HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230601Direct Buckham.pdf BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO AND FOR ASSOCIATED REGULATORY ACCOUNTING TREATMENT. ) ))) )) CASE NO. IPC-E-23-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF BRIAN R. BUCKHAM BUCKHAM, DI 1 Idaho Power Company Q. Please state your name, business address, and 1 present position with Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power” or 2 “Company”). 3 A. My name is Brian Buckham. My business address 4 is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. I am 5 employed by Idaho Power as Senior Vice President and Chief 6 Financial Officer (“CFO”). 7 Q. Please describe your educational background. 8 A. I received a Bachelor of Science in Mining 9 Engineering from the University of Idaho, a Master of 10 Business Administration from Gonzaga University, and a 11 Juris Doctor from the University of Idaho College of Law. 12 Q. Please describe your work experience with 13 Idaho Power. 14 A. I was hired in 2010 as an attorney in Idaho 15 Power’s Legal Department, where I focused predominately on 16 securities compliance and external reporting, capital 17 markets transactions, corporate governance, and commercial 18 transactions, among other areas. In 2016, I was appointed 19 as IDACORP’s and Idaho Power’s Vice President & General 20 Counsel, and in 2017 as Senior Vice President & General 21 Counsel, where in both roles I was responsible for 22 leadership of the legal, corporate governance, compliance, 23 risk management, and physical and cyber security functions 24 at IDACORP and Idaho Power. In 2022, I was appointed as 25 BUCKHAM, DI 2 Idaho Power Company IDACORP’s Senior Vice President and Chief Financial 1 Officer, where I oversee the companies’ finance, 2 accounting, investor relations, treasury, tax, Sarbanes-3 Oxley compliance, internal audit, compliance, risk 4 management, and physical and cyber security functions. 5 Q. What are your duties as Senior Vice President 6 and Chief Financial Officer of Idaho Power as they relate 7 to this proceeding? 8 A. I oversee the direct financial planning, 9 procurement, and investment of funds for Idaho Power, as 10 well as supervise corporate liquidity management. I also 11 have oversight and responsibility for our financial 12 reporting, both internal and external, and our investor 13 relations function, and for our capital markets 14 transactions and associated relationships with stakeholders 15 in that forum. 16 My duties and responsibilities include various 17 aspects of all the Company’s capital markets transactions, 18 treasury management, and other financial matters. With 19 respect to long-term financings, sale of bonds, and sale of 20 equity, my duties include development of financial plans 21 with senior officers, meeting with representatives of 22 current and prospective investment banking firms that 23 underwrite Idaho Power securities, discussions with credit 24 rating agencies, assisting in preparation of financial 25 BUCKHAM, DI 3 Idaho Power Company material (including registration statements and 1 prospectuses filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange 2 Commission), representing the Company in meetings with 3 investment banking firms, reviewing information relative to 4 the Company’s financings, meeting with current and 5 prospective debt and equity investors, meeting with 6 investment analysts, and recommending disposition of net 7 proceeds. With respect to short-term financing, these 8 duties and responsibilities include negotiation of credit 9 facilities and term loans with commercial banks and 10 overseeing the purchase and sale of commercial paper, and 11 establishing and maintaining the relationships that help 12 facilitate those transactions. 13 Q. Do your responsibilities include communicating 14 with members of the financial community? 15 A. Yes. I am in regular contact with individuals 16 representing investment and commercial banking firms, 17 credit rating agencies, insurance companies, institutional 18 investment firms, pension funds, infrastructure funds, and 19 other organizations interested in publicly traded 20 securities, who follow IDACORP and Idaho Power. Along with 21 the Company’s Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer and 22 Treasurer and the Company’s Investor Relations and Treasury 23 Director, my responsibilities include keeping these 24 representatives of the financial community informed of the 25 BUCKHAM, DI 4 Idaho Power Company Company’s financial condition, arranging and participating 1 in meetings with these individuals and IDACORP’s and Idaho 2 Power’s other senior executive management, and visiting 3 with financial representatives in their respective offices 4 or virtually. Some of these members of the investment 5 community have followed the electric utility industry for 6 an extended period of time and have a great deal of 7 expertise in the specific financial risks and prospects of 8 utilities. 9 Through my contact with the financial community and 10 review of investment banking analytical reports and 11 publications issued by these firms and the rating agencies, 12 I keep informed on trends, interest rates, financing costs, 13 security ratings, and other financial developments in the 14 public utility industry. 15 Q. Are you a member of any professional societies 16 or associations? 17 A. Yes. I am a current member of the Idaho State 18 Bar, the Oregon State Bar, the Arizona State Bar 19 (inactive), and the Governing Council of the Business & 20 Corporate Law Section of the Idaho State Bar, in addition 21 to serving on various non-profit boards. Further, I was 22 previously an adjunct professor of law at the University of 23 Idaho College of Law, where I taught the securities 24 regulation course. 25 BUCKHAM, DI 5 Idaho Power Company I also attend numerous conferences and seminars of 1 these and other utility business, law, and finance 2 professional groups, such as the Edison Electric Institute 3 and Western Energy Institute, and an investor-owned utility 4 CFO forum, on a regular basis. Through participation in 5 these groups and events, I gain additional information and 6 insights into the financial developments affecting IDACORP 7 and Idaho Power, as well as the electric utility industry. 8 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this 9 proceeding? 10 A. I am sponsoring testimony discussing financial 11 risk factors generally and risk factors unique to Idaho 12 Power that justify a return on equity (“ROE”) figure 13 supported in the Direct Testimony of Company Witness Mr. 14 Adrien McKenzie as the minimum acceptable ROE for Idaho 15 Power, the use of a forecasted year end 2023 capital 16 structure, the embedded cost of long-term debt, and the 17 resultant overall cost of capital used to compute the 18 Company’s revenue requirement. 19 Q. What Exhibits are you sponsoring? 20 A. I am sponsoring Exhibit Nos. 19-21. 21 I. COST OF EQUITY POINT ESTIMATE 22 Q. What ROE is the Company requesting in this 23 proceeding? 24 A. The Company requests 10.4 percent as the point 25 BUCKHAM, DI 6 Idaho Power Company estimate to be used for the cost of equity. 1 Q. Does that point estimate align with the 2 recommendations made by the Company’s outside expert 3 regarding the Company’s cost of capital? 4 A. No, it is lower. As the Company evaluated its 5 request and the broader economic conditions, the Company 6 decided to apply an ROE that is lower than the 10.6 percent 7 point estimate provided by our outside expert. My 8 recommendation is on the lower end of the range suggested 9 by Mr. McKenzie. The Company believes this recommendation 10 is the minimum required ROE necessary to not weaken the 11 Company’s ability to attract capital at favorable and 12 customer-beneficial rates in the currently uncertain and 13 volatile financial markets. 14 Q. How did you arrive at your recommendation? 15 A. While I believe the discussion of risk factors 16 later in my testimony justifies an ROE in excess of 10.4 17 percent, as supported by Mr. McKenzie, I have taken into 18 account the economic impact of historically high inflation 19 on our customers and selected a rate below the midpoint of 20 the recommended range, while at the same time recognizing 21 that high inflation also biases toward a higher ROE. As 22 discussed in the Direct Testimony of Company Witness Ms. 23 Lisa Grow, Idaho Power has adopted a conservative approach 24 in this rate filing, utilizing several factors to mitigate 25 BUCKHAM, DI 7 Idaho Power Company the overall rate impact on customers of its request. In 1 light of this conservative approach, the Company is 2 requesting a minimum level of ROE at 10.4 percent. 3 Q. Did you consider other recent decisions in 4 Idaho-jurisdiction electric utility general rate cases 5 (“GRC”)? 6 A. Yes. However, I note that most of the recent 7 electric utility GRC have been settled through negotiated 8 settlement agreements, which may not fully reflect the 9 breadth of issues that a regulator might consider when 10 making an ROE determination. The two most recent electric 11 utility cases that were reviewed in regard to this filing 12 were Avista Corporation’s (“Avista”) GRC, which was settled 13 in August 2021, and the PacifiCorp (dba Rocky Mountain 14 Power) GRC, which was settled in December 2021. In both 15 cases settlement agreements were reached. More recently, 16 Intermountain Gas Company, a subsidiary of MDU Resources, 17 entered into a settlement in its natural gas retail rate 18 case in Idaho, but the proceedings in that case have not 19 concluded. 20 In the Avista case, the Commission’s final order 21 approved a 9.4 percent ROE, as proposed in the settlement 22 agreement. Notably, the Commission’s order cites testimony 23 stating, “the parties reached a compromise among differing 24 points of view, with concessions made by all Parties.” To 25 BUCKHAM, DI 8 Idaho Power Company that end, the Company believes the stated ROE is not 1 indicative of the result from a fully contested case. Order 2 No. 35156, Case No. AVU–E-21-01. 