HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220915Application.pdfrtrupPo,r,ER. ' : Tlr r. ^,I: !-! i ,; '' .'UMegan Goicoechea Allen Corporate Couneel mooicoecheaallen@idahopower.com September 15,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re:Case No. IPC-E-22-24 !n the Matter of the Application for a Modification to Add an Automatic Dispatch Option to the Company's Commercial & Industrial Demand Response Program, Schedule 82 Dear Ms. Noriyuki Attached for electronic filing, please find Idaho Power Company's Application in the above matter. lf you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ': I :',- WT,ld^r^0ilo,r Megan Goicoechea Allen MGA:sg Attachments MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN (lSB No. 7623) LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-26&t Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 mooicoecheaallen@idahopower.com I nordstrom@ida hopowe r. com Attorneys for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILIT!ES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR A MODIFICATION TO ADD AN AUTOMATIC DISPATCH OPTION TO THE COMPANY'S COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAM, SCHEDULE 82 CASE NO. IPC-E-22-24 APPLICATION ldaho Power ("ldaho Power" or "Company") respectfully applies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") pursuant to ldaho Code SS 61-503 and - 507 and Commission Rule of Procedurel 52, for authority to modify Schedule 82, Flex Peak Program, of ldaho Power's l.P.U.C No. 29 Tariff No. 101 ("Schedule 82"). The Flex Peak Program ("Flex Peak" or "Program') is the Company's Commercial & lndustrial ('C&1") demand response ('DR') program used to reduce summer electricity demand during times of high-risk system need. ldaho Power proposes to add an Automatic Dispatch Option to the Flex Peak Program and revise the Schedule 82 tariff schedule I Hereinafter cited as RP ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) APPLICATION.l accordingly. The proposed changes are intended to make it easier for customers to participate, facilitate increased and/or retain participation, and ultimately provide additional capacity that can be dispatched to meet system load when it is needed most. ln support of this Application, ldaho Power represents as follows: I. BACKGROUND 1. ldaho Power is a public utility supplying retail electric service to more than 600,000 customers in southern ldaho and eastem Oregon. ldaho Power is subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission in ldaho and to the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission of Oregon in its Oregon service area. 2. Puroose of DR. To minimize or delay the need to build new supply-side resources, the Company's DR programs are designed to be available to meet potential peak-hour system capacity deficits that typically occur during low hydro generation and high load events on ldaho Powe/s system. Because the deficits are expected to be relatively large in magnitude but short in duration, it can be cost-effective to utilize DR programs rather than building a supply-side resource that would only be required to operate for a small number of hours. 3. DR Proorams Offered. ldaho Power's DR portfolio has three optional programs with one available to each of the three major customer classes. These programs represent approximately 8 percent of ldaho Powe/s system peak and comprise one of the largest utility DR portfolios in the nation proportionate to its peak demand. . The residential Air Conditioner ("A/C") Cool Credit Program (Schedule 81) was started as a pilot in 2002 and was fully implemented in 2003. Customers'A/C APPLICATION - 2 units, or heat pumps, are controlled using switches that communicate via powerline carrier, and the units are cycled by the Company during an event to reduce load. . The Commercia! & lndustrial Flex Peak Program (Schedule 82) began in 2009 and was originally managed by a third-party contractor until ldaho Powertook over ful! administration of the program in 2O15. Eligible C&l customers that can offer load reduction of at least 20 kilowatts ("kW') manually reduce their nominated Ioad when the Company calls an event without use of direct load control devices. . The lrrigation Peak Rewards Program (Schedule 23) is offered to Schedule24, Agricultural lrrigation Service, customers in the Company's service area. lt is ldaho Power's largest DR program in terms of capacity. Customers can participate with either a manua! or automatic dispatch option to turn off irrigation pumps based on the configuration of their equipment when the Company calls an event. 4. 2021 DR Prooram Modifications. ln Case No. IPC-E-21-32, the Company proposed to modify all three of its DR programs to better meet system capacity needs through program parameter updates, which superseded the 2013 Settlement Agreement that outlined severa! program restrictions under which the Company was operating the DR programs.2 The Commission approved the modifications in Order No. 35336,3 and lhe2022 DR season was the first season that the DR programs operated with the updated parameters. 2 See /n the Mafter of the Continuation of ldaho Power Company's NC Cool Credit, lrigation Peak Rewards, and FtexPeak Demand Response Programsfor2014 and Beyond, Case No. IPC-e-i3-14, Order No. 32923 (Nov. 12,2013).3 ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application for Approval to Modify its Demand Response Prcgrams, Case No. IPC-E-21-32, Order No. 35336 (Mar. 4, 2022). APPLICATION - 3 5. Flex Peak Prooram Caoacitv. As described above, certain parameters of the Flex Peak Program were modified in Case No. IPC-E-21-32 with the changes going into effect ahead of the 2022DR season. lt is not uncommon for the Flex Peak Program to gain or lose a few participants each year, and at the end of 2021, there were 139 participating sites and 31 megawatts ("M\A/") enrolled on ldaho Powefs system.4 At the start of 2022,158 participating sites were enrolled with approximately 29 MW of capacity. Due to the increased number of participants, but the slight decrease in capacity, the Company believes that the updated Program parameters did not have a major impact on participation, meaning that the Flex Peak Program is still well positioned to increase capacity to help meet system needs. 6. 2022 Prooram Season Performance. The Program's results are reported annually in a program-specific end-of-season report contained in Supplement 2 of the Demand-Side Management ("DSM') Annua! Report. The end-of-season report contains Ioad reduction performance by event, realization rates, participant counts, etc. During the 2022program season, the Company called seven (7) Flex Peak DR events.Thefull2022 Program season results will be published in March of 2023 when the Company files its 2022 DSM Annual Report. 