HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220516Reply Comments.pdfRose Monahan (CA 329861) (Pro Hac Vice) Sierra Club Environmental Law Prograrn 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oaklan4 CA946l2 (4ts)e77-s7M rose. monahan@sierraclub. org IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO RECOVER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE JIM BRIDGER POWER PLANT ;irililvilD iii':? r:;.Y i 5 $.?,i 9: h0 )) CASENO. TPC-E-21-I7 ) ) JOINT REPLY COMMENTS OF ) IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE ) AND SIERRA CLUB ) nrirl,iiss Attornqt for Sierra Club Benjamin J. Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6ft Street Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto @idahoconservation. org Attornqtfor the Idaho Conservation League BEFORE IDAIIO PTIBLIC UTILITIES COMIVISSION Idaho Conservation League ("[CL") and Sierra Club respectfully submit the following reply comments in the above captioned matter in order to highlight the broad agreement arnongst the commenting parties on a number of issues. First, both Staffand Boise Citynoted, as did ICL and Sierra Club, the importance of Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company'') securing a firm exit date from Jim Bridger. In fact, Commission Staffrecommended that the Commission "[r]eject the Company's request to change rates at this time[,]" in part, because "ldaho Power does not have an agreement with its operating partner to exit [Jim Bridger] early."r ln a similar vein, Boise City recommended that Idaho Power "immediately begin work to negotiate oon or before' closure dates with PacifiCorp."2 and further noted that "establishing exit date parameters when approving ratemaking treatment provides clear expectations for the medium-term and is a good practice that furthers ratepayer interests by providing rate certainty and stability."3 These comments reinforce ICL and Sierra Club's position, namely that the Commission should not guarantee Idaho Power accelerated rate recovery if the Company cannot guarantee that it will accelerate its exit from Jim Bridger. Importantly, the point here is not to dissuade Idaho Power from exiting Jim Bridger. As noted by Industrial Customers of Idaho Power ("ICIP-), Idaho Power is engaged in "laudable efforts to respond to the deteriorating economics of maintaining a coal fired generation fleet."4 Rather, the Commission should incentivize Idaho Power to secure a firm, enforceable exit agreement with PacifiCorp as quickly as possible by making clear that Idaho Power will not be granted rate recovery on its investments in Jim Bridger until it can guarantee the promised customer benefits of early exit from the plant. As ICL and Sierra Club recommended, any final order in this proceeding should be explicitly conditioned upon Idatro Power securing a firm exit plan with PacifiCorp. ICL and Sierra Club further support Staff s recommendation that no changes to rates be implemented prior to securing that agreement. Second, many parties noted the potential rate impact of Idaho Power's request and encouraged the Company to evaluate lower cost financing options, including securitization. For I Commission Staff Opening Comments at 12, ll. 2 Boise City Opening Comments at 3. 3 Id.4Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Opening Comments at 2.Idaho Power's efforts to exit Jim Bridger and transition to a clean energy fleet was similarly supported by Micron Technology, Inc. See Micron Technology, Inc. Opening Comments at 2. instance, Boise City noted that although "the Company proposes to generally follow the procedure for early retirement and financial treatment of the Valmy Plant, it is important to recognize the proposed accelerated depreciation schedule for the Bridger Plant results in an annual rate increase that is more than twenty times greater than resulted from the accelerated depreciation of the Valmy Plant."s ICIP also noted that Idaho Power's current application has been "pancaked" with Idaho Power's most recently filed annual PCA rate case, which similarly seeks to significantly increase retail rates.6 Both of these parties recommended that Idaho Power evaluate and potentially pursue securitization of its remaining debt on the Jim Bridger plant as a viable financing option that would reduce customer costs.T As ICIP pointed out, secwitization may be appropriate for Idaho Power because the Company is currently holding too much equity and securitizationis unlikely to negatively impact Idaho Power's earning levels.8 ICL and Sierra Club's comments included analysis showing that Idaho Power could save customers at least $63.7 million if the Company pursued securitization.e This level of savings should prompt the Company to fully evaluate securitization and explain why accelerated depreciation is preferable to securitization. Finally, both Clean Energy Opportunities for Idaho ("CEO") and Boise City stressed the importance of carefully considering the prudency of Idaho Power's prior investrnents in Jim Bridger.l0 CEO's comments specifically noted the controversy surrounding Idaho Power's 5 Boise City Opening Comments at 2. 