HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220427Comments.pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 zuCHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N.27th Sffeet Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-223 6 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richaardsonadams.com TN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRTC SERVICE TO RECOVER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE JIM BRJDGER POWER PLANT. i ;..;. I i. ir) : ,.'-t I , '-! i-. l Attorneys for the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO.IPC-8.21.I7 COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER Pursuant to that Notice of Amended Application in Order No. 35340 issued on March 10, 2022, by the [daho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission" or *PUC'), the Industrial Customers of ldaho Power (*ICIP") hereby provide its Comments on ldatro Power Company's ("Idaho Powe/'or the "Power Company") Amended Application ("Application") in the above captioned matter. I LARCE RATE TNCREASE Idaho Power seeks to increase its retail rates by over two percent in order to recover the early termination costs associated with the accelerated depreciation of all of its coal-related invesfrnents at its partially-owned Jim Bridger Coal Plant ("Bridger"). Specifically, the COMMENTS OF THE TNDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER IN CASE NO. IPC-8.21-17 _ PAGE 1 Company is seeking to increase rates to recover increased annual revenues in the amount of slightly morc than twenty-seven million dollars a year from June 1,2022 through December 31, 2030, or approximately two hundred and thirty million dollars from its ratcpayers over the next eight and one halfyears. II PANCAKED WITH OTHER LARGE RATE INCREASES Idalro Power also recently filed its annual PCA rate case (lPC-E-22-ll) in which it seeks to increase retail rates by an additional one hundred and three million dollars for just the coming PCA year (June l, 2022throtgh May 31,2023). ldaho Power is seeking to recover both of these enonnous rate increases at the same time with no efTort to mitigate or ameliorate the negative impact of such increases on its ratepayers.l The implementation of the PCA has a disparately larger impact on high load factor customers (such as industrial users) than on other rate classes who have relatively poor load factors (such as residential or small commercial customer classes). Thus, the retail rate impact of the combined PCA and the Bridger rate increases will cause an immediate thirteen percentage increase in the Schedule 19 (ICP) customers' rates. Short of disallowance of the company's legitimately incurred power supply expenses and/or disallowance of is laudable efforts to respond to the deteriorating economics of maintaining a coal fired generation fleet there are, admittedly few palatable rate mitigation tools in the regulators' (or regulated utility's) tool-box. One such mitigation tool is the regulatory concept of securitization. Til SECURJTIZATION One effective and reliable rate mitigation tool that has not yet been addressed in this (or the PCA) docket is securitization of the rate increase and related financing of the secured amount I See direct prefiled testimony of Ms. Brady in IPC-E-22- | I ap pp 3l - 32. COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRTAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER IN CASE NO. IPC.E-zI.I7 - PAGE 2 through the issuance of utility-backed debt issuance(s). According to the National Regulatory Research Institute (NRRI), which is the research arm of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissions (NARUC) securitization has proven to be a beneficiat ratemaking tool:2 A gowing number of utilities have recovered necessary extaordinary costs at the lowest possible financing cost to ratepayers. Think of securitization as akin to a consumer refinancing their credit card debt with a home equity mortgage loan. By rcfinancing into a secured, higher-quality loan, the consumer can obtain a lower interest rate and significantly lower their borrowing costs over the life of the loan.3 Idatro Power has several securitization options available to it under Idaho Public Utilily [,awa - none of which have been addressed by the Power Company as the potentially viable rate- mitigation tools that they are. Some of the ldaho securitization statutes require the Power Company to initiate the securitization process while others are mone generic in natwe, requiring only that the Commission approve the issuance of securities by the utility in the'normal' oounrc of business. One or more of the several securitization options that are available to the Power Company may ultimately be identified as being effective at reducing both utility risk and ratepayer rate shocMrardship. It is important for all involved -- the Commission, Idaho Power and its ratepayers - to explore the available securitization options that may be able to mitigate these enormous rate increases to the greatest extent possible - and to do so in a manner consistent with good utility ratemaking practices. Idaho Power Company has failed to mention the securitiz,ation possibility in either of its applications (IPC-E-21-17 - Bridger or IPC-E-22-l I - the PCA). It is therefore left to this Commission to initiate the exploration of the securitization 2 Most recently ldaho Commissioner Kjellander served as President of NARUC. 