7. Current Manual Dispatch Particioation Option. Currently, customers that participate in the Flex Peak Program manually reduce load when the Company calls DR events. Customers nominate on a weekly basis the Ioad they are willing to reduce if an event is called, and their performance based on achieving their nominated load reduction is factored into the incentive payments. Customers are notified about four (4) hours before 4 DSM 2021 Annual Report a|129. APPLICATION - 4 each event and adjust their operations manually to reduce their nominated load by the start of an event. Examples of manual load reduction can be turning off lights or equipment, adjusting HVAC settings, adjusting energy management systems or building controls, etc. II. AUTOMATIC FLEX PEAK PARTICIPATION OPTION 8. Proposed Automatic Dispatch Option. The Company is proposing to add a voluntary Automatic Dispatch Option to the Flex Peak Program similar to that of the A/C Cool Credit and lrrigation Peak Rewards programs. Like these other programs, this would involve installing a device on-site either directly on the participating customer's equipment, connected to a customer's energy management or building management system, or possibly both. When a DR load control event is called, the Company will continue to notiff customers via telephone, text, or email about four (4) hours before an event and will then send a signal to the device(s) located at the customer's premises at the start of the event to trigger load reduction protocols. Because this method is already utilized in Idaho Power's other two DR programs, the technology, the process, and the execution of an automatic option is something the Company has experience and familiarity with. The purpose of adding this option is to increase Program capacity, through increased participation and/or retention, as short-term capacity deficits were identified starting in 2023 in the Company's most recently filed lntegrated Resource Plan ("lRP';.s This proposal does not impact the availability of the "Manual Dispatch Option", and current and potential customers will still be able to participate in the Flex Peak Program manually if preferred. 5 See /n the Matter of ldaho Power Company's 2021 lntegrafed Resource P/an, Case No. IPC-E-21 43, IRP 2021 (Dec.30,2021). APPLICATION - 5 9. Customer Outreach. Through individual customer discussions and increased marketing efforts ahead of the 2022DR season, ldaho Power received positive feedback from C&l customers that having an automatic option would increase the likelihood of their participation. Certain customers indicated they valued the potentialease of participation that would be gained through an automatic option, as technology would be leveraged to reduce load rather than having to manually adjust equipment and systems. As an example, for a customerthat has severaldifferent buildings, a device can be installed on the building management system, and when a load controlevent is called, the device could trigger a preset load reduction program for a!! of their buildings at the same time rather than the customer having to initiate the event manually. 10. Peer Utilitv Outreach. ldaho Power also consulted several peer utilities that have automated C&l DR programs to gather insight on their offerings. One notable benefit of an automatic option was that the utilities tended to see higher load reduction realization rates, making it a more reliable resource. Some utilities noted that there can be additional effort required to onboard customers, depending on their individual setups, when connecting a device to an energy or building management system. Each installation can be unique, as systems, softrrare integrations, and technology vendors can vary. ldaho Power intends to incorporate this feedback into its internal Program management processes to ensure streamlined customer onboarding and reliable load reduction. 11. Cost-Effectiveness. Through peer utility discussions and experience with the lrrigation Peak Rewards and A/C Cool Credit DR programs, the Company estimates that each installation willcost approximately $1,000 on average and the approximate cost of the physical device will range between $160 and $500. Based on estimated 2022 DR APPLICATION - 6 season costs of $44 per kW per year and the $51.426 cost-effectiveness threshold calculated in the Company's filing in IPC-E-21-32, ldaho Power anticipates that the Company has room to add an Automatic Dispatch Option for customers and keep the overall Flex Peak Program cost-effective. lf devices remain in place for more than one year, cost-effectiveness will improve because installation/setup costs will not be ongoing costs. VUhile the Company does not plan on covering Customer software integration or development costs (because of the unique needs of individual customers), ldaho Power willwork with customers during the onboarding process to identify whether the Automatic Dispatch Option will be cost-effective from the customer's perspective based on the software integration costs the customer may incur. 12. lncreased Participation. As part of the 2021 lRP, the Company identified approximately 100 MW of new DR potential with 40 MW identified by 2025.7 ldaho Power believes expanding the Flex Peak Program to include an Automatic Dispatch Option will result in the realization of some of this potential capacity and assist the Company in achieving the DR capacity targets identified in the IRP. III. PROPOSED SCHEDULE 82 TARIFF CHANGES 13. Prooosed Tariff Chanoes. Attachment 1 to this Application includes both the clean and legislative versions of the proposed Schedule 82. 14. Automatic Dispatch Option. ldaho Power proposes to modiff Schedule 82 to incorporate an Automatic Dispatch Option similar to the Company's other two DR programs. The Company proposes that the Automatic Dispatch Option be available to all 6 Case No. IPC-E-21-32, Nesbitt Direct (Oct. '1,2021) at33. 7 ln the Mafter of ldaho Power Company's 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan, Case No. IPC-E-21*43, IRP 2021 (Dec. 30, 2021) al 152. APPLICATION - 7 current and potential customers, subject to the following caveat in the tariff on page 82- 1: "The Company shall have the right to accept Participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program." This will allow ldaho Power to evaluate customers during the onboarding process and determine the best participation option on a customer-by-customer basis. Additionally, for customers that have elected the Automatic Dispatch Option, they can choose whether to have the Company install the Load Control Device at no cost to the participating customer, or they can arrange directly for a licensed electrician to install the device at the participating customefs expense with no ldaho Power reimbursement. Regardless of whether the Company or the customer installs the device, the Company proposes that the customer will be solely responsible for any costs associated with the required software/hardware integration unique to their facility or system. 15. lncentive Adiustment Waiver. ldaho Power proposes adding the ability to waive the incentive adjustment for Automatic Dispatch Option customers in the event a Load Control Device fails to communicate. The existing incentive adjustment, or penalty, is $2.00 per kW for each hour a customer's nominated kW is not achieved. This is an important Program element that is necessary to incentivize participation and to ensure nominated load reduction is met. Under the Company's proposal, customers participating in the Automatic Dispatch Option wil! continue to be subject to the penalty, except in cases where the device failed to operate. The Company anticipates incentive adjustment waivers will be infrequent. Leveraging current processes, the Company intends to establish reporting that will identiff any locations where device failures are recurring so those locations can be visited and the issue addressed. In cases where there is recurring APPLICATION - 8 device failure, and the issue is not able to be cost-effectively resolved, the customer will not be permitted to remain in the Automatic Dispatch Option of the program but can opt to continue their participation using the Manual Dispatch Option. 16. Terms & Conditions. The Company proposes to update the "Terms of Participation" section of the tariff to "Terms and Conditions", which includes items associated with customers terminating participation, when DR events are called, device installations, device tampering, etc. These conditions are consistent with the conditions in the A/C Cool Credit and lrrigation Peak Rewards programs. ln addition to the items listed in Schedule 82, the full Terms & Conditions of the Flex Peak Program have been updated in the Program's customer application/agreement, a draft of which is provided as Aftachment 2 to this Application. 