3 In the PacifiCorp case, the settlement agreement and 4 the Commission’s final order approving the settlement were 5 silent as to PacifiCorp’s authorized ROE. Order No. 35277, 6 Case No. PAC-E-21-07. Regardless, PacifiCorp is a much 7 larger, multi-jurisdictional utility with a higher credit 8 rating and ownership by a substantial utility holding 9 company, which would justify an authorized ROE lower for 10 PacifiCorp than for Idaho Power. Intermountain Gas Company 11 is similarly situated structurally to PacifiCorp, and a 12 distributor of natural gas rather than electric service. 13 Q. Have financial market conditions changed since 14 these rate cases were filed? 15 A. Yes. Interest rates have gone up in the last 16 21 months, since the date Avista’s case referenced above 17 was filed, with the 10-year United States (“US”) Treasury 18 rate increasing over 200 percent over that period, from 19 less than 1.2 percent to around 3.7 percent as of May 22, 20 2023 (source: Yahoo Finance). As interest rates increase, 21 investors expect a higher ROE given the higher risk 22 compared to their alternative investment in debt 23 instruments. When the interest rate was at 1.2 percent, a 24 9.4 percent to 9.6 percent ROE may have been reasonable, 25 BUCKHAM, DI 9 Idaho Power Company but in today’s market the ROE needs to be higher to 1 appropriately reflect the increase in debt cost and 2 prevailing interest rates, given investors’ available 3 options and expectations. The number of basis points should 4 increase even further in light of volatile market 5 conditions, and other factors I discuss in this testimony. 6 Indeed, typical money market deposit account rates 7 currently exceed even the 10-year Treasury rate from 21 8 months ago, meaning investors have existing nearly risk-9 free options with relatively high interest rates, thus 10 driving up required ROEs to attract investment. 11 Moreover, in my conversations with current and 12 prospective investors and with equity analysts, the topic 13 of authorized ROEs is frequently raised. Based on those 14 conversations, it is my impression that an ROE of the level 15 the Company has requested in this case, assuming it also 16 includes recovery of prudent expenditures and a return on 17 and of investment, would be sufficient to meet the 18 expectations of those investors and thus maintain IDACORP’s 19 reasonable access to equity capital. The authorized ROE is 20 one of the primary factors participants in the equity 21 capital markets will review when assessing the adequacy of 22 the outcome of a general rate case for purposes of making 23 an investment decision, and an authorized ROE lower than 24 Idaho Power’s request could increase the Company’s cost of 25 BUCKHAM, DI 10 Idaho Power Company equity issuances. With IDACORP anticipating an equity 1 issuance in 2024, or possibly sooner, an authorized ROE 2 that meets investor expectations will benefit customers 3 through greater value in issued equity financing. Mr. 4 McKenzie addresses this important intersection of utility 5 regulation and the investment markets in his testimony. 6 Q. Why is Idaho Power’s requested 10.4 percent 7 ROE justified in this case? 8 A. Notable changes in the economy, particularly 9 inflation levels not seen since the 1980s, market 10 volatility and uncertainty, and the interest rate increases 11 noted above, have taken place in the past few years, and 12 exacerbated recently. In his testimony, Mr. McKenzie also 13 discusses these changes and their implications on capital 14 costs and ROE. 15 Q. What other risks impact your selection of a 16 10.4 percent ROE? 17 A. Over the last few years, the utility risk 18 landscape has been shifting dramatically, increasing 19 several risks that the Company must address. I highlight in 20 the next section of my testimony several of these 21 heightened risks, including power supply costs, liquidity 22 challenges, wildfires, cybersecurity, and physical 23 security. I will also discuss other specific risks Idaho 24 Power continues to face. 25 BUCKHAM, DI 11 Idaho Power Company Idaho Power must remain prepared to respond to 1 unforeseen events that may materialize in the future, some 2 of which are outlined in my discussion below. Recent 3 economic challenges and financial market disruption and 4 uncertainty highlight the importance of maintaining Idaho 5 Power’s financial strength in attracting the capital needed 6 to ensure reliable service to customers at a lower cost, 7 and to weather continued volatile and uncertain economic 8 conditions and circumstances. 9 Q. You mentioned the impact of interest rate 10 increases. How do interest rates affect the required ROE? 11 A. As Idaho Power competes with other investments 12 (both stocks and bonds) in the capital markets, to attract 13 capital at reasonable costs the Company must provide a 14 return that adequately compensates its investors relative 15 to the risk of other investments. With rising interest 16 rates, investors can obtain relatively higher returns on 17 debt instruments while retaining a much lower risk profile 18 relative to stocks. To compete as an investment, utilities 19 must then provide the opportunity for a higher return 20 commensurate with their higher relative risk level. 21 Q. Can you quantify the recent increases in 22 interest rates? 23 A. Certainly. As seen in the chart below (based 24 on data from Yahoo Finance as of May 22, 2023), 30-year US 25 BUCKHAM, DI 12 Idaho Power Company Treasury bond yields have risen from around 1.8 percent 1 near the start of 2022 to as high as 4.36 percent in late 2 2022, and have recently been between 3.6 to 4.0 percent, a 3 100 percent increase over that period. 4 FIGURE 1 5 30-Year Treasury Bond 6 7 Q. How do higher levels of inflation impact ROE? 8 A. As noted in Mr. McKenzie’s testimony, an 9 investor’s required return is intended to compensate the 10 investor for the loss of purchasing power due to rising 11 prices. An investor adds an inflation premium to the real 12 rate of return (pure risk-free rate plus risk premium) to 13 determine the investor’s nominal required return. As a 14 result, higher inflation expectations lead to an increase 15 in the cost of equity capital. The expectations for the 16 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% October-21 April-22 October-22 April-23 BUCKHAM, DI 13 Idaho Power Company required return, and thus the cost of equity capital, 1 increase during inflationary periods when there is 2 regulatory lag in the recovery of those increasing costs, 3 which occurs where a historic test year is applied in the 4 ratemaking process. 5 II. RISK FACTORS 6 Q. Could you briefly outline the risks 7 confronting the Company that form the basis for your 8 recommendation of a 10.4 percent ROE as the minimum 9 acceptable authorized return? 10 A. Yes. I will summarize them here and discuss 11 each in greater detail later in my testimony. I believe 12 that, at a minimum, a 10.4 percent ROE is required to 13 properly account for the risks confronting Idaho Power for 14 the following reasons: 15 (1) The general decline in the Company’s credit 16 quality, in conjunction with the growing need for 17 access to debt and equity capital to fund the 18 Company’s growing capital expenditures in 19 response to recent and expected future economic 20 growth in its service territory. The Company 21 forecasts capital expenditures of approximately 22 $3.1 billion from 2023 to 2027 to reliably serve 23 customer needs. 24 BUCKHAM, DI 14 Idaho Power Company (2) Energy market volatility and liquidity 1 challenges. 2 (3) Large and growing Public Utility Regulatory 3 Policies Act of 1978 (“PURPA”) project and Power 4 Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) expenditures, and more 5 recently, energy storage agreement expenditures. 6 (4) Risks related to wildfires from a financial, 7 reliability, insurability, and operational 8 standpoint. 9 (5) The renewal of federal licenses for the Company’s 10 hydroelectric projects, primarily the Hells 11 Canyon Complex, which provides 36 percent of the 12 Company’s total generating nameplate capacity, 13 and particularly the costs associated with the 14 relicensing of that project. 15 (6) Increased risks related to power reliability, as 16 well as execution risk associated with 17 infrastructure projects intended to maintain 18 reliability. 19 (7) Environmental risks and uncertainties related to 20 new or proposed legislation and requirements and 21 impacts on the Company’s operations. 22 (8) The increasing risks of cyber and physical 23 security attacks on Idaho Power’s and other 24 utilities’ infrastructure. 25 BUCKHAM, DI 15 Idaho Power Company (9) The impacts of climate change on the Company, 1 including the perceived risk in the financial 2 community associated with the variability of the 3 Company’s hydroelectric generating base, 4 variances in sales, impacts on operations, 5 reputational concerns, application of investment 6 policies, and other factors associated with 7 changes in the climate. 8 (10) The Company’s small size in terms of market 9 capitalization and concentrated geographic and 10 associated regulatory risk (i.e., 95 percent of 11 the Company’s business is in Idaho). 12 (11) The financial impact of a lag in the recovery of 13 costs associated with higher capital 14 expenditures, including the higher costs of 15 financing those capital expenditures. 16 (12) Heightened scrutiny by equity investors and 17 analysts of authorized ROEs and regulatory 18 outcomes, and the disproportionate impact it has 19 on the success of equity financing, particularly 20 as the Company approaches the need for equity 21 issuances. 22 I address several of those risks below in my 23 testimony. 24 Q. Are there other risks, less specific to Idaho 25 BUCKHAM, DI 16 Idaho Power Company Power, that also impact your recommendation? 1 A. Yes. There are general financial risks such as 2 increased volatility in the financial markets and what I 3 view as a heightened sensitivity to risk exposure. Other 4 risks are industry-wide, such as unknown costs relative to 5 carbon emissions, a need for infrastructure improvements, 6 and increased capital investment, as well as inflationary 7 pressures that increase costs of both operating expenses 8 and capital outlays. Interest rate uncertainty fuels the 9 fear that future borrowing costs could rise dramatically. 