6 ICP Opening Comments at 2. 7 Boise City Opening Comments at 4; ICIP Opening Comments at 2-5. E ICF Opening Comments at 4-5. e See ICUSierra Club Joint Opening Comments at32-35; ICUSierra Club Attach. 9. r0 Clean Energy Opportunities for Idaho Opening Comments at PDF p. 5 (urging the Commission to evaluate not only Idaho Power's return o/its expenditures on SCRs at Jim Bridger but also its retum or those expenditures). Boise City Opening Comments at 2 ("Boise City believes the prudency determination is a critical part of this proceeding and recognizes the need to assess both the individual expenses incurred at the Bridger Plant and the system ofcontrols in place between the Company and the plant co-owner, PacifiCorp, to ensure any costs approved here are reasonable."). decision to install selective catalytic reduction ("SCR") pollution controls at Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 and the lack of clear notice to the public that those costs could now be potentially put into rates.lr ICL and Sierra Club agree that this Commission should carefully scrutinize Idaho Power's past expenditures, particularly its investment in SCRs at Jim Bridger. As ICL and Sierra Club's opening comments showed, the SCR decision was imprudent at the time it was made. As a remedy, ICL and Sierra Club continue to recommend that this Commission deny Idaho Power any return on its investment, which is similarly supported by CEO.12 ln conclusion, it is clear from the parties' comments that the Commission should take the following actions on Idaho Power's current application: 1. Deny any rate recovery until Idaho Power has secured a firm exit agreement with PacifiCorp allowing for Idaho Power's early exit from the Jim Bridger plant; 2. Direct Idaho Power to explain why it is not pursuing securitization of past, prudently incurred expenditures at Jim Bridger; 3. Carefully scrutinize Idaho Power's past investments in Jim Bridger, and ultimately find that the SCR investnent was imprudent. Dated: May 13,2022 Respectfu lly submitted, 18-f\'\,rr^^hr^- Rose Monahan (CA Bar No. 329861) Sierra Club F^ a*- Benjamin Otto (ID BarNo. 8292) Idaho Conservation League rr Clean Energy Opportunities for Idaho Opening Comments at PDF pp.2-4. t2 Id. at PDF p. 6 (noting that any decision on a return on investment for the SCRs should be made in a general rate case). CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certi$/ that on this 13ft day of May 2022,I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing JOINT REPLY COMMENTS OF SIERRA CLUB AND IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGIIE to the following persons viathe method of service indicated below. Electronic mail only (see Order 35375) Idaho Public Utilities Commtssion JanNoriyuki, Secretary secretary@puc. idaho. gov Commission Staff Chris Burdin chris.burdin@puc. idaho. eov Idaho Power Company Lisa D. Nordstrom Matt Larkin lnordstrom@idahopower. com mlarkin@ idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com Industrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC peter@richardsonadams. com Dr. Don Reading dreadine@mindsprins. com Idaho Cons ervation League Be4iamin J. Otto botto@idahoconservation. ore City of Boise Ed Jewell Boisd itvAttorney@citvofboise. ore ej ewell@cityofboise. org Clean Energt Opportunities for ldaho Michael Heckler Courbrey White mike@ cleanenereyopportunities. com courtney@ cleanenersyopportunities. com Kelsey Jae kelsey@kelsevjae.com Micron Technologt, Inc: Jim Swier iswier@micron.com Austin Rueschhoff ThorvaldA. Nelson Austin W. Jensen darueschhoff@ hollandhart. com trelson@hollandhart. com awj ensen@.hollandhart. com aclee@hollandhan.com sl garganoamari@hollandhart. com /s/ Rose Rose Monahan Sierra Club Environmental Law Program 2101 Webster St., Suite 1300 Oakland, CA946l2 Phone: (415)977-5704 rose.monahan@sierraclub. org