HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211013Initial Comments.pdff,til rlv F0 ?*:i flCT l3 Pll 31 53 i,,:Llrtii, tffiHtd8*oo Richrrd E. f,luc.lfiohn Vcaby,L f,lucJ<h.h. 2564W. Parlstone Dr. Meddieo, ID 83816 Telephooe (208) 941 4186 Fecsimile Q08) 577 -57 56 Huclfioho@gmailcom IN TI{EMATTEROF IDAHO POWER COMPANYS APPLICATION TO INITIATE A MTJLTI-PI{ASE COLLABORATTVE PROCESS FORTHE STUDY OF COSTS, BENEFITS, AND COMPENSATION OIT NET EKCRSS ENERGY ASSOCIATED WITH CUSTOMER ONSITE GENERATION BEFORE THE IDN{O PTJBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. lrc-E-21-21 RICHARD E. ELUCKHOHIfS & WESLET.A" TLUCEIOHN1S COMI{ENTS ON C,ISE Richard E Kluckhohn & Wesley A. Kluckhohn (Kludhobnt), Ioterveaoq heteby files comrtrents on Case IPC-E-21-21 pursuaot to Rules of Procedure 71 througb 75 of the Irt"ho Public Utilities Commission, ID APA es follows: The name md ad&ess of the intervenor is: Richard E. Kluckhohn Wesley A. Kluckhohn 2564U1. Padcstooe Dr. Meridiao, ID 83616 (208) e4104186 kluckhohn@prnail.com wkluckhohn@ac.cm 2. The ana\'sis within the study must be non-discriminatoty, &lk, equiable, and credible. 3. For this & future studies to be ooadiscriminatory the study oust use the same methodologr for all customers aad all resideotial classes. Thus sipifcant consideratioo must be given to assure that the methodologr urilizsd io this sardy does not crerte a bias, discriminatory affect when utilized oa other resideotid classes customers. 4. A study of approximately .2o/o of ldaho Power Companies (IPCt) customs base could easily create e sigpificant bias within the study causing an inadvertent discrioinatory outcofile. Rich.rd E. Kluctrhohn'e &Vcrley,L trOnckhohn'e Commcntr m Cere| Page I 5. The resideotial solar geoeratot must be coosidered a sub-class of all residential custorners, and what applies to one applies to tte others. By the act of flipping e switch the resideotial soler generating custdtrer m.y remove th& ggaaatioo system ftom grid md thus become a gmeral residen'i"l customer. 6. The stuE must have a hl8h degree of traosparcocy rvith alt assuoptioos ideatified ard footooted in a mmrer that is uoderstaodable by the geo.eral public. Failure to do so eliminates transparency aod the ability of the pubic, if they so choose, to participate in a tnovledgeable mmner. 7. The study must be digestible and undetstaadable by the general public. 8. This study appears to be premature, as a predecessor study regarding rate structures acrosE all resideotial classes aeeds to be performed to set maoy of the hctors for this cost study. We are stuck with the classic chickeo and the egg scenario. At a minim,m a general rate study should occur simuhaneously with this study so the decisioo about assuoptions withia both studies are made &oo a systemic (both rate aod cost) perspective. 9. The study's formdetion should be based on the future values vs only a historic based aoalysis. (ie) Given future consumer dernand is hig[y likely to be greater the historic consurner demand aad giveo dre nature of IPC's cost structurq the maiority being 6xed costs, dre aoalysis must be based oo future vs past values, thus allocating the costs over a oorc realistic basis. Basiog the study oo past values will poteotially create biases within the study by allocating the cost burdea ioaccurately betweeo classes. 10. I fear drat aay cost study rhat does oot use a uoiform merhodology to evduate the costs for dl classes within the IPC systern will be poteotidly cre.te a report that is biase4 discrimioatory, arrd uofair to some class. VHEREFORE, the Kluckhohn's, custorners of Idaho Power, respectfully formdly submit these cooneots to the Commission, Riclard E Kuchohn's & Wceley A. KhrcLhohn's Commcnts oa Case I Pagc 2 DATED rhis 136 day of October 2021.. Respectfully subrnitte4 l"l a;"L-JF; Richard E. Kluckhohn /r/ VuhrAKlulzh&a Wesley A. Kluckhoha CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that oo October 13, ?-021, a trc atd correct copy of the above and foregoiog documeot vrs forwarded ad&essed as follows vh eMail: Ideho Public Utiliticr Commissim Jao Noriyuki- Comissioa Secretary secretary@puc.idaho.gov Erick Sh".er edck-shane@puc.idaho.gov E-Mail a Idaho Pomr Conipeny LisaD Nordstrom Coonie Ascheobreooer krordstrom@i&h ooower. com caschenbrenoed@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower.com Da Don Rceding dreadhg@mindspring. com Idrho Consewetion Lc.8trc BeaiaminJ. Otto botto@-idahocoo servation.org Ideho lrrigrtioa Purycra Amocietion, Inc. Eric L. Olsen elo@echohawk.com AnthooyYmkel tooyfdyankelnet Idrhydlo c/o Tom Arkoosh Tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com Erin.cecil@arkoosh.com E.MdI E-Mail E-Mail E-M.il E-Mail tr Rich..d E Klucl&ohn'r & Vcdey rL Khrchoha'e Commcots m C^rae I Pege 3 BoclryMoodPoru TcdWorma Tedrrest@@Iucifo o{lcuil YvooacR. l{og} Ywoooe-hogHdll ecifcotr.com Yotc Solrr &imaKob€r bdror@vobpol"r.ory DsvidBcod€tr dbeoder@earfiiuetirc.org Nl,ubn dus.@lediurtice.o{g Ni*Thotpe otbo+e@eatthu*ice.ocg Citrof Bd.cGry Il&ryX"Gmt bohechy.thmey(Aciryo$ois€.o{g EdJcYcIl eiegel@citlofu oisc.org LhhoSiclar&b KclseyJre Nuoez kelmy,@keleeyiaaunez.com LblYorng lis'.,youog@*fo rltar.trub.oqg HlcUoi F-IUd E"Md F-Mrfl F-M41 tr tr tr Il&le Itfi efr edp.h edrler@ma.com E"M.fl F.Digonimr dego@tnqlcae{y.o:qg ftlchryd E &ditoht & WG.lry.A" Enclfiotrrt Cmocoo o Crrtl Prgc 4 Richard E. Kluckhohn's & Wesley A. Kluckhohn's Comments on Case I Page 5 MiomTcc.hnologrlrc. Jim Swier iryie@ois,ros,ca@ Austin Rues&hoff darueschhof @hollandharrcom Thorr.ldA. Neboa tnelson@trollandhart.com acleet@hollaodhart.com Indutrid C.u*omcrr of ldeho Pomrr PeterJ, Richardaoo Richar&oo A.t"mc, pLLC @ Rurrc[ Scficiroeicr buyhay@gmailcom Xilri Lcr[crt.Ttdrdl ktinsv@cox.net ABC Pmcr ComparyIJC Ryan Bushland ktinsv@cornet C.oactEncr15r, IJ.C George Suotoo George.strntoo@cometeoergr.biz Idrhomc Sohr, IJ.C Tyler Grmge tyler@i&homesohr.corn E-Ivleil E-Mail E-M.il E-Mait E-Mril E Mnl E Marl tr tr tr il NrtailEl(kch,b&t Richard E. Kluckhoho Rich.rd E Eucl&olnts & Vcsleyrl &ckhohn'r C.oracatr on C..e l Pegc 5