10 Recently, the Federal Reserve has been attempting to 11 control inflation by raising interest rates, which creates 12 expectations for continued rising debt costs in the near 13 future. These factors combine to make a challenging 14 environment in which the Company must compete with others 15 in the electric utility industry, as well as all other 16 industries, for both resources and capital, to serve the 17 needs of its customers. While I do not intend to elaborate 18 further on more general risks, they are factors worthy of 19 note that point to increased risks for the Company. 20 Many of the risks associated with the Company, and 21 that factor into its equity and debt valuations, are 22 included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K that the Company 23 files with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, under 24 the heading “Risk Factors.” For the Form 10-K filed in 25 BUCKHAM, DI 17 Idaho Power Company February 2023, that section of the document was 1 approximately 13 pages in length.1 2 Credit Ratings and Capital Market Expectations 3 Q. What is the status of Idaho Power’s credit 4 ratings? 5 A. Idaho Power’s credit ratings as of May 31, 6 2023, are as follows: 7 TABLE 1 8 Idaho Power Credit Ratings as of May 31, 2023 9 Standard and Poor’s Rating Investors Service Corporate Credit Rating BBB Baa 1 Senior Secured Debt A- A2 Senior Unsecured Debt BBB Baa 1 Commercial Paper A-2 P-2 Rating Outlook Stable Stable 10 Q. Have there been any recent changes in the 11 Company’s credit ratings? 12 A. Yes. In July 2022, Moody’s long-term issuer 13 rating for Idaho Power was downgraded from A3 to Baa1. In 14 addition, Moody’s ratings for First Mortgage Bonds and 15 Senior Secured Debt were downgraded to A2 from A1. Also, in 16 February 2023, S&P downgraded its liquidity assessment of 17 the Company from “strong” to “adequate.” The downgrades 18 occurred despite the expectation by the rating agencies 19 1 The Company’s 10-K is available at: https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0000049648/e858bcab-7dd5-4c28-b5ba-56d347339652.pdf BUCKHAM, DI 18 Idaho Power Company that the Company planned to file this rate case and that by 1 2024 the Company expected to have an increase in cash flow 2 from collections from customers. 3 Q. What is the Company’s assessment of the impact 4 of these downgrades? 5 A. Following the recent Moody’s credit ratings 6 changes, the Company’s credit ratings remained investment 7 grade. However, Moody’s new rates move the Company closer 8 to being below investment grade, referred to as “junk bond” 9 status. 10 The Company’s first opportunity to test the bond 11 market after the 2022 downgrade was in December 2022. While 12 Idaho Power was able to issue some long-term debt, buyer 13 interest in the transaction was less than we anticipated, 14 the buyers were limited, and we were not able to issue the 15 volume of debt that we had originally intended to issue. We 16 believe that fixed-income investors that had not been 17 actively following the Company previous to our marketing of 18 the debt instruments likely were concerned when they 19 noticed the recent downgrade. This softened demand likely 20 led to a higher cost of debt associated with these 21 instruments than would have occurred with a backdrop of a 22 more stable credit rating outcome. 23 Further ratings downgrades would cause additional 24 harm to the risk perception of the Company in the debt 25 BUCKHAM, DI 19 Idaho Power Company markets. If, for example, Idaho Power’s credit ratings were 1 to fall below investment grade, which would be below Baa3 2 for Moody’s and below BBB- for S&P, Idaho Power’s cost of 3 borrowing would increase substantially. A change below 4 investment grade will also trigger significant increases in 5 collateral-related deposits as well as significant cost 6 increases for the Company’s credit facility, which will 7 increase costs to customers. That downgrade would also 8 negatively impact IDACORP’s stock price, decreasing the 9 value the Company would receive for issuances in the equity 10 markets. 11 A downgrade in the short-term debt rating could make 12 it difficult for the Company to issue commercial paper 13 under reasonable terms, if at all, which is the instrument 14 Idaho Power relied upon recently during volatile power and 15 fuel markets for its liquidity and to meet margin 16 requirements. Additionally in tight markets such as a 17 recession, liquidity for companies that are below 18 investment grade becomes extremely limited, resulting in 19 lack of cash on reasonable terms to finance the business, 20 which could result in the inability of the Company to fund 21 needed capital projects to reliably serve customers. 22 Q. How did Moody’s describe the reasons for its 23 downgrade? 24 BUCKHAM, DI 20 Idaho Power Company A. In July 2022, Moody’s noted financial metrics 1 and need for more timely rate relief as reasons: 2 Idaho Power Company's (IPC) credit profile 3 reflects lower financial metrics over the 4 last several years that are no longer 5 supportive of an A3 rating, the major driver 6 for the utility's recent downgrade to Baa1. 7 These metrics include a ratio of cash flow 8 from operations before changes in working 9 capital (CFO pre-WC) to debt of between 12% 10 and 13% over the last two years. We expect 11 the ratio to be around 13% over the medium-12 term, which is weak for its new Baa1 rating. 13 14 and 15 … without the benefit of more incremental 16 and timelier rate relief through riders or 17 cost tracking mechanisms, more frequent 18 base rate increases and lower imputed debt 19 from pension obligations, IPC's credit 20 metrics will not improve materially and the 21 utility will have limited financial cushion 22 at its current rating level to manage 23 unforeseen events. 24 25 Q. How did S&P characterize its February 2023 26 change? 27 A. S&P cited Idaho Power’s reliability and 28 economic growth-driven capital spending needs as reflecting 29 its liquidity downgrade, as it perceived “elevated capital 30 spending that will result in modest weakening of the 31 Company’s liquidity throughout the forecast period.” 32 Q. Do you believe that the current credit ratings 33 of Idaho Power are adequate? 34 BUCKHAM, DI 21 Idaho Power Company A. Stronger credit ratings would be beneficial, 1 but Idaho Power is still able to raise capital in today’s 2 markets with its current ratings. However, new debt/bond 3 issues are at a higher cost than if Idaho Power’s credit 4 ratings were higher (i.e., the higher the credit rating, 5 the lower the debt financing cost). Stronger credit ratings 6 also result in more liquidity in all market conditions. 7 Q. How else can credit ratings impact the 8 Company? 9 A. Idaho Power maintains margin agreements 10 relating to its wholesale commodity contracts that allow 11 performance assurance collateral to be requested of and/or 12 posted with certain counterparties. If Idaho Power 13 experiences a reduction in its credit rating on its 14 unsecured debt to below investment grade, Idaho Power could 15 be subject to requests by its wholesale counterparties to 16 post additional performance assurance collateral. Likewise, 17 counterparties to derivative instruments and other forward 18 contracts could request immediate payment or demand 19 immediate ongoing full daily collateralization on 20 derivative instruments and contracts in net liability 21 positions. For example, on March 31, 2023, the amount of 22 collateral that could be requested by counterparties upon a 23 downgrade to below investment grade was $44.6 million. The 24 BUCKHAM, DI 22 Idaho Power Company costs to finance the cash needed to meet these margin 1 requirements would increase costs to customers. 2 Q. What factors could lead to a credit rating 3 upgrade or downgrade? 4 A. Per Moody’s in July 2022, factors that could 5 lead to an upgrade include: 6 The rating of IPC could be upgraded if key 7 credit metrics improve such that the CFO 8 pre-WC to debt ratio increases to 16% or 9 above on a sustained basis. An upgrade could 10 also occur if the utility's regulatory 11 construct improves materially, including 12 authorization of trackers and rider 13 mechanisms that would result in faster cost 14 recovery, reducing regulatory lag. 15 16 Factors that could lead to a downgrade include: 17 IPC's rating could be downgraded if 18 financial metrics weaken further including 19 a CFO pre-WC to debt ratio of 13% or below 20 on a sustained basis. The rating could also 21 come under pressure if the utility were to 22 experience a decline in the credit 23 supportiveness of its regulator including 24 either higher cost recovery risks or lower 25 returns. 26 27 Per S&P in May 2022, factors that could lead to an upgrade 28 include: 29 We could raise ratings if the company’s 30 business risk profile strengthened through 31 a more robust management of regulatory 32 relationships and improved operating 33 efficiency, combined with stronger cash 34 flow measures, including FFO [funds from 35 operations] to debt consistently exceeding 36 20%. 37 38 Factors that could lead to a downgrade include: 39 BUCKHAM, DI 23 Idaho Power Company We could lower ratings if business risk 1 increased because of unsupported recovery 2 of operating expenses, including higher-3 than-average reliance on purchased power or 4 unsupported capital investments through the 5 regulatory process or if the company 6 materially expanded its nonregulated 7 segments, which are currently negligible. 8 We could also lower ratings if financial 9 measures consistently underperformed our 10 base case forecast, leading to an FFO-to-11 debt measure that is consistently less than 12 14%. 13 14 Q. Are there any other considerations mentioned 15 by the rating agencies that could point to future downgrade 16 risks? 17 A. Yes. Moody’s pointed to regulatory lag on 18 material investments that, in its view, overshadows 19 regulatory mechanisms that are in place in Idaho. 20 Specifically, Moody’s stated in July 2022 that: 21 … the utility’s financial profile has 22 historically lagged peers due to certain 23 regulatory constructs, such as flow-24 through tax accounting and long-lived 25 depreciation due to its hydro asset base. 26 Since Idaho lacks the suite of investment 27 and operating cost recovery mechanisms seen 28 in other states, Idaho Power’s cash flow 29 growth is primarily dependent on general 30 rate case filings, which it has not 31 benefited from for several years. 