17. Definitions and Other Tariff Uodates. The Company also proposes to add the definitions of Load Contro! Device and Load Control Event as well as several other minor updates related to the addition of the Automatic Dispatch Option. These definitions and updates add clarity to the tariff associated with the proposed changes in this filing. IV. COMMUNICATIONS 18. Communications and service of pleadings, with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Megan Goicoechea Allen Connie Aschenbrenner Lisa Nordstrom Zack Thompson ldaho Power Company ldaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Boise, ldaho 83707 mqoicoecheaallen@idahopower.com caschenbrenner@idahopower.com lnordstrom@idahopower.com zthompson@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com APPLICATION - 9 V. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 19. ldaho Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, ef seg. lf, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to prepare and present its testimony in such hearing. VI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 20. ldaho Power seeks to implement the Automatic Dispatch Option described above forthe 2023 demand response season that begins on June 15,2023. ldaho Power anticipates that it will need some lead time to onboard customers and complete the appropriate device testing to ensure the technology from both the Company and customer perspective is working correctly. A Commission order received by February 15, 2023, along with a tariff effective coincident with a Commission order, would best position the Company to accomplish this. 21. For the reasons set forth above, ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission approve the addition of the Automatic Dispatch Option to the Flex Peak Program and the associated modifications to Schedule 82. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 15th day of September 2022. WT,ud^ufiilo,r MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Attorney for ldaho Power Company APPLICATION - 1O BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-22-24 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO. 1 PROPOSED TARIFF SCHEDULE 82 (GLEAN & LEGTSLATTVE) ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. 82-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 82-1 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) PURPOSE The Flex Peak Program (the Program) is a voluntary program that motivates Participants to reduce their load during Company initiated Load Control Events or to allow the Company to send a signal to automatically initiate a Load Control Event with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. A participating Customer will be eligible to receive a financial incentive in exchange for being available to reduce their load during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September. AVAILABILITY The Program is available to Commercial and lndustrial Customers receiving service under Schedules 9, 19, or a Special Contract Schedule. The Company shall have the right to accept Participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, total Program capacity, a Facility Site location, amount of capacity provided at a Facility Site, availability of Program equipment, facility system configuration, or electric system configuration. To participate in the Program, a Customer must sign and return the Program Application/Agreement and worksheet provided by the Company specifoing the Facility Site(s), the preferred lnterruption Option, and the initial Nominated kW for each Facility Site to be enrolled in the Program. To enroll in the Program, Customers must be capable of providing a minimum load reduction of 20 kW per Facility Site or an aggregate reduction of 35 kW if participating under the Aggregated Option. lf the Aggregated Option is requested, this should be specified on the Program Application/Agreement. lf a Facility Site is accepted for participation in the Program, a Notification of Program Acceptance will be mailed to the Participant within 10 business days of the Company receiving the Program Application/Agreement. Notification of Program Acceptance will include a listing of the Facility Sites that have been enrolled. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Company will initiate Load Control Events for a maximum of 60 hours during June, July, August, and September. During Load Gontrol Events, Participants will be expected to reduce load at their Facility Site(s), and load reduction may be initiated manually or automatically depending on the lnterruption Option designated for the Facility Site(s). Participants will be eligible to receive a financial incentive in exchange for their reduction in load. DEFINITIONS Actual kW Reduction. The kilowatt (kW) reduction during a Load Control Event, which is the difference between a Participant's hourly average kW measured at the Facility Site's meter and the corresponding hour of the Adjusted Baseline kW. Adiusted Baseline kW. The Original Baseline kW plus or minus the "Day of' Load Adjustment amount. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 82-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 First Sheet No. 82-2 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Aoqreoated Option. Multiple Facility Sites belonging to a single Participant that are grouped together per the customer's request with a single Nominated kW for participation in the Program. Under this option, the Company will sum the individual performance data from each enrolled Facility Site before calculating any incentive amounts. Business Days. Any day Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. For the purposes of this Program, lndependence Day and Labor Day are the only holidays during the Program Season. lf lndependence Day falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be designated the holiday. lf lndependence Day falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be designated the holiday. "Dav of' Load Adiustment. The difference between the Original Baseline kW and the actual metered kW during the hour prior to the Participant receiving notification of an event. Scalar values will be calculated by dividing the Original Baseline kW for each Load Control Event hour by the Baseline kW of the hour preceding the event notification time. The scalars are multiplied by the actual event day kW for the hour preceding the event notification time to create the Adjusted Baseline kW from which load reduction is measured. The Adjusted Baseline kW for each hour cannot exceed the maximum kW amount for any hour from the Highest Energy Use Days or the hours during the event day prior to event notification. Event Availabilitv Time. Between 3:00 p.m. and '10:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) each Business Day. Facilitv Site(s). All or any part of a Participant's facility or equipment that is metered from a single service location that a Participant has enrolled in the Program. For those Participants who have enrolled under the Aggregated Option, Facility Site will refer to the combination of individual Facility Sites selected for inclusion under the Aggregated Option. Fixed Caoacitv Pavment. The Weekly Effective kW Reduction multiplied by the Fixed Capacity Payment rate (as described in the lncentive Structure section). Participants are paid based on the average event kilowatt reduction. Hiohest Enerov Usaoe Days. The three days out of the immediate past 10 non-event Business Days that have the highest sum total kW as measured across the Event Availability Time. Hours of Event. The timeframe when the Load Control Event is called and Nominated kW is expected to be reduced. The Hours of Event will not be less than two hours and will not exceed four hours. Load Control Device. Refers to any technology, device, or system utilized under the Program to enable the Company to initiate the Load Control