3,VnR///VS/CHTS: Perspectives on Crilicql Policy lssues, "Managing Electricity Rates Amidst Increasing Capital Expenditurcs: ls Securitization the Right Tool? An Update. January 2019. 4 ldaho Code Title 6l Chapter 9 Issuance of Securities by Public Utilities: Idaho Code Title 6l Chapter lJ Energy Cost Recovery Bonds; Idaho Code Title 6l Chapter /6 Utility Cost Reduction Bonds. COMMENTS OF THE TNDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER IN CASE NO. IPC-E-21-17 _ PAGE 3 option as a potentially viable ratemaking tool to mitigate the rate shock impacts of the Company's application(s). IV TDAHO POWER'S FINANCES APPEAR TO SUPPORT THE SECURITIZATION OPTIONSs One of the obvious first questions that comes to mind in the face of a securitization option is what will be the impact of additional debt on the utility's balance sheet? ,For instance, if the utility has an excess of debt on its books, then securitization may not be a wise ratemaking step. Iq on the other hand, the utility has an excess amount of equity on its books, then securitization would not only mitigate the immediate rate impact of a potential rate increase, but it would help the utility to return to a more 'normalized' and rcasonablc debt-to-equity ratio. Idaho Power currently has an exoess of equity on its books such that additional debt will help the Power Company to re-balance its books to a more normalized 50% debt to 50o/o equity ratio. Idaho Power's current (as of Dec. 31,2021) capital stnrcture is reported by the Power Company as follows: Debt 45% &uity 55% Target 5E/ol50o/o Idaho Power's existing ratebase is slightly more than $3,500,000,(XX), which when multiplied by its 45%o debt equals approximately one and a half billion dollars in debt. The addition of two 5 All of the following data conceming ldaho Power's eamings, debt, and ratebase are found in the attached documents: "Earnings Conference Call 4th Quarter & Full Year 2021, February 17,2022" and "lnvestor Information, Spring 2022 Investor Outreach" both of which are published by ldaCorp. COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER IN CASE NO. IPC.E.2I-t7 - PAGE 4 hundred million dollars in more debt would barely move the needle as far as the Company's debt equity ratio is concerned. But more importantly than the relatively small size of a potential Bridger debt securitization is the fact that such a debt issuance will actually move the needle in the rieht direction as far as the Company's targeted 50/50 debt/equity ratio is concerned. Another legitimate question one may ask when analyzing a securitization option is what would be the impact on the Company's earnings. It appean that ldaho Power's earnings levels will not be negatively impacted by securitization of the Bridger accele,rated amortization amounts. As noted above, Idaho Power's balance sheet is already substantially over-weighted toward equrty with an equity position of 55%o as opposed to its target of 50%. Exacertating its over-weighted equity position is the Power Company's more-than-healthy retums on equity. For example, in 2021 Idatro Power earned 9.9o/o on its inflated equity position. Indeed, over the last five years, tdaho Power has never earned less than 9.9o/o on equity and has eamed as much as l0.l%. Moving to a more reasonable debUequity ratio of 50/50, with all other things being equal, should not negatively impact a regulated utility's r€turn on equity. v CONCLUSTON The above introductory discussion is designed to persuade the Commission, the Power Company, and other stakeholders to embark on a serious investigation into the question of whether a securitization of the Bridger accelerated depreciation amounts would be beneficial to both the utility (assured cost recovery) and its ratepayers (rate shock mitigation) - consistent with prudent utility ratemaking practices. Therefore, the ICIP respectfully request the Commission to convene the parties with instructions to explore the securitization options available to the power company with the goal of implementing the same to the extent they are determined to provide rate shock mitigation consistent with prudent utility practices. COMMENTS OF THE TNDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TN CASE NO. IPC-E-2I-I7 _ PAGE 5 7.h of #31 HARDSON ADAMS, PLLC I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 27th day of April a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing COMMENTS of the Industrial Customers of tdaho Power in Case No. IPC-E-21-17 was served, by electronic copy only, to: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission secretarv@ouc. idaho. eov ian.noriYuki@[ruc.idatro. sov IDAHO POWER COMPANY Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company lnordshom @ idahopower. com dockets@i dahooower.com Matthew T. Larkin mlarkin@idahopower.com COMMISSION STAFF Erick Shaner Deputy Attorney General Erick.shaner@puc. idaho. qov IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE Benjamin J. Otto botto@idahoconservation.ore CITY OF BOISE Ed Jewell Deputy City Attorney ejewel I @citvolboise.org boisec iwattomev@c ityofboise.org SIERRA CLUB COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER IN CASE NO. IPC-E-21-17 _ PAGE 6 Rose Monahan Ana Boyd rose.monahan@sicrraclub.orc ana.bovd(@sicmaclub.orc CLEAI\I ENERGY OPPORTUNIIIES FOR IDAHO Michael Heckler Courtney White Kelscy Jae mik@clenenemyopportunitics.com courtney@clcanenerf yopportunitics.ootrl kelserr@kelscvi ao.com IVIICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. Jim Swier Austin Rueschhoff ThorvaldA. Nelson AustinW. Jensen Holland & thrt dnrcsctrhoff @hol hndhart.com rrelson@hollaodhart.com awjenscn@hlladhailcom acl@hollandlurrcom slqaruanoamad@Iollandhart.com ISB # 3195 COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TNCASENO. IPC-E-21-17 _ PAGE 7 ,t lnvestor Information 5r.";r i,rr,,-,,) i.) :)':) i f ir:,'r:":i:,",,1.r; i.i i I i i' tr,;,--,r h ;vi ;:.:i. ri -i), ii :r[,r.r..)Slmcm 35rww Forwa rd-Looki ng Statements ll .ddhbn b thc hlstork l hform.tbn conblned ln thls p]$.nt Uon, thls pttscllt*bn @ot lns (rnd orel communlcrtlons mrdr by lDAoOfiP. ]nc. and ldaho m.v rndForm10{.ndM.n tcm.nt!Discrssion.ndf.tyrbof FlnandrlCotdltlonrndResultsofopcntonsandthcrtls&scdbedtheelnfmmtlmrtotlme. IDACORP.ndld.hoPosct h*twrr rir-,r' Table of Contents Company Overview IDAC(XP at a Glencc lncruaslnt Customcr Grow0r f,ele ld.ho Economlc Snapstrot Estlmatcd lGy Flmnclal & Opcntlry Metrlcs- 2022 Capltel Eryendlt'urc For€c.st Tot l SystGfii Rat B.sG Growth For.c.st Rerource Addltions to Address Gpacl$ I)e{ldts ldaho Pos€r Antldp.tcs Of,mllE 45'3 of B:lH common Stock DMdcnd Grcwth Susteincd Cost Control Hbtork ! Eamings GuHancc yt. Actu.l EPS Retrrm on Ycar-End Equfi Eamhgs Support/Rewnuc Shadnt Mcchenlsm Oean today. Oeaner tomorrow.' dcrn Energy Portfollo A Found*lon dClean Encr!, 1 2 3 Appendix Reccnt Exccutiw Chmgcs ld.ho Ptrc. Company 0vcMev icguhtory Commlssbnets Assumptlons Urcd - Lst ldeho Rete c.se Rc{dentlal & lndustrlal Average Ratcs lntef.td Rcsource Phn Fortcasts Contlnucd Growdt 2021 ldaho Pouer IRP Prcficncd Portiollo OpGr.tfE Crsh Flom, llguldlty, & C.plt l Strucrur. Dcbt Matutlty Profflc & Crcdh Radqs Al-nme Hl$ Summcr & WlntGr Pcll Demend Contmctcd Rcnewabb Encrfy Ptr{ccts ATradttbn oftust ln blllty Erperienced, Dlwne, Mostly lndegendcnt Dlrcctott DNvcrtlty ln terdetshlp 2021: Saiest Ycar on Rccord Our Commltmcfit to Our Orstom€R Our Crmmnmcnt to our Employees Hclls Gnyon RellcanCry HBr-Volt4e TnnsmBbn rhorects A-1 A-2 Ar3 A4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A.E A-9 A"l0 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-ltl A-15 A-15 A-17 A-18 A-1$20 13-14 1 5 6 1 t 9 10 11 L2 ilt 16 t7 35tmw IDACORP at a Glance IDACORP Financia! Snapshot{tr: Revenue: $1.45 billion Diluted earnings per share: $4.85 Annualized DMdends per share: $3.00 Return on Year-End Equity: 9.2% Net Utility Plant Assets: Idaho Power-$l.S billion 3EHilh ldaho Power Company Quick Facts: Vertically integrated energy company encompassing generation, transmission, and distribution >600k customers; 24k sq.ml. territory -71 percent of ldaho residents, 72 cilies;7 cities in Oregon lu A. ot.Dd ts th. yt r Gndcd l2l!V2@1" reB b. dlvl&ndr p6 rtEE, wtidr .E .muJl4d 6 of FcbMt] 2022. 14L,*utrve Year ifl*t EPS $4.95!DA LISTED NYSE Revenues by Customer Class ldcfi*ts leddsrUd 4r* CommcrcialE* 202L 35tmcm lncreasing Customer Growth Rate ldaho Power Gustomer Growth 2.8yO 610,000 6m,(xro 590,mO 5gl,(x)0 570,(m 550,m0 550,m0 540,0(x)I II 2017 lYcrr.mr{errl O0Meto New Enterprise Data Center 960k sq. ft. in Kuna, ldaho Expected to begin operations by 2025 9i.b RIYtr 201t zr19 2020 m21 aMoody's GDP Growth Projections ldaho Power's Service Area: 20222 5.9Yo2O232 4.9Yo l aloat i; t I j l!-)-nE ii i h tri 35lmcw Idaho Economic Snapshot* $9O.7 :"',t#"?:i,8941461,1"f;1ff;ir,'#,ervols H6 LonbWertor... Top D.cltlonal lndustrlcr AerLullrr. ElGt lcd EqJaPlnmt trrod hcdjctl.|I|(rhcrrirg s.IPpcn ActlYltb 'trtullctulng filluftclotl,rg amazon\.--r, a lnrIs, TRllE ITE$T JTop Emerglng lndustrbs * E triaDortrtkrl{.rlttcra SEEING POSSIBILITIES IN POTAIOESlvldrarheI|d Fcod afvlEaa XFood 38\ie xItlnlng S-Year Hlstork Job Growth 2017 2016 2019 2020 202n 1OO/O to-Ye.r Fq.castcd $55,8OO off;g'BEEF tsourct; Economlc ModGlrf spGcblat lnt rn tbn [ 2021 Qt, Drt!frlm lrs Burt u of Eono.nk Anabllr .rd uS Ocpartmnt of trbor Strtktlcr 35tmcm 2022 Earnings Per Share Guidance Estimated Key Operating Metrics (Millions Except Per Share Amounts) 2021 Actual2022 Estimates(1) ldaho Power Additional Amortization of Accumulated Defierred lnvestment Tax Oedits ldaho Power Capihl Expendlturcs, Ealuding Allomnce fur Funds Used Durlng fpnstrTuctisne) ($ As of Februry 1Z 2022.olonenmralbasB. None $ cso-s soo None S grs 35tmm Capital Expenditures Foreca5l(rl 2022 - 2026 (S Millions) ssoo s700 Seoo $sm $4oo s300 s200 s100 So 40u,,, overall i ne.rease slnce thP prevrou: S- year CagrEx forecast - - $:sPJt! Pgt rqql3lgese - - 2022 m23 m24 2025 u Dlstributlon {S12}S170M} -r }Wro (S7G$11OM! rTransmlsslon ($4C$70M1 rGcneral Plant (S50.975M) rThermd (SlGSsoMl lHEft volBeTransmlscon (S5-S10sMl r New capacty resouroes l2O?j2-2O251 (S15-S220M) Itl f. d FGhnry t7, 2tEl Soc p1r 56 of llUOOiPr 2mt fom ll,{ lbr r b'l tdom ol p[ql.d ty9.5 lrdu& h th. tf..t ftGcttt *iii" per year average previous 5 years 2026 35rmwIotal System Rate Base Growth Forecast(l $z.zo