32 33 IPC’s last general rate increase was in 2011 34 and the company carries approximately $709 35 million in regulatory assets on its balance 36 sheet, net of regulatory liabilities, as of 37 31 March 2022. Some of the most sizable 38 unrecovered asset balances are associated 39 with Idaho Power’s Hells Canyon Complex 40 BUCKHAM, DI 24 Idaho Power Company hydro-fueled generation facility, the 1 relicensing of which has been repeatedly 2 delayed in a lengthy permitting and 3 approval process since originally filed in 4 2003. The lack of rate cases and delayed 5 cash recovery of these investments has 6 eroded the timeliness of rate relief for 7 the company. 8 9 Q. What are Idaho Power’s expected near-term 10 capital needs? 11 A. Over the five-year period from 2023-2027, 12 Idaho Power anticipates spending between $2.95 and $3.2 13 billion, and approximately $1.5 billion in 2023-2024, on 14 new property, plant, and equipment to serve customers. For 15 comparison, Idaho Power’s annual capital expenditures have 16 averaged about $325 million over the five-year period from 17 2018-2022. This significant increase in capital 18 expenditures will increase the Company’s need for debt and 19 equity financing. 20 Q. Do you believe the relief requested in this 21 case will serve to stabilize or improve the Company’s 22 credit ratings going forward? 23 A. I believe it will stabilize the current credit 24 ratings but not improve them, particularly with the decline 25 in Idaho Power’s debt-to-equity ratio from 55 percent in 26 2022 to what the Company expects to be 51 percent by the 27 end of 2023. The credit rating agencies have built their 28 models and assumptions, in part, based on forecasts Idaho 29 BUCKHAM, DI 25 Idaho Power Company Power has discussed with them over the past few years. 1 Those forecasts have contemplated the rate relief requested 2 in this case. In addition, this case requests additional 3 return of and return on rate base that has been placed into 4 service since the last general rate case, and that 5 substantial investment has carried regulatory lag from a 6 cash flow perspective over several years. Finally, the 7 credit rating agencies will view as positive the Company’s 8 requests in this case to begin to address needed cash 9 collections related to regulatory deferrals, such as those 10 related to wildfire mitigation and pension expenses, though 11 those collections have also been assumptions included in 12 their modeling. 13 Q. Aside from credit ratings, have equity 14 analysts changed their ratings on IDACORP recently, and for 15 what reasons? 16 A. Yes. IDACORP’s equity ratings by two of its 17 equity analysts declined relatively recently. Mizuho 18 Securities USA LLC downgraded IDACORP from a “Buy” to a 19 “Neutral” rating on April 4, 2023, generally citing risks 20 associated with higher capital expenditures and the impact 21 on financial results, along with regulatory uncertainty. 22 BofA Securities downgraded IDACORP from a “Buy” to a 23 “Neutral” rating on November 7, 2022, citing regulatory 24 uncertainty, growing O&M, and broad inflationary pressures 25 BUCKHAM, DI 26 Idaho Power Company and their impact on small- and mid-capitalization 1 utilities, and a growing trepidation toward smaller 2 companies due to heightened risks. 3 Energy Market Volatility and Liquidity Challenges 4 Q. How have recent events in the energy markets 5 impacted the Company? 6 A. Higher and more volatile prices in the 7 electricity and natural gas markets have created additional 8 risks for the Company in two particular ways. First, by 9 increasing power supply costs. The power cost adjustment 10 mechanism (“PCA”) partially mitigates the effects of energy 11 market price volatility on financial results, but the 12 volatility levels can result in the Company absorbing 13 significant amounts of power supply costs. For example, for 14 the Company’s April 2022-March 2023 PCA year, total actual 15 power supply costs were $721.8 million, compared to base 16 power supply costs of $305.7 million. After 17 jurisdictionalization, the PCA mechanism’s 95 percent/5 18 percent sharing applied to most of the variance resulted in 19 $14.6 million of increased power supply costs being 20 absorbed by the Company. While this GRC will establish new 21 base power supply costs that will help mitigate some of 22 this impact, continued volatility will likely continue to 23 negatively impact the Company, and thus the return expected 24 by investors. 25 BUCKHAM, DI 27 Idaho Power Company Second, the higher prices and volatility of power 1 and fuel impact the Company’s liquidity. While the PCA 2 mechanism mitigates in-part the potential adverse earnings 3 impacts to Idaho Power of fluctuations in power supply 4 costs, collection from customers of most of the difference 5 between actual power supply costs compared with those 6 included in retail rates is deferred to a subsequent 7 period, which can affect Idaho Power’s operating cash flow 8 and liquidity until those costs are recovered from 9 customers. In the Company’s recent PCA filing, the total 10 power supply costs that the Company had paid pending future 11 recovery from customers was $190 million, which was a 12 significant strain on operating cash flows. For the first 13 quarter of 2023, Idaho Power’s operating cash flows were 14 negative $93 million, reflective of Idaho Power absorbing 15 the cash flow impact of adverse lag in the PCA mechanism. 16 This negative cash flow was particularly alarming. 17 Further, wholesale commodity contracts often require 18 performance assurance collateral be posted with 19 counterparties. During recent energy market price spikes, 20 the Company was required to post very large amounts of cash 21 collateral, significantly straining its available 22 liquidity. To give an order of magnitude, as of March 31, 23 2023, Idaho Power had posted $63 million of cash 24 BUCKHAM, DI 28 Idaho Power Company performance assurance collateral related to its energy 1 market contracts. 2 PURPA and PPA Expenditures and Associated Credit and Equity 3 Impacts 4 Q. What is the significance of PURPA and PPA 5 expenditures? 6 A. The Company has significant amounts of 7 financial commitments related to PURPA facilities and other 8 PPAs. Idaho Power has entered into a number of PPAs and 9 PURPA contracts since 2010, the last full year before the 10 Company’s last GRC. In Idaho Power’s Annual Report on Form 11 10-K, it cites contractual obligations associated with 12 these contracts of over $4.2 billion. Additional contracts 13 signed in 2023 and awaiting Commission approval push that 14 total to nearly $4.9 billion. 15 The base rate regulatory treatment of PURPA 16 qualifying facility (“QF”) contracts provides for a one-17 for-one recovery of dollars expended, while PPA recovery is 18 generally subject to the PCA mechanism’s 95/5 sharing 19 provision. Neither provides for any return to compensate 20 the Company for its long-term purchase obligation under the 21 applicable contract, despite it being a debt-like 22 obligation and long-term capital commitment. The Company 23 is, in effect, buying and selling energy (pursuant to a 24 legal mandate in the case of QFs) without any compensation 25 BUCKHAM, DI 29 Idaho Power Company for providing this service. The mere dollar-for-dollar 1 recovery of QF expenditures and the significant size of the 2 obligation, with no return for the use of the Company’s 3 general and administrative resources, balance sheet, and 4 liquidity in managing QF programs and PPAs, is viewed as a 5 long-term contractual and debt-like obligation, and thus a 6 risk, by the rating agencies. The rating agencies are not 7 making a judgment related to the appropriateness of QF or 8 PPA-based energy purchase programs, but merely pointing out 9 the cost of the financial risk(s) arising from a QF or PPA 10 transaction, and that this risk should be reflected in a 11 higher ROE to recognize the impact of the Company’s QF and 12 PPA contracts. 13 Q. Do the rating agencies recognize the financial 14 costs of QF and PPA transactions beyond the contract price? 15 A. Yes. Like other electric utilities, when the 16 Company adds to its rate base, it must use some portion of 17 shareholder equity to fund the investment. The Company must 18 maintain its proportion of equity to debt above a certain 19 level as it continues this investment process. If it does 20 not, the debt level increases and the Company will face the 21 threat of a ratings downgrade. Conversely, when the Company 22 enters into a QF or PPA contract for purchased power, an 23 obligation is generally not reflected in the Company’s 24 financial statements; however, the rating agencies add to 25 BUCKHAM, DI 30 Idaho Power Company the financial statement an imputed debt for the QF or PPA 1 contract, resulting in an increase in total debt and a need 2 to increase equity in order to maintain credit quality. 3 Unless an equity component is provided to offset the 4 debt-like obligation of long-term purchased power 5 contracts, the Company faces off-balance sheet financial 6 risk that threatens a reduction in credit ratings. For 7 financial commitments that are not presented on the balance 8 sheet, rating agency analysts impute the debt and interest 9 equivalents on the financial statements of the Company to 10 achieve a more accurate picture of the risk associated with 11 the investment and the Company’s related commitment. The 12 added equity needed to offset this imputed debt and 13 interest represents the effect that long-term purchased 14 power commitments have on the cost of capital. An increase 15 in the long-term obligation of a utility related to its 16 capacity and energy resources will have to be backed by an 17 appropriate amount of equity in the eyes of the ratings 18 agencies. 19 In reviewing its evaluation of the credit 20 implications of QF-related expenditures, in November of 21 2013, as stated below, S&P noted that it viewed such 22 agreements as creating “fixed debt-like financial 23 obligations” that must be considered in evaluating a 24 utility’s credit risks. 