Event. Load Control Event. Refers to an event under the Program where the Company requests or calls for interruption of specific loads either manually or with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 82-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 First Sheet No. 82-3 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) DEFI NITIONS (Continued) Nominated kW. The amount of load expressed in kWthat a Facility Site commits to reduce during a Load Control Event. Nominated kW lncentive Adiustment. An adjustment made when a Facility Site does not achieve its Nominated kW for a given hour during a Load Control Event. The adjustment will be made for each hour the Nominated kW is not achieved. The total Nominated kW lncentive Adjustment will not exceed the total incentive amount for the Program Season (as described in the lncentive Structure section). Notification of Prooram Acceptance. Written confirmation from the Company to the Participant based on the Program Application Agreement submitted by the Customer. The Notification of Program Acceptance will confirm each Facility Site enrolled in the Program, the initial Nominated kW amount for each Facility Site, and the lnterruption Option for each Facility Site. Orioinal Baseline kW. The arithmetic mean (average) kW of the Highest Energy Usage Days during the Event Availability Time, calculated for each Facility Site for each hour. The following table provides an example of the calculation of the Original Baseline kW between hours of 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. using the (3) Highest Energy Usage Days of 5, 7, and 9. Participant. Any Customer who has a Facility Site that has been accepted into the Program. Prooram Application/Aoreement. Written form submitted by a Customer who requests to enroll a Facility Site in the Program that is signed by the Customer or a duly authorized representative certifying agreement with the Program's terms and conditions. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Day 3-4 PM 4-5 PM 5-6 PM 6-7 PM 7-8 PM 8-9 PM 9-10 PM SumTotal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3000 3200 3100 3250 3300 3100 3400 3300 3400 3250 3100 3100 3200 3400 3400 3000 3300 3200 3500 3300 3000 3200 3100 3300 3300 3200 3400 3300 33s0 3300 3200 3200 3100 3400 3400 3100 3300 3300 3400 3200 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3100 3400 3300 3500 3200 3200 3300 3100 3400 3500 3200 3300 3200 3400 3200 3150 3300 3200 3200 3400 3300 3200 3100 3350 3300 21550 22400 22000 232s0 23700 22000 23300 22700 23900 22750 3367 3350 3367 33L7340034333400 Original Baseline ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. 82-4 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 82-4 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) DEFI NITIONS (Continued) Prooram Season. June 1Sth through September '1Sth of each year Prooram Week. Monday through Friday. Variable Proqram kwh. The kWh savings amount calculated by multiplying the Actual kW Reduction by each of the Hours of Event for the Facility Site during each Load Control Event beyond the first four Load Control Events. Variable Enerov Pavment. An energy-based financial incentive provided to the Participant. The payment is calculated by multiplying the Variable Program kWh by the Variable Energy Payment Rate (as described in the lncentive Structure section). The Variable Energy Payment does not apply to the first four Load Control Events. Weeklv Effective kW Reduction. The average of the Actual kW Reduction for all events in a Program Week or in the absence of a Load Control Event, the Weekly Effective kW Reduction will equal the Nominated kW for that Program Week. LOAD CONTROL EVENTS The Company will dispatch Load Control Events on Business Days during the Program Season between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. MDT. Load Control Events will last between two to four hours per day and will not exceed 16 hours per calendar week and 60 hours per Program Season. During each Program Season the Company will conduct a minimum of three Load Control Events. Participating Customers will receive advance notification on or about four hours prior to the Load Control Event. The Company will provide notice of a Load Control Event via the following communication technologies: telephone, text message, and e-mail to the designated contact(s) submitted by the Participant in the Program Application/Agreement. lf prior notice of a pending Load Control Event has been sent, the Company may choose to revoke the Load Control Event initiation and will provide notice to Participants no less than 30 minutes prior to the Load Control Event. INTERRUPTION OPTIONS At the Participant's election, and subject to Company discretion, participation in the Program may occur via one of the following lnterruption Options: Manual Dispatch Option. Customers are eligible to manually control their Facility Site(s). Under the Manual Dispatch Option customers have the flexibility to choose which loads will be interrupted during each dispatched Load Control Event. Automatic Dispatch Option. A dispatchable Load Control Device, provided and installed by the Company or its representative, will be connected to the electrical panel(s) serving the loads associated with the Facility Site(s) enrolled in the Program. The Load Control Device utilized under the Automatic Dispatch Option will provide the Company the ability to send a signal intended to interrupt operation of a particular load or service during dispatched Load Control Events. ln lieu of the Company or its representative installing the Load Control Device at the Company's expense, the Participant may elect to hire a licensed electrician, atthe Participant's expense, to installthe Load Control Device in accordance IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. 82-5 Cancels LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Sheet No. 82-5 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) INTERRUPTION OPTIONS (Continued) with the National Electrical Code ("NEC") and any ldaho Power or manufacturer specifications or requirements. REQUI REMENTS OF PARTICI PATING FACI LITIES Participants will have the flexibility to choose what equipment will be used to reduce the Nominated kWduring each Load Control Event. Participants must notiff the Company of their Nominated kW via the Program Application/Agreement. Once the Program Season begins, the Participant must submit the nomination change request form online (located at www.idahopower.com/flexpeak) via email by Thursday at 10:00 a.m. MDT of the proceeding week to notiff of any changes in Nominated kW. The Nominated kW may be raised or lowered each week without restriction any time before the third minimum Load Control Event is called. After the third Load Control Event is called, the Nominated kW may still be raised or lowered, but may not exceed the highest Nominated kW prior to the third Load Control Event being called. INCENTIVE STRUCTURE lncentive payments will be determined based on a Fixed Capacity Payment, a Variable Energy Payment, and any applicable Nominated kW lncentive Adjustment. Both the Fixed Capacity and Variable Energy Payments will be paid by check or bill credit no more than 45 days after the Program Season concludes on September 1Sth. When a Load Control Event is called and a Participant exceeds the Nominated kW, the Fixed Capacity Payment will be capped at 20 percent above original Nominated kW. Fixed Capacitv Pavment Rate* (tlo be prorated for partial weeks) Variable Enerov Pavment Rate* ('does not aoolv to first four Load Control Events) $3.25 per Weekly Effective kW Reduction $0.20 per k\ffh Participants are expected to reduce their load by the Nominated kW during each hour of each Load Control Event for the duration of the event. Each time a Participant fails to achieve a load reduction of up to the Nominated kW during a Load Control Event, a Nominated kW lncentive Adjustment will apply. For Load Control Events, the Nominated kW lncentive Adjustment will be $2.00 per kWfor each hour the Nominated kW is not achieved during that interval. The total Nominated kW lncentive Adjustments will not exceed the total incentive amount for the Program Season. At its discretion, the Company may waive all or a portion of an lncentive Adjustment should it be determined that, at no fault of the customer, the Load Control Device utilized for the Automatic Dispatch Option did not work during a Load Control Event. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OrioinalSheet No. 82-6 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oProNAL) TERMS AND CONDITIONS Upon acceptance into the Program, Participants agree to the provisions of this Schedule and to the following terms and conditions: Once accepted into the Program, Participants will automatically be re-enrolled each year thereafter unless notice of termination is given by the other party. Both the Company and the Participant may terminate participation in the Program at any time by notifying the other party in writing. Upon terminating participation of a Facility Site, the Participant's incentive payment shall be prorated for the number of Business Days of participation in the Program. lf Program participation is terminated, the Participant may not re-enroll the Facility Site(s) into the Program untilthe following calendar year. The Company retains the sole right to determine the criteria under which a Load Control Event is called and the decision of whether to call for, initiate, or cancel a Load Control Event shall be at the Company's sole discretion. The Company shall have the right to accept Participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, total Program capacity, a Facility Site location, amount of capacity provided at a Facility Site, availability of Program equipment, facility system configuration, or electric system configuration. Participants that choose to participate in the Program under the Automatic Dispatch Option grant the Company or its representative permission, on reasonable notice, to enter the Customer's enrolled Facility Site(s) to install, service, maintain, and/or remove Load Control Device(s) on the electrical panelthat services the anticipated load reduction. The Company retains the sole right for its employees and its representatives to install or not install Load Control Devices on the Customefs electrical panel at the time of installation depending on, but not limited to, safety, reliabili$, or other issues that may not be in the best interest of the Company, its employees, or its representatives. lf there is evidence of the Participant altering, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Company's ability to initiate a Load Control Event, the Customer's participation in the Program will be terminated, and the Customer will be required to reimburse the Company for all costs for replacement or repair of the Load Gontrol Device(s) or other Program equipment, including labor and other related costs, and the Company will reverse any and all incentive payments made during the previous twelve months as a result of the Customer's participation in the Program. I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 82'7 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Company is not responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive, or exemplary damage to the Participant or third parties as a result of the Program or the Customer's voluntary participation in the Program. The Company makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the Load Control Device(s) and any and all implied warranties are disclaimed. The provisions of this Program do not apply for any time period that the Company requests a load reduction during a system emergency in accordance with NERC standards, ldaho Powe/s Rule J, or any other time that a Customer's service is interrupted by events outside the control of the Company. The provisions of this Program will not affect the calculation or rate of the regular Service, Energy, or Demand Charges associated with a Participant's standard service schedule. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Seeen+I'nirc!_Revised Sheet No. 82-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirslSecond Revised Sheet No. 82-1 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) PURPOSE The Flex Peak Program (the Program) is a voluntary program that motivates Participants toreducetheirloadduringCompanyinitiatedventsortoallowthe Companv to send a sional to automaticallv initiate a Load Control Event with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. A participating Customer will be eligible to receive a financial incentive in exchange for being available to reduce their load during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September. AVAILABILITY The Program is available to Commercial and lndustrial Customers receiving service under Schedules 9, 19, or a Special Contract Schedule. The Company shall have the right to accept Participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, total Program capacity, a Facility Site location, e+amount of capacity provided at a Facility Site. availabilitv of P !g!-g electric svstem confiouration. To participate in the Program, a Customer must sign and return the Program Application/Aoreement and worksheet provided by the Company specifying the Facility Site(s). the preferred lnterruption Option. and the initial Nominated kW for each Facilitv Site-_to be enrolled in the Program. To enroll in the Program, Customers must be capable of providing a minimum load reduction of 20 kW per Facility Site or an aggregate reduction of 35 kW if participating under the Aggregated Option. lf the Aooreoated Option is requested. this should be specified on the Proqram Application/Aoreement. lf a Facility Site is accepted for participation in the Program, a Notification of Program Acceptance will be mailed to the Participant within 10 business days of the Company receiving the Program Application/Aoreement. Notification of Program Acceptance will include a listing of the Facility Sites that have been enrolled. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION TheCompanywillinitiateforamaximumof60hoursduringJune,July,-August,andSeptember.During,Participantswillbe expected to reduce load at their Facility Site(s). and load reduction mav be initiated manuallv or automaticallv dependinq on the lnterruption Option desionated for the Facilitv Site(s). Participants will be eligible to receive a financial incentive in exchange for their reduction in load. DEFINITIONS Actual kW Reduction. The kilowatt (kW) reduction during a_ , which is the difference between a Participant's hourly average kW measured at the Facility Site's meter and the corresponding hour of the Adjusted Baseline kW. Adiusted Baseline kW. The Original Baseline kW plus or minus the "Day of' Load Adjustment amount. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued -per Order No.€5336 #mothyE.Tatum,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company SeeenO-Inir<!_Revised Sheet No. 82-1 Cancels !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Fi+slSecond Revised Sheet No. 82-1 n--- -^'^'^^''^^, Multiple Faeility Sitee belenging te *eingle !-ertieiBent that are greupeC IDAHO lssued -per Order No.€5336 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective Mareh'1, 2022 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Firs+Seconc!