HomeMy WebLinkAbout19940714_1.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING July 14, 1994 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Marsha H. Smith, Joe Miller and Ralph Nelson, various staff members and members of the local news media.   Only item on the agenda for the decision meeting was Boise Water Rate Case - BOI-W-93-3. Commissioner Smith opened the meeting - said the Commission had before it today an order representing the Commission decision in the recent case filed by Boise Water Corporation.  The Commission finds it necessary to increase the rates charged by Boise Water Corporation.  Are also at the same time taking other actions suggested by customers that have contacted the Commissioners.  Are retaining bi-monthly bills.  Are eliminating the allotment of usage from the flat month customer charge so that flat rate charges will go down and customers will pay for water used.  Are increasing hook-up charges so that growth will pay its own way.  The hook-up fees are significant unless there is a separate system for providing for irrigation purposes.   Said she was very pleased with the help from the intervenors and want to also compliment our staff on the excellent job they did. Went over the order briefly. Commissioner Nelson said in a case like this there are lots of issues, probably 30, to consider.  Would like to thank his colleagues for the manner in which they had worked together without any personalities entering into the discussion.  Can't always agree or every issue but had 99% of the time.  Have come down to an order that we could all sign and that is to the public's benefit. Commissioner Miller said he also was prepared to sign the order.  Said there were a large number of considerations and when the order is read, four themes will be evident.  (1)  The Commission treats the utility fairly to cover investments.  (2)  On the other hand the Commission does protect consumers from other unfair or mispriced charges to be included.  That is why the overall rate is much less than requested.  (3)  The Commission takes additional steps to ensure that existing customers don't pay for new growth on the system and (4) the Commission continues its policy to design prices that encourage efficient use of water by giving customers signals of true cost of water. Trying to balance these four sometimes competing policies is difficult but think the order results in a fair balance of that. Commissioners signed the order and the decision meeting was adjourned.   After adjournment, the media was given an opportunity to ask questions of the Commissioners. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 10th day of August, 1994. _________________________________ Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary 071494.min