25 BUCKHAM, DI 31 Idaho Power Company We view long-term purchased power 1 agreements (PPA) as creating fixed, debt-2 like financial obligations that represent 3 substitutes for debt-financed capital 4 investments in generation capacity. By 5 adjusting financial measures to incorporate 6 PPA fixed obligations, we achieve greater 7 comparability of utilities that finance and 8 build generation capacity and those that 9 purchase capacity to satisfy new load. PPAs 10 do benefit utilities by shifting various 11 risks to the electricity generators, such 12 as construction risk and most of the 13 operating risk. The principal risk borne by 14 a utility that relies on PPAs is recovering 15 the costs of the financial obligation in 16 rates. 17 18 …Risk factors based on regulatory or 19 legislative cost recovery typically range 20 between 0% and 50%, but can be as high as 21 100%. A 100% risk factor would signify that 22 substantially all risk related to 23 contractual obligations rests on the 24 company, with no regulatory or legislative 25 support. A 0% risk factor indicates that 26 the burden of the contractual payments 27 rests solely with ratepayers, 28 29 30 Q. How material are QF- and PPA-related 31 expenditures? 32 A. As of the end of 2022, Idaho Power had 133 33 signed cogeneration/small power production (“CSPP”)-related 34 contracts with QFs representing 1,212 megawatts (“MW”) of 35 capacity, as well as 596 MW of non-QF PPAs. 129 QF projects 36 with a nameplate capacity of 1,137 MW were online at the 37 end of 2022. In 2022, the Company incurred approximately 38 $189 million of expense related to QF projects and $45 39 BUCKHAM, DI 32 Idaho Power Company million related to PPA projects. As of December 31, 2022, 1 the Company is obligated to pay approximately $4.2 billion 2 to QF and PPA developers over the remaining life of these 3 contracts. To provide context on how significant the $4.2 4 billion liability is to Idaho Power, the Company’s total 5 projected long-term debt obligation at year-end 2022 is 6 only $2.2 billion. The QF and PPA obligations are over 160 7 percent of the debt financing for all assets the Company 8 owns to serve customers. 9 Q. Are QF and PPA expenses increasing? 10 A. Yes. Idaho Power has been engaged in resource 11 procurement activities that the Company expects will result 12 in several new, large PPAs and Battery Storage Agreements 13 (“BSA”) to meet future resource needs. Currently, Idaho 14 Power has 340 MW of signed solar PPAs and 150 MW of BSAs in 15 development, with an additional substantial resource 16 procurement in the competitive bidding process. The 150-MW 17 BSA signed in April 2023, for example, contributes an 18 additional $440 million on top of the total contracted 19 obligation noted above. The substantial and increasing 20 obligations of PURPA QF and PPA agreements create a 21 material risk factor for Idaho Power and increase costs to 22 customers. 23 // 24 // 25 BUCKHAM, DI 33 Idaho Power Company Wildfire Risks, Insurability, and Insurance Costs 1 Q. Please describe the increased risks associated 2 with wildfires. 3 A. Since the 1980s, wildfire activity in the 4 United States in terms of acres burned has more than 5 tripled and, according to the National Interagency Fire 6 Center, western states account for upwards of 95 percent 7 of the acres burned in recent years. While Idaho Power has 8 not experienced catastrophic wildfires within its service 9 area at the same level experienced in other western 10 states, such as California and Oregon, millions of acres 11 of rangeland and southern Idaho forests have burned in the 12 last 30 years. 13 A variety of factors have contributed to more 14 destructive wildfires, including climate change, increased 15 human encroachment in wildland areas, historical land 16 management practices, and changes in wildland and forest 17 health, among other factors. 18 Specific to Idaho Power, wildfires have the 19 potential to damage or destroy the Company’s facilities, 20 impact personnel, and cause significant harm to Idaho 21 Power’s customers and the communities in which the Company 22 serves. Company Witness Mr. Mitch Colburn provides a more 23 detailed discussion of wildfire risk in his testimony. 24 BUCKHAM, DI 34 Idaho Power Company Q. Have Idaho Power’s overall insurance premium 1 costs increased in recent years? 2 A. Yes. While Idaho Power undertakes significant 3 efforts to manage the cost of insurance and obtain the 4 greatest insurance value possible for its customers, the 5 Company is to some degree a price-taker in the insurance 6 market. In that regard, despite annual assessment of its 7 insurance portfolio to identify the best value and the 8 retention of an experienced insurance broker, the Company 9 is subject to price increases as insurers raise premiums 10 due to losses, either pertaining to Idaho Power or to 11 insurers’ overall insured base. 12 As noted in the memo from Idaho Power's insurance 13 broker that was provided with the Company’s 2021 wildfire 14 mitigation cost deferral Application in Case No. IPC-E-21-15 02 (and included as Exhibit No. 19 to my testimony), much 16 of the increases in premiums is attributable to the 17 frequency and magnitude of Western-state wildfires in 18 recent years, as well as insurance providers’ perceptions 19 of Idaho Power's specific wildfire risk. The sizeable 20 increase in Idaho Power's premiums became particularly 21 prominent in 2021 due in part to a new "wildfire load" 22 charge of approximately $1 million that is being added 23 annually to electric utilities, such as Idaho Power, that 24 BUCKHAM, DI 35 Idaho Power Company insurers have determined operate in high-risk zones for 1 wildfire. 2 To help manage the costs of insurance, Idaho Power 3 has taken actions such as marketing of its programs as 4 needed, formation of a captive insurance program to access 5 the reinsurance market, reviewing and adjusting of self-6 insured retentions, meeting regularly with insurers to 7 provide details on risk-mitigation practices, and regularly 8 assessing the adequacy of overall coverage. While these 9 efforts have resulted in benefits, costs of insurance for 10 the Company, and for the industry as a whole, have 11 increased notably in recent years. 12 Q. Does Idaho Power anticipate these premium 13 increases will continue? 14 A. Because insurance markets continue to be 15 volatile, premium increases are difficult to forecast. 16 Idaho Power anticipates that, notwithstanding its efforts 17 to negotiate favorable rates and coverage, premiums for 18 insurance will continue to increase for the foreseeable 19 future. This trend has been echoed by Idaho Power's third-20 party insurance broker, who has explained that insurance 21 premiums will continue to increase due to prior losses 22 incurred by insurance providers and projected increased 23 risks of losses by insurers from wildfires. 24 BUCKHAM, DI 36 Idaho Power Company Q. Aside from insurance premium increases, which 1 are representative of third-party assessments of Idaho 2 Power’s wildfire risk, does wildfire risk impact the cost 3 of capital? 4 A. Yes, it does. In recent years, credit rating 5 agencies have inquired about Idaho Power’s wildfire risk 6 and the efforts it undertakes to mitigate the risk. 7 Investment analysts and current and prospective debt and 8 equity investors also frequently inquire about wildfire 9 risk and mitigation efforts. This was elevated by the 10 Pacific Gas & Electric bankruptcy that resulted in large 11 part from wildfire liability associated with numerous 12 California wildfires ignited by the utility. 13 Credit rating agencies, analysts, and investors have 14 inquired about operating practices, financial exposure, 15 insurance coverage, and other topics relevant to wildfire 16 liability, and the exposure the Company has to wildfires 17 factors. They then incorporate this information into their 18 decision about whether to purchase debt and equity 19 securities and in credit ratings, and thus ultimately the 20 cost of capital, in much the same way that exposure 21 influences insurance premiums. 22 Hydroelectric Facility Relicensing Risks and Costs 23 Q. What risks are associated with the Company’s 24 relicensing efforts for its hydroelectric facilities? 25 BUCKHAM, DI 37 Idaho Power Company A. Relicensing of the Company’s hydroelectric 1 facilities will create additional obligations. It involves 2 large capital expenditures, increased operating costs, and 3 reduced hydropower generation, all of which can negatively 4 affect Idaho Power's results of operations and financial 5 condition. For the last several years, Idaho Power has been 6 engaged in an effort to renew its federal license for its 7 largest hydropower generation source, the Hells Canyon 8 Complex (“HCC”). Idaho Power is also in the process of 9 relicensing the American Falls hydroelectric facility. 10 Relicensing and ongoing permitting requirements 11 include an extensive public review process that involves 12 numerous natural resource issues and environmental 13 conditions. For instance, the existence of endangered and 14 threatened species in the watershed may result in major 15 operational changes to the region’s hydropower projects, 16 which may be reflected in hydropower licenses, including 17 for the HCC and the American Falls facilities. 18 In addition, new interpretations of existing laws 19 and regulations could be adopted or become applicable to 20 hydropower facilities, which could further increase 21 required expenditures for endangered species protection and 22 other environmental compliance obligations and reduce the 23 amount of hydropower generation available to meet Idaho 24 Power’s generation requirements. Idaho Power cannot predict 25 BUCKHAM, DI 38 Idaho Power Company the requirements that might be imposed during the 1 relicensing and permitting process, or the financial or 2 operational impact of those requirements. 3 Q. Are there other hydroelectric relicensing-4 based financial risks considered by the investment 5 community? 