Se'o ss.s $s'o E sr.s iEirr S4.O s3.s s3.0 s2.s x6' g"/"9 So.9B 2011 Rate Case + Total Rate Bas€ EstimatelrnCley through 2021 S2.zB 2026 .PC.d b b. ln&d.d In @ bu, ld.ho h/r td rlm nE Daa @5 Bh arrorlm.ly 9S.a dltm bt th. sd o{ M, llt. p ri ulh rhldr ft ho h effitly ,odr Aib, aryarailm to b.32BM ol e b6. h 2oZtio. llldrdon plE h.E. 2022 2021 2024 2025 35lmcm Resource Additions to Address Capacity Deficits Idaho Power customer growth & transmission constraints outside Idaho Power's service area driving need for additional resources. Signed contracts for 120MW of storage, plus 40MW solar power purchase agreement to serve peak energ$r needs by summer 2023. Additional RFPs issued to solicit nesources to come on-line in 2024-2025 to meet identified capacity deficits of 85MW & 125MW. r I ,,ffi*s,1-+ hre _hnrrrq :fu.ht*a. l lF 101MW 85MW 125MW a ruH 2023 2024 2025 C.e.cfy Dddt 35tmcm ldaho Power Anticipates Owning 45% of B2H High-Voltage Line . Rellable . Afbrdable . Clean Approaching SSOO million of total system projected additional rate base by 2A26. ldaho Powe[ Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and PacifiCorp signed a non-binding term sheet in January 2022. Idaho Power would acquire BPA's share and own "45 percent of the line in the aggregate. ldaho Power and BPA expect to sign a commensurate long-term transmission service agreement intended to serve BPA's customers. a a fttm Common Stock Dividend Grow1fu(t) "At this time, manatement expects to recommend to the Board of Directors ftrture annua! lncreares ln the dlvldend of 5% or more, with the intent of remaining within our target payout ratio of between 6,0 and 70% of sustainable IDACORP earnings." Usa A. Grow, IDACORP President and Chief Executive Officer September t7,2021 ocs\ rate \sls $3.00 Oi'r'tdeod irrcrease 1$ Sz.E4 s2.6r s2.52 s2.36 I I I i I l I l iI i $dr 52.20 s2.O4 S1.88 ct4 a4 Q4 04 Cl4 a4 a{ q4 Q4 2013 2O1't 2Ol5 2016 20ll 2018 2019 2020 2021 5r.72 5o.rr So.ra so.43 to.47 I sr.s2 sr.zo sl3? I Iitliii ilLl Lr q4 Qr Q42011 2I)12 2012 so.51 I 'l.f a4 2015 Ti'i'i i'i i'i -i ii (r a4 a4 a{ cur cl4 2016 2017 201t 2019 2020 2021 so.30 I a4 2011 I q1 a4 a4 042012 20tZ 2013 2014 Quaterly Dividend PerShare Annualized Dividend Per Share (1)See IDACORPS mo6t rac€nt Annual Report on Form 1GX for a discussion of factoG that may affect dividends. 35lmcm Sustained Cost Control 2Ot2-2022 O&M Expenses (S fUittions) Other Operating and Maintenanoe Expenses t400 lgso $3m lzso $zm tlso $100 $so $o Feb.L7,2O22 Guidance S3ss - S36s 2012 2013 mt4 201s 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 0 5954.s3ss.8Srng.e s346.7 s352.1s340. 35lmcomr 2010-2022 Earnings Per Share With Earnings Support Mechanism in Place 'Mid-Point of Opening EPS Guidance vs. Actuals*) ss.10 $l.go Sl.zo Sc.so $l.go $.ro 53.90 9r.zo $g.so 53.3o Sr.ro 52.so s2.7O F.lnrr1Z1|@2.Ot.lh3eI-.E I't&13!tx Mid-Point of Opening Guidance r Actual Diluted EPS J.!t *r - '- -.'-acl+ .rrlr tur0 tO-c '|-rl3t J 1 2010 2011 mt2 2013 2011 2015 2015 m,,7 2018 2019 MO mzt 2@2 .i:pnrantslhcn*&golntoflo conPsoeatilnaEPlsauld.nc!-baa.dornonndwordrlErcondloona ffid..,ur.hEt{tttr.uL.ucrffiifrfrisb 35tww Return on Year-End EquityEretzr tgx tx ffi a* tx ox 20t7 2018 2019 2020 2021 THilht2r LOX gx ffi 4* tx w Shuhonc Folls, neorTwln Folls, ldoho 2 2017 201t 2019 2020 2021 9.9%to.t%9.9% 35lmcm Ea rn i ngs Su pport/Reven ue Sharing Mechanism:lf ldaho ROE < 9.496 Support th. Mechanism Continues Beyond a Rate C,ase Ability to utillze up to $zs million of addltlonal ADITCs annuallyb .drlcue.,Mlf the ldaho Public Utilities Commission were to approve a change to ldaho Power's allowed annual ldaho ROE as part of a general rate case proceeding, earnlngs support llne reverts to 95% of the newh authorized ldaho ROE. As of December 31, 20zl-,ldaho Power had utilized $0 of $45 million available. SItmrorp Earnings Support/Reven ue Sharing Mechanism: $rZe.S million shared with ldaho customers since 2AO9, including 568.1 million reduction in customer pension obligations. I Customer Benefit per 51:ffiffiffi *rr.,.ratr**. & ffirftfu},"\"-l' ff\f. : )\.4/ ?ondonot$on r.&rdoi@futrtrrt ltducibn ldaho Power Benefit per $1:@,S ffi @#ffi ({ A5 of ffirfly 17, 2O2, ldrh Porrr oorcr no not dr.rr ln 2OUl pu.sEnt b Ord.r tlo. :11965. i.&ro on yrrrcnd .qdty ln th. ld.ho lurldldon (ltho fOEl ll,.of h drc ld tcnGr.l r.b cr.c. 3Stmcomr llean todav, Cleaner tomo LOO% Ctean Eneigy by 20a5 rro\u Updated Coal Exit Tlmeline 1-4-----+---,.tt ,oo tor D rB 3lt3bclorzffi 8616 below 2qt5 t0l3dcn +-&ra 2021 lRP load Forccast us. Prlor lRPs ..JI,@ 'tlp arrfr plma m,Gb[ tllf dorir rtiiltdJlm i{{t'tnltt br{l.rtio.nrs.r of unpdm ld uo+rrmg ahsu h rh 'P,llqrfEd Ma r.1r rnt.I'tar.e!mln dorEollllo.d lu mll.E opu6t .id B rtFd b rfdrc.V H'!d rlddr|r. IEGG Emlsslon Reductlon TarFts AlEned wlth Parls Agreement gtortE nt Mcdlum.terrt{RP{ccd Loll3{ern 5 NS 2030 2045 2021lRP 2019 rRP 2017]RP Rctrll Sales (Bn dMWh) 2.6* 13r L1r Annual Pcrk (PcrkOomrnd! 2.1% t.4x 1.5r Retail S.les (Blllcd Mwh) t.4% 1.otr 0.916 Annual Pcrk lF!.kDemndl 1.4% L.2% L.4% CO, Emissions i lntensity Reduction Target Year $Ycrr?oocated &uud ffirBrh l$ttsrGqurudSrrt Gmr$*rtt Clean Energy Portfolio 1t.- ,'iarkr-: P,,tr iitase: r f i.,,| ) .