HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210804Petition to Intervene.pdfl :t. il : i :.i i.:j'ii . -: . 1,, |.} . --r. r:/.! !t/\ti.1r r- ''r I lt lirj'\r,?tv.! Board President of the Idaho Clean Enerry Association BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Kevin King P.O. Box 2264 Boise, Id.83702 208-850-0880 staff@idahocl eanenergy. org IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO INITIATE A MULTI.PHASE COLLABORATIVE PROCESS FOR THE STUDY OF cosTs, BENEFTIS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY ASSOCIATED WITH CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION r i. OtJ o, lin...,; r-.,-.r H llj rJ. CASE NO. IPC-N-?L2I PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE IDAHO CLEAN ENERGY ASSOCIATION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMES NOW the Idaho Clean Energy Association ("ICEA")) and hereby requests leave to intervene in the above captioned matter pursuant to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure, IDAPA As discussed below, ICEA has direct and substantial interests in these proceedings, and therefore should be granted intervention. l. The name of this intervenor is: Kevin King P .O. Box 2264 Boise, [d.83702 208-850-0880 staff@idaho cl eanenergy. org Mr. King is the President of the ICEA Board of Directors. ICEA is a non-profit corporation in Idaho. Pursuant to IDAPA rule 43 Mr. King can represent ICEA as an officer of the corporation in this adminisfrative proceeding to design a study of distributed energy values. This is not a quasi-judicial proceeding that adjudicates the legal rights or duties of a party. Please provide copies of all pleadings, production requests, production responses, ICEA PETITION TO INTERVENE Commission orders, and other documents to the name and address above. [n the interest of conserving natural resources and reducing the costs to all parties, please provide hard copies of pleadings, testimony, and briefs only. Production requests, responses, notices, Commission orders, and other filings may be submitted via electronic mail in accordance with IPUC Rules 2. Idaho Clean Energy Association claims a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding on behalf of our members who provide distributed energy products and services to Idaho Power customers. Idaho Power's proposal here directly impacts ICEA member's business by proposing new methods to value the products and services they offer to Idahoans. Further, Idaho Power states clearly this docket is the first of a series that will lead to new proposals for distributed energy system rates and programs that will dictate ICEAs member's ability to conduct a viable business in Idaho. Status as an intervenor is necessary for the ICEA to effectively protect our member's interests in a viable distributed energy systems program at Idaho Power. By responding to Idaho Power's petition, ICEA will not unduly broaden the issues. 3. ICEA intends to fully participate in this matter as a party. The nature and quality of ICEA's intervention in the proceeding is dependent upon the nature and effect of other evidence in this proceeding. If necessary ICEA may introduce evidence, be heard in argument, and call, examine, and cross-examine witnesses. ICEA may seek intervenor funding pursuant to IDAPA 31.01.0r.161-16s. WHEREFORE, ICEA respectfully requests the Commission grant this petition. DATED this 4ft day of August2}2l. Respectfully submitted, 4,1/L/)? Idaho Clean Energy ICEA PETITION TO INTERVENE 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on this 4th day of August202l,I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing PETITION TO INTERVENE to the following persons via the method of service noted: Kn*r;, Kr;r-' Idaho Clean n"@GiEffi Electronic mail only (See Order 34781): Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan Noriyuki, Secretary secretary@puc. idaho. gov Idaho Power Lisa D. Nordstrom Connie Aschenbrenner lnordstrom@idahopower. com caschenbrenner@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC p eter@ri chardsonadams. com Dr. Don Reading dreading@nindspring. com IdaHydro C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Office Tom. arkoosh@arkoosh. com Erin. cecil@arkoosh. com Idaho Conservation League Ben Otto Idaho Conservation League botto@idahoconservation. org ICEA PETITION TO INTERVENE 3