6 A. Yes. For any particular generating facility, 7 the worst possible outcome would be the loss of the license 8 to a competing party. Along with the uncertainty as to the 9 eventual receipt of licenses and the costs involved in 10 preparing for the license applications, costs of 11 protection, mitigation and enhancement (“PM&E”) related to 12 these projects are also difficult to quantify. The 13 potential financial magnitude of these PM&E costs and their 14 effect on the Company’s low-cost hydro generation resources 15 threaten the financial stability of a company the size of 16 Idaho Power and the ultimate rates it must charge its 17 customers. These amounts will vary among facilities; 18 however, in all cases, they can be significant due to lost 19 generation capacity, generation at a higher cost, and the 20 decreased ability of the Company to time and control water 21 releases. If the Company cannot generate when it is most 22 advantageous for the system, then some of the economic 23 value of the generation will be lost even if the amount of 24 total generation does not change. 25 BUCKHAM, DI 39 Idaho Power Company Q. What will occur when the Company receives a 1 new license for the Hells Canyon facilities? 2 A. The amounts in construction work in progress 3 (“CWIP”), net of the accrued balance in the regulatory 4 liability account for pre-collected amounts received 5 relative to the allowance for funds used during 6 construction (“AFUDC”), will be transferred to plant in 7 service and the accumulation of AFUDC will cease and the 8 amortization of the relicensing costs will start. The 9 result will be an increase in rate base with earnings of 10 the Company declining substantially until this additional 11 amount is included in rate base and reflected in rates, 12 since there will be no ongoing contribution to earnings 13 from AFUDC. This is a notable risk to the Company’s 14 financial condition. Because this is a relicense of an 15 existing hydro facility, there will be no increase (and 16 potentially a decrease due to operational changes) in the 17 generation of power and thus no increase in sales revenues. 18 An investor’s perspective of the risk, upon receipt 19 of the license, includes the following: (1) the Company’s 20 earnings will immediately decrease (no continuing AFUDC and 21 an increase in amortization expense of the relicensing 22 costs), (2) the Company’s plant in-service will increase 23 (transfer from CWIP), and (3) no additional sales revenues 24 (same plant but new license) will result. If the completion 25 BUCKHAM, DI 40 Idaho Power Company of relicensing is not aligned perfectly with the allowance 1 of new effective rates that recognize the transfer of 2 previously deferred relicensing costs into rate base, the 3 Company will be financially harmed. For the period of time 4 the new rate base is under review by the Commission, the 5 Company will earn no return on over $200 million of net 6 investment. This potential regulatory lag, combined with 7 investors’ potential expectation that there could be some 8 amount of cost disallowance, is a significant risk factor 9 based upon the size of the investment the Company has made 10 in relicensing the HCC. 11 Q. What is Idaho Power’s current HCC relicensing 12 cost in CWIP? 13 A. Relicensing costs of $432 million for the HCC 14 were included in CWIP as of March 31, 2023. As of March 31, 15 2023, Idaho Power's regulatory liability for collected 16 AFUDC relating to the HCC was $213 million. 17 Q. What other risks does the relicensing process 18 create? 19 A. As Idaho Power’s largest single generating 20 resource, continued operation of the HCC and failure to 21 renew a federal license for HCC could have a dramatic 22 operational impact. Further, imposition of onerous 23 conditions in the relicensing and permitting processes 24 could result in Idaho Power incurring significant 25 BUCKHAM, DI 41 Idaho Power Company additional capital expenditures, increase operating costs 1 (including power purchase costs), and reduce hydropower 2 generation, which could negatively affect the financial 3 condition of the Company and the prices its customers pay 4 for electricity. 5 Reliability Risk and Execution Risk on Infrastructure 6 Q. What issues with reliability are creating 7 additional risk? 8 A. The transition to intermittent renewable 9 energy resources in the region, transmission constraints, 10 retirement of baseload fossil fuel plants, aging 11 infrastructure, demand growth, weather conditions and 12 wildfires, and other factors have all impacted the 13 Company’s ability to reliably provide energy. As noted in 14 Ms. Grow’s testimony, the Company is making a concerted 15 effort to maintain reliability using a variety of programs. 16 However, the aforementioned items do subject the Company to 17 greater reliability risks than existed in the past. 18 Q. Besides the risk of not being able to deliver 19 energy, what other risks does reliability entail? 20 A. Idaho Power could be subject to regulatory 21 penalties, reputational harm, legal claims, and operational 22 changes if it violates mandatory reliability and security 23 requirements. The obligation to provide reliable service 24 also entails a significant commitment of capital, both for 25 BUCKHAM, DI 42 Idaho Power Company operating and maintenance expenses and for capital 1 improvements. As I noted previously, Idaho Power is in a 2 stage of significant capital investment, constructing the 3 resources needed to reliably serve customers. The capital 4 needed to maintain reliability introduces two elements of 5 risk: the ability of the Company to attract that required 6 capital, and the recovery of the investments on a deferred 7 basis and subject to the uncertainty of the regulatory 8 process. 9 There are also significant efforts at the national 10 level to reshape energy policy, and that can put upward 11 pressure on that spending and the associated need to 12 attract capital. New federal energy policies are evolving 13 and could introduce new spending requirements to meet 14 reliability standards and regulatory requirements. 15 Q. Are there other risks associated with Idaho 16 Power’s build-out of infrastructure to address reliability? 17 A. Yes. There are several considerable risks. 18 These risks include, as examples: 19 • the ability to timely obtain labor or materials 20 at reasonable costs; 21 • defaults and delays by suppliers and contractors, 22 including delays for specialty equipment that require 23 significant lead times; 24 • increases in price and limitations on 25 BUCKHAM, DI 43 Idaho Power Company availability of commodities, materials, and equipment; 1 • imposition of tariffs on commodities, materials, 2 and equipment sourced by foreign providers; 3 • equipment, engineering, and design failures; 4 • credit quality of counterparties and suppliers 5 and their ability to meet financial and operational 6 commitments; 7 • unexpected environmental and geological problems; 8 • the effects of adverse weather conditions; 9 • catastrophic events, natural disasters, 10 epidemics, pandemics and other public health or 11 disruptive events that could result in supply chain 12 disruptions, as well as permitting and construction 13 delays; 14 • availability of financing; 15 • the ability to obtain approval from local, state, 16 or federal regulatory and governmental bodies and to 17 comply with permits and land use rights, and 18 environmental constraints; and 19 • delays and costs associated with disputes and 20 litigation with third parties. 21 The occurrence of any of these risks could cause Idaho 22 Power to operate at reduced capacity levels, increase 23 BUCKHAM, DI 44 Idaho Power Company expenses, incur penalties, and adversely affect Idaho 1 Power’s financial condition. 2 Environmental Issues and Risks 3 Q. Please describe the Company’s increasing risks 4 related to environmental issues. 5 A. Idaho Power's operations are subject to 6 numerous federal, state, and local environmental statutes, 7 rules, and regulations relating to climate change, air and 8 water quality, natural resources, endangered species and 9 wildlife, renewable energy, and health and safety. 10 Compliance with environmental regulations can significantly 11 increase capital spending, operating costs, and plant 12 availability and can negatively affect the affordability of 13 Idaho Power's services for customers. 14 Q. What are the costs associated with 15 environmental compliance? 16 A. Idaho Power’s current estimated compliance 17 expenditures for the three-year period from 2023 to 2025 18 are $156 million of capital expenditures and $99 million of 19 operating expenses, based on current environmental laws and 20 regulations. Idaho Power anticipates that finalization, 21 implementation, or modification of federal and state 22 rulemakings and other proceedings could result in 23 substantial changes in operating and compliance costs. 24 Idaho Power is unable to estimate the changes in costs that 25 BUCKHAM, DI 45 Idaho Power Company could result, given the uncertainty associated with 1 existing and potential future regulations, but Idaho Power 2 expects the expenditures will remain substantial 3 regardless. 4 Q. What other impacts could environmental 5 compliance requirements have? 6 A. In some cases, the costs to obtain permits and 7 ensure facilities are in compliance may be prohibitively 8 expensive. In other instances, the permitting process might 9 substantially delay the Company’s ability to acquire 10 resources in accordance with its resource planning process. 11 Furthermore, Idaho Power may not be able to obtain or 12 maintain all environmental regulatory approvals necessary 13 for operation of its existing infrastructure or 14 construction of new infrastructure. 15 Q. What would be the impact of prohibitively 16 expensive compliance costs or inability to acquire 17 regulatory approval to operate facilities? 18 A. If new regulations render generating 19 facilities uneconomical or impossible to maintain or 20 operate, Idaho Power would need to identify alternative 21 resources for power, potentially in the form of new 22 generation and transmission facilities, market power 23 purchases, demand-side management programs, or a 24 combination of these and other methods. 25 BUCKHAM, DI 46 Idaho Power Company Q. What impact do lengthy permitting processes 1 have on the ability to operate facilities and the Company’s 2 financial condition? 