HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220125Petition to Intervene.pdf' ., i.'.:i l'j Pi{ 3: 5uJAYME B. SULLryAN BOISE CITY ATTORNEY Ed Jewell ISB No. 10446 Deputy City Attomey BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 Telephone: (208) 608-7950 Facsimile: (208) 384-4454 Email : ej ewell@cityofboise.ore boisecityattorney@citvofboise. ore Attorney for lntervenor IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO EXPAND OPTIONAL CUSTOMER CLEAN ENERGY OFFERINGS THROUGH THE CLEAN ENERGY YOUR WAY PROGRAM BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. PC-E-21-40 CITY OF BOISE CITY'S PETITION TO INTERVENE COMES NOW, the city of Boise City, herein referred to as "Boise City," and pursuant to Rules 7l through 73 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utility Commission (IDAPA - 31.01 .0.73), the Application filed on December 2, 202I, hereby requests leave to intervene in this matter and to appear and participate as aparty. As grounds, Boise City states as follows: l. The name and address of this Intervenor is: City of Boise City 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise,ID 83701-0500 2. Copies of all pleadings, production requests, production responses, Commission orders, and other documents should be sent to the following: CITY OF BOTSE CITY'S PETITION TO TNTERVENE - I Ed Jewell Deputy City Attorney BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 Telephone: (208) 608-7950 Facsimile: (208) 384-4454 Email: ej ewell@cityofboise.ore boisecitvattornev@citvo fboise. ore Wil Gehl Energy Program Manager BOISE CITY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701 -0500 Telephone: (208) 608-757 1 Email: weehl@cityofboise.ore In compliance with Order No. 35058, all service in this docket is to be completed electronically. If the Commission decides to retum to hard copy service during this docket, Boise City requests hard copies of pleading, testimony, and briefs only. All other production requests, responses, notices, Commission orders, and other filings may be served on Boise City via electronic mail in accordance with Rule 63 of the Rules of Procedure of the ldaho Public Utility Commission (TDAPA 3r.01.01.063). 3. Boise City is a Municipal Corporation organized under the laws of the state of Idaho. 4. Boise City has a direct and substantial interest in this matter as representing the public interest of Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") customers that make up its constituency. Boise City is also a large Idaho Power customer with Schedule7,9, and 19 electric service accounts. Boise City also maintains multiple solar panel installations and net metering facilities, such as those located at the Twenty Mile South Farm Administration and Maintenance Building. As an Idaho Power customer with expressed clean energy preferences, this proceeding directly impacts Boise City's ability to meet its community clean energy goals with an optional renewable energy procurement program. Without the opportunity to intervene herein, Boise City would not have the direct means of ensuring the outcome of this proceeding positively impacts the CITY OF BOISE CITY'S PETITION TO TNTERVENE - 2 exlvironmental, health, and economic concems of Boise City and its citizens. Granting Boise City's petition to intervene will not unduly broaden the issues, nor will it prejudice any party to this case. 5. Boise City intends to fully participate in this matter as a pafty and appear in all matters as is appropriate. The nature and qualrty of Boise City's interve,ntion in this proceeding is dependent upon the nature and effect of other evidence in this proceeding. If necessary, Boise City may present evidence; call and examine witresses; and present argument. WHEREFORE, the city of Boise City, respectfully requests that this Commission grant this Petition to Intervene and issue a timely order as set forth in IDAPA DATED this 25th day of January 2022. Ed Deputy City Attorney t CITY OF BOTSE CITY'S PETITION TO INTERVENE - 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERYICE I hereby certifu that I have on this 25th day of January 2022, served the foregoing documents on all parties of record as follows: JanNoriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 1 1331 W Chinden Blvd., Ste. 201-A Boise, lD 83714 lan.non idaho.sov tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr FacsimileV Electronictr Other: RileyNewton Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W Chinden Blvd., Ste. 201-A Boise, lD 83714 ril ey.newton(a) puc. idaho. gov tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr Facsimileg Electronictr Other: Lisa Nordstrom Lead Counsel Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise,ID 83707 lnordstrom(d idahopower. com dockets@idahopower.com tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr Facsimileg Electronictr Other: Alison Williams Regulatory Policy & Strategy Advisor Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 aw i I I i ams(@ idahopow er. com knoe(@idahoDower.com O U.S. Mailtr Personal Delivery O Facsimileg Electronictr Other: Benjamin J. Otto Emma E. Sperry Idaho Conservation League 710 N 6ft Street Boise, lD 83702 botto(iD idahoconservation. ore esp err.v f@ id ahocons erv at i o n. or g tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr Facsimileg ElectronicO Other: Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N 27tr Street Boise, lD 83702 peter(@ ri ch ard s onad am s. com for Industrial Customers of ldaho Power tr U.S. MailO Personal Deliverytr Facsimileg Electronictr Other: CITY OF BOISE CITY'S PETITION TO INTERVENE - 4 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise,ID 83703 dreadin g@mindsprine. com for Industrial Customers of Idaho Power tr U.S. MailO Personal Deliverytr Facsimileg ElectonicO Other: Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 W Main Steet, Suite 1300 Boise, D 83702 nsemanko@parsonsbehle. com for Walmart tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Deliverytr Facsimileg Electronictr Other: Vicki M. Baldwin,pro hac vice Parsons Behle & Latimer 201 South Main Street, Suite 1800 Salt Lake city, uT 84111 vbaldwin@Aarsonsbehle. com for Walmart tr U.S. MailO Personal Deliverytr Facsimileg Electronictr Other: Steve W. Chriss Director, Energy Services Walmart,Inc. 2608 Southeast J Street Bentonville, AR727l6 stephen. chriss@walmart. com tr U.S. Mailtr Personal Delivery O Facsimileg Electronictr Other: Michelle Steel, Paralegal CITY OF BOISE CITY'S PETITION TO INTERVENE - 5