_Revised Sheet No. 82-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 €+isinelFirst Sheet No. 82-2 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) nooreoateO Ootion. M tooetner oer tne cu tnis ootion. tne Co calculatino anv in Business Davs. Any day Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. For the purposes of this Program, lndependence Day and Labor Day are the only holidays during the Program Season. lf lndependence Day falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be designated the holiday. lf lndependence Day falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be designated the holiday. "Dav of' Load Adiustment. The difference between the Original Baseline kW and the- actual metered kW during the -hour prior to the Participant receiving notification of an event. Scalar values willbecalculatedbydividingtheoriginalBaselinekWforeachhourby the Baseline kW of the hour preceding the event notification time. The scalars are multiplied by the actual event day kW for the hour preceding the event notification time to create the Adjusted Baseline kW from which load reduction is measured. The Adjusted Baseline kWfor each hour cannot exceed the maximum kW amount for any hour from the Highest Energy Use Days or the hours during the event day prior to event notification. Event Availabilitv Time. Between 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) each Business Day. Facilitv Site(s). All or any part of a Participant's facility or equipment that is metered from a single service location that a Participant has enrolled in the Program. For those Participants who have enrolled under the Aggregated Option, Facility Site will refer to the combination of individual Facility Sites selected for inclusion under the Aggregated Option. Fixed Capacitv Pavment. The Weekly Effective kW Reduction multiplied by the Fixed Capacity Payment rate (as described in the lncentive Structure section). Participants are paid based on the average event kilowatt reduction. Hiohest Enerov Usaoe Davs. The three days out of the immediate past 10 non-event Business Days that have the highest sum total kW as measured across the Event Availability Time. Hours of Event. The timeframe when the is called and Nominated kW is expected to be reduced. The Hours of Event will not be less than two hours and will not exceed four hours. Load Control Device. Refers to anv technoloqv. device. or svstem utilized under the Prooram to enable the Companv to initiate the Load Control Event. Load Control Event. Refers to an event under the Program where the Companv requests or calls for interruption of specific loads either manuallv or with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5336 Effective tvlareh 4; 2022 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company FirstSggqE!_Revised Sheet No. 82-2 Cancels LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orisin+First Sheet No. 82-2 ing e+regfem.EvenL W IDAHO lssued per Order No.€53i16 Effective -+laren a-,+gaa lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Firstsecgnd_Revised Sheet No. 82-3 Cancels O+ieinel-First Sheet No. 82-3 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Nominated kW. The a ilPfggfe{flEventload Control Event* ruominateO fW tncen its Nominated kW for oad Control Event. The adiustment wi made for each hour th will not exceeO tne seclionl Notification of Prooram Acceptance. Written confirmation from the Company to the Participant based on the Prooram Application Aoreement submitted bv the Customer. The Notification of Program Acceptance will confirm each Facility Site enrolled in the Program, a€-well-€€-the initial Nominated kW amount for each Facility Site. and the lnterruption Option for each Facilitv Site. Oriqinal Baseline kW. The arithmetic mean (average) kW of the Highest Energy Usage Days during the Event Availability Time, calculated for each Facility Site for each hour. The following table provides an example of the calculation of the Original Baseline kW between hours of 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. using the (3) Highest Energy Usage Days of 5, 7, and 9. Participant. Any Customer who has a Facility Site that has been accepted into the Program. Day 3-4 PM 4-5 PM 5-5 PM 6-7 PM 7-8 PM 8-9 PM 9-10 PM Sum Total L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3000 3200 3100 3250 3300 3100 3400 3300 3400 3250 3100 3100 3200 3400 3400 3000 3300 3200 3500 3300 3000 3200 3100 3300 3300 3200 3400 3300 3350 3300 3200 3200 3100 3400 3400 3100 3300 3300 3400 3200 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3100 3400 3300 3s00 3200 3200 3300 3100 3400 3500 3200 3300 3200 3400 3200 3150 3300 3200 3200 3400 3300 3200 3100 3350 3300 21650 22400 22000 23250 237@ 22000 23300 22700 23900 22750 3367 3400 33s0 3367 3433 3400 3377 Original Baseline IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5336 Ef fe ctive -+qa+en4+OZ2 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company SirstSeco4glRevised Sheet No. 82-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OrisinelFirst Sheet No. 82-3 Progrom Aoolicotion/Agreemenl. -Written form submitted by a Customer who requests to enrol! a Facility Site in the Program that is sioned bv the Customer or a dulv authorized representative certifuinq aoreement with the Prooram's terms and conditions. Presram Event, A tim kw, IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5336 Effective -4Aer+h.+ZAZz lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Seeen+I'nir<l_Revised Sheet No. 82-4 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 First-Second Revised Sheet No. 824 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oProNAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Prooram Season. ;u Prooram Weef. UonOa @.ThekWhsavingsamountcalculatedbymultiplyingtheActualkW Reduction by each of the Hours of Event for the Facility Site during each Pregram Evenrl oad Control Event beyond the flrst four . Variable Enerov Pavment. An energy-based financial incentive provided to the Participant. The payment is calculated by multiplying the Variable Program kWh by the Variable Energy Payment Rate (as described in the lncentive Structure section). The Variable Energy Payment does not apply to the first four Weeklv Effective kW Reduction, The average of the Actual kW Reduction for all events in aProgramWeekorintheabsenceofa,theWeeklyEffectivekW Reduction will equal the Nominated kW for that Program Week. TheCompanywilldispatchonBusinessDaysduringthe Program Season between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. MDT. Pregram Eventsl oad Control Events will last between two to four hours per day and will not exceed 16 hours per calendar week and 60 hours per Program Season. During each Program Season the Company will conduct a minimum ofthree.ParticipatingCustomerswillreceiveadvancenotificationonoraboutfourhourspriortothe.TheCompanywillprovidenoticeofa viathefollowingcommunicationtechnologies:telephone,te( message, and e-mail to the designated contact(s) submitted by the Participant in the ProgramApplication/Aqreement.lfpriornoticeofapendinghasbeensent,theCompanymaychoosetorevoketheinitiationandwillprovidenoticetoParticipantsnolessthan30minutespriortothe. INTERRUPTION OPTIONS At the Participant's election. and subiect to Comoanv discretion. particioation in the Prooram mav occur via one of the followino lnterruption Options: Manual Dispatch Option. Customers are elioible to manuallv control their Facilitv Site(s). Under the Manual Dispatch Ootion customers have the flexibilitv to choose which loads will be interruoted durino each dispatched Load Control Event. Automatic Disoatch Ootion. A disoatchable Load Control Device. provided and installed bv the Comoanv or its representative. will be connected to the electrical oanel(s) servino the loads associated with the Facilitv Site(s) enrolled in the Prooram. The Load Control Device utilized under the Automatic Dispatch Ootion will provide the Companv the abilitv to send a siqnal intended to interrupt operation of a particular load or service durino disoatched Load Control Events. ln lieu of the Comoanv or its IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5336 Effective -+Ae+eh+#2z lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Seeeng-Inir!