3 A. Idaho Power’s resource procurement and 4 planning process, its Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”), 5 assumes the ability of the Company to timely plan and 6 procure the necessary resources to serve load. Lengthy 7 permitting processes impact the Company’s ability to 8 execute on its lowest-cost, least-risk resource portfolios. 9 For example, the Boardman to Hemingway (“B2H”) 10 transmission project was first identified in the preferred 11 portfolio of the Company’s 2009 IRP, with an estimated in-12 service date of 2015. Since that time, B2H has remained in 13 subsequent IRP preferred portfolios, and the Company has 14 continued to work to obtain the permits and approvals 15 necessary for construction of B2H, but the process has 16 significantly delayed construction and commercial operation 17 of the project. As of March 31, 2023, the Company has $58 18 million in CWIP for future recovery. Similar to the HCC 19 relicensing, the prolonged B2H permitting process 20 negatively impacts liquidity and recovery of the costs is 21 subject to regulatory lag. 22 Physical Security and Cyber Security Risks 23 Q. What risks do physical security and 24 cybersecurity pose? 25 BUCKHAM, DI 47 Idaho Power Company A. Idaho Power operates in an industry that 1 requires the continuous use and operation of sophisticated 2 information technology and increasingly complex operational 3 technology systems and network infrastructure. In addition 4 to those cyber assets, Idaho Power's generation and 5 transmission facilities and its grid operations are 6 potential targets for terrorist acts and threats, acts of 7 war, social unrest, cyber and physical security attacks, 8 and other disruptive activities of individuals or groups, 9 including by nation states or nation state-sponsored 10 groups. 11 Q. Have there been recent examples of such 12 attacks? 13 A. Yes. There have been recent cyber and physical 14 attacks within the energy industry on infrastructure such 15 as electric substations and fuel pipelines, with notable 16 reports in the media of electric industry infrastructure 17 specifically being targeted for and impacted by physical 18 attacks more recently. Unfortunately, there will be 19 additional attacks in the future. Idaho Power and its 20 vendors have been subject to, and will likely continue to 21 be subject to, continuous attempts to gain unauthorized 22 access to systems and confidential information, and efforts 23 to disrupt operations. 24 BUCKHAM, DI 48 Idaho Power Company Q. Besides attempts to damage utility 1 infrastructure, are there other cybersecurity risks? 2 A. Yes. In the normal course of business, Idaho 3 Power or its vendors collect and store sensitive and 4 confidential customer and employee information and 5 proprietary information of Idaho Power. Idaho Power’s 6 technology systems are dependent upon connectivity to the 7 internet and third-party vendors to host, maintain, modify, 8 and update its systems, which may experience significant 9 system failures or cyberattacks that could compromise the 10 security of Idaho Power’s assets and information. All 11 information technology systems are vulnerable to 12 disability, unauthorized access, unintentional defects, 13 user error, errors in system changes, and cybersecurity 14 incidents. 15 Idaho Power is in the process of pursuing complex 16 business system upgrades, and these significant changes 17 increase the risk of system interruption. Any data security 18 breaches, such as misappropriation, misuse, leakage, 19 falsification, or accidental release or loss of information 20 maintained in Idaho Power's information technology systems 21 or on third-party systems, including customer or employee 22 data, could result in violations of privacy and other laws 23 and associated litigation and liability for damages, fines, 24 and penalties; financial loss to Idaho Power or to its 25 BUCKHAM, DI 49 Idaho Power Company customers; customer dissatisfaction or diminished customer 1 confidence; and damage to Idaho Power’s reputation, all of 2 which could materially affect Idaho Power's financial 3 condition and results of operations. 4 No security measures can completely shield Idaho 5 Power's systems, infrastructure, and data from 6 vulnerabilities to cyberattacks, human error, intrusions, 7 or other events that could result in their failure or 8 reduced functionality, and ultimately the potential loss of 9 sensitive information or the loss of Idaho Power's ability 10 to fulfill critical business functions and provide reliable 11 electric power to customers. Despite the steps Idaho Power 12 may take to detect, mitigate, or eliminate threats and 13 respond to security incidents, the techniques used by those 14 who seek to obtain unauthorized access, and possibly 15 disable or sabotage systems or abscond with information and 16 data, change frequently and Idaho Power may not be able to 17 protect against all such actions. 18 Although Idaho Power continues to make investments 19 in its cyber and physical security programs, including 20 personnel, technologies, and training of personnel, there 21 can be no assurance that these systems or their expected 22 functionality will be implemented, maintained, or expanded 23 effectively; nor can security measures completely eliminate 24 the possibility of a cyber or physical security breach or 25 BUCKHAM, DI 50 Idaho Power Company incident. Further, the implementation of security 1 guidelines and measures has resulted in, and Idaho Power 2 expects to continue to result in, increased costs. 3 Climate Change Risks 4 Q. Are changes in weather conditions and climate 5 concerns creating increased risk for the Company? 6 A. Yes, in a number of ways, including the 7 following: 8 • Due to regulations and associated costs 9 originating from climate change concerns, Idaho Power 10 is retiring fossil fuel generating units that have 11 provided reliable and affordable generation and 12 replacing it with intermittent resources and utility-13 scale batteries that fit within the confines of 14 federal regulation and infrastructure development 15 risks. This transition creates reliability issues, as 16 discussed above, and additional uncertainty regarding 17 resource costs and impacts on wholesale energy 18 markets, particularly as other utilities make the same 19 transition away from fossil fuel generating plants and 20 baseload energy sources. If new greenhouse gas (“GHG”) 21 emissions reduction rules were to become effective, 22 they could result in significant additional compliance 23 costs that could negatively impact Idaho Power's 24 future financial position, results of operations, and 25 BUCKHAM, DI 51 Idaho Power Company cash flows if such costs are not timely recovered 1 through regulated rates. Moreover, the possibility 2 exists that stricter laws, regulations, or enforcement 3 policies could significantly increase compliance costs 4 and the cost of any remediation that may become 5 necessary. 6 • The price of power in the wholesale energy 7 markets tends to be higher during periods of high 8 regional demand that often occur with weather 9 extremes, which may cause Idaho Power to purchase 10 power in the wholesale market during peak price 11 periods, increasing power supply costs. The PCA helps 12 mitigate the effects of energy market price 13 volatility, but the volatility levels can result in 14 the Company absorbing significant amounts of power 15 supply costs. As described above, the Company’s April 16 2022-March 2023 PCA year, total actual power supply 17 costs were $721.8 million, compared to base power 18 supply costs of $305.7 million, and a large part of 19 this variance resulted from high market prices. 20 • The Company’s hydroelectric generating base 21 depends on water conditions in the Snake River Basin. 22 Warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation 23 levels and sustained drought conditions can adversely 24 affect the amount of energy generated by its 25 BUCKHAM, DI 52 Idaho Power Company hydroelectric generation facilities. Low water 1 conditions in the Snake River Basin, as well as in 2 other areas, can increase wholesale market prices due 3 to a lack of hydroelectric generation in the region 4 and a reliance on more costly energy sources. This can 5 result in power supply cost variances that are 6 absorbed by the Company, as noted previously in my 7 testimony. 8 • The increased frequency and severity of storms, 9 lightning, high winds, icing events, droughts, heat 10 waves, fires, floods, snow loading, and other extreme 11 weather events can damage transmission, distribution, 12 and generation facilities, causing service 13 interruptions and extended or mass outages, which 14 increases costs and impairs Idaho Power's ability to 15 meet customer energy demand. 16 • The costs of repairing and replacing 17 infrastructure or any costs related to Idaho Power’s 18 liability for personal injury, loss of life, and 19 property damage from utility equipment that fails, 20 including as a result of significant weather and 21 weather-related events and fires, is not covered in 22 full by insurance. 23 • Customers' energy use could increase or decrease 24 based on variable weather conditions, impacting the 25 BUCKHAM, DI 53 Idaho Power Company predictability of revenues and earnings. 1 • Stakeholder actions and increased regulatory 2 activity related to climate change and reducing GHG 3 emissions, could negatively impact the Company in 4 capital markets transactions. Idaho Power has seen a 5 rise in certain stakeholders, including investors and 6 lenders, placing increasing importance on the impact 7 and social cost associated with climate change. GHG 8 emissions, including, most significantly carbon 9 dioxide, could be further restricted in the future in 10 response to stakeholder expectations with respect to 11 environmental and climate change issues. The 12 increasing focus on climate change and associated 13 stricter regulatory and legal requirements may result 14 in Idaho Power facing adverse reputational risks 15 associated with certain of its operations that produce 16 GHG emissions or that mine coal. If Idaho Power is 17 unable to satisfy the increasing climate-related 18 expectations of certain stakeholders, IDACORP and 19 Idaho Power may suffer reputational harm. This could 20 cause IDACORP’s stock price to decrease or cause 21 certain investors and financial institutions not to 22 purchase the companies’ debt securities or otherwise 23 provide the companies with capital or credit on 24 favorable terms, which may cause IDACORP’s and Idaho 25 BUCKHAM, DI 54 Idaho Power Company Power’s cost of capital to increase. 