HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230727Comments_2.pdf1 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Robert Keegan Submission Time: Jul 27 2023 10:07AM Email: rkeegan@centurylink.net Telephone: 208-488-5726 Address: 10735 W Snow Wolf dr Star, ID 83669 Name of U�lity Company: Contoso Case ID: IPC-E-23-11 Comment: "This rate increase (17% across the board increase just because King Biden says so) - yeah we saw that. Will hit working class Americans (under 50k) (who are hard hit by infla�on, healthcare and dental insurance costs (obamacare), increased taxes, other u�li�es increases, on and on.. And working Americans are NOT ge�ng COL increases anywhere near (or at all) infla�on or increased costs in everything - Thanks to derelict energy and economic policy by current and previous administra�ons) Do the Fat Cats making this policy not KNOW this?? what rock are they residing under. News Flash - Many Working people (50K and less) ARE NOT MAKING ENDS MEET ALREADY. not even paycheck to paycheck but going in the hole in debt. this may come as a surprise to fat cats making 6 figures. . AND is a direct result of years of the imaginary global warming hysteria Big Lie, DNC and radical le�-wing extremist poli�cs. The goal of which is to reduce standard of living, mobility, convenience, Repeated ad- nauseum most undiscerning folks now believe the big lie. By raising costs, again - (17% across the board increase just because King Biden says so) - yeah we saw that. - None of which is supported by any real science. co2 levels, (c02 is not pollu�on and is crucial to life on Earth) Earth has many Natural systems that sequester co2. which is never discussed in the un-allowed debate. Real climate data shows the planet may actually be cooling in fact: htps://coldweatherreport.com/category/declining-temperature/ Why should discerning people believe any data from the global establishment meteorologists, The disinforma�on fix is in on EVERYTHING these days. elec�ons, health issues (covid) na�onal security, economic, societal, and especially climate science, such as global mean temperatures, co2 ppm, methane ppm, all fake. And why not use fake data because They CAN. The establishment has lied so o�en on cri�cal maters they are not to be believed or trusted, They made that bed, Let them sleep in it. In summary at least 50 percent of Idaho Power Customers.. Know that all of this climate change nonsense is just a grossly exaggerated expensive scam, con and modern civiliza�onal ending lie. Im not against reneweable energy, actually I'm in favor of it. JUST NOT CRAMMED DOWN OUR THROATS. It will mature over �me to be sure. Alterna�ves to unaffordable green energy - What about the new modular nuclear reactors? Thorium reactors? And Nothing delivers base load demand electricity like ECONOMICAL, AFFORDABLE power like CLEAN natural gas or clean (scrubbed) coal. China is building lots of new coal plants - but does not have 2 to install expensive scrubbers as a "developing" na�on. and that is pollu�on. They will sell us the expensive foreign made solar panels and ugly windmills instead, which will NEVER deliver base load power in a reliable, affordable manner. (this last part seems to be missed by the policy makers) Solar and Wind are great supplemental energy to be sure. I would like to have them on my residence but do not have the room to make it economically viable. A great role for this green tech. But will NEVER be affordable or reliable power for the na�ons Grid. - Maybe someday when coupled with huge batery banks. (Trillions of $$ on this) But that technology has not yet been demonstrated to actually fly. (an important factor) It has poten�al however to be sure. but is debatable whether it will ever be even less than double the cost of the energy density provide by clean CNG.or clean coal. Thank you for considering my input. Please do not raise rates to support this green energy ponzi scheme and boondoggle. that will only enrich a �ny group of already incredibly wealthy people. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Robert Keegan Submission Time: Jul 27 2023 10:57AM Email: rkeegan@centurylink.net Telephone: 208-488-5726 Address: 10735 W Snow Wolf dr Star, ID 83669 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-11 Comment: "Please excuse, Just a quick follow up from my previous input. In short, IMHO - These increases are due to compliance with federal and global green energy mandates and policies. Based on Faux science and climate models, The goal(s) of which are in reality about economic, societal and global governance, than they are environmental. - Drive up the cost of domes�c energy produc�on and supply so America cannot compete as a manufacturing economy. (China wins again and from now on.) - Reduce poor working Americans economic spending power, and quality of life. By taking more of their money (these costs will be amplified throughout the en�re supply chain - everything will go up). they will have less spending power everywhere else. like campaign contribu�ons for instance. - Disempower and Control peoples thermostats and lives directly and take away individual choice and convenience and mobility (A globalist goal and an�-American concept). - Cause an already overstretched Grid to collapse (Electric Vehicles only) And for Americans to experience hours or days of brown outs and blackouts, (Just like many other places in "the world") So Americans lives can be no different. 3 - Impose a false and decep�ve narra�ve of global warming by ruling global decree - Because that's what global government means. BTW - why cant they get their story straight - global warming or climate change - the later has been going on for 2 billion years. - Empower a handful of billionares who seek to be trillionares, whilst simultaneously crea�ng a surf class of disempowered global ci�zens who will own nothing and be happy or else - World Economic Forum - One could fill pages from here as to why these rate increases to comply with green energy dictates are bad and wrong and dont make logical sense. Thank you, " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------