\t'"' Hydroelectric Wind 11.1o/o l-Mroelecrir 32.5o/o NATIONAL AVERAGE t.t (oal 167",berr il tttr rt lalt 8ir.,r'rl.ri1. 3 OIir,, iCL-t'l 35lmcm A Foundation of Clean Energy 64% Clean Sources Today 2021rRp ptansfior w sHtilGlolt fftEGOt a :0 IDAHO aloirr ffin Sourr.r.rdCaFald.s a Hydroelecrric l,9at,9Mw I coal 920.2 Mw 0 ilatunlcs 752.2t w a Solar' 315.0 MWI wind . ,2&o rrw O Di.r.l 5.0MW - Grothen.l t5.O MW t glom:s 21.0 MW O Col.neBtion f8.0MW Odrer 5.0 MW 4,759.1MW * f,EvAIrA UIA}I : 'blpiilr&um ti.nt F.EilddItaat.Hffi, dra@iF.nhilt.ltGaEifmrslldlha6&blt{rriFEBrdlairffi Coal Edt by 2028 Jim Brldgsr Endlng Coal 2028 llorth Valmy Endlng 2025 Boardman Shut Diln 2020 Dccrtegld ldaho Powcr Coel{red Gcncratlon a!-Es =- t , 6 5 a t2G N' M 2m,1 2013 2015 2017 1019 2El 9a 0 (_ O i ---j .l\i II II F.lb' _) wYomtre t Sn.b Pocatllloa 7 Stmcm 35truw Recent Executive Changes Steuc !(cen IDA@RP Senior Vlce President Announced retirement, intended to be efiective October L,2022 after4(} years of servlce. Brlan Buclfiam IDACORP Senlor Vlce President & Chief Flnancial Officer Appolnted to succeed Keen as Chief Financial ffi cer, effective March L,2O22. Pat ]lanltEton IDACORP Vice PresidenL General Counsel & Corporate Secnetary Appointed to succeed Buckham as Vice Presidenl General Counsel, effective March L,2O22 r-1 k$lrv''l;l' ldaho Power Company Overview ldaho Power Genere$on 1 798 I MW Hyoro (17 Facilitres) 920 2 MW Coal (2 Plants) 7622 MW Natural Gas (3 Plants)5 MW Diesel (l Facility) 3.486 3 Total MW (-S,"r., st"u"n-l [_ 23 ,n ,.r,,"" ) fTransmlsston lineJI l.a4s mit"s ot II nign-vottase I [- kansmission lines ) [-curtomc]l I ^, ot Dec 31 202 I more rnanI ooo ooo rerarr cusromersL Dlstdbutlon to Businesses fsrrt t* I [_eoa ,ro.r"oonrJ Natunl Gas Plant Coal Plant Hydrcclectrk Dam StrfUp Tnnsiormcr StcpDou,n Transiormcr f -or,ritr,,on t-inrr-lI za.szo m,tes ot I [_ aistriburron trnes )5IsHh.Dlstilbutlon to HomcsDW@ As of December 31., 2021 35rmconp Regu latory Com missionent Gunmbdoncr EricAnderson Jdrn Chatbum John Hammond rtnnEryhca }ffi 2025 Republlcan 2023 Republlcan 2027 Democrat Appolnted to Stag83rcd EtbarTerms Gommhdoner MarkThompson Megan Decker Letha Tawney IUrn Fofflkd P.rtyErplrcs AffilL0on z0ix3 Republican 2025 Democrat 2024 Democrat Appolnted to Sb3gsred tl-Year Tcrms r-3 Oregcn 35tmcm Assumptions Used Last ldaho Rate a Metric lmplied Return on Equity Allowed Return on Rate Base Rate Base (including Langley Gulch) lmplied Capital Structure Date of last general rate update in ldaho (including Langley Gulch) to.o% 7.86% Sz.z gillion 50% Equity / 50% Debt July 1, z0tz 14 h*tifsrJx."r' Residential & lndustria! Arerage Rates Summer Average Rates (cents / kilowatt-hour) lnductrlal Resldentlal so.08 So.oz so.oe So.os So.o+ S0.14 So.rz I I I I I I I $o.ro i I $o.oa20t7 2018 2019 mm m2l - ldaho Power -NatlonalAverage(r) 2017 2018 ---- ldaho Power 2019 2020 2021 -]1|2li66l 35lmcorur lntegrated Resource PIan (lRP) Forecasts Continuing Growth 2O2l IRP load Forccast vs, Prior lRPs RetallSales Annual Peak RetallSales Annual kak (Bllled MWhl (Pcak Demandl (Bllled MWhl (Peak Demandl 2021tRP 2.6%2.1%1.4%1.4% 2019 tRP 1..3%1.4%t.o%t.zyo 2017 tRP 1..L%1.6%o.9%1.4% F5 S-lbar Forecasted Annual Groufth Rate 2GYear Forecarbd Atilrd Growth Rite o emingwoy CdE Sbr.fp kangnission Eernand faspsrcc Cdl EIlr SSlm tar Std 2O2I ldaho Power IRP Preferred Portfolio &2 ,,na & 2@5 204 an M t@l l@ tGt 2Gl 283 tGa &5 2G6 2G? 2Bt 2G9 fr 7rd Tl0 il a5 x5 lro ,m tllt 5 lot 5 36 255 55 55 55 l0 r50 s s5 106 ll5 55 55 il 20 b F57l F6t E?rl t5, il (.5r, Reliable Afbrdable Clean ro ts t0 o 7m l,&t L6ts :il /E0 o.{ a a D L,,ffi11.,,dtit nrnru, 35lmcw Operating Cash Flows, Liquidity, & Capital Structure (millions) IOACORP Net Cash Prwided by Operating ActMtles Rerclvlrg oedlt Faclllty- E.plrcs Deoember 2025 Commerclal Paper Outstandlng ldrnfif,ed fur Oher Usctrl Total 2@t s 363.3 min s 388.1 Gapltal Struc{urc as of Il,ecember 31,2021 DGbt EqulU TeEEt 43r 57Yo N/A 4SX 55% s 100.0 s 3m.0 ssxlffi r-8 (2421 $ 100.0 s 27sa PldalroE|,e.fi. ta hdIoErdhh,r htbtf Itoaraq|If.rqrhdrD uraErlt.Eilrtrur*ri.dciaarr..rh.rntrdtr.,lllbrCtt icn{ri.rurffi traftlrt Hbun*EJrhioilhDti.lr.{c Tlrrehre Months [nded Deccrnber 3f IDATI'BP ldaho Po*rr 35tmcm Debt Maturity Profile & Credit Rati (S ruillions) - as of L2/3L|2O2L ItloodfssePltiodt/s NegettveNegztlrc s&P BB8 b2 Stabh Current profile provides for significant flexibili$ in potential bond issuance and tenorLong-term lssuer Reting Sholt-Enn Orrdook A3 FAk2F2 Baal BBB Stabh L^mdna.b.nrtrnsrchgpl.tn fhnfeerlhnche nid.ndrkldonoilrfty Eeetu E EnH E EEE E &2 m3 &t M M M' M M 20S ZBt 26a 2A 28a 2G 2G6 28' !B 2BO r0lo 20aL 2oa' '010 20aa 20a5 20a5 20a? 20at 19 o6 Stmcm AII-Time High Summer & Winter System Peak Demand June 30, 2021 - 3,751 MW Prevlous Peak llutl7,2Ol7 -3,422 MW)3,E00 3,600 3,400 3.200 3,000 2,E00 2.600 '1.400 2,200 2,000 1,800 lanuary 6,2017 - 2,527 MW 9UirOI\r,(')ONotl?Ge.\.