1 Company Size and Geographic Concentration 2 Q. Does IDACORP’s size have an impact on 3 investors’ perceived level of risk? 4 A. Yes, IDACORP’s relatively small market 5 capitalization compared to its peers is a factor that makes 6 IDACORP riskier than the average electric utility holding 7 company. IDACORP’s $5.7 billion market capitalization is 8 much smaller than the $22.8 billion average market cap of 9 the electric utilities used by Mr. McKenzie to estimate the 10 range of acceptable ROEs. There is well-documented evidence 11 that investors in smaller companies expect higher rates of 12 return than larger companies but also face higher risk. 13 Idaho Power does not have a corporate parent with a large 14 balance sheet and strong credit ratings to rely on during 15 times of financial stress given the fact that Idaho Power 16 is the primary subsidiary of IDACORP. 17 Also, the Company faces a concentrated regulatory 18 risk compared to many of its peers because 95 percent of 19 its retail revenues come from one jurisdiction. Both equity 20 analysts and the credit agencies consistently identify 21 regulatory risk as one of the chief risk factors for the 22 Company. This risk from lack of diversification, combined 23 with the relatively small size, gravitates toward a higher 24 required return from investors compared to many of Idaho 25 BUCKHAM, DI 55 Idaho Power Company Power’s peers. 1 Growth and Regulatory Lag 2 Q. What will prevent the Company from earning 3 its authorized or allowed ROE, absent approval of this rate 4 request? 5 A. In light of the substantial infrastructure 6 development Idaho Power is undertaking, and will be 7 undertaking for the foreseeable future, in my opinion, the 8 reliance on historical test year information is a primary 9 reason the Company may have difficulty earning its 10 authorized or allowed ROE going forward. Idaho Power is in 11 a position of applying to recover its costs on a historical 12 basis when its costs are constantly increasing on a 13 prospective basis. As a result, there is and will continue 14 to be a consistent recovery lag. 15 Q. What effect does growth have on the use of 16 historical data? 17 A. Growth inherently worsens the effects. 18 Separate from rising operation & maintenance costs that 19 must accommodate that growth, the allowed rate of return is 20 applied to a rate base from a prior historical period, and 21 thus new plant additions suffer some period of 0 percent 22 return awaiting eventual rate base treatment. 23 BUCKHAM, DI 56 Idaho Power Company III. CAPITAL STRUCTURE 1 Q. Would you please describe Exhibit No. 21? 2 A. Exhibit No. 21 details the forecasted year-end 3 2023 capital structure for long-term debt and common equity 4 prepared under my direction, the resulting recommended 5 overall rate of return, and the calculation of the 6 Company’s weighted average cost of long-term debt. 7 Q. The capital structure presented on Exhibit No. 8 21 incorporates changes to the Company’s financial 9 reporting of its capital structure. Could you please 10 discuss the rationale for the variance? 11 A. For financial reporting purposes, the American 12 Falls Bond Guarantee is included in the long-term debt 13 portion of the capital structure. For ratemaking purposes, 14 it is excluded as the interest costs associated with the 15 American Falls debt securities are treated as operation and 16 maintenance expenses. 17 Q. What is the rationale for proposing a capital 18 structure of 51 percent equity and 49 percent debt? 19 A. This is the projected actual capital structure 20 as of the end of 2023. Idaho Power believes a higher equity 21 proportion than the typical 50/50 split is needed to help 22 support the Company's credit ratings, particularly with the 23 significant QF and PPA debt-like obligations I referred to 24 above, which are not included in the debt component of the 25 BUCKHAM, DI 57 Idaho Power Company ratio. The equity portion of the projected capital 1 structure is lower than the 55 percent year-end equity 2 average over the past six years because of new debt 3 issuances in 2023 to support increased capital spending. 4 Q. Has the higher equity ratio over the past six 5 years help the Company’s credit rating? 6 A. Yes. The Company began increasing the equity 7 ratio immediately following the last GRC. In fact, the 8 year-end 2012 equity ratio was 53 percent and it grew from 9 that level to 55 percent at year-end 2022. The increased 10 equity ratio has had a significant positive impact to the 11 Company’s credit ratings, partially offsetting some of the 12 lower ratios the rating agencies use for calculating 13 applicable ratings. 14 Another factor to consider in the capital structure 15 is the amount of imputed debt due to QF and PPA contractual 16 obligations the rating agencies consider when evaluating 17 the creditworthiness of the Company, as I have discussed 18 previously in my testimony. Although neither Moody’s nor 19 S&P currently publish a specific amount of imputed debt for 20 Idaho Power, S&P published a white paper detailing how they 21 calculate imputed debt for PPAs.2 Using that methodology, a 22 conservative estimate would be almost $600 million of 23 2 Standard & Poor's Methodology For Imputing Debt For U.S. Utilities' Power Purchase Agreements. Attached as Exhibit No. 20. BUCKHAM, DI 58 Idaho Power Company imputed debt, which is not reflected in the Company’s 1 financial reporting of debt and is not included in the 2 Company’s cost of capital exhibit. After incorporating even 3 that conservative imputation of debt, the ratio biases more 4 heavily to debt. 5 Q. What is the Company’s proposed cost of debt? 6 A. As shown on page 2 of Exhibit No. 21, which 7 details the calculation of the cost of debt used in the 8 estimated year-end 2023 capital structure, the Company’s 9 proposed cost of debt is 4.895 percent. 10 Q. What was the Company’s cost of debt in its GRC 11 filed in 2011? 12 A. In that case, the Company filed a cost of debt 13 of 5.728 percent. 14 Q. Has there been any significant refinancing 15 since the last GRC? 16 A. Yes. Idaho Power has taken advantage of the 17 low interest rate environment since the last GRC to lower 18 the overall cost of debt by approximately 83 basis points. 19 At the same time, Idaho Power was able to lengthen its 20 weighted average maturity on the debt portfolio from 15.3 21 years at the end of 2011 to 19.3 years at the end of 2023. 22 The Company’s efforts over the past decade provide a 23 significant savings to customers. 24 BUCKHAM, DI 59 Idaho Power Company Q. What method did the Company use for 1 calculating its cost of debt in this case? 2 A. Idaho Power applied a debt calculation method 3 to fully consider the effect of discounts, premiums, and 4 expense of issue on the annual cost of each bond, adopting 5 the bond yield to maturity method. 6 Q. Please explain the cost of debt calculation on 7 page 2 of Exhibit No. 21. 8 A. The calculation takes the settlement date, 9 maturity date, coupon rate, and net proceeds at the 10 issuance date for each debt issue to produce a bond yield 11 to maturity. The bond yield was then multiplied by the 12 principal amount outstanding for each debt issue, resulting 13 in an annualized cost of each debt issuance in column 12. 14 The total in column 12 for all the debt issuances produces 15 a total annual effective cost of debt in line 32. This 16 total was divided by the total in column 6, line 32 to 17 produce the weighted average cost for all long-term debt in 18 column 11, line 32. This method is appropriate because the 19 expense of issuance associated with a bond is essentially 20 prepaid interest, and the net proceeds, not the principal 21 amount of the bond, are all that is available to be 22 invested in property, plant, and equipment (rate base). 23 Q. Does the Company use variable rate securities 24 in its long-term capitalization? 25 BUCKHAM, DI 60 Idaho Power Company A. No. The Company retired its only variable rate 1 security, the Port of Morrow (Boardman) Pollution Control 2 Revenue Bonds, in 2022 upon the demolition of the Boardman 3 plant and its pollution control equipment, and previously 4 repaid in full its variable-rate term loan entered into in 5 March 2022. 6 IV. OVERALL COST OF CAPITAL 7 Q. What is the overall cost of capital for Idaho 8 Power? 9 A. As shown on page 1 of Exhibit No. 21, using 10 the Company’s projected year-end 2023 capital structure, 11 the Company’s cost of debt as presented in my testimony, 12 and incorporating the recommended 10.4 percent cost of 13 equity, the resulting overall cost of capital for Idaho 14 Power is 7.702 percent. This is an appropriate rate of 15 return to be utilized by the Commission when deriving the 16 Company’s revenue requirement. 17 Q. How does that compare to the cost of capital 18 approved in Idaho Power’s 2011 GRC request? 19 A. It represents a decrease. The overall cost of 20 capital for Idaho Power approved in the prior GRC was 7.86 21 percent. 22 Q. Does this conclude your direct testimony in 23 this case? 24 A. Yes, it does. 25 BUCKHAM, DI 61 Idaho Power Company DECLARATION OF BRIAN BUCKHAM 1 I, Brian Buckham, declare under penalty of perjury 2 under the laws of the state of Idaho: 3 1. My name is Brian Buckham. I am employed by 4 Idaho Power Company as Senior Vice President and Chief 5 Financial Officer. 6 2. On behalf of Idaho Power, I present this 7 pre-filed direct testimony and Exhibit Nos. 19 through 21 8 in this matter. 9 3. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-filed 10 direct testimony and exhibits are true and accurate. 11 I hereby declare that the above statement is true to 12 the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand 13 it is made for use as evidence before the Idaho Public 14 Utilities Commission and is subject to penalty for perjury. 15 SIGNED this 1st day of June 2023, at Boise, Idaho. 16 17 Signed: ___________________ 18 Brian R. Buckham 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26