HomeMy WebLinkAboutIPCE2314StaffWorkshop.pdf1 Workshop Participation Online: To open chat in WebEx, please select the icon. Type questions and comments in the chat box; Please use the “Everyone” option when using chat to ensure your message will be seen. To speak, click on the hand icon in the lower section of your Webex screen. I will send you an invitation to unmute your audio line. On The Phone: *3 is the command to raise and lower your hand; I will send you an invite to un-mute your line. Please press *6 to un- mute your line on your end. This PowerPoint is available on the commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov. 2 3 Purpose of Public Workshop Informational session to •Overview the IPUC and its role. •Describe the related case history. •Describe the case process. •Present Idaho Power Company’s application. •Explain how to submit written comments. •Provide an opportunity to ask questions on the application. This Public Workshop is not part of the official case record. 4 What is the Idaho Public Utilities Commission?  Established in 1913. Idaho Code Sections 61 and 62. The Commission regulates Idaho’s investor-owned utilities, ensuring adequate service and reasonable rates. The Commission is made up of three commissioners appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The Commissioners make the decisions in each case. Commission Staff (“Staff”) is made up of Auditors, Consumer Compliance Investigators, Engineers, Technical Analysts, and Admin. Staff is conducting this workshop. Staff is one of the Parties in the case and providing comments to the Commissioners. 5 Progression of the Case Application •State law requires that the Commission consider all evidence that is on the record, which includes the Idaho Power Company’s supporting documentation, Comments from Staff & Parties, and customers’ written comments and oral testimony at public customer hearings. Staff’s Role • Staff reviews and analyzes the Company’s filing and proposals • Staff provides recommendations to the Commission based on its analysis. Final Order • The Commission will review all evidence and have authority to issue a final order.* *All Commission decisions must withstand Idaho Supreme Court Appeals from either utility or customer groups 6 7 Case No. IPC-E-17-13 Established Schedule 6: Residential Service On-Site Generation and Schedule 8: Small General Service On-Site Generation Commission Order No. 34046 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Idaho Power shall initiate a docket to comprehensively study the costs and benefits of on-site generation on Idaho Power's system, as well as proper rates and rate design, transitional rates, and related issues of compensation for net excess energy provided as a resource to the Company. 8 Case No. IPC-E-18-15 Proposed settlement changes to net metering rejected by the Commission. Established Grandfathering for legacy systems. Commission Order No. 34509, “IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Company shall submit a comprehensive study of the costs and benefits of net metering to the Commission before any further proposals to change the Company's net-metering program. This study shall incorporate public feedback and concerns in the design and review of the study, including public workshops and public comments on the record.” 9 Case No. IPC-E-21-21 “This study shall incorporate public feedback and concerns in the design and review of the study, including public workshops and public comments on the record.” Commission Order No. 35284: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Application is approved as provided above. “IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Idaho Power complete the study design for its Comprehensive study on the costs and benefits of on-site generation based on the Commission’s Study Framework findings and conclusions as more specifically defined and explained herein.” 10 Case No. IPC-E-22-22 Commission Order No. 35631: “IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Company’s October VODER Study is acknowledged. “ “IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Company shall file a new case requesting to implement changes to the structure and design of its NEM program” The Study is available for public review. Value of Distributed Energy Resources (“VODER”) www.puc.idaho.gov (Case Number: IPC-E-22-22) 11 12 Event Date Case Filed 05/01/2023 Public Workshop 09/06/2023 6:00 PM Public Workshop 09/07/2023 12:00 PM Written Public Comments Open until 10/12/2023 Public Customer Hearing TBD Staff/intervenor Comments 10/12/2023 All Party Reply Comments 11/02/2023 Company Final Reply 11/16/2023 Close of Case Final Order Proposed Effective Date Proposed Jan 1st, 2024 13 Application Filed May 1st, 2023 The Company’s Requests: 1.Change from “Net Metering” to “Net Billing” for non-legacy systems and use a real-time measurement interval. 