(\.NNNeccrcrcreeocrS0croclcroococrgo frot[)roF€oroocooc)c)ccroFocg6000c)ctoooooooocroooo Naarf(ro(, cr Hour of the clay "10 35rww Contracted Renewabl e Energy Proje \s of December 31, 2027 Crymllldon.rJ SlttrlPilrr Producrr(c!tPl: Wnd Solar lMtoporcr OthCf ToralcsPP r.m.GSPE Wnd Gedrcnm! Solar 1,137 Tdlno*CSFP 1:t6 ,20 ZlG 627 390 151 4 71 t 627 316 150 4 1,2L2 101 35 120 7S 120 101 95 r11 Total on-line (MW) Under contract but not yet on- line (MW) Total projects under contract (MW) Resource Type 35lmcm A Tradition of Sustainability fittltdl00E3€r.pc$/ OrGo*t0tGhrabr2Oas r' ncdud[otonEmbdonr/ ElccHfrtlSVchldlr r' CerlrU for OrAeirdc Rcsorrccr r' cadrf b]Qtt Employccr end lhclrSftyr' cerlll for 0rr Orbrncrr md Gonmunltbr' Ensuriu Grld Rcslllcncyrnd RdbH[fy ,"r' PromdBDlrcrCty,Equlty,and hdudon r' sAsBelcFoacporttrs Vbltiluoinc.eom/&q$-rr$it hsH0tr For information on ldaho Power/s rich tradition of envlronmental stewardship for the folloring areas: r' Conserving Flsh and Aquatlc tffc / Protecdng R.pto.s r' PreseMnt the Region's History / Protectlnt Wildlife Habitat r' caring for the snake River r' Our Commitment to Sustalnabllity Msit:IE!98!Eg.@lnlgE& crMronmcnt/cnvlrmmcntal*terardship/ rLl 35lmcm Experienced, Diverce, lndependent Directors cl-.rar* l* H d m 8.nlim& FlnmccHE !4F.1 lnbmetlo.r Est te ]lceltkrre Cmstructbn Edu6tim DIVERSITYGsider oa o o o / { o/ J I I / ! O { / o { o { a @rP,{E!s!4}@ rnd Rxi.VEdlnrc PERCENT TENURE Awate a AGf AEa3Co&A33 25 63.7 hd€9eod€ol 83**.,u,O - Commltbc Chalporon * - lndepcndmt Ghrlrman of thc Eorrd rLl PERCENT o aaa oalo a o aaoo a ,. oa o oaaoola a ao O' a l a !-o-!?"!_ a Snapshot of 2022 Directors Committees of the Board of Directors Dsr.rl T .lnder:on onull' ::l::tl Thonrr! [ CJr rla Rr(ha.d I Dahl I Amdk G alB lrsa A C,ow Roniid W ,rbs.n ludrlh A l()hin\en Dr.onri lohr'on leff C (rnncrvl)ruk Rrchdrd -l NJ!d.ro D. I!4nrx Peters Di recto r 35tmcm Diversity in Leadership Board Members . Wornen r Men Executives rlrl rWoatlen !Men Board Members ' Racial/Ethnic Diversity r Other Senior Management . Women I Men Our Commitment to Each Other Atldaho Powenwe are committed ta an inclusive environment where we are all volued, respected and given equol consideration for our contributions. We believe that to be successful as a comparyl we must be able ta innovote and adapt,which only happenswhenwe seek outand value diverse backgrounds, opinions and perspectives. Our callaborative environment thrtveswhenwe are engaged,feelwe belong and are empowered to do our bestwork We ore a stronger company when we stand together and embrace our dffirences. zsx l1r 35tmcm 2021: Safest Year on Record OSHA Recordable Rates Awarded EEI inaugural Thomas F. Farrel!, ll Safety Leadershlp and lnnov-ation AwardE ,.t it .,,i s'H $ iE-E[$lfrlrlr 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2m0 2016 20t7 2018 2019 2020 2021 Natlonal Averaget EE! (1k-<2k Employees) q ldaho Power 'ZEl d.t nd vlt.tdlrbh c of th. d.t of 0{r pr:rntrtlon 5afelv4itutfiruo ponruR, r15 35lmcm Our Commitment to Our Customers ldaho Power Received Some of its Customer Relationshio lndex (CRI)' CLEAN ENERGY Your My AccountHighest Customer Satisfaction Ratings 2OZl - 86.3Yo 2O2O - 86.00/o 20L9 - 85.7% 2018 - 86.3% 2Ot7 -:*,3.lYo tt in Company History : !xr.96%I in 2O2L , PtllLlS Beluw (irnnrerdal r15 I OtrO oea 3Slruw Our Commitment to Our Employees We work together. We build together. We stand together. Throughout ldaho Power's 100-year history our skilled and dedicated employees have remained the foundation of our company. They fulfill our commltments to customers, shareowners and each other today and every day. ldaho Power provides competitive pay and benefits and supports our employees through our values of safery integrity and respect and a healthy work-life balance. Together, we bulld a secure and healthy future. For more information on ldaho Power's employee benefits, please visit: idahopower.com/about-us/careers/what-we-off erl *17 35tmcm Hells Canyon Relicensing Application for Renewal of Federal License Three-dam complex on the Snake River, along ldaho and Oregon border Original license expired in 2fi)5 Annual Iicense renewal since orlgina| expiration Settlement order receired 2018 approving cost prudency of S216.5M Currently collecting Sg.g million of AFUDC annually as deferred rcvenues ldaho and Oregon filed rcspective water quality certlffcations under Section tm (CWA) in May 2019, clearing a path br FERC consideration Two thlrd party lawsults against Oregon Department of Envlronmental Quality challenging Oregon's CWA Section 40l certification based on fish passge, water temperature, and mercury issues associated with the Snake River and the HCC. ldaho Power intervened and parties have reached settlement. Annual costs (including AFUDC) to obtain new long-term license likely to range from SgOtvt-$COu unti! issuance of the llcense New SGyear rcquested license estimated as early as 2023, but more likely 2024 orthereafter Forecast of rellcense-related rate base (as of Feb. 17, 2O221: $293 million Hafls Cotry4 ldatto and @cgolir Mcr rlE 3Slmcm Boardman to Heminguray H igh-Voltage Transmission Line Project Joint fundlng agrcementJanuary 2012 for project pcrmltdlg coctr ldaho Power - 21%; BPA - 24%; PaclflCorp - 5596 Non-bindlng term sheet signed January 2022 regardlng ownershlp structure; would lnctrarc ldaho Porer's owncnhlp to -115!6; ldaho Power would dellver transmlssion seMce to BPA's customels across Southern ldaho Total ldaho Power svstem rate base expected to be -S500 milllon Upected ln-servlce date - no earller than 2026 Capacity: LmO MWeasttowest 1,050 MW west to east Total prcJect cost estimat€d between epprdmtly $f mfon rnd $1.2Ullbn, lneludlng ldaho Powe/s AFUDC, excludes lnflatlon and price changes of materials and labor resources followlng estimate date Fina! records of decision (ROD) issued by BtM, U.S. Forest Servlce & Department of Navy Thlrd party larvsults challenging BLM and U.S. Forcst Scrvlce RODs werc dlsmlssed, not appealed Oregon Departmentof Energy proposed order rccommendlng approral issued in July 2020 with final order and slte certlficaE expected in second haltot2022 .FqFn .klff. r-Jk sS'du 6, I r,,*^ t' lXs.r a I -.8l w l.ry t8l *P t* ,$r -- E#* 1 i *19 SImcm Gateway West High-Voltage Transmission Line Project il-t '6t 6l 6 \fJ-\ 4F t @ Ie 9.s €1 ti &b. Gko. .t t 6 Itg![U t, .sq*,3'fr" u ill ! E @ t' EJ - segmnro LS€qmnt I CI .ts{ sii EI r s.c,eds r.7d to - fflli#i,ilr.