HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211130Reply Comments.pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB No. 3195 Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-790 I Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com Attomeys for the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power i,;;,ii;ii,! ;ii Ptr 2:36 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF AN ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY FOR THE SALE AND CASE NO. IPC-E-21-33 PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM )THE SIMPLOT-POCATELLO CSPP PROJECT ) COMES NOW, The J. R. Simplot Company, hereinafter refened to as "Simplot" and pursuant to Order No. 35212 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), and hereby files its Reply Comments in response to the Comments lodged by the Commission's Staff on November23,2A2l. The PUC Stafffiled comments generally supportive of approval of the proposed energy sales agreement (ESA) between Simplot and the ldaho Power Company (Idaho Power) However, the Staffalso recommended the inclusion of the following paragraph in the ESA, which would upset the duly negotiated and executed ESA by both ldaho Power and Simplot: Any modifications to the Facility, including but not limited to the generator or turbine, that ( I ) increases or decreases the Facility Nameplate Capacity, or (2) changes the Qualifuing Facility Category, or (3) changes the Primary Energy Source or (4) changes to the generator fuel and subsequently the Fueled Rate or Non-Fueled Rate, will require a review of the Agreement terms, conditions and pricing and Idaho Power, at its sole REPLY COMMENTS OF THE J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY determination, may adjust the pricing or terminate the Agreement. If the Agreement is terminated because of said modifications, the Seller will be responsible for any Termination Damages. Staffoffered no legal or practical justification for its recommendation other than a representation that such clause has been included in some other PURPA contracts filed by [daho Power. Staff s argument fails because it rests on no legal or contractual principal and it upsets the arrangement that has been negotiated and agreed to by the parties. Staffasserts that that agreement "does not contain any provision to address modifrcations to the Facility." However, Article 23 of the Agreement contains a provision for approval by both parties (and subsequent Commission approval) for any modifications to the ESA. In addition, the ESA at Appendix B contains the following detailed description of the project: The facility generates elechic energy with the waste heat from an exothermic reaction that occurs in the production of sulfuric acid in the J.R. Simplot Company's Don Plant fertilizer production facility. The turbo generator is a General Electric synchronous generator with a three-phase nameplate rating of 18.87 MVA at 13.2 kV three phase, 60 hertz, driven by steam turbine. The nameplate capacity rating of the generator is 15.9 MW. The waste heat steam captured from the exothermic reaction moves through a 625 PSIG headcr leading to the turbo generator described above. After production of electricity in the generator, the steam is then used for processes in the fertilizer production facility in topping cycle cogeneration process. Facility Nameplate Capacity: 15.9 MW Var Capability (Both leading and lagging) Leading is 0.9 Lagging is 0.9 Qualifoing Facility Category (Small Power Production or Cogeneration): Cogeneration Primary Energy Source (Hydro, Wind, Solar, Biomass, Waste, Geothermal): Waste Fueled or Non-Fueled Rate (Generator primarily fueled with fossil or non-fossil fuel): Non-Fueled Any changes to the project that are contemplated in Staffs proposed language would already be adequately addressed as a required amendment to Appendix B to the ESA. [n addition, any such changes would have to be approved by the Commission pursuant to ESA Article 23. Thus, Staffs recommendation, in addition to unreasonably authorizing the agreementos unilateral termination by Idaho Power, is unnecessarily redundant as the contact does already address modifications. J.R. Simplot Reply Comments - IPC-E-21-2r 2 Simplot also substantively objects to the inclusion of this proffered clause due to the fact that it provides ldaho Power with the unilateral ("at its sole determination") right to terminate the contract and impose termination damages on Simplot. Granting the counterparty to a contract the unilateral and unfettered right to terminate is contrary to the spirit and intent of the agreement negotiated between ldatro Power and Simplot. The agreement is already enforceable by its terms and the consequences for any breach by Simplot (and related remedies for ldaho Power for such a breach) are already adequately addressed by the contract's terms. DATED this day of November 2021 Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 30th day ofNovember 202l,atme and correct copy ofthe within and foregoing REPLY COMMENTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY in Docket No. IPC-E-21-33 was served electronically to: IDAHO POWER COMPAI\Y Donovan Walker ldwalker@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower. com enereycontracts@ idahopowcr.com COMMISSION STAFF Riley Newton ri ley.netwon@puc. idaho. gov COMMISSION SECRETARY Jan Noriyuki ian.norivuki@nuc.idaho. gov sec retary(@ puc. idaho. sov J.R. Simplot Reply Comments - IPC-E-2t-21 3 Peter RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC J.R. Simplot Reply Comments - trc-E-21-21 4