HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230726Comments_1.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jerry Woolsey Submission Time: Jul 26 2023 9:46AM Email: jwoolsey86@gmail.com Telephone: 208-571-1552 Address: 3015 Citrus St. Caldwell, ID 83605 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-11 Comment: "I am wri�ng to express my deep concern and vehement opposi�on to the recent announcement of a nearly 10% power rate increase by Idaho Power. While I understand that infla�on has been affec�ng various sectors of the economy, this percentage is beyond what can be reasonably jus�fied, especially in the current economic climate. Infla�on has indeed been taking its toll on families across the na�on, and I, as a single parent, have been diligently managing my household finances to provide a stable environment for my family. However, the proposed power rate increase would place an unbearable burden on my already strained budget. As you may be aware, single parents face unique financial challenges, and a substan�al rise in u�lity costs threatens our ability to meet basic needs, let alone provide a nurturing home for our children.The �ming of this rate increase is par�cularly concerning, given the possible impending recession that economists have been warning about. An abrupt and steep rise in electricity costs during such a vulnerable economic period could have disastrous consequences for low-income families like mine. It is essen�al for Idaho Power to consider the broader implica�ons of this decision on your customers and the community as a whole. I urge Idaho Power to reassess the magnitude of this rate increase and explore alterna�ve solu�ons to mi�gate its impact on customers. Implemen�ng a rate hike of this scale without transparent and reasonable jus�fica�on is unfair and shows a lack of considera�on for the well-being of your consumers, especially those facing financial hardships. I implore you to take into account the human aspect behind these numbers. The lives of countless families hang in the balance, and it is the responsibility of Idaho Power to support your customers during challenging �mes, not exacerbate their struggles. In conclusion, I demand that Idaho Power reconsider the nearly 10% power rate increase and provide a detailed explana�on for the proposed escala�on. Please demonstrate a genuine commitment to the welfare of your customers and the community you serve by working towards a more sustainable and compassionate solu�on. Your understanding and �mely aten�on to this issue will undoubtedly shape the percep�on of your company in the eyes of the public." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------