* A joint projeA between ldaho Power and PacifiCorp €ts Total cost for ldaho Power's share of project - between Szso million and 5450 million, including AFUDc Record of decision issued in November 2013 (Excluding segments I & 9) Record of decision by BLM for segments 8 and 9 issued in April2018 PacifiCorp recently constructed and commissioned a 140-mile segment of their portion of the project in Wyoming ldaho Power & PacifiCorp coordinating timing of next steps to best meet customer and system needs U.@ qs &ieEl t Ei r20 35rrnconp Contact Information Justin S. Forsberg Director of lnvestor Relations & Treasury (208) 388-2728 J Forsberg@idacorpi nc. com www.tD coRP[{c.col wwuJItAI{oPowERcil Earnings Conference Call 4ttt Quarter & Full-Year 2O2L 3IPrconr February 17,2022 ,r1i I I--i 35lmwForwa rd-Looki ng Statements IrVlDlg on th. tlobel .nd rcglon l e@nomy rd ldaho Poucr's buslnccsj (dl chrnaps ln ortoorrr trourtr r.t 6, .nd nhd chergcs ln loe&; {cl abmrm.l or smru m.ther condldom, f;lIPmomrLeadership Presenting Today llsaGrcw IDACORP Presldent & Chief Executive Offlcer Stan lGen IDACORP Senior Vlce Presldent &Chlef Financialfficer Brlan Buddnm IDACORP Senior Vice President & Genenl Counsel & lncomlng Chief Financlal Officer fttmEarnings Performance Three Months Errded December 3l- Yea r Ended December 31 Net income Average sharrs outstandlng - dlluH (00ds) Earnings per dlluted share 2A2t s 32,798 50,697 ?o20 S gzsoz 50,617 2027 2020 S 245,550 5 Z?1,4L7 50,645 50,572 $ o.6s s o.74 s 4.8s s 4.5e 2021: Safest Year on Record OSHA Recordable Rates SSlm Awarded EEI lnaugun! Thomas F. Farrell, ll Saftty leaderchlp and lnnoratlon Aw-ard 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 lll lu 20q, 2016 ?o.L7 2018 2019 r NatlonalAverage' r EEI (1k-<2k Employees) 20ar da notlrt rnlrblr u dth dro of ltdr grr..lrtrlloo.sef-ety4-thL'IEU0polyE, ll 20in 2027 r ldaho Power Our Commitment to Our Customers ldaho Power Received Some of its Customer Relationshio lndex (CRl)' SSlm CLEAN ENERGY YourWavForardby Eb|lDqF 7 My AccountHighest Customer Satisfaction Ratings in Company History in 2O2L 2021- 86.3% 2020 - 86.0% 2OL9 - 85.7Yo 20t8 - 86.3% 2tt77 - 83.1",, flrdmtul I'R(t :8erw ( munerual ooo aee 14 Straight Years of Growth in EPS( 3llm $q.er s4.5e ss.oo sl.so s+.zo 53.80 s3.40 52.60 Sz.zo S1.80 54.4e 7 ,LYo CAGR since 2OO7 s4.21 Ss.e4 53.oo S3.8s 53.87 s3.64 53.43 53.46 5g.m s2.58 52.17 s1.86 N7 2m 2m9 2010 2011 NU 2013 20L 201tt 2015 2tl7 201t mtg 2020 ,o,zt r{E.Inlqrpcr4lutrddrrr.2Gzr12d.t ..th6diofc{i!dof.dr.qph.@fdrrnchodfrlo @iPFhmdrlssvlc.s.ffbLhord4lnY.dm.nt.moirr.don. lncreasing Customer Growth Rate 2.BYoldaho Power Customer Gtowth 35lm 00Meto610,qro 6(X),(XX) I 590,m0 57O000 : -"'- 560,qx) 550,000 i .'- -- 540,OOO I 2017 Moody's GDP Growth Proiections ldaho Power's Service Area: 2O22:5.9Yo 2O23: 4.9Yo New Enterprlse Data Center Kuna,ldaho Expected to need at least 20 MW: o Beginning operations in 2025I$.te Rfirr 201t 2019 2020 mzt a -,O 5 leir &l;II Iii r,r tI ir_!r r- r.i tIlmwClean Toddy, Cleaner Tomorrow Updated Coal Exit Timeline 1-roo t@t @, rnl roa lo5 rGU'A ,T' D 'Ue]5non|,t Caurrd 6.rra!bt|, thtdcm rdi*t lrXn lrl4r tft h xaF to. ilr$rorE rdfra rd urffi A..rad htll,,,tlfitd,'[,,,|akr mt,hddttddt adou otnalmd lu cfipf.tte odolu, rld bx{.cb qtbrv.pf,l rd ft.!. Emlsslon Rcduclon Tanpts Allped wlth Parls Agreement 2021lRP load Forccastus. Prlor lRPs fi.rl*ll2 thtur llr I CO, Emissions lntensity Reduction S-Year Forecasted Annual Growth Rate 20-Year Forecasted Annual Growth Rate Target Year Short-term Medlum-tcrm{RPt sed LorU-Erm I 20i25 2030 2045 3596 belm2fil5 79?6 bclow 2fi)5 10(116dcen 2021 IRP 2019 rRP 2017 tRP RGt lls.h6 lBllLd MIUhI 2.ffi 1.3t6 1.116 Annual PG.t lPrlkDan ndl 2.1* tAx 1.616 Ret ll Sahs (Blllad l,lWhl t.4x tffi 0.9t6 AnruglP.et (Pcf Dar.rdl 1.4% t.x L,1% Resource Additions to Address Capacity Deficits 35lmw ldaho Power customer growth and transmission constraints outside ldaho Power's service area driving need for additional resources. Expect to sign contracts for 120MW of storage, plus 40MW solar PPA to serve peak energy needs by summer 2023. Additional RFP issued to solicit resources to come on-line in 2024-2025 to meet identified capacity deficits of 85MW and 125MW. ,;;QfilDIt a f\, t.