HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220111Petition to Intervene.pdfGregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.276 Steet Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938 -2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 greg@richardsonadams. com Attorney for Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO PROCEED WITH RESOURCE PROCUREMENTS TO MEET IDENTIFIED CAPACITY DEFICIENCIES IN 2023,2024, AND 2025 TO ENSURE ADEQUATE, RELIABLE, AND FAIR- PRICED SERVICE TO TTS CUSTOMERS CASENO. IPC-E-21-41 '': . li:' i , :.... . .;.it.l .))iUi1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) NORTHWEST AND INTERMOI'NTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION'S PETITION TO INTERVENE Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition ('NIPPC") hereby petitions to intervene as a party to this proceeding under Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Rule of Procedure, Rule TI,IDAPA ln support of its Petition to Intervene, NIPPC states as follows: l. The name and address of this lntervenor is: Northwest and lntermountain Power Producers Coalition c/o Spencer Gray Executive Director P.O. Box 504 Mercer Island, WA 98040 sgray@nippc.org Copies of all pleadings, production requests, production responses, Commission orders and other documents should be provided to Gregory M. Adams at the email address noted above NORTHWEST AND TNTERMOUNTATN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION'S PETITION TO INTERVENE TPC-E-21-4I _PAGE I and to Spencer Gray at the email address noted above. 2. NIPPC is a ffade association whose members and associate members include independent power producers active in the Pacific Northwest and Westem energy markets.l NIPPC's organizational purpose is to represent the interests of its members in developing rules and policies that help achieve a competitive electric power supply market in the Pacific Northwest. NIPPC has participated in numerous regulatory proceedings related to requests for proposals (o'RFPs"), bidding guidelines, and competitive markets before state regulatory commissions in the Norlhwest and before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Thus, NIPPC's intervention will assist the Commission in resolving the issues. 3. NIPPC has a substantial interest in this proceeding in particular because Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") proposes to eliminate the previously approved competitive bidding rules for its acquisition of the major generation resources under consideration in this docket. NIPPC was an active party in the underlying Idaho docket that resulted in this Commission's adoption of the competitive bidding rules of the Oregon Public Utility Commission, which Idaho Power cites in its application. Thus, NIPPC has a direct interest in Idaho Power's request to eliminate use of those requirements. Additionally, given the opportunity, independent power producers, including NIPPC members, may participate in Idaho Power's competitive solicitations at issue in this docket, as well as future solicitations, and NIPPC's participation in this proceeding can help ensure that such processes are reasonable, fair I NIPPC's members include but are not limited to: Calpine Corp, Constellation Exelon, Cycle, DG Energy Partrers, Direct Energy, Ecoplexus, EDF Renewable Energy, EDP Renewables, lnvenergy LLC, Morgan Stanley, NewSun Energy, NextEra Energy, Obsidian Renewables, Perennial Power Holdings, Rye Development, Shell Energy North America, Sierra Pacific lndustries, TransAlta Energy Marketing, and Tyr Energy. NORTHWEST AND INTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION'S PETITION TO INTERVENE wc-E-2t-41 - PAGE 2 and balanced. NIPPC's interests are not adequately represented by any other party in this proceeding. 4. Without being granted party status, MPPC's right to fully participate in this proceeding may be materially compromised. 5. This Petition to Intervene is timely filed under Rule 73, IDAPA, because the Commission has not yet held a hearing or procedural conference, and the Commission has not established a deadline for intervention. Thus, granting NIPPC's Petition to Intervene will not unduly broaden the issues beyond their proper scope, nor will it unduly prejudice any party to this case. WIIEREFORE, NIPPC respectfully requests that this Commission issue an order granting NIPPC's Petition to lntervene. Respectfully submitted this I lth day of January 2022. RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC u^- 515 N. 2 7tr . Adams (ISB No. 7454) Street Boise,Idatro 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 greg@richardsonadam s.com Attorneys for Northwest and Intennountain Power Producers Coalition NORTHWEST AND INTERMOTJNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION'S PETITION TO INTERVENE wc-E-2141 - PAGE 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERYICE I HEREBY certifi/ that I have on this 1lth day of January 2022, served the foregoing Petition to lntervene by electronic mail to the following: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 j an.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov John R. Hammond Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 j ohn. hammond@puc. idaho. gov Donovan Walker Regulatory Dockets PO Box 70 Boise,ID 83707-0070 dwalker@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, tD 83703 dreading@mindspring. com Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27tr Steet PO Box 7218 Boise, TD 83702 peter@richardsonadams. com Benjamin J. Otto Emma E. Sperry Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6ft Street Boise, tD 83702 botto@idahoconservation. org esperry@idalroconservation. org Tom Arkoosh Amber Dresslar Arkoosh Law Offices 913 W. River Street, Ste 450 PO Box 2900 Boise,ID 83701 tom. arkoosh@arkoosh. com amber. dresslar@arkoosh. com erin. cecil@arkoosh. com By: M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) NORTHWEST AND TNTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION'S PETITION TO INTERVENE TPC-E-21-4I - PAGE 4