the combined effect if both Applica�ons were approved; and compare it to (2) What would be the effect if only IPC-E-23-11 were approved; and (3) What would be the effect if only IPC-E-23-14 were approved. Synthesizing this informa�on into a coherent forum would beter help all par�es see the big picture, and understand the implica�ons of approving or denying these applica�ons as they relate to one another. Looking at each individually, and not as a whole, does not allow us to see the true impact of either Case. Also, prior to hos�ng such workshop, I believe it would be in the best interest of all par�es for Idaho Power to send each Schedule 6 customer a pamphlet explaining the three outcomes listed above, so that the workshop could be more efficient with its �me and resources. In the event it is not possible to host a workshop that addresses two Cases at once and shows how each affects the other; I would request that the Commission s�ll require Idaho Power to send Schedule 6 customers a pamphlet describing the ways each Applica�on, and their combined in singular outcomes, affect Schedule 6 customers. Such pamphlets should be sent out with enough �me for customers to research the issues and have reasonable �me for comments. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Andrew Johnson Submission Time: Aug 15 2023 3:25PM Email: ajj@andrewjohnson.law Telephone: 208-250-6468 Address: 22395 Hoskins Rd Caldwell, ID 83607 2 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-11 Comment: "Many farmers and home owners in the area have a separate meter on their shop or outbuildings for their power consump�on. Case No. IPC-E-23-11 proposes to change the monthly Service Charge for each meter from $5 to $35 in 2026. For those farmers and home owners with these separate meters, the electricity usage is o�en seasonal or sporadic, and less consistent that the usage at their primary residence. These folks benefit from the separate meter because they can easily dis�nguish what electricity is being used for business purposes (such as farming and home-based businesses), and what electricity is being used for personal home use. The electricity for business use can be writen off on their taxes as an expense. Changing the cost of the meter from $5 to $35 increases the cost of this separate meter from $60 per year to $420 per year. The increase is not equally offset for these folks by the reduced cost per kWh because the usage is less than the average use for a home, and is likely seasonal or sporadic. Meaning the farmers and others are paying $35 per month for a meter that they may not be using during certain months of the year. To adjust for this increased cost, farmers and home owners must either pass this expense on to their customers (which could put them at a disadvantage compared to the compe��on), eat the cost, or connect their shop to their home’s power meter (which is usually cost prohibi�ve). None of these are favorable outcomes. Even if they were to connect the shop to their home, and eliminate the meter, there would be no decrease in the number of kWh used and drawn from the grid, because the shop would simply draw its electricity from the home’s meter. Since the meters are already in place, the billing is automa�c, and the kWh usage would be the same whether they have a separate meter on the shop or �e it to the home, there should be litle to no addi�onal cost to Idaho Power to maintain this separate meter. Thus, the proposed increased cost of the meter nega�vely impacts these customers dispropor�onately, while not adding a balanced value to Idaho Power, other than an increase in month revenue for a meter that is not being used much. I propose that the Service Charge for each meter remain $5 to avoid dispropor�onate expenses to farmers and other property owners who have an extra meter on their property, who will not benefit from the decrease in costs per kWh as it relates to this extra meter. Or, as an alternate sugges�on/comment, I would propose the following: If an address has more than one meter on it, that the first meter be charged a $35 Service Charge in 2026, and all other meters at the same address be charged a $5 Service Charge in 2026. This would offset the nega�ve impact felt by farmers and others with extra meters on their proper�es. " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------