_Revised Sheet No. 82.4 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. '101 Fi+slsecond Revised Sheet No. 82.4 reoresentative installino the Load Control Device at the Companv's expense. the Participant mav elect to hire a licensed electrician. at the Participant's expense. to install the Load Control Device in accordance ThureCa" at 19i99 e,m, MET ef the preeeeding week te netify ef eny ehengee in |leminabC kW, The minir*tm l-regram Event ie ealled' After the third l'regram Event ie ealleCr the NeminabC kW rnay still be raieeC er ffi lneentive payments will be CetermineC beeeC en a Fiiled €apeelty Fayment; a Variable Energy w IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5336 Effective --Mereh4AO22 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Seeen+-Ihlg!_Revised Sheet No. 82-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 First-Second Sheet No. 82-5 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) (Continued) requirements. REOUIREMENTS OF PA Particioants witt n Nominated kW durin Load Control Event. Particioants must notifv the Comoanv of their Nominated kW v qreement. Once the Prooram Season beoins. the Participant must su UaanAdaanooower.comffi notifu of anv chanoe restriction anvtime Load Control Even@ Bggfafi€ver*Load Control Event is called. the Nom not exceed the hioh Load Control Evenlbejnq-Called. INCENTIVE STRUCTUffi tncentive oavment Pavment. anO anv ao gnerqv Pavments wi conctuOes on Seote WhenaiscalledandaParticipantexceedstheNominated kW, the Fixed Capacity Payment will be capped at 20 percent above original Nominated kW. Fixed Capacitv Pavment Rate* (*to be prorated for partial weeks) Variable Enerqv Pavment Rate* (*does not aoolv to first four Preqmm€v€ntsload Control Events) $3.25 per Weekly Effective kW Reduction $0.20 per k\/Wt Participants are expected to reduce their load by the Nominated kW during each hour of each forthedurationoftheevent.EachtimeaParticipantfailstoachievealoadreductionofuptotheNominatedkWduringa,aNominated kW lncentive Adjustment will apply. For Pregram Eventsl oad Control Events, the Nominated kW lncentive Adjustment will be $2.00 per kW for each hour the Nominated kW is not achieved during that interval. The total Nominated kW lncentive Adjustments will not exceed the total incentive amount for the Program Season. At its discretion. IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5336 Effective -+Iareh4+022 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company SeeenO-IhiglRevised Sheet No. 82-5 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirsL{Second Sheet No. 82-5 the Comoanv mav waive all or a oortion of an lncentive Adiustment should it be determined that. at no fault of the customer. the Load Control Device utilized for the Automatic Dispatch Ootion did not work durino a Load Control Event. W IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5336 Effective Mareh 4; 2022 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstsOrioinalSheet No. 82€6 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) Partieipante mu€t eubmit a Pregram Applieatien initially, but are autematieally re enrellad ea€tr year-thereafte+Padieipante will be netified prier te eaeh Pregram Seasen ef the autematie re enrellment, Thie Pregram Applicetien must ineluCe the Faeility Site(e) they wish te enrell and the initial NeminateC Pregr€marepli€atie* 1, A Partieipant may terminate their partieipatien in the Pregram at any time during er befere the Pregram Seasen by netifying the Cempany in writing, Partieipant may net re enrellthe Faeility Site inte the Pregram untilthe fellewing ealendar )'ee* TERMS AND CONDITIONS Upon acceptance into the Prooram. Particioants aoree to the provisions of this Schedule and to the followino terms and conditions: each vear thereafier unless notice of termination is oiven bv the other partv. 2. Both the Companv and the Participant mav terminate particioation in the Prooram at any time bv notifvinq the other partv in writinq. 3. Upon terminatino particioation of a Facilitv Site. the Participant's incentive pavment shall be prorated for the number of Business Davs of participation in the Prooram. lf Prooram oarticipation is terminated. the Particioant mav not re-enroll the Facilifu Site(s) into the Prooram until the followino calendar vear. 4. The Comoanv retains the sole rioht to determine the criteria under which a Load Control Event is called and the decision of whether to call for. initiate. or cancel a Load Control Event shall be at the Companv's sole discretion. 5. The Companv shall have the rioht to accept Particioants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Comoanv considers necessarv to ensure the effective operation of the Prooram. Selection criteria mav include. but will not be limited to. total Prooram capacitv. a Facilitv Site location. amount of caoacitv provided at a Facilitv Site. availabilitv of Prooram equipment. facilitv svstem confiouration. or electric svstem confiouration. 6. Participants that choose to participate in the Prooram under the Automatic Dispatch Option qrant the Companv or its representative permission. on reasonable notice. to enter the Custome/s enrolled Facilitv Site(s) to install. service. maintain. and/or remove Load Control Device(s) on the electrical panelthat services the anticipated load reduction. The Companv retains the sole rioht for its emplovees and its representatives to install or not install Load Control Devices on the Customer's electrical panel at the time of installation IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5336 Ef fective --[Iareh+r2gaa lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FiretsOrioinal Sheet No. 82€6 dependino on. but not limited to. safetv. reliabilitv. or other issues that mav not be in the best interest of the Companv. its emplovees. or its representatives. 7. lf there is evidence of the Participant alterinq. tamperino. or otherwise interferinq with the Companv's abilitv to initiate a Load Control Event. the Customer's participation in the Prooram will be terminated. and the Customer will be required to reimburse the Companv for all costs for reolacement or repair of the Load Control Device(s) or other Prooram equipment. includinq labor and other related costs. and the Companv will reverse anv and all incentive oavments made durinq the orevious twelve months as a result of the Customer's particioation in the Prooram. IDAHO lssued per Order No.€53i16 Effective Mardt 4;2822 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 122'1 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 First Orioinal Sheet No. 82€7 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Companv is not responsible for any direct. indirect. consequential. incidental. punitive. or exemolarv damaoe to the Participant or third parties as a result of the Prooram or the Customer's voluntarv particioation in the Prooram. The Companv makes no warranty of merchantability or fltness for a particular ourpose with respect to the Load Control Device(s) and anv and all implied warranties are disclaimed. The provisions of this Program do not apply for any time period that the Company requests a load reduction during a system emergency in accordance with NERC standards, ldaho Power's Rule J, or any other time that a Customer's service is interrupted by events outside the control of the Company. The provisions of this Program will not affect the calculation or rate of the regular Service, Energy, or Demand Charges associated with a Participant's standard service schedule. IDAHO lssued per Order No.