\h r\\_ i-rr-ED _,ati:;;'. i \_ : I I a a HE 2023 2024 2025 101MW 85MW 125MW r0 Year i Capacity Deficit Idaho Power Anticipates Ownin g 45% of 82 3Ilm ldaho Power, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and PacifiCorp signed a non-binding term sheet in January 2022. ldaho Power would acquire BPAs share and own -45 percent of the line in the aggregate. ldaho Power and BPA expect to sign a commensurate long-term transmission service agreement intended to serve BPAs customers. o a . Reliable . Affordable r Clean Approachine SS00 million of total additional ldaho Power projected rate base by 2026. Ll SItmWeather Outlook March Through May 2022 Precipitation Temperature @g D.aalCiFdt-H Ir.rc*ctEcbH -a-rcrhcaaibrdIil-GmrMbd lil.Ir6-dIr:- I}lrtcllEdkm Ir-rcrcEcb,!-rIra-GG-abE Ia.rlhdmH IalrttctEcr-E ier -t.rrrctFckhIr-arcr-..abEIt-arhdhhl*rr*clrEcldbl &rin^ lliillr{.A!EC!.r'llfirno, Ul. D?a o,Cm..arrr,o, 2et2 frlmExecutive & Board Updates Steryc lGcn IDACORP Senior Vice Presldent & Chlef Financlal Officer Announced retlrement intended to be e,flbcth,e October 1,2022 after40 years t3 of servlce. Brlan Bud&am IDACORP SeniorMce Prcsldent & General Counsel Appolnted b succeed Keen as Chief Finanda!fficer, eftctlve March 1,2022. H Hanlngton I DACO RP Corporate Secreta ry Appolntcd to succeed Buc*ham as Vke Presldent of tqal & General Counsc!, e,ffecthre Marc'h 1, 2022 & rctaln C.orporate Secreta ry role. Jeff C. !0nneseauk IDACDRP Memberof Board of Dlrcctorc Appolntedefuhre February 1O,2O22. 2O2O to 202L S!lm IDACORB lnc. Net Income (in millions and before related income tax impact unless othenrise noted) Net lncome For the Year Inded December ]1, 2020 I 5 237.4 tncnr (dccnel h ld.lro Porcr nct horc customer goutlr, nct d eecodetcd pourcr supply cocts and pqror cd dJustmant mcdtenbrs lrrefe per rtd olttonrcr, nct ofuod*rd powcr$pdlcGttmd Dout'd r{irguncm ttt dtalbm Rctrllrcrcnucs parrqlurdt+our, nctof urodahdpororsupplycorts md powcrctdustmcntrpdtmtsms Inrcmldon uhcclng*deed rtulr Othcr operetlons and melnEnamc qpclrses Otltcr dnnf:e h opcrdn! rucmcl.!rd crpqe$ nct lncrcasc h ldalrc Powor opcrrdng hcofltc Florto sharlry mcdrnbm Pmfthn for rherlf rlth oomon lncrcasc ln ldaho Pwcr opcratlnt lnsomc lbo{pcr.ollClgqrsq rEt lncomctaxcl0Gn$ Totrl hcruse ln ldaho PoUCr nct h@lltc othcr IDAOORP dnnfps (nct orf axl 16.0 13.t1 (13.41 16.4 (e.21 (z1l s 2L1 (0.6l 20.E (3.r1 17.71 10.0 (1.81 Net lncome -. tor thc Year Ended Decenrber 31, 2021 s 24s.6 4 STIM2022 Earnings Per Share Guidance & Estimated Key Operating Metrics (Millions Except for Per Share Amounts) 2022 Estimates(1)2021 Actual IDACORP Earnings Per Dlluted Share Guidance ldaho Power Additiona I Amortization of Accumulated Deferred lnvestment Tax Credits ldaho Power Operations & Maintenance Expense ldaho Power Capital Expenditures, Excluding Allowance for Funds Used During Constructlsn(z) tdaho Power Hydropower Generatlon (Megamtt-houn! (rl As of Februrry 17,2022. ol on rn rccnnl B. s+.ss-ss.os None s gss-s ges S+eo-Ssoo 5.5-7.5 S c.as None S gsr S srs 5.4 L5 ftlmCapital Expenditures Foreca5l(rl 2022-2026 (S Millions) Ssoo SToo Ssm ssoo S4oo s3oo s20o sroo So lO% overallincrease since the previous 5- year CapEx fiorecast 2026 r6 min m23 m24 2025 r DBtrlbutlon (S12s-S17oM) t tlydro (S7cSuoMl rTransmlsCqr (S4cS70Ml rGeneral Plam (S50-$75M! r Thermal ($lc$glMl r Hlgh Vohage Tnnsmlsslon ($5'$105) r New capedty rcsources (2022-2025) (S15.S220IIU oArof F6rury114122.S.. HFSSollDAoOiPsmlForlnlDf,ftrrbn*drn dp.ol.CtID.3lndd.d httcS-yrrrlbco*. SIlmIotal System Rate Base Growth Fore651(r) s6,000 5s,soo s5,000 54,500 s4,mo 9 pjt t2.aUIc.9 =1rl 93,soo 53,(m 52,5m fl 2011 Rate Cas€ +Totel Rate Base 2022 2023 2024 t ndey Estimate throuh 2021 'sY€ar Forecasted Rate Base Gro*,t ir."X *eR, lncludlng Hcllr c.nyonl IHFh/ridrEttrhrhbrulldcrhlotl#db.laxtto.nt h.dtit tft.r*tiln l|-at l,{he!|E*iontEdbrfr.l(ul!.|trlEtElmbiiifrdbdlddrafidtaadrr.lrdadbqlrh,.rthlullrhrdd{tcdbdthc$nifr.hriE rLbb *ab hl.bil.orl6dftilrEreCa.lr40Crrd dt rrin n rlldralt -rtttrE,LihtEft hrEbmHrbDaalirrf!* ffi 2025 7026I l7 Hclls Gnyon RGllcensint AsE€t - ecdmated ln 2024P1 Operating Cash Flows, tiquidity, & Capital Structur€ (miuions) IDA@RP Net Cash Provided by Operatlng Actlvltles Liquidity (mlllionsl RsoMq Crcdlt Faclllty - Erglres Deember 2Ol5 Commerclal Paper Outstandlng ldentlfi ed fu r Other Usel2l Tota! A. of D.c.mber 31, 2021 toeoRP{l! Haho Power s rm.o $ gm.o 1tt.zl 3iEmrcorur Capltal Struc{urc as of Dccember t1,2021 45r 5596 *xlw z}lt $ 3G3.3 zo,n $ ess.r Ht EqutU TaEEt 'litr s796 N/A s rm.o s zzs.a aHdttqrFrdr.rhCkDrilrr.hi6-bralrtflEtrdthl{ tabFdxtlhrEtrQu*drcdnltnd0ryF{dEFablotirlod',ti|t.nil.,t ttranabdrmLu*rctdlt blabrft Flc t8 Twelve Months Ended December 31 IDACORP ldaho Power Debt Maturity Profile (S Millions) - as of L2l3Ll202L ftprconr Current profi le provides for significant flexibility in potential bond issuance and tenor LonFtcrm lssuerRaillg Short-tcrm Oudook Baal Mood/sIUorys Nqativ€Netafrre s&P BBB b2 Stabh A3 P-2p-2 seP BB8 A-2 Stable fhbdn f.Eflitrtlltllalg prrarr3 EeEfl Urlgnta lditrr*EruibrdUhdoFdoFilrty a E EnHe EEE E M. M Mt M M M' M M 260 2Br 82 288 zGa zGS 286 'G? rBr 2A0 20aO 20lt 10a2 2oa0 20aa 20ls 20.6 ,04, 20at r,9 <t () (tro Contact lnformation lnvestors & Analysts Justin S. Forsberg Director of lnvestor Relations & Treasury (208) 388-2728 J Forsberg@ idacorpi n c. com frlm Media Jordan Rodriguez Corporate Communications (208) 388-2460 J Rod rig uez@idahopower. com YYebcast and prosentaton on UUIYW.IDACORPII{C.COil