2.Pay non-legacy customer-generators for energy exports using an Export Credit Rate (“ECR”). 3.Standardize the method for annually updating the ECR. 4.Modify the Project Eligibility Cap. 5.Other implementation considerations. Requesting an effective date of January 1, 2024. 14 The Company’s Reasons for Filing This A long history of related cases…. It was directed to file a proposal by the Commission (Order 35631) The existing system overvalues exports, which results in cost-shifting between participants and non-participants. To reasonably balance the interests of participants and non-participants. On-site generation customers need more clarity about the future rate structure. Need to modernize an outdated service offering. 15 Terms & Definitions Customer-generators: Customers who have a generation system (typically solar) capable of exporting energy to the grid. kWh: kilowatt-hour – A standard unit of energy. One kilowatt of power for one hour. Export Credit Rate (“ECR”): A monetary value for exported energy. Usually cents per kWh. Net Energy Metering (“NEM”): The Company’s current kWh-to-kWh program. Usually shortened to “Net Metering.” Net Billing: The Company’s proposed program that includes a monetary payment for any exported energy. Legacy / Grandfathered Systems: Systems that are eligible to remain in the Net Metering program by meeting criteria in Order 34509 and Order 34854. VODER: The Company’s Value Of Distributed Energy Resources Study. 16 Proposal 1: Measurement Interval 17 Imports = 33 Exports = -35 Imports = 18 Exports = -20 Imports = 7 Exports = -9 Imports = 0 Exports = -2 Current “Net Energy Metering” method = Monthly Netting Understanding the Effect of “Netting” Company’s Proposed Method: “Real-Time” Net Billing The Company’s Proposal Imports = 0 Exports = -205 From this…To this… Imports = 200 Exports = -405 Proposal 1: Measurement Interval Understanding the ECR 19 Avoided Energy Costs Avoided Capacity CostsECR= Includes: Avoided Energy Line Losses Integration Costs Includes: Avoided Generation Capacity Avoided T&D Capacity Line Losses Note: Under current environmental and/or legislative requirements, customer-exports do not provide environmental benefits or avoid costs that are quantifiable, measurable, or affect rates – as explained in the Application. See Ellsworth Direct at 24-25. + Proposal 2: Export Credit Rate Avoided Energy Costs 20 Avoided Energy Costs Energy Cost= Weighted average of the most recent year’s ELAP* prices in the time period Line Loss Adjustment Integration Costx- 2023 Study/Analysis performed internally *ELAP = Energy Imbalance Market Load Aggregation Point Proposed time periods are On-Peak & Off-Peak 2020 Study/Analysis performed externally Proposal 2: Export Credit Rate /Exported kWh in chosen time period Avoided Capacity Costs Avoided Capacity Costs Avoided Generation Capacity Cost= Contribution to system capacity Line Loss Adjustment Avoided T&D Capacity Costx+ 2023 Study/Analysis performed internally ELCC* From the most recently filed IRP 2022 Study/Analysis performed internally Cost of surrogate generatorx Nameplate Capacity ][/Exported kWh during chosen time period 3-year rolling average x Peak export hour in previous year Proposal 2: Export Credit Rate *ELCC = Effective Load Carrying Capability Exported kWh during On-Peak hours 22 The Company’s Proposed On-Peak hours* 3pm to 11pm June 15 through September 15 Monday through Saturday Excludes Sundays & Holidays *Currently identified as the hours of the Company’s greatest system need for energy and capacity. Ellsworth at 9. Proposal 2: Export Credit Rate 23 The Company’s Proposed ECR Export Credit Rate by Component (cents/kWh) Energy On-Peak Including integration and losses Off-Peak Annual* Generation Capacity On-Peak Off-Peak Annual* Transmission & Distribution Capacity On-Peak Off-Peak Annual* Total On-Peak Off-Peak Annual* Current “import” rate ~ 11.2 ₵ (For residential customers, first 800 kWh, with FCA and PCA) Proposal 2: Export Credit Rate 24 Proposal 3: Updating the ECR To be filed in April To be effective 1 June The Company’s Proposed ECR Update Schedule 25 Schedules 6 & 8: Continue the existing 25kW cap. Schedule 84: Greater of… a) 100kW, or b) 100% of demand at the service point. Also, if >100kW, then additional criteria: Proposal 4: Modify the PEC Project Eligibility Cap 26 Recovery of Export