HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210818Petition to Intervene.pdf'.,,1.. i-' . \ rrt-t la, ! -::li ii,lrL':;Richatd E. Kluckhohn WesleyA. Kluckhohn 2564W. Patkstone Dr. Meddian,lD 83646 Telephone (208) 9 41 -4186 Facsimile Q08) 577-5756 kluckhohn@gmail.com IN THE MAT:TER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO INITIATE A MULTI-PHASE COLT-ABORATTVE PROCESS FOR THE STUDY OF COSTS, BENEFITS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY ASSOCIATED \UTITH CUSTOMER ONSITE GENERATION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-21-21 RICHARD E. KLUCKHOHN'S & ITESLEY A. KLUCKHOHN'S PETITION TO INTERVENE COMES NOW, Richard E. Kluckhohn and WesleyA. Kluckhohn, heteinafter rcferred to as "Intervenors" ot the "Kluckhohns" and pursuant to the Rules of Procedute, Rules 7l through 75 IDAPA of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission') and hereby petitions the Commission for leave to intervene hetein and to appear and participate herein ^s ^p^rt!.In support of said Petition to Intervene the ICIP says as follows: INTRODUCTION - BACKGROI.]ND Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power') initiated this docket onJune 25,2021., fot the purposes of, inter alia, iflitiating a multi-phase process fot a comprehensive study of the costs and benefits of on-site generation. PETITION TO INTERVENE The name and ad&ess of Intervenors are: Richard E. Kluckhohn Wesley A. I(luckhohn 2564W. Parkstone Dt. Meridian,ID 83646 Q08) 9410-4186 kluckhohn@r'mail.cont Richatd E. Kluckhohn's & Wesley A. Kluckhohn's Petition to lntervene I Page 1 Intervenors are individuals receiving electricity utility services from Idaho Powet. Intervenors clarm a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding in that the economics and ability of the Kluckhohns to participate in on-site generation ptoject *ill lik"ly be affected by the outcome of these ptoceedings. Please provide copies of all pleadings, production requests, production responses, Commission orders, and othet documents to the name and ad&ess above. In the interest of conserving natural resorfces and reducing the costs to all parties, please ptovide all documents via electronic mail in accordance with IPUC Rules The natue and quality of Intervenors intervention in this proceeding is dependent upon the nature and effect of other evidence in this proceeding. If necessary, may introduce evidence, cross-examine witnesses, call and examine witnesses, and be heard in argument. The natute and quality of evidence which this Intervenor will introduce is dependent upon the nature and effect of othet evidence in this ptoceeding. Without the opportunity to intervene hetein, this Intervenor would be without be without any means of participation in this proceeding witch may hle a material impact on the ability of the Intervenor to engage in on-site genetation ptojects. Granting this Intervenor's petition to intervene will not unduly broaden the issues nor will it prejudice any pafty to this case. WHEREFORE, the I(luckhohns, customers of Idaho Power, respectfrrlly requests the Commission grant this petition. Richard E. Kluckhohn's & Wesley A. Kluckhohn's Petition to Interyene I Page 2 DATED this 18s &y of August2027.. Respectfully submitted, / sl Ncbard E. Kuckhohn Richatd E. Kluckhohn / s/ IVeslm A. Klackhohn Wesley A. Klucldrohn CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on August 18,2027, a true and corect copy of the above and foregoing document was forwarded ad&essed as follows via eMail: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan Noriyuki,, Commission SectetarF secre tary@Fuc. idaho.gov ian.nori)'uki@puc. idah o.gov Edck Shaner erick. shanet@puc.idah o.gov Idaho Power Company Lisa D Nordstrom Connie Aschenbtenner lnord s tro m @.idahoo<-rwer. co m caschenbrenner@idahopou,'er.com dockets@idahooower.com Dr. Don Reading dre ading@ nin dspring. co m Idaho Consenration League BeniaminJ. Otto bo mo(Eidah oconservation.ors Idaho Irdgation Pumperc Association, Inc. Eric L. Olsen elo(Eechohau'k.com Anthony Yankel tonv(2vankel.net Idahydto cf oTomArkoosh Tom. arkoosh@ arkoosh. com Erur. cecil@arkoosh.com E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mait x X Richatd E. Kluclirhohn's & Wesley A Kluckhohn's Petition to Interyene I Page 3 Roclry Mountain Powet Ted \U7eston Ted.weston(Doacificom.com Yvonne R Hogle Yvo n n e. h o sle (A.o acifico m. co m Vote Solar Briana Kobet b rixta(d.v ote s o lar. ors David Bender db ender(Eearthius tice.ors AlLuna aluna@earthiustice.org Nick Thoqpe nthom e(Eearthustice. ors City of Boise City M*y R Grant boisecitvattomev(Dcitvo fboise.ors EdJewell ei ewell(E citvo fbois e. ors Idaho Sierm Club KelseyJae Nunez kelsev(Dkelsevi anunez.com Lisa Young lisa.vouns(Esierraclub.ots Mike Heckler Mich ael. o. h e cklet (D omail. c o m Linsay Beebe lindsav.beebe(Dsierraclub.ors Idaho Clean Enetgy Association Mike Heckler mike (DcleanenerwoDDortunitie s. com Coutney White c o urtnev@cleanenerwoDD ortunities. com BeniaminJ. Otto b o tto (E idahocon servation.ors Kevin King s taff(Eidahocleanenerel.ot g KelseyJae kelsev@kelseviae.com E-Mail E-Mail E-Mait E-Mail E-Mail x x x Richard E. Kluclihohn's & Wesley,{" Kluckhohn's Petition to Interene I Page 4 Northwest Ene4y Codition F. Diego Rivas diego@nwenergy.org Micton Technology Inc. Jim Swiet iswier(Emicrofl.com Austin Rueschhoff darueschhoff@hollandhart. com Thonrald A. Nelson tnelson(Dhollandhart. com acleet@hollandhart. com gigatgano-amari@hollandhart. com Industdal Customem of ldaho Powet PetetJ. Richatdson Richatdsoa Adams, PLrc oeter(Drichatdsonadams. com - Russell Scheitmeiet buvhav(O.smail.com - E-Mait E-Mail E-Mail E-Meil x x sl RicbadEKuckbobt Richatd E. Kluckhohn Richad E. Kluchohn's & Vesley A Kluckhohn's Petition to Intenrene I Page 5