HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220210Petition to Intervene.pdf,, J:" r.*, :.'-i--l1uU i ;';, jl Fil 2: 3lAbigail R. Germaine (ISB No. 9231) Elam & Burke, P.A. 251E. Front St. Suite 300 P.O. Box 1539 Boise, Idaho 83701 (208\ 343-s4s4 (208) 384-5844 (fax) ars(Aelamburke.com Attorneyfor Western Power Trading Forum BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ij. IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATTON TO PROCEED WITH RESOURCE PROCUREMENTS TO MEET IDENTIFIED CAPACITY DEFICIENCIES IN 2023, 2024, AND 2025 TO ENSURE ADEQUATE, RELIABLE AND FAIR-PRICED SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS. CASE NO. IPC-E-21-41 WESTERN POWER TRADING FORUM'S PETITION TO INTERVENE COMES NOW, Western Power Trading Forum, herein referred to as "WPTF," and pursuant to Rules 71 through 73 of the Rules of Procedure of the ldaho Public Utility Commission (IDAPA - 31.01 .01.73), and pursuant to that Application filed on December 3,2021, and Notice of Application, Notice of Intervention Deadline, Order No. 35314, filed on February 4,2022, hereby petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for leave to intervene herein and to appear and participate as a party, and as basis therefore states as follows: 1. The name and address of this lntervenor is: Western Power Trading Forum c/o Scott Miller, Executive Director 1540 River Park Drive, Suite 2l I Sacramento, CA 95815 smiller(@wptf.ore 2. Copies of all pleadings, production requests, production responses, Commission orders, and other documents should be provided to Abigail R. Germaine at: WPTF'S PETITION TO INTERVENE - I Abigail R. Germaine Elam & Burke, P.A. 251F,. Front St. Suite 300 P.O. Box 1539 Boise,Idaho 83701 (208) 343-s4s4 (208) 384-5844 (fax) Idaho State Bar No. 9231 Email: are(aelamburke. com In the interest of reducing costs to all parties, please provide hard copies of pleadings, testimony, and briefs only. All other production requests, responses, notices, Commission orders, and other filings may be submitted via electronic mail in accordance with Rule 63 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utility Commission (IDAPA 3. WPTF is a broad-based industy organization of more than 100 companies that do business and advocate for competitive electricity market rules, and strong system reliability, throughout the Western Interconnection. Originally formed by competitive suppliers, WPTF includes electic services providers, developers of generation resources, transmission developers, community choice aggregators, investor-owned utilities, public utilities, and others. WPTF encourages information sharing and providing knowledge in discrete areas of the Western Power business. WPTF acts as an advocate for competitive market outcomes in forums like the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), the Northwest Power Pool (recently renamed the "Westem Power Pool"), the California lndependent System Operator (CAISO), state regulatory commissions, state legislatures and elsewhere. WPTF has broad knowledge and experience on market rules and policies. WPTF has acted as an experienced resource in regulatory proceedings across the coun@, including at FERC, on competitive market policies, market development, and procurement issues as well as efforts to enhance reliability in the Western Interconnection. WPTF has also been active in other state WPTF'S PETITION TO INTERVENE - 2 procurement procedures such as most recently in Utah, but also in California and Washington. WPTF's participation in this case will be beneficial to the Commission and other parties. 4. WPTF has a direct and substantial interest in this matter as an industry advocate for competitive outcomes that enhance reliability and efficient power supply in the energy market in the West. WPTF, and many of its members, would be negatively impacted by Idaho Power Company's request to eliminate the Commission's requirement for Idaho Power Company to comply with the Oregon Public Utility Commission's resource procurement rules. WPTF and many of its members are equally concerned with Idaho Power Company's petition to move away from utilizing procurement tools which can provide substantial benefits to ratepayers such as competitive procurement rules, the use of Power Purchase Agreements ("PPAs"), and development of Regional Transmission Organizations ("RTO") and Independent System Operators ("ISO"), among other things. Many of WPTF's members utilize these tools and the competitive bidding rules and would be anxious to participate in Idaho Power's solicitation of energy resources and would be inhibited from doing so ifthat process was eliminated as advocated by Idaho Power's application. 5. Without the opportunity to intervene herein, WPTF would be without any means of participation in this proceeding which may have a negative impact on currently established beneficial procurement requirements and processes. If allowed to intervene, WPTF will participate in the proceedings and appear in all matters as may be necessary and appropriate; present evidence; call and examine witnesses; present argument; and otherwise fully participate in these proceedings. 6. Granting WPTF's petition to intervene will not unduly broaden the issues, nor will it prejudice any party to this case. WPTF'S PETITION TO TNTERVENE - 3 7. This Petition to lntervene is timely filed under Rule 73, IDAPA because it is filed within the fourteen (14) day deadline to intervene established by Order No. 353t4. 8. WPTF intends to fully participate in this matter as a party. The nature and quality of WPTF's intervention in this proceeding is dependent on the nature and effect of other evidence in this proceeding. WPTF requests that the Commission issue a timely order granting this Petition to Intervene following the seven-day opposition period set forth in IDAPA WHEREFORE, WPTF respectfully requests that this Commission grant this Petition to Intervene. DATED: February 10, 2022. ELAM & BURKE, P.A. Abigail R. Germaine Attorney for Western PowerTrading Fonrm WPTT'S PETITION TO INTERVENE - 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY certiry that I have on this lfth day of February 2022 served the foregoing Petition to lntervene by electronic mail to the following: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission ian.noriyuki@puc. idaho. sov Donovan Walker Regulatory Dockets Idaho Power Company dwalker@idahooower. com dockets@idahopower.com Tim Tatum Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Idaho Power Company ttatum@ idahopower. com Gregory M. Adams Attorneys for Nortlw es t and Intermountain P ower Producers Coalition sres@richardsonadams.com 4891-8902-8621, v.4 Benjamin J. Otto Emma E. Sperry Attorneys for Idaho Consertation League botto@ idahoconservation. ore esperry@ idahoconservation. ore Peter J. Richardson Attorneys for the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power peter@richardsonadams. com Dr. Don Reading dreadine@m indsprine.com C. Tom Arkoosh Amber Dresslar Attorneys for ldaHydro tom.arkoosh@arkoosh. com amber. dresslar@arkoosh. com erin.ceci l@,arkoosh.com ,l )i,\ttri''lNt Abigail R. Germaine WPTF'S PETITION TO INTERVENE - 5