Credit Expenditures “The Company proposes to treat ECR expenditures as a net power supply expense (“NPSE”) subject to 100% recovery.” The recovery of NPSE will be from all customers. Billing & Transfer Criteria for ECR Financial Credits “The Company proposes that financial credits offset all billing components of the bill – not just the energy-related portion of a customer bill.” “…the Company proposes that a customer could transfer financial credits to another account held in their name for their own usage.” Proposal 5: Other Considerations 27 Conversion of kWh Credits to Financial Credits During the first year, surplus kWh credits would be used to offset consumption. “The Company proposes that accumulated kWh credits held at service points with non-legacy systems be converted to financial credits one year after the effective date of a Commission-authorized change in compensation structure.” Transition Period “The Company carefully considered whether a transition period was warranted, …, the Company does not believe it is prudent to continue to overcompensate customers for their exported energy.” Proposal 5: Other Considerations 28 Rate Schedule Current NEM Proposed Net Billing Schedule 6 – Residential $39.63 $51.75 Schedule 8 - Small General Service $25.99 $40.67 Schedule 84 - Large Commercial, Industrial, and Irrigation $61.64 $73.94 29 Individual bill total charge driven by actual consumption and exports Does not include PCA, FCA, rider surcharge/credit as these change year to year Average Monthly Bill Impact Rate Schedule Current NEM Proposed Net Billing Combined Impact of ECR & GRC Proposals Schedule 6 – Residential $39.63 $51.75 $78.53 Schedule 8 - Small General Service $25.99 $40.67 $43.92 Schedule 84 - Large Commercial, Industrial, and Irrigation $61.64 $73.94 $124.10 ECR and GRC Filing Proposals Export Credit Rate Filing General Rate Case Filing Case No. IPC-E-23-14 1.Implement to real-time “Net Billing” 2.Establish an export credit rate (“ECR”) 3.Set method for updating the ECR 4.Modify the Project Eligibility Cap 5.Other considerations related to implementing an ECR Case No. IPC-E-23-11 1.Consumption rate increase 2.Rate modernization plan •Service charge and energy rates 3.PCA, FCA, Rider adjustments 4.Other secondary requests 30 •Exports •Consumption General Rate Case Case No. IPC-E-23-11 •Company has requested a change in rates •IPUC Virtual Workshops were previously held on 8/14/23 and 8/15/23 •Customer hearings are TBD •Go to PUC web page for more information 31 32 Consumer Assistance •Utility Compliance Investigators assist customers to resolve issues and/or disputes with the Company. •Investigators monitor compliance with laws, commission rules, and the Company’s tariff. •Investigators review issues from previous cases, review previous complaints, review submitted comments from customers, and investigate consumer issues raised in the case. 33 Consumer Issues As of this week, the PUC has received 209 Customer Comments •No changes or keep Net Metering; •Grandfather all existing systems; •Customer incentives and; •Environmental impact. 34 CUSTOMER COMMENTS Customer written comments are due October 12, 2023. (Reference Case Number IPC-E-23-14) •Internet Website Address – puc.idaho.gov •Select - Case Comment Form (once comments are submitted, they become part of public record) •Email – Address: secretary@puc.idaho.gov •Mail – IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074oBlank Customer Comments sheets are available here tonight to be mailed in or left with Staff. •Public Customer Hearing – TBD COMMENTS ONLY (QUESTIONS WILL NOT BE ADDRESSED) 35 Idaho Public Utilities Homepage 36 Comments Form Page 37 PUC Home Page 38 Electric Page 39 Open Electric Cases Page 40 Case Summary Page 41 •Customers can subscribe to the Commission’s RSS feed to receive updates about all cases via email. •Continue submitting your comments. •Public Customer Hearing, date is TBD. •The Commission will issue a final order which will close the case. Where do we go from here? 42 43 44 Workshop Participation Online: To open chat in WebEx, please select the icon. Type questions and comments in the chat box; Please use the “Everyone” option when using chat to ensure your message will be seen. To speak, click on the hand icon in the lower section of your Webex screen. I will send you an invitation to unmute your audio line. On The Phone: *3 is the command to raise and lower your hand; I will send you an invite to un-mute your line. Please press *6 to un- mute your line on your end. This PowerPoint is available on the commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov. 45