€5336 Eff ecti ve -+Aareh-+#22 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-24 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.2 Flex Peak Program Application 5IHM. xlAo(I'CrtEU This Application/Agreement must be submitted for any new customer that intends to enroll in Idaho Power Company's Flex Peak Program (Schedule 82 in ldaho and Schedule 76 in Oregon). Applicants must include the Facility Site(sJ they wish to enroll and the initial Nominated kwr for each Facility Site. If a participant requests the Aggregated 0ptionz they must speciff this on the Program Application/Agreemenl To be eligible to pafticipate, Customers must be capable of providing a minimum load reduction of 20 kW per Facility Site or an aggregate reduction of 35 kW under the Aggregated Option. Participant must speciff whether they would like the Manual3 or Automatic4 Dispatch Option on the Application/Agreement Customer lnformation Company Name (Organization's Legal Name) Mailing Address City ST zip Phone Fax Legal Business Name Federal Tax lD# (ElN or SSN) Mailing Address for payment to be sent lif different thon obove) City zip Payment Option at the End of Season? O Check to be mailed Q Bill Credit (specify account number) Facility Site lnformation The Customer designates the following person as the authorized contact with whom ldaho Power will communicate regarding Program event notification: lncentive Payment lnformation Facility Site lnformation List the Faci u wish to enroll below. lf rthe"which want combined Authorized Contact Name Title Business Phone Cell Phone E-mail (Require lf you want to be notified via text message, you must indicate the cell phone service provider (e.9., Verizon, ATT, T-Mobile, etc.) Receive text message notifications? O Yes O No /f yes, Cellular Service Provider: AGGREGATED.OPTION METER f AUTO OR MANUAL D]SPATCH OPTION FAcrurY srrE locmor / aoonss rournareorW SIGNUPAMOUNT Oves ONoON/A O nuto O Manual QYesQNoON/A O Auto O Manual gves O No O N/A Q Auto O Manual OYes O NoO N/A O Auto O Manual SvesONoON/A O Auto O Manual )YesONoON/A Q Auto O Manual )YesONoON/A Q Auto O Manual QYes QNo Q N/A O Auto O Manual QYes O No ON/A Q Auto Q Manual OYes ONoON/A Q Auto Q Manual cRR 203 (1/17)Page 1 of 3 tPc NAME Title Business Phone Cell Phone Email Receive text message notifications? E Yes a No lf yet Cellular Service Provider: NAME Title Business Phone Cell Phone Email Receive text message notifications? o Yes D No lf yes, Cellular Service Provider: NAME Title Business Phone Cell Phone Email Receive text message notifications? OYes ONo ffyes, CellularService Provider: Additional Contacts for Event NotificatiorM"thod of notification email and text FLEX PEAT PROGRAM TERTIS & COI{D]TIOilS The Flex Peak Program Application/Agreement must be sigaed by the Customer or an authorized representative. Upon confirmation of enrollment by the Company, the Customer agrees to the following: 1. The Company's Flex Peak Program as set forth in Schedule 82 in ldaho and Schedule 76 in Oregon, and any revisions to and/or any successors to these schedules, are incorporated are to be considered part of this Agreement. All capitalized terms not otherurise defined herein shall have the meanings given them in these schedules. 2. The Customer understands and acknowledges that in choosing to participate in the Program, it agrees to a reduction of its electric load by the Nominated kW amount at the enrolled Facility Site(s). ln exchange Participants will be eligible for a financial incentive as approved by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction. 3. Once accepted into the Program, Participants will automatically be re-enrolled each year thereafter unless notice of termination is given by the other party. 4. Both the Company and the Participant may terminate participation in the Program at any time by notifying the other party in writing. lf Program participation is terminated, the Participant may not re-enroll the Facility Site(s) into the Program until the following calendar year. 5. The Company retains the sole right to determine the criteria under which a Load Control Event is called and the decision of whether to call for, initiate, or cancel a Load Control Event shall be at the Company's sole discretion. 6. The Company shall have the right to accept Participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, total Program capacity, a Facility Site location, amount of capacity provided at a Facility Site, availability of Program equipment facility system configuration, or electric system configuration. 7. Participants that choose to participate in the Program under the Automatic Dispatch Option grant the Company or its representative permission, on reasonable notice, to enter the Custome/s enrolled Facility Site(s) to install, service, maintain, and/or remove Load Control Device(s) on the electrical panel that services the anticipated load reduction. The Company retains the sole right for its employees and its representatives to install or not install Load Control Devices on the Custome/s electrical panel at the time of installation depending on, but not limited to, safety, reliability, or other issues that may not be in the best interest of the Company, its employees, or its representatives. 8. lf there is evidence of the Participant altering, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Company's ability to initiate a Load Control Event, the Custome/s participation in the Program will be terminated, and the Customer will be required to reimburse the Company for all costs for replacement or repair of the Load Control Device(s) or other Program equipment, including labor and other related costs, and the Company will reverse any and all incentive payments made during the previous twelve months as a result of the Custome/s participation in the Program. Customer Agreement I, the undersigned, declare that I am the Customer ofrecord or a duly authorized representative empowered to enter into this Agreement and that I have read and agree to comply with the Flex Peak Program requirements. CUSTOMER NAME (nr-ensr nnrrur) CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE By typing your name on the line above, you are electronically signing the application, subiect to the 'Customer Agreement' above. Please submit completed form(s) to FlexPeak@ldahoPower.com Endnotes r Nominated kW - The amount of load expressed in kW that a Facility Site commits to reduce during a Program Event. Participants are expected toJEilEEtEiIIoad by the Nominated kW during each hour of each Program Event for the duration of the event. Please see Schedule 82 (or 75 for Oregon) for details. 2 AErresated Option - Multiple Facility Sites belonging to a single Participant that are grouped together per the custome/s request with a single Nominated kW for participation in the Program. Under this option, the Company will sum the performance data from each enrolled Facility Site before calculating any incentive amounts. 3 l!g!gg!_9j!p3!gh_9g!!q- Customers are eligible to manually control their service points. Under the Manual Dispatch Option customers have the flexibility to choose which loads will be interrupted during each dispatched Load Control Event. 4 Automatic Dispatch Option- A dispatchable Load Control Device, provided and installed by the Company or its representative, will be connected to the electrical panel(s) serving the loads associated with the Facility Site(s) enrolled in the Program. The Load Control Device utilized under the Automatic Dispatch Option will provide the Company the ability to send a signal intended to interrupt operation of a particular load or service during dispatched Load Control Events. ln lieu of the Company or its representative installing the Load Control Device at the Company's expense, the Participant may elect to hire a licensed electrician, at the Participant's expense, to install the Load Control Device in accordance with the National Electrical Code ("NEC") and any ldaho Power or manufacturer specifications or requirements, cRR 203 (9/22)Page 3 of 3 tPc