HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210819Certificate of Service-Updated.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO PO\DrER COMPANTS APPLICATION TO INITIATE A MULTI-PHASE COLI.ABORATTVE PROCESS FOR THE STUDY OF COSTS, BENEFITS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY ASSOCIATED WITH CUSTOMER ONSITE GENERATION CASE NO. IPC-E-21-21 CERRTIFICATE OF SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Richard E. Kluckhohn & STesley A. Klucldrohn hereby HEREBY CERTIFY that on August 78, 2027, a true and correct copy of the Richard E. Kluckhohn's & Wesley A. Kluckhohn's Petition To Intervene and this Cetificate of Service, to be served to the following individuals via e-Mail: Richatd E. Kluckhohn Wesley A. Kluckhohn 2564W. Parkstone Dr. Metidian, ID 83646 Telephone Q08) 941-4186 Facsimile Q08) 577 -57 56 kluckhohn@gmailcom Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan Noriprki, Commission Secretary secretarv @ouc.idaho.sov ian.norinrki@o uc. idaho. s( )\- Erick Shaner crick.shaner@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Power Company Lisa D Nordsftom Connie Aschenbrennet ln ord s tro m @ id ah op ou.'e r. co m caschenbrenner@idahoporver. c<lm dockets@idah oDou'er.com E-Mail E-Mail x E-Mail x Dr. Don Reading dreading@ mindspruig. com Richatd E. Kluckhohn's & Wesley A. Kluckhohn's Certificate of Seryice I Page 1 Idaho Conseryation League BenfarninJ. Otto b otto(Oidahoconservation.ore - Idaho hdgation Pumpem Association, Inc. Etic L. Olsen elo@echohawk.com Aothouy Yankel tonv@vankel.net Idahydto cf oToaArkoosh Tom.atkoosh@arkoosh.com Erin.cecil@arkoosh.com Rocky Mountain Power Ted l7eston Ted.weston@oaci6.com.com - Yvonne R Hogle Yvo nn e.ho sle (A.o acificorD. com Vote Solar Bdana Kobet b izna(d.v ote s olar. orp - David Bender dbended2earthiustice.oro - AlLuna alun{d.exthi us tice. orq - Nick Tholpe nthome(Eearthustice. oro - E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail x x Richatd E. Kuckhohn's & WesteyA Kluckhohn's Certificate of Senrice I Page2 City of Boise City M"ry R.Grant boisecitvattomev@.ciwofboise.ors EdJewell ei ewell(Dcitvo fboise. ors Idaho Siera Club KelseyJae Nunez kelsev(2kelsevi anunez. com Lisa Young lisa.young@sieraclub. otg Mike Hecklet Michael.n.heckler(2omail. com Linsay Beebe lindsav.beebe@siertaclub.ors Idaho Clean Energy Association Mike Hecklet mike (Dclean enerwoDDortunities. co m Courtney White courtnev(Dcleanenerwooo ornrnities. com Ben,aminJ. Otto botto(Eidahoconsen'ation.ors Kevin King staf f (d.idah ocle an en e rel. ors KelseyJae kelsev@kelseviae.com Idaho Solat Ownets Netwotk Joshua Hill i o shuas hill@.smail. com tottens (Dam sid i aho. com Northwest Enetgy Coalition F. Diego Rivas diego@.nwenergy.org E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail x x x Richard E. Klucldrohn's & Wesley A. Kluckhohn's Certificate of Serice I Page 3 Micton Technology Inc. Jim Swier iswiet@.micron.com Austin Rueschhoff darueschho ff@hollandhatt. com Thorvald A. Nelson tnels on(O.hollandhart.com acle et(d.hollzrn d h art. c om gigargano -amari@hollandhart. com Industdal Custome$ of Idaho Powet PetetJ. Richatdson Richatdsoo Adams, PLLC oetet(2richardsonadams. com Russell Scheirmeiet buyhay@gmail.com E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail sl NcbmdE Richatd E. Kluckilrohn Richatd E. trOuckhohn's & WesleyA Kluckhohn's Certificate of Sen'ice I Page 4