HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230417Comments_4.pdf1 From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2023 12:00 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Bill Cheeseman Submission Time: Apr 15 2023 11:37AM Email: wwc1wc@gmail.com Telephone: 208-863-4926 Address: 3677 E Arborvitae Ct Boiser, ID 83716 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-09 Comment: "Idaho power is asking for a power-cost adjustment price increase of 11.9 percent due to natural gas prices. So natural gas prices fluctuate, and have come down significantly from their highs last year. In fact, natural gas futures dipped below the $2/MMBtu recently, lower then what it was in 2019. How does Idaho Power jus�fy basing a 11.9 percent increase in electricity prices when gas prices are now so low. This increase isn't jus�fied, based on their jus�fica�on of cost related to higher natural gas prices. I ask the commission to disapprove this request for the reasons cited. Thank you. " ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet applica�on] ---------------------------------------------------------- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 2:00 PM To: Jan Noriyuki Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: eric barlow Submission Time: Apr 17 2023 1:25PM Email: ejbarlow90@gmail.com Telephone: 661-645-6384 Address: 1211 Columbine St kimberly, ID 83341 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-09 Comment: "Good a�ernoon, Commissioners, I'm wri�ng in request that the IPUC deny Idaho Powers 2 applica�on reques�ng to increase FCA rates 11% to the tune of $200.2million. Please deny case number: IPC-E-23-09 submited by Idaho Power March 13th. Idaho power is sta�ng an 11% price increase for residen�al customers and ci�ng the statement below as the reason why: "This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase as a result of higher power costs related to natural gas and market prices, lower than expected hydro genera�on and a limited coal supply." ( Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment - Idaho Power) Let's look into this further: A year ago, natural gas was $7.77 a BTU. It has been dropping like crazy the last 12 months. Natural gas futures dipped below the $2/MMBtu recently, lower than what the cost was in 2019. How does Idaho Power jus�fy an 11.9 percent increase in electricity prices when natural gas prices have been steadily dropping and now are so low? The price of coal has also dropped significantly, and currently is around 136.75. This market price for coal today is currently near the median price of coal for 2021. Both Natural gas and Coal prices have been steadily and significantly dropping. We have a record snowpack in areas this winter. Therefore, hydropower genera�on this summer should also be se�ng a record. There is going to be more water in some of the rivers in a very long �me. There looks to be an abundance of cheap energy across the board currently and projected for the coming year. The overall market costs from mul�ple sectors are drama�cally going down and have been for a while. Natural gas market price is at 2019 levels. Coal currently is at 2021 market prices. The cited statement above by Idaho power about natural gas, hydropower, and coal is ques�onable when it is looked into carefully. Why is Idaho power not focused on increasing hydro power genera�on this summer with record snowpack? That would help to increase Idaho Powers revenue towards the $200 million goal as requested. Why is Idaho power not focused on purchasing coal and natural gas when it is at its lowest price in bulk and higher quan��es to offset the need to purchase when market price is high? This also would help lower overall costs, and also contribute to crea�ng $200 million in Idaho powers pocket. These are my concerns as to why I believe Idaho powers applica�on should not be approved. Please deny case number: IPC-E-23-09 Thank you. Sincerely, Eric Barlow customer & resident of Kimberly, Idaho" ------ Name: eric barlow Submission Time: Apr 17 2023 1:27PM Email: ejbarlow90@gmail.com Telephone: 661-645-6384 Address: 1211 Columbine St kimberly, ID 83341 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-23-09 Comment: "Good a�ernoon, Commissioners, I'm wri�ng in request that the IPUC deny Idaho Powers applica�on reques�ng to increase FCA rates 11% to the tune of $200.2million. Please deny case number: IPC-E-23-09 submited by Idaho Power March 13th. Idaho power is sta�ng an 11% price increase for residen�al customers and ci�ng the statement below as the reason why: "This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase as a result of higher power costs related to natural gas and market prices, lower than expected hydro genera�on and a limited coal supply." ( Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment - Idaho Power) Let's look into this further: A year ago, natural gas was $7.77 a BTU. It has been dropping like crazy the last 12 months. Natural gas futures dipped below the $2/MMBtu recently, lower than what the cost was in 2019. How does Idaho Power jus�fy an 11.9 3 percent increase in electricity prices when natural gas prices have been steadily dropping and now are so low? The price of coal has also dropped significantly, and currently is around 136.75. This market price for coal today is currently near the median price of coal for 2021. Both Natural gas and Coal prices have been steadily and significantly dropping. We have a record snowpack in areas this winter. Therefore, hydropower genera�on this summer should also be se�ng a record. There is going to be more water in some of the rivers in a very long �me. There looks to be an abundance of cheap energy across the board currently and projected for the coming year. The overall market costs from mul�ple sectors are drama�cally going down and have been for a while. Natural gas market price is at 2019 levels. Coal currently is at 2021 market prices. The cited statement above by Idaho power about natural gas, hydropower, and coal is ques�onable when it is looked into carefully. Why is Idaho power not focused on increasing hydro power genera�on this summer with record snowpack? That would help to increase Idaho Powers revenue towards the $200 million goal as requested. Why is Idaho power not focused on purchasing coal and natural gas when it is at its lowest price in bulk and higher quan��es to offset the need to purchase when market price is high? This also would help lower overall costs, and also contribute to crea�ng $200 million in Idaho powers pocket. These are my concerns as to why I believe Idaho powers applica�on should not be approved. Please deny case number: IPC-E-23-09 Thank you. Sincerely, Eric Barlow customer & resident of Kimberly, Idaho" ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet applica�on] -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 2:00 PM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: No�ce: A complaint was submited to PUCWeb The following complaint was submited via PUCWeb: Name: eric barlow Submission Time: Apr 17 2023 1:10PM Email: ejbarlow90@gmail.com Telephone: 661-645-6384 Address: 1211 Columbine St kimberly, ID 83341 Name of U�lity Company: Idaho Power Contacted U�lity: Yes Comment: "Good a�ernoon, Please do not approve Idaho Powers FCA adjustment request. Please do NOT approve case number: IPC-E-23-09 that was filed March 13th, 2023. Idaho power is requs�ng an 11% price increase for residen�al customers and ci�ng the statement below as the reason why: "This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase as a result of higher power costs related to natural gas and market prices, lower than expected hydro genera�on and a limited coal supply." Let's look into this further: A year ago, natural gas was $7.77 a BTU. It has been dropping substancially the last 12 months. Natural gas futures dipped below the $2/MMBtu recently, lower than what the cost was in 2019. How does Idaho Power jus�fy an 11.9 percent increase in electricity prices when natural gas 4 prices have been steadily dropping and now are so low? The price of coal has also dropped significantly, and currently is around 136.75. This market price for coal today is currently near the median price of coal for 2021. Both Natural gas and Coal prices have been steadily and significantly dropping. We have a record snowpack in areas this winter. Therefore, hydropower genera�on this summer should also be se�ng a record. There is going to be more water in some of the rivers in a very long �me. There looks to be an abundance of cheap energy across the board currently and projected for the coming year. The overall market costs from mul�ple sectors are drama�cally going down and have been for a while. Natural gas market price is at 2019 levels. Coal currently is at 2021 market prices. The cited statement above by Idaho power about natural gas, hydropower, and coal is ques�onable when it is looked into carefully. Why is Idaho power not focused on increasing hydro power genera�on this summer with record snowpack? That would help to increase Idaho Powers revenue towards the $200 million goal as requested. Why is Idaho power not focused on purchasing coal and natural gas when it is at its lowest price in bulk and higher quan��es to offset the need to purchase when market price is high? This also would help lower overall costs, and also contribute to crea�ng $200 million in Idaho powers pocket. These are my concerns. I do not believe it is in anyone's best interest in the state of Idaho to approve Idaho Powers request. Thank you. Sincerely, Eric Barlow customer & resident of Kimberly, Idaho